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GenderPronoun ago

There isn't. Some of the election money goes to "social media influencers" which go to paying money to shills that visit sites like Voat and Reddit and act like supporters and direct traffic in various ways.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

the election money goes to "social media influencers"

Professional JIDF demoralization agents are EVERYWHERE now - Voat, 4cuck, 8kunt - you name it.

Sowing the seeds of goyische demoralization everywhere they go, spreading Frankfurt School demoralization pr0n for the sanhedrin to whack off to in the synagogues every Friday evening.

E.g. this guy last night [252 comments] was a professional JIDF demoralization agent:

My sons formally disassociated me from the rest of the family for the "ugliness" of my beliefs, because I refuse to embrace racial egalitarianism

It took me a few replies to tease it out of him, but it wasn't all that hard.

BumbleTummy ago

Seriously, do you believe you can vote in people who will take us back to the way things were? It will NOT happen. It will NEVER happen. They can only slow down this cancer, but politicians will NEVER... NEVER fix things. Never make us the nation that we were. It is gone, gone, G.O.N.E.

In Order To Form A More Perfect Union, THAT is the only solution. A WHOLE NEW NATION MUST BE FORMED!

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Seriously, do you believe you can vote in people who will take us back to the way things were?

We have to win in 2020 in order to purchase ourselves MOAR TIME.

We are not prepared for a VP Kamala Harris to be sworn in as president circa February/March 2021 [after Creepy Joe gets his fifteen minutes of fame and then his (((massive cerebrovascular event)))].

We are NOT ready.

If we can get Trump back in there for another term, then it gives us four more years to prepare for ALL OUT CIVIL WAR.

But we are not ready for it yet.

The Frankfurt School will clean our clocks.

BumbleTummy ago

Oh, I'm 100% behind Trump winning. I want that, for sure. But that's just remission. The cancer will still eat us all alive.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

But that's just remission. The cancer will still eat us all alive.

If our Ancestors' bloodlines are to survive, then (((the cancer))) must be excised.

Do not kid yourself - this is a meta-darwinian struggle to the Death.

BumbleTummy ago

I know it. There can't be half-measures. Seriously, because people will want to take things easy, once we get things back, but there can be no ease in what needs to be done, the new laws, the new constitution, absolutely NO gray areas.