urstupidcunt ago

just lazy fuckers

Vc83 ago

And for no reason at all, the nsdap got 98% of the vote

Rubberdong ago

THere is not.

It is mostly people preaching to the choir, that had enough and want to do more.

Organise and find a way to fight back.

Even if there is no political solution, it does not mean we should not be fighting via normal means, facebooks, lawyers, angry letters, support to victims of leukophobia, popularising the term leukophobia, raising awareness and reaching out, empowering people...

modsrcuntz ago

Government is never the solution

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Answer... desperation.

What comes next ? Violence.

SirNiggsalot ago

Hope springs eternal ?

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Tons o trolls

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Probably the same crowd that went all out to push the holocough narrative in the beginning and then gave up on that one.

HootersMcBoobies ago

Because some of us don't want the world to burn.

VeryToughMan ago

Because we want a political solution. We want law and order to be upheld. It is in fact, the easy road. The other choice is hell. War is hell. Many still have faith, because they know it works when blindly applied. We have still much to lose.

Bremertonbruiser ago

They are not GOATS

Masaze ago

Just because you're willing to vote Trump and hope for the best doesn't mean you believe there is a peaceful solution.

BumbleTummy ago

Believe me, it's VERY very clear that there is NO way to vote this SHITSHOW away. It will never happen. America WILL continue to be a shitshow, and it WILL get worse, every day, every month, every year, YEAR AFTER YEAR, until it resembles Liberia, or worse.


glassuser ago

Think? You should know. You can definitely vote your way to a solution. Just make sure you cast your vote with a bullet.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Because less of them are falling for shill BS artist.

Deshy ago

Lol, they have not been educated on how it is ALL a stage filled with delusions of grandeur!

tanukihat ago

Sliders and shills. There is no peaceful resolution to our current situation. Both sides are dug-in and will not compromise.

whatisbestinlife ago

women have found voat. that is all

captainstrange ago

Don't kid yourself, Germany was being bastardized by romani, flooded with cancerous communists growing with each new generation, and other foreigners.

Don't get blackpilled. It is one more problem, but you don't solve a problem by trying to solve it all at once. You solve it in steps.

500five ago

you don't solve a problem by trying to solve it all at once. You solve it in steps.

Yep, most people here seem to want an overnight instant gratification solution. It's best to take each in steps. Every large project is done in phases.

captainstrange ago

Yep, most people here seem to want an overnight instant gratification solution

Exactly. It's not the 'long slow march through the institutions' but it a cakewalk either. If everyone organizes in their own area, and does what they think is best for their area then a lot can and will get done. Learn from our enemies.

We don't need a "dear leader", or any of that shit. Hierarchies are poison, and the state has a lot of evoled mechanisms for destroying them. But a leaderless collection of groups, a network, can provide significant pushback.

If we all do that, have our own 'area of operation' if you want to call it that, and we correspond on occasion to coordinate, or swap things we've learned, information we have, and skills, then you will be surprised what we can accomplish.

This is what our opposition does, and it works.

Sunflowerz ago

There is sooo much a person can do at the local level. I'm doing a shitload right now and more opportunities keep coming up. My friends are filling lots of local power vacuums- it's awesome!

bushka ago

What are you doing?

Sunflowerz ago

I am a stay at home mom so I'm busy with babies but I created a charity to promote homeschooling ( and i've been helping a lot of people figure out the next school year), wrote a curriculum for a human trafficking charity on the history of global slavery and modern trafficking and how young people can avoid it (basically its a super pro western civ presentation that redpills kids on a lot of hidden history about slavery)- and we've delivered these lessons to classroom students.

I've started a quarterly magazine for my town as we have no local print media covering anything. I'm on a bunch of advisory boards at the city level. All my friends in town are doing similar stuff but in their own way- serving on city council/advisory boards/ homeschool coop leaders/ political party precinct chairs etc.

We are running the town independence day festival since the group of idiots who ran it previously are the "shut it down because of coronavirus" types so me and my friends are doing it this year.

I'm really optimistic by what I'm seeing in my area. Definitely have opppsition in town but no one said this was going to be easy.

I'm the most redpilled but everyone is either catching up or at least has my back and I theirs.

The more I do and connect with like minded others IRL, the more opportunities I see where I can make a difference.

Stay at home moms are really important for building up your community and connecting with neighbors.

Oh, and I've woken up a TON of moms on the white genocide stuff and they are pissed off. I also think my encouragement led to a few white babies conceived.

I'm doing my best.

whitesrbetter ago

I have been in local power positions even it if it seems minor like a planning committee or head of the PTA board you attract enemies. So word to the wise if someone isn't on your , "team" they are on someone else's and are plotting against you doesn't matter if you see them everyday or their your neighbor. So don't think all the Whites or mutually known people are suddenly on your team.

Make sure your allies and you are united i mean you have to have those "secret" meetings, talk about how to play dirty and how to defend against it like honey potting before it starts, because eventually some shitbrick usually a leftist sometimes a moderate republican will personally go after you, first spread rumors to get you in trouble then they ramp it up. They often have their own clique and have corruption minded end game by embezzlement, so everyone else is a obstacle to them.

Saw this happen for kids sport leagues, school boards and city council in a small town.

Sunflowerz ago

Oh yea. It's a bunch of old hags, some of whom used to serve on the city council and they just want to make life miserable for everyone. They recently did something very nasty to me but they're gonna get it back.

whitesrbetter ago

Hope the best for you, always punch first and punch back. Car accidents are so common btw, people have to take timeout of their day and can be very expensive. Like if someone drained most of their oil from a car but just enough where the car just stalls on a busy road.

Sunflowerz ago

I was thinking about some of the stuff you were talking about with making local enemies etc.

This week has been crazyyyy. We almost that our parade cancelled because these small town "deep state" types called people to tell them it was cancelled when it wasn't and caused an emergency coucil meeting- just ridiculous stuff AND they got my newsletter kicked out of the tiny post office (where we distributed it to locals for free) but they found a rule where that's technically not allowed so we can't have it in there.

It's fuckin crazy and exhausting to deal with.

But yeah, it's not like I'm rolling over.

whitesrbetter ago

Ya sadly thats only the beginning, tranny faggots tried to go after mommy and me classes recently where I live.

Perhaps try some churches, they all differ but some are based. I would say drop them off at places where you are more likely to find people open to your message just so you can build a bigger base of people so you can resist them with equal back lash, a feed store, mom and pop hardware stores.

Also the rules for thee not for me, still has to be enforced so they can complain but, somebody still has to enforce it , if they don't enforce it , its not a rule.

Best of luck though.

Goddamthisiseasy ago

You keep doing that. What state do you live in?

Sunflowerz ago


captainstrange ago

It's not about voting for a solution.

It's about capturing any office we can.

Remember how the national socialists came to power.

They didn't seize by force. They appealed to the truth that everyone in the lying press at the time tried so adamantly to deny: that their country, culture, and people were being hollowed out. And they got elected on that.

Once that happened, the state provided aircover to the brownshirts.

Think about it.

Why are antifa/blm able to use unlimited violence?

The state enablers allow them to, people in office who are on their side.

Why are we not even allowed to post "it's okay to be white" signs, let alone legitimately defend ourselves when attacked directly on video, without the feds coming out to investigate 'terrorism'?

Because they have officials on their side.

Anyone that gifes ground on any front doesn't understand what kind of war this is:

This is a war on all fronts, because it is a total war against the survival of europeans everywhere.

Powerful people want us race-mixed and obliterated as a race.

Without the state: You have to 1. fund your own preps, 2. your own gear, 3. your own recruiting, 4. your own intelligence, 5. your on manpower.

With the state: You have the TAX BASE to support ALL of that.

Why do you think antifa/blm/communists are always so adamant on seizing political power?

Oh you thought voting was the only means to do that?

Politics is WAR by other means.

THATS why people talk about a 'political solution'.

It's not a final solution. But it is part of one.

Even the NS understood that. And now you do too.

buckhorn ago

Who do you like for 2020? I'm thinking about writing in Patrick Little. I never expect my vote to count directly in a given election but I hope some few people will see it's possible for the right 3rd party candidates/issues to get votes. Hopefully nudge the overton window for the next cycle with e.g. campaign managers saying if you need to pick up an extra percent or two, you can try appeal to niche X.

captainstrange ago

I'm focusing exclusively on governors, mayors, sheriffs, and city councils.

Presidential race is a distraction. Vote Trump if you like, if only because the israelis fighting the chinese means the left eats itself, and we benefit.

bushka ago

This is a war on all front, because it is a total war against the survival of Europeans everywhere.

This can't be stressed enough. It's easy to forget the global implications when it's in your own backyard.

Powerful people want us race-mixed and obliterated as a race.

I vacillate between do they want us gone to populate with only their own people, do they keep us alive as slaves and useful idiots, or do they dumb us down with race mixing.

captainstrange ago

I vacillate between do they want us gone to populate with only their own people, do they keep us alive as slaves and useful idiots, or do they dumb us down with race mixing.

All of the above.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Well that is why they say about themselves atleast.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

So that means antifa and blm faggots will never really revolt

Bigdeal ago

What would be the other solution sit back and let it get even worse?

Gorillion ago

Saw your post on Pol making out like Voat was some kind of discord psyop launching platform.

It was very interesting.

Still voting for Trump.

Keep seething, shill pedo.

Bill_Williamson ago

I don't know what you've been reading, George but... my speculation would be, it's something to cling to in a time where some (many?) are feeling despondent/disillusioned.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

It isnr going to happen. The revolution will be met wuth little to no opposition from the right.

Warnos44 ago

I think this, also. The only way any climax will happen is if we do it. They've got us check-mated.

It's like a Chinese finger trap; the only way out without societal destruction is through cooperation with them, which furthers our destruction. Therefore, we must develop the courage to rip the trap completely asunder. It will cripple everyone, but a hard reset is the only way we will have a chance at a happy ending.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

If America turns into a desolate wasteland niggers will thrive by shitting out as many niglets as possible and spear chucking everyone.

Warnos44 ago

May the best beast win.

Crikes ago


As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted.

...and so every source of truth will be flooded with noise...

...and every political season we will be inundated with horseshit meant to manipulate us in one way or another. Whether it be those claiming we need to get out and vote, or those saying there is no political solution, we can safely assume, whether a solid enough point is being made or not, that it's an attempt to manipulate us.

Know your principles. Take everything with a grain of salt. If you start falling for their fear/hatred tricks, take time away and build something.

All we can trust are principles and individuals.

Hand_of_Node ago

Get technical enough and every single communication of any type is an attempt to manipulate.

Drstrangebeard ago

because we dont want people to die.

Hand_of_Node ago

In the greater world, we need at least 3/4 of all people to die. Here at home, there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 million attackers of our nation who need to die, completely aside from the overpopulation and race issues.

Drstrangebeard ago

I'm more of a "stay off my lawn" kind of guy.

Goddamthisiseasy ago

What's so fun about watching this is watching them hit the fucking wall every single time. There's one kikeshill that constantly does the same thing whenever the cult's mantra is questioned and says 'who do I vote for then' not understanding why no one will answer him and thinking it means he's won something.


If you're still 'voting' you deserve to die and your family deserves to die. It means you took the way you KNOW is a fantasy over the hard way you KNOW is right and true because you know it's hard and you don't want to lose all the kike status you have in your fake bullshit life.

If you still believe voting is real, can ever be real again after 2018+, then you are willfully ignorant and have made a conscious decision not to acknowledge or accept the reality you've placed us in.

WinstonSmith1984 ago

Because the alternative is Anarchy. Fuck off!

Warnos44 ago

Anarchy is a perfectly healthy and natural response to the shit we're faced with. Could give an honest reset. However, I don't know that anyone could have a large enough impact to inspire repeats in enough locations to ensure success.

Doglegwarrior ago

because people believe in Q... i kinda do but firgure it will turn into some 1984 orewell style shit show either way. so i dont know what the answer is im not suee anyone does... this world is to big and too complicated. but we absolutly have to name the jew and their evil subversive influence they are the fucking leaders of degenerate behaviour and anti good family values and morals they are the core problem

NogsCantScuba ago

We have never seen a candidate receive vitriol at the level Trump has received in the history of America. Not a single fucking time. He talks shit on liberals, he wants to curb immigration, he's loud, proud, pro-America. What's the fucking problem?

Still voting for Trump.

Goddamthisiseasy ago

Because over thirty percent of the goats are kike agents and glo worms trying make one of two things happen. It doesn't matter if they both do or only one does.

Kike needs humans to use their networking and social media services to organize a resistance so that they can disrupt and destroy it.

Kike needs humans to remain placid and motionless while it's golems complete the process of dismantling their nation as they sit idle.

The first they push daily. Calls to use facebook, twitter, ANY social media site to organize are the jew and it's slaves. ALL. Never trust any social media in that regard. If it's permitted on social media, it's because the jew can manipulate it or placed it there to be manipulated.

The second only has to work for two more months. After that the situation is irrecoverable regardless of what the humans do. While sitting docile, the jew's plague and plague spreading hordes will burn through the nations, finally able to release the virus that kills most of you.

That's why there's a sudden rise in posts pretending there's some kind of fantasy magical thinking that will spontaneously make 'voting' matter when it hasn't mattered for decades and can't ever, ever matter again after trump's election. That is a fantasy. It is a further qewish psyop tactic to render humans docile and immobile.

Hand_of_Node ago

The challenge is to provoke or meme a resistance into being in which independent operators will spontaneously go out and engage in acts of effective resistance that will cripple the enemy forces, strike fear into their hearts, and restore the morale of actual Americans.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

This is the truth

xenoPsychologist ago

because most of us here seem to prefer virtue signalling "disgust" in the clown world, but when you suggest clown world be fixed, in the only way that can possibly work, they fight to the death to protect it.

PacifistRacist ago

dont buy from spicks, dont hire niggers, dont watch the electric jew (tv) dont cheat, dont take a loan, but in voting, you only have two choices: vote for the one that at least pretends like he supports you, or vote for the one who openly supports the Genocide of the white race, and not voting is the same as the last... democracy in itself says a lot about protecting the rights of a minority… maybe it will be necessary to remind the left of those laws to keep the white race alive…. and if they even refuse to give us that, we can still KILL THEM ALL >D

SexMachine ago

There's smarter people than us working against us though.

Trump is going to win in 2020, but it's all a sham. The right wing will be placated, it'll be harder to convince them that White people worldwide need to stand up, and we'll all age another 4 years while they pump in more shitskins and pay niggers more money to reproduce. They'll continue to strip away rights.

I don't know the right answer. Seems like any action against them will just further solidify their position and stranglehold on the status quo. But then, failure to act will also further solidify their position.

There needs to be organization, unity, and for white people to not be afraid of being a part of a white organization.

AndWhitesLetItHappen ago

I’m far more annoyed at the faggots on here that, if you say ANYTHING other than, “hey, sit on your ass and do nothing, that’s how we’ll win!” You’re a glownigger shill sent by the Jews to goad whites into actually fucking defending themselves for once.

reason247 ago

If they had 1 it would be 20 to many. I suspect they have about 50 or so. Dirty motherfuckers stole everything that has everything to do with that. I only hope some smart white man put in a teeny tiny error so they don't work if they are ever used.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Jews invented nukes. How would they fuck up their own weapons system?

reason247 ago

... It's not their weapon system

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Goy! We are poor victimized jews how dare you believe we would ever invent the samsun option...

Besides Oppenheimer was a great jude.

reason247 ago

This post is antisemitic!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

*anti-symmetrical you mean.

reason247 ago

Oy vey! You are literally Hitler!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Why, it would be an honor to have Hitlers level of power.

PacifistRacist ago

what a stupid question. totally missing the point. voting costs you nothing, yet nonvoting for at least the perceived right is a vote for the left. mainstream assholes always think that they only need to "prove" something, and then it becomes reality, but no… the one point that the rich cant take from you is that you yourself KNOW that at least you voted, and you talked about it with your peers, and you found that the percentages dont add up, and then, when you know you have been cheated, then your violence is righteous. believe in the democratic process as long as you can, cause then when you really KNOW that you are being fucked with, you can fuck (((them))) up with a clear conscience...

Revisit ago

We have numbers for some years. Jews are accelerating too fast. looks solemnly at his Murdoch Murdoch poster

spaceman84 ago

Ten years goy. Trump wins 2020, gives DACA shitskins amnesty in exchange for wall funding, Big Mike Obongo and Bathhouse Barry return to the White House in 2024 and Trump Jr gets a Senate seat. By 2032 Trump Jr will be ready to run but unable to win due to demographics.

Warnos44 ago

You'll be saying told ya so in 12.

SexMachine ago

There isn't. Accelerationism of Marxism is the only cure to spark the fire. Push for them to remove everything sacred to Americans and Europeans. Spark the fire. Boil the pot over.

500five ago

I disagree, based on the observation what happened to Russia. It's been 105 years and they are now just recovering from marxism.

SexMachine ago

There's plenty of red blooded Americans who aren't cool with Marxism, but they're okay with "social justice" and being "progressive" without realizing that those are just shoehorns for Marxism.

Turn up the heat on the Marxism, make them see the end goals for the "liberal" bullshit.

500five ago

Turn up the heat on the Marxism, make them see the end goals for the "liberal" bullshit.

I can agree with that. That is why I don't care for cities like Minneapolis and Seattle to have rioting and looting. Just wish they also did that in SF and LA.

It shows proof in concept what the US will be if it continues with social justice and "progressiveness".

Revisit ago

Overton windows goes left. Whites go right. Ethno nationalism continues to grow. Weimar accelerates and from the trash emerges a national socialist candidate. I fall asleep to this thought every night.

oolu ago

Well candidate or leader of the civil war, I'll take either

slumbermachine ago

No I can't, but trying is better then just giving up.

FederalShill ago

voting ourway to a solution is possible, it just depends on how it is done. in our current situation the voting has to be done by not using a touchscreen to mark your vote, or even using a pencil to mark your vote, we should be using jews and niggers as ballot paper and bullets to mark what we are voting for.

Warnos44 ago

Lol! Best comment ever. You had me rolling my eyes up until the end :).

frankie2shoes ago

Why don't goats and people on the chans just run and use the board trolls for the campaign?

muhfuggabixnood ago

lol you know why you cheeky bastard

ADaniels ago

There is nothing righteous about 2 commies voting to take away rights of 1 Patriot. DEMOCRACY IS COMMUNISM. AND IT IS TIME FOR THAT PATRIOT TO RESIST BY EXERCIZING THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

oolu ago

Exactly, for one, the US was founded on a concept of having a class of voters and then the regular masses, it was never meant to be a nation where every dipshit could vote. Secondly, the concept of a republic vs democracy is very important.

JJNova ago

Some of us that have been around for a while were wondering why there was a sudden rise of people calling for violence and race wars.

So I guess it just depends on how long you have been around.

bushka ago

The calls for violence and race wars accelerate depending on political news. What's odd is news that show the country winning are the ones that increase the calls for violence. Very odd indeed.

Hand_of_Node ago

why there was a sudden rise of people calling for violence and race wars.

Could be related to the war against us coming out into the open and going hot?

xenoPsychologist ago

so you dont mind third world savages murdering humans, or communists roaming the streets destroying peoples livelihoods. but try to defend ourselves and our people? thats going too far!

what exactly is it about white genocide you love so much?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yes goy kill millions of your own in a civil war.

oolu ago

Well I think that at least would make sense given the nigger riots of late

murface ago

My gun doesn't seem to be doing much good right now. Voting doesn't seem to be doing any better.

The situation has turned against us, they saw our strengths, they saw our weapons, and feared a 1:1 battle across the nation. So they simply changed the rules of the game. Now what, who are you going to shoot? Opening up on the hordes? Your kids teacher is one of them, what will they do?

Hand_of_Node ago

Depends on whether you want to travel, your finances, and your skill set. Yeah, maybe your kids teacher. Or maybe there's a person in your region that's more prominently leading their troops. As a practical matter, an auto-erotic asphyxiation is less likely to to receive a lot of investigative attention than bullet holes.

murface ago

I probably have a few extra belts laying around.

Warnos44 ago

Talk about outside the box thinking.

Hand_of_Node ago

That has pretty much been the case since the divorce. 😎

Warnos44 ago

I used to game with a guy named nodes, he married a chick from in game. She was a mess. I imagine they're not married anymore either.

Hand_of_Node ago

One from the MMO turned out to be within driving distance, and I finally let her come visit. Playing the same online game is probably not the best basis for a relationship.

Warnos44 ago

Which MMO?

Hand_of_Node ago

The 2009 version of Grepolis.

Warnos44 ago

K definitely not the same nodes. Looks like it might've been a good game.

Hand_of_Node ago

What was the name of your MMO?

Warnos44 ago


xenoPsychologist ago

we should be working from the top down until there are no more traitors, happy merchants, or nonwhites.

UA_Hammer ago

We just voted for no wars building the wall and deporting them all and got miga no Obamacare repeal and liquefying Iranian generals

oolu ago

Either the QA anon shit is real (highly unlikely) or Trump is just jewing at this point.

stoicmanchild ago

Retard here.

What is a "goat"?

Hand_of_Node ago



1. a hardy domesticated ruminant animal that has backward curving horns and (in the male) a beard. It is kept for its milk and meat and is noted for its lively and frisky behavior.

2. a lecherous man.

3. a common term for a user of the free speech website known as voat, as the site 'mascot' is a stylized image of a goat.

xenoPsychologist ago

a lot of people say there is no such thing as a stupid question. those people are wrong.

since text doesnt carry intonation or nonverbal cues over, i say that entirely in jest. though it is still technically true.

slumbermachine ago

Many people DONT want voat types voting. So you are going to be told it's worthless A LOT here. Black pillers are worse than useless. Despair is cancer.

xenoPsychologist ago

vote rope 2020. leave the traitors hanging.

nothing else will even slow our genocide.

Warnos44 ago

This is actually a brilliant idea.

This should be broadcasted. Every citizen sick and tired of the bullshit should write in Rope for presidential candidate.

It would send a message, and it would also give us a good count of how many others are really on our side.

xenoPsychologist ago

well, i had meant it as a metaphor, but if literally voting for rope isnt enough, using it is still an option.

RockmanRaiden ago

It's an election year and some normie habits persist.

Nicoladepierola ago


Rockfish1000 ago

Doing the same thing every four years expecting different results isn't Hope. That's Insanity.

SoyOrbison ago

Probably don't want to repeat the Germans mistake. You're violence is what they want.

xenoPsychologist ago

violence is the only way we can save ourselves since they took every legal recourse and made it ineffective. theyre using violence on us quite successfully. why would they want us to start defending ourselves now, for the first time in at least decades?

500five ago

The people who you will be fighting will be your own blood.

xenoPsychologist ago

traitors who want us dead? (((fellow white people)))? blacks? its a sacrifice that is preferable to extinction.

500five ago

More than likely all white leftists and many conservative whites.

Hand_of_Node ago

Okay. What is your point?

500five ago

You'll essentially be doing the same thing as WW2, shooting your own kind and reducing your numbers. Meanwhile all other groups will be unscathed.

Hand_of_Node ago

I believe there could and would be a fair amount of scathing going on in a synchronous manner.

xenoPsychologist ago

traitors sure wont be a problem if you let them kill us all. it fixes everything.

totes_magotes ago


PacifistRacist ago

shut the fuck up shill, theres more than two sides to our story. Voting is a necessary act, as we cant leave that battlefield to the enemy. yet violence is not a route we can walk to achieve our goals, as the equipment forbids it. another front we are fighting on is meta-politics, the narrative which is shaping the range of acceptable discussion. The trueth is real, and it will never die, if we keep it alive. Jews create wars for profit. Jews create scarcity for influence. Jews create poverty to achieve power over people. Jews create suffering for fun. Jews mutilate children to create new psychopaths. And one day, they will not be allowed to do that shit anymore! Vote and act as far right as you can, it will change the narrative, even if everything is fake. (imagine a town in which 90% of people vote rightwing, and they talk about it, but then elections show 60% demoncrat…. What a great way to turn a simple rep into an extremist… get it? they want to brand us as extremists, and by doing that, they turn us into the very extremists whom they fear. i got enough rope for a ship under full sails. how much do you got?

xenoPsychologist ago

when the game isnt rigged, sure voting would be necessary. its worthless now.

kevf4 ago

Glow a little less.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, admitted paid shill.

kevf4 ago

Admitted paid shill? That's a baseless accusation. Feds are known to provoke people into doing desperate things. Next thing you know the OP will be asking you to join Boogaloo Boys.

Tallest_Skil ago

Given that he’s not a fed, he won’t be asking people to join a honeypot.

4885Battery ago

I'm 45, this will be the first time in my life I've not voted straight ticket Dem, straight GOP for me this election. My political ideology is more closely aligned with liberals, but the three issues I care the most about, First and Second Amendments and national sovereignty, they appear to want nothing more than to abolish them. Also, feelings-based policies, demonizing objective thought and Socratic discussion, and the victim culture that so many have adopted as their identity which disallows for criticisms or even analysis by definition aren't helping me to want to even be around them. Lastly, RBG and Thomas, and maybe another will need replacements, and if Joe gets in there we literally will become the UK with actual thought police laws and a rush to communist equity where we rush to equalize outcomes, individual rights be damned. So yeah, I think there's a lot riding on this.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Because I don’t want a civil war. I’ve been here for years. I think if we moved away from FPTP voting it could work.

VoatMikeNolan ago

Good question.

First of all, I would like to see our southern border wall finished. Once it's done it will succeed in it's intended goal and the dems don't want that to happen so I'm definately voting for Trump. The economy had been doing better and unemployment was on the downswing before this fuckfest happened and don't think now is the time to switch administrations. I wouldn't vote for Biden because I wouldn't vote for Obama because they are both just Clintons.

Other than that you have make sure you're voting in local elections to stop trannys and Karens from getting in

The schools are fucked. We're gonna have to rebuild them.

Tallest_Skil ago


lol, 200 miles out of 2000. Meanwhile zero deportations and over 2 million nonwhites added to the US. Your ZOG emperor is a traitor, and you’re a traitor for supporting him.

the economy had been doing better

Confirmed for brainwashed jewish retard who has no fucking clue what the economy was doing.

VoatMikeNolan ago

lol, 200 miles out of 2000. Meanwhile zero deportations and over 2 million nonwhites added to the US. Your ZOG emperor is a traitor, and you’re a traitor for supporting him.

The purpose of the border wall is to prevent illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and human trafficking.

the economy had been doing better

Unemployment reached a 50 year low before the wu-flu but it's all a wild card now with lockdowns and business closing.

I agree that no administration is going to cater to the needs of niggerfaggots like us which is why it's important to focus on local elections.

I also want to appologize for taking so long to respond. I expect you'll want to wait until after your sabbath to respond, rabbi.

Tallest_Skil ago

The purpose of the border wall is to prevent illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and human trafficking.

Correct; it’s failing. It does nothing to stop that, even if it was across the whole border. Until all nonwhites in the US are deported or killed, we will never be safe. Until all nonwhite immigration is stopped, we will never be safe. Until the law revokes all rights for nonwhites–as the United States is not and has never been a nation for nonwhites–we will never be safe.

This will never happen, so any pretend wall is meaningless.

Unemployment reached a 50 year low

Who says? Jewish organizations? Why would you believe them? You realize the US dollar is worth less than 2 cents of what it was worth in 1913, right? You realize that debt has never been higher, right? You realize that people have never been poorer, right? You realize that wealth has never been this centralized in fewer than one percent of the population ever before, right?

why it's important to focus on local elections.

It’s not. Voting does nothing. Elections do nothing. No one at any state or local level does anything against the jews. No one at any state or local level disobeys any fake laws. Nowhere is the Constitution actually protected.




I expect you'll want to wait until after your sabbath to respond, rabbi.


Really pretty sad of you, honestly.

VoatMikeNolan ago

Voting Does Nothing

This got into office by people voting for it.

Look, I'm not here to fuck with your lame attempt at trying to get conservatives to stay home and not vote but just so you know, you're starting to sound like a kike.

I don't like the Trump's stance on Israel either but anyone elected as president will favor Israel and jews. I have no answer to that problem but i know NOT voting isn't it.

Tallest_Skil ago








Okay, just die then. What the fuck do I care anymore. Eat shit and die. Drown yourself in the semen of the niggers you love so much. Literally fucking kill yourself. You’re not human. You’re not white. You’re not worth saving. I’m not doing this day in and day out. It’s pointless.

Voting is for paid jewish shills and brainwashed subhuman race traitors. No one else does it. I will continue to post fact. You will continue to be wrong about everything you say. Eventually you’ll be raped to death by the niggers, spics, slants, and dune coons you love so much. I literally do not care, and I hope it happens as quickly as possible so that you stop polluting this place with your jewish spam. Bye.

VoatMikeNolan ago

Actually, I'm pretty ashamed to admit that I don't post much at all - I just comment. But I appreciate all the goats that post and I really appreciate and admire the work you do on v/ProtectVoat. I'd never have the patience for that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Neither do I, now that we know the site is completely unmoderated. That’s the problem with everything; there’s no reason to report spambots and rule violators when we know they will continue to post forever. There’s also no reason to put effort into any post to prove that


Because the paid shills AREN’T BANNED FOR SAYING OTHERWISE and will continue to spam the same lies every single day.

VoatMikeNolan ago

I see what you mean...


I don't get why this cunt wasn't banned

kishind ago

I think Trump and a few others are fighting our common enemy, and time is not their side.

prairie ago

Because the other things can only occur in Minecraft.

meowmix56 ago

Because no one wants to get black bagged for publicly stating what everyone is thinking.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

Cause muh Q


If Q is the problem, why havent you "muh qtards" faggots done anything? Smells like a pussy talking instead of setting the example. Plenty of us qultists are more than happy to join in, why dont you get the ball rolling?

itssomatic ago

The Qikes live in the shadows of others. Everything they do is just a microwaved rehash to push misinformation. They push the term 'Deep State' to cover up the accurate term of ZOG.


I've got no problem pointing out the zionist scum but y'all act like they're our only enemy. You've got some serious tunnel vision that prevents you from seeing the big picture.

itssomatic ago

Ah ok, definitely in favor of nuance. It's not necessarily a problem if the Q-thing got people interested in certain topics, it's just the stalwarts with their fingers in their ears I dislike. One thing about them that set off my BS-meter was their faith that "secret courts" would sort things out.


Secret courts and military tribunals are two very different things mate

itssomatic ago

Not if you value Anglo-Saxon rule-of-law, but, of course, we don't live under the principles of the Constitution anymore so it's moot.


That's a fair criticism, but do you expect the pozzed jewdicial system to actually convict any of the traitors? It is what must be done.

itssomatic ago

I agree in that regard, but am leery that "our side" would actually be holding the power in such a situation. My skepticism pushes me to think it would be more likely that PMCs take people who mill their own lowers to blacksites.


Yeah I could see that, I guess the bottom line for me is that I pray the right people are holding the power, otherwise a bloody revolution is necessary. I'm not ready to give up hope and kill my countrymen just yet, though it is looking bleak.

Goddamthisiseasy ago

Oh bitch, lol can of wooooorms. You have no clue. And no one wants you cuck. Get it? You demonstrate constantly that you can't be trusted, can't make an honest or objective assessment of information without your personal bullshit interfering, can't be relied on to accept reality and are a liability in pretty much every fucking way. Why don't we get a ball rolling?

There are plenty.

No one wants you on their team.


You sound hurt mate, I'll pray for you.

Aj2 ago

The left want you to just NOT VOTE. So the op faggot is trying to get you to take up arms instead of voting when the time comes. Ignore this fucktard. If we don't win legally and above board, we are not any better than the kike faggots in trying to destroy us

Tallest_Skil ago





Fuck off back to reddit, you worthless, subhuman retard.

xenoPsychologist ago

shekelwhores arent always subtle are they? they are successfully using violence and asymmetrically applied laws to kill us. better not do anything about it! the kikes own both sides and count the votes. i bet theyll let someone get elected who will arrest them!

vote rope 2020 and leave the traitors hangin.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

World war 3 is comming, get prepared.

Warnos44 ago

It's already here. Like a wet fart.

MrBateman ago

You can kind of vote a solution, if the elections weren't rigged.

Merlynn ago

All goats know that voting is a pointless action. It's really only good for fucking with their market research by voting randomly. Other than that,vote how you want,it doesn't really matter. If nothing else it keeps the jews on their toes as people voting means people are paying attention so they can get away with less.

But yeah,you really need to be stocking up,fortifying,and looking to live sustainably or have a bug out of the whole damn country plan.

oolu ago

I like to write in names the will make them angry like for my leftist shit hole city mayor election I wrote in Donald Trump

Merlynn ago

Should've gone with Hitler.

reason247 ago

Probably because people want to see a peaceful solution. Are you here to promote the Hillary/Big Mike ticket or the run out and shoot people plan. If the latter then please let me know what your targets are... What are your achievable targets that everyone is supposed to go shoot? Let us know.

peacegnome ago

I think it will get progressively worse for the next 10 years. We might see major problems before then, but hopefully they are isolated to the cities. I would like for this to take a little while and calm down so that I can buy the things I feel I will need for my family when it does happen.

Because of this the tiny things are important. Things like TPP getting killed, like less reliance on china, fewer wars, etc. Trump might be CO, but I still feel that a standard neocon would have a long list of ways to make things worse and disrupt my life quicker.

oolu ago

Honestly, this is pretty much the worst I've ever felt about society, my local area, etc so I can't honestly say my life has been worse under any other president. This shit needs to get worked out quickly or Trump is going to look really weak

peacegnome ago

Does your plight have to do with living in a blue area that has a large non-white population? He has little power at the local level.

oolu ago

Well, yes I live in one of those places but looking to move so I've been traveling in red states recently as well and even there its been pretty shitty. I'm just referring to what's happened since covid, things were pretty good overall, although I was still looking to move, before all this shit started

NotaQjackass ago

Q jackasses who still adore Trump who doesn't give a shit about them in return.

Jagon ago

Because elections are coming and theyre taken in the wave. You can fix by voting, but it is only in the case where only white people vote. With niggers it always fails.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Because they are cowards who faint at the mere thought of the truth.

They cant imagine doing anything these niggers are doing, they definitely can't imagine doing more .

They are still asleep because coming to the realization that its fucking over, our system is dead, it's just too much for them to process.

They will vote. Things will get worse. They will adapt, they will take whatever scraps they are handed.

CalibanFresco ago

The people that still think we can vote our way out of this are probably the same ones that believe we can outbreed the millions of subsidized immigrants we're being flooded with.

Drstrangebeard ago

think of this......we are actually losing our country. no more americans in california, just invaders doing victory dances. the population is exploding here, and still not a lot of masks. that means they are conservatives, right? theyre fleeing here. if you live in a place where it feels like your losing your home, you will be losing your home unless you resolve to keep it.. stop flooding montana and idaho. defend your homes. i left mine long ago and wish i was helping win it back.

TheLesserApes ago

California is gone. The urban areas are gone. I don't know what the fuck we're going to do. I pray that whatever happens I'll do my best and god give me strength to face death and pain. As wimpy as that sounds I need it.

Drstrangebeard ago

men rise to most occasions, Ive found. remember sometimes the side of good becomes relative. what keeps that from happening is to have a set of principles. rules for yourself you never break. dont expect perfection. i think the point is you're trying. Shoot for the moon, if you miss you'll still hit the stars.

Mayhawk ago

It's not fun in Hellifornia, even the rural areas are bowing under the strain. I still have no desire to abandon my station to the hope that Valhalla lies anywhere but the in the hearts of strong men.

Dave_ph ago

White Millennials are cowardly little wimps

Civil_Warrior ago

Lead, Niggers and other IQ lowering agents...

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

It’s the Qtards.

There’s thousands of them. Like fleas on a dogs butt.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

There's not. Voat has always been full of these pussies.

BigFatDaddy ago

Part of me still hopes there vould be a political solution, but I'm pretty sure there isn't.

PHXSunlight ago

Yeah, nobody (sane) wants war unless it's a last resort and they have nothing left to lose.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

That's why white America has lost. They slowly bleed us to death instead of cutting an artery, it's death by a gorillion little cuts.

Ever wonder how the US can turn a blind eye to the homeless problem across America while importing over a million new refugees at the same time?

Homes aren't built fast enough to accommodate our growing society much less the refugees. I'm so sick of being cheated from my destiny by the fucking kikes hell bent on ruining my life

oolu ago

We fought on the wrong side in world war 2 I think everything that has happened since then was basically set in stone once we "won" the war. The US was fighting to keep communism alive

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

Or were they afraid that Germany would pose a future threat? Famous speech delivered in US gov talking about "We should fund the underdog to keep them fighting as much as possible so we can sweep up the winner with minimal bloodshed

Warnos44 ago

Ya but those we were "fellow whites".

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

I'll have to look it up. Nothing surprises me anymore.

PHXSunlight ago

Yeah, modern life modern made whites too comfy, complacent, individualistic and the politicians too corrupt, but Americans thought bread and circuses and porn were more important, so they tuned a blind eye to it.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

You ever try talking to a normie about what life would of been like for the US if they had played even post-WW2 differently.

Or how we'd be treated if we were owned by blacks instead of the other way around, what kind of treatment we could expect, by using real world examples throughout history to predict how much better we'd have it if they were in charge of "fairness and equality"

PHXSunlight ago

No, but I'm sure they'd just shut you down as a "racist" and "Nazi".

Reality is hard to face and people will constantly lie to themselves to keep up an inane facade.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

Or they say inadvertently racist shit like "That's because we're better than they are..."

PHXSunlight ago

Yeah, admitting that they should be treated like toddlers because they have the mentality of ones.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

Beyond babysitting the mentally handicapped, it has more to do with compassion. Kindness for example. The black humans are devoid of concepts that require a state of awareness that simply doesn't exist in their habitat.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

"If I care for this plant, it will feed me" doesn't cross their mind. They stopped at eat the plant bare until it dies.

PHXSunlight ago

That's why trying to improve them with more education always fails.

Cut inner-city school funding!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


There is no diplomatic solution and the longer action is withheld the further the impossibility of diplomacy becomes. They are here. There is no stopping it. Its already happened. Conversations otherwise are a means to keep the masses from realizing they already lost so they can be further dragged into oblivion as they out vote your interests in favor of their own and think it righteous.

They will not let White nations exist as a independent homogeneous society. They being the rest of the earths hominid like creatures and the sub hominid bantu nigger. They envy us on a level beyond the individual and it is only within the bound of nature that they oppose us and now we are here truly at the final gasp. We built the megaliths around the world in a timeline lost to our tribal memory, distorted by those who fabricated a reality for the goyim to enslaved by, unable to understand the depth and nature of it.

Ever wonder how we got here? How the best and brightest of us fought to not be here?

Some are calling the game early when our MVPS haven't arrived yet but they will. We can still turn this around yet.

VoatViewer ago

Augh. Why make an infographic if you're going to make the fucking text unreadable?


I retyped the content in the infographic and fixed the infographic so that you can actually spread this to normies without them stopping only five words in because you made your infographic unreadable.

Here you go.

El_Syd ago

Thank you!

Dave_ph ago

Awesome until the last line

There are no MVPs. we lost because white millenial conservativesle are cowards

Even the fagott

DaveRubin tals about the Bravery Deficit

He left by the weakness of trump and his supporters and took what they left on the table, America

xenoPsychologist ago

its cowards all the way up. no one is going to do anything but die.

Dave_ph ago

I can't even remember the names of all the people came out in the last week and said it's time to fight back

When little Timmy the beanie boy tries talking about how many guns he bought and then it's time to fight back and even Dave Rubin talks about buying a gun and the need for us all to fight back you know it's time

But Trump supporters as exemplified by the Donald. Win are skull worried about Optics and virtue signaling

That water around Pepe is warming up to a boil quickly now

xenoPsychologist ago

okay most of that didnt quite make sense. but ive been saying we should be fighting back for months now because its the only thing we havent tried and everything we have tried hasnt solved the problem, just at best made it start up again slightly later. at worst, its had no effect at all.

peacegnome ago

they are cowards because they care about their livelihoods and have never seen battle; i am as soft as they come, but take away my reasons to stay alive and I won't be committing suicide.

as an aside, we need a dox registry of people who have harmed western civilization.

El_Syd ago

This will be needed.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Miracle Spring Holy Water infomercials, etc etc... Don't overlook the interloping traitors

peacegnome ago

But we need them named plus locations, for science.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

No, it's easy to discredit a hoaxer, if you have $$$Power$$$

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I thought that once too. It could be you tho. It could be me. Could be any of us if we just walked outside and found eachother.

If there was no hope their propaganda would be unnecessary.

bushka ago

Now is a good time to find potential like minded people. They will be the ones not wearing masks.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Exactly. Do muslims in Saudi Arabia put up posters saying they need to follow the quran and find allah?

anticlutch ago

Violence is the answer.

tastelessinvective ago

Go away fbi

anticlutch ago

Violence is the answer..

tastelessinvective ago

Voat is website of peace, my friend. I hear there's this place called reddit that just loves political violence though.

anticlutch ago

Violence is the answer...`

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Daily retaliatory violence. Backed by unyielding methodical intent.

AgentSakura ago

This dudes got the right stuff

Phantom42 ago

No, violence is the question.

The answer is yes.

Dave_ph ago

The only answer at this point

tokui ago

Bc it's an erection year.

Sillybuns ago

Don't they have to put in the people everyone votes for?

PsychoticBreak ago

They. Put. People. Everyone. I don't understand any of these words.

Sillybuns ago

I'm just trying to keep up. This stuff is hard!

PsychoticBreak ago

That it is, fren.

GenderPronoun ago

There isn't. Some of the election money goes to "social media influencers" which go to paying money to shills that visit sites like Voat and Reddit and act like supporters and direct traffic in various ways.

TrueAmerican ago

It's hard to influence when you can only make one post per day... I think I have one of the lowest CCP of all goats though! Thanks for the downvoats nigfags!

Herbert666Marcuse ago

the election money goes to "social media influencers"

Professional JIDF demoralization agents are EVERYWHERE now - Voat, 4cuck, 8kunt - you name it.

Sowing the seeds of goyische demoralization everywhere they go, spreading Frankfurt School demoralization pr0n for the sanhedrin to whack off to in the synagogues every Friday evening.

E.g. this guy last night [252 comments] was a professional JIDF demoralization agent:

My sons formally disassociated me from the rest of the family for the "ugliness" of my beliefs, because I refuse to embrace racial egalitarianism


It took me a few replies to tease it out of him, but it wasn't all that hard.

BumbleTummy ago

Seriously, do you believe you can vote in people who will take us back to the way things were? It will NOT happen. It will NEVER happen. They can only slow down this cancer, but politicians will NEVER... NEVER fix things. Never make us the nation that we were. It is gone, gone, G.O.N.E.

In Order To Form A More Perfect Union, THAT is the only solution. A WHOLE NEW NATION MUST BE FORMED!

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Seriously, do you believe you can vote in people who will take us back to the way things were?

We have to win in 2020 in order to purchase ourselves MOAR TIME.

We are not prepared for a VP Kamala Harris to be sworn in as president circa February/March 2021 [after Creepy Joe gets his fifteen minutes of fame and then his (((massive cerebrovascular event)))].

We are NOT ready.

If we can get Trump back in there for another term, then it gives us four more years to prepare for ALL OUT CIVIL WAR.

But we are not ready for it yet.

The Frankfurt School will clean our clocks.

BumbleTummy ago

Oh, I'm 100% behind Trump winning. I want that, for sure. But that's just remission. The cancer will still eat us all alive.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

But that's just remission. The cancer will still eat us all alive.

If our Ancestors' bloodlines are to survive, then (((the cancer))) must be excised.

Do not kid yourself - this is a meta-darwinian struggle to the Death.

BumbleTummy ago

I know it. There can't be half-measures. Seriously, because people will want to take things easy, once we get things back, but there can be no ease in what needs to be done, the new laws, the new constitution, absolutely NO gray areas.

Bill_Williamson ago

No, 'influencers' are named cunts so they do an instagram post or jewtube video. Cunts that come here are, fringe fucks from foreign nations and extreme leftwing nutters.

Xantha ago

I've been here for years and still haven't gotten paid... the Führer will hear about this inefficiency as soon as I get his forwarding address.

6767 ago

I am sorry. We are working on it.

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

Well that's it, I'm changing my username to Paid-Shill.

Vhaine ago

It’s cheaper then ammo?

turtlesareNotevil ago

How is losing a peice of your soul cheap?

Because that's what you lose when you back a candidate or king or whatever that you don't truly believe in. You lie to yourself.

puppy528 ago

It's not that I'm so trusting and naive as to think it's "the solution", nor the only action I'm taking/willing to take; it's just also ground that I'm not yet willing to concede without effort. Let them fight for every burnt inch they take from us.

lanre ago

According to the most recent census data, whites are now a minority of children in the U.S. Since we already have evidence that non-whites vote for socialism in overwhelming numbers, the future looks bleak when you consider that >50% of the population will vote for destroying the American way of life. What really makes me depressed though is that when you factor in about half of whites being brainwashed & self-hating, that takes you closer to 75% of the nation. So unless the remaining 25% or so can figure out a way to reverse the tide, things don't look good. And when you see that small group barely organizing, or being arrested for thoughtcrimes and pre-crime, you kinda lose hope on any political solution. Not that anyone would be violent anyway, they'll just go the way of the South Africans.

DontBeRacist ago

not all of the non-whites vote for socialism

90% of niggers

70% of most other brownies and Jews

lanre ago

Right, so it's less than the theoretical max I guess of 75%, but it's still not good.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

According to the most recent census data, a minority of children in the U.S. are white.

Without strong verification of the methods involved & the surveyors' motives, that statistic is overwhelming likely to be simply moar JIDF demoralization pr0n.



lanre ago

Ok glownigger.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Ok glownigger.


lanre ago

?????? kys

Doglegwarrior ago

we need to bring the fucking mexicans into the concervative fold! they are christians thry are family oriented their men run the family unit they hate goverment and taxes! we need a mexican revolution in america!

girtablilu_34 ago

oh how I WISH I could downvote your dumb ass

Doglegwarrior ago

i understand why but this is at the point of real politik... i agree there might not be a voting political solution but what do you want the democrats and liberals to win politicaly? if the mexican vote goes full democrat liberal retard thats going to happen sooner then later. now that will lead to a real civil war 2.0 or revolution 2.0 but the problem is the jew has destroyed or divided the white people so vastly i dont even know what would emerge at this point. their is no white unity and the ones that do unify every time seem to be the dumbest lowest form of white people.

give me some solutions so ideas shit some thing white people can actualy do

lanre ago

No, we need to use the Mexicans against our enemies then deport them.

Doglegwarrior ago

we are not jews but I like your thinking. im trying to use them to vote pro america

El_Syd ago

This is why we're fucked.

SexMachine ago

Trump is going to win 2020. This will keep the masses complacent while they continue to replace us and continue to strip away rights.

BumbleTummy ago

Exactly, just minor pauses, and maybe slowing things down a tiny bit, but we will continue to hurl towards oblivion. Of this, there is NO doubt.

lanre ago

Yup. Safety valve Trump doing his job perfectly.

BjornIronside ago

I've been saying that since 2016.

Doglegwarrior ago

sadly i think this as accurate as it gets. i think there is a chance whites end up trying to take some states and trying to just get the fuck away from the jews.

DishingShitLikeA ago

We need Balkanization NOW

spaceman84 ago

The Kushner DACA amnesty is the only way he'll get the wall built. Too little too late.

ChiCom ago

That's why we still attack right after we win the election

oolu ago

Why wait? What the fuck does attacking have to do with the election? They aren't related at all

ChiCom ago

They sure do - best to attack when the chips are in your favor.

Maybe not right after the election (that's just for the element of surprise) but before the end of his term for sure - the leverage will never be better unless things drastically change.

Most of our government are traitors. Every mask pusher. Every never trumper. Every rino. Every immigrant importer. Etc... They all knew what they were doing.

Unless major arrests happen to the tune of hundreds of thousands, the win is temporary and demographics will kill us off we don't attack.

El_Syd ago

Agreed, but that isn't how the human mind works. One focus at a time.

caesah ago

I mean it's been dead for a while. Most Western countries are already basically socialist, there just hasn't been any major collapse yet.

Maybe technology will save us, since it could solve most of our issues if people don't get in the way. But that's really our only option.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Most Western countries are already basically socialist, there just hasn't been any major collapse yet.

Really, most forms of government will work when it's only a few white people around, and they're all aligned on their goals (ie raising good families, working together to build a community, etc). The collapse comes 2-3 generations in (eg Russia) or when there's a high enough concentration of nonwhites (eg Latin America).

But it's not a sudden collapse. It's a slow collapse, preceded by increasing dystopia as the government tries more and more to prevent thought crimes and weed out undesirables. USSR and China are easy examples of this. But one look at most European countries right now, or America, can show that we're on the path. Increasing censorship, increasing stratification of society, demonization of the past, demonization of a group representing the old guard.

Rome didn't fall in a day.

WinstonSmith1984 ago

Technocrats? That is NOT the way forward. There is nothing wrong with our current system of government if the laws were being applied equally.

Warnos44 ago

That's the entire problem, there are too many loop holes and we are high trust people. We got ran the fuck over for our nature. It would've been fine without kikery, but as they say, easy times create weak (forgetful) men who create bad times(allowing the enemy in because trust).

caesah ago

So what? We're going to get carbon taxes and wind turbines because a potato says so? And more mass immigration because anyone can do our normal jobs?

The current system can only lead to a 3rd world dystopia, regardless of intent.

lanre ago

Technology will enslave us because it will enable the accumulation of power into fewer hands. Before, if you wanted a tank to crush protestors at Tiananmen square you needed the tank commander, driver, and gunner on your side. Now, if it's robotically controlled, you just need a drone operator sitting at his desk in another country to do it. Eventually you won't even need that.

caesah ago

I mean theoretically you'd want a consumer class, that's kind of why a lot of people are allowed to exist now. Maybe the ability to solve the problems would lead to some of them being solved.

And? Look at the BLM protests compared to the Hong Kong/Yellow Vest protests. Do you really think you'd have trouble finding people willing to operate the tank?

oolu ago

Sure there's plenty of people willing to drive the tank but they are stupid as fuck and lack the intelligence to do so, niggers can't operate a tank no matter how badly they would want to

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m not willing to concede ground I’ve already conceded

Congratulations, you’ve already lost. Keep voting for Jew Party A, because otherwise Jew Party B will get in.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Here's an interesting thought experiment on a tipsy Friday night: which one would lead to collapse faster? Trump wins, I can see the riots only intensifying, but maybe he'll finally, finally be forced to do shit. Biden wins and he'll immediately rig the system so that Republicans never, ever win again, and start burning the constitution.

BjornIronside ago

I hate to break it to you, but that document isn't worth the paper it is written on.

The Constitution either enabled all the abuses we currently suffer under, or was powerless to prevent them.

Now hanging politicians from time to time…

septenary ago

Whatever leads to the fastest economic collapse. Trump wants people to like him, and the best way he knows to make that happen is by helping the economy. But that also means he's fine with adding trillions in debt to do it.

If Biden makes it in and Democrats have the numbers, they will try to push some combination of universal healthcare, student loan forgiveness, and reparations. Each of those is not only extremely expensive, they will increase division even further.

Ultimately most people are attached to their stuff, their lifestyle. Once that erodes far enough that there's nothing left to lose, that the dream is gone, then there will no longer seem to be a good reason to continue bothering with playing the game.

Tallest_Skil ago

An even more interesting response, I think: neither. Regardless of who “wins”, the entire premise of the rule of law is a sham. Not just because “oy vey jews control everything behind the scenes”, but because of the operative result of that knowledge. No law exists because laws are artificially and arbitrarily applied along racial and economic lines. All of them now. Not just some, as in the early days of the 20th century, but EVERYTHING is now a complete sham. There is not even the pretense of a free market economy (The fed buys everything at all scales, increases the balance sheet as much as it wants and, by the end of this year, will demand that congress give it the right to buy stocks directly, which Congress will do simply because they don’t want to commit mass suicide), there is no law of policing (not just because of nigger riots, but because all laws applied only to whites long before any of this), and there are no constitutional protections remaining of any kind (for whites predominantly, but for others in part as well).

Moreover, the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is almost guaranteed to be in effect before 2024. When I say “in effect”, it’s not a real compact. The only thing that matters here is “by the 2024 election, there will be at least 270 electoral votes, at some scale, pledged to the winner of the national popular vote.” The operative implication of this is that a democrat never loses ever again, at any time, for any reason. As such, the Republican Party will become like the American free market economy–existing only in name, but not even in premise or pretense (which, you know, they already are). Here’s the worst part.


The facts do not matter anymore. They haven’t for decades. People do not care and will simply go along with it, marching to their own deaths and cheering it all the while. The only way this collapses is if WE MAKE IT collapse. Things don’t just magically happen, dude. Nothing has ever happened in human history as a matter of “natural progression” or “because it was time.” Every action ever taken, from the dawn of human civilization, was the result of planning. By someone. Or ✡something✡.

finally be forced to do shit

Why would he ever do anything that his jewish masters said not to do? Why would he ever WANT to go against the people he has worshipped his entire life?

There is no hope within the system. Our only hope is without it, and to be without it as quickly as possible, before there is no hope left.

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

Quicker* versus Slower* Those are your two options..

I made a joke to my based mom that if you want to turn on the news and feel happy you need to vote Biden so they'll go back to airing a minimum 1 newsworthy puppy store and 1 newsworthy veteran coming home to his kid he's never met because he was busy winning the war for Israel --- I mean freedom and democracy

Drstrangebeard ago

jeeze. we cant be that screwed

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

Change My Mind, Please

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Not voting at all is not an option. Even if national elections are not truly representative of the people, local elections certainly are. Change begins on the ground where you stand. Start there.

BjornIronside ago

It's actually the better option.

SidneyFalco ago

Only an idiot thinks voting in representatives of the U.S. Government is anything other than telling your enemy when to adjust the temperature to avoid the frog jumping from the saucepan.

Mayhawk ago

This 'pandemic' exercise has shown that regional and local leadership still has the potentiality to effect some resistance.
City councils, sherrifs and governors are still worth casting votes for.
Defeatists would like you to give up on voting entirely, even though it takes minimal effort.

Tallest_Skil ago












Okay, you’re brain damaged. Continue losing.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Does your mommy know you still throw tantrums?

Shlarb123 ago

Local elections matter to a certain extent, you still won’t get any radical change done without higher-up state and federal authorities swooping in and cracking down.

Elections at the national level are a complete facade, doesn’t matter which puppet is in office, the NWO marches along.

Tbneer967 ago

Yes this is the answer. True power is gained locally, held locally, and lost locally.

Tallest_Skil ago











Okay, you’re brain damaged. Continue losing.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Move out of my country, faggot. You obviously are not happy here. Do you need plane ticket money?

Tallest_Skil ago



Literally kill yourself. You don’t have an argument, race traitor.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

You rant like a 3 year old. You are single, aren't you?

Tbneer967 ago

Lmfao you’re trying to persuade people not to vote. What’s the harm in just shutting the fuck up and letting people vote?

Enjoy burning in hell. ;)

Tallest_Skil ago





















Okay, you’re brain damaged. Continue losing, admitted paid shill.

Tbneer967 ago

Oh come on Mr. Skil, you’re losing your touch.

Tallest_Skil ago

I owe you nothing. You refuse to prove any of your claims. You refuse to disprove any of my statements. You’re too scared to answer my questions. You won’t even state your own beliefs–you piss your pants in fear of me, because you know I’ll just prove them wrong. So you say nothing. Ever.

Therefore you get nothing in return, except my acknowledgement that you have proven me right. Yet again.

Tbneer967 ago

Like I said....losing your touch. :/

Tallest_Skil ago

I owe you nothing. You refuse to prove any of your claims. You refuse to disprove any of my statements. You’re too scared to answer my questions. You won’t even state your own beliefs–you piss your pants in fear of me, because you know I’ll just prove them wrong. So you say nothing. Ever.

Therefore you get nothing in return, except my acknowledgement that you have proven me right. Yet again.

xenoPsychologist ago

What’s the harm in just shutting the fuck up and letting people vote?

well it doesnt prevent or even slow the white genocide thats in progress. i think thats kinda significant.

TJFash ago

Finklethink, make everything about preventing the other guy, not voting for your own self interest

Ol_Hickery ago

I agree nnnguy. Good to see you here fren. Have an upvoat.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Dunno. Ignorant people with muddled ideas and no clear vision of what the real problems are or how to enact solutions?

If you're a racialist, and actually see that issue as paramount, rather than, say, 'fightin' teh jo0z' it is pretty obvious the demographic situation is such that voting isn't going to fix this. Though a lot of these people seem older or not especially well traveled around America over the last 10 years. They don't know what is going on even if they do care about race first and foremost.

If they don't care about race that much or at all they might can argue for the continuation of a system oriented worldview. You're going to get this with rich guys particularly - which is good enough reason to view the wealthy with some reasonable skepticism. But it can be argued easily that even the party system is facing systemic imbalance with America heading toward a de facto one party state less intense than that of South Africa.

RoundWheel ago

There is an election around the corner.

Only if that fails does it call for anything more than involvement and stewardship.

xenoPsychologist ago

it always fails. we havent seen an election result in rights being returned or not stripped away another bit in near a century.

Dave_ph ago

Time was of the essence

Cowards like you are the problem. You are worse than the Rhona

Glory_Beckons ago

Only if that fails

What does your idea of failure look like? Or, more importantly, what does your idea of success look like?

Considering the only two options are: The guys burning the nation to the ground, or the guys doing absolutely nothing about it.

Tallest_Skil ago




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[x] years later

Reminder that the above poster has admitted to being paid by jews to post here.

Shadowlight ago


The answer


I think counties will seced from, or forcefully expel the leftist population centers.

peacegnome ago

they add zero value. What has LA done for the rest of the US? NY? SF? Chicongo? they might (((make lots of money))) but really they are just shuffling around fiat currency, they aren't "making" anything (in general, i'm sure there is something productive happening, but the bulk is just fluff).

oolu ago

Pretty much, I worked in silicon valley it's often companies from one globalist city sucking off people from another. We were constantly dealing with clients from places like New York City, the rest of the country isn't really involved in their kike Ponzi schemes, rather they're probably mostly being victimized by these cities while barely even realizing it.

ReAwakened ago

I do it, but deep in my heart I know deep my heart that it ain't true.