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TheSeer ago

Wasn't there a thread yesterday of a guy that got disowned by his sons?

And let me guess who pushed for that? The son's wives? Naah.... Newsflash. It means you failed in parenting.

MrPank ago

LOL Yeah some loser faggot boomer. There was another dude there too just as pathetic @Voat_Monster Raised by commies and produced commies ergo, he must be.....

This is the entire of that thread of that boomer loser you are talking about:

Faggot boomer that raised faggots surprised his sons are faggots

Forrestsun ago

My favourite part of that was people giving good, solid advice and he completely goes off on one at them projecting like crazy. Can lead a horse to water...

iamabrokenbanjo ago

He corrected himself and apologized to be fair.

It's hard to take responsibility for your failures which is why so many people don't do it. Sometimes it takes a couple tries, and the best thing we can do as fellow like minded people is to accept that. But until such time, he was a massive faggot

MrPank ago

Ok ok I was going to be a dick and pile on but the first response I see was edited by the OP of that thread and he admits he replied like a dickhead and says sorry. So the guy must be alright - I can get it; we all have bad days. Can imagine Id be pretty out of whack if my sons decided to be faggots too.