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voatusernamevoat ago

op is anti-christian.

Helena73 ago


voatusernamevoat ago

You mean besides self loathing being the central premise of christianity, born guilty, a sinner.

Helena73 ago

You mean christianity where the guy horsewhipped the moneychangers and flipped their table? Christianity which fought war after war to drive out infidels, which purged the land of fornicators and satanists, which burned degenerates at the stake? Which banned usury for 1000 years? I reject your soyified characterization of christianity. I dont know what you are or what your game is.

If you are an Odinfag or some guy with a hitchens hard on coming here to shit on christians fuck you. If you are a christcuck coming to shit on odinfags fuck you as well. The time for that shit is over. We have the same enemy and we have to unite. There is no other option. You are a fucking glownig demoralizer if you say anything different.

voatusernamevoat ago

Yes, there is an enemy with lots of minions, christcucks being one of them.

Helena73 ago

Odinfag youre running pretty pissant revolution then with your 3 other pagan bros. Good luck with that traitor.

voatusernamevoat ago

Swing and a miss, already addressed in the included link, I'm not a "pagan," as for traitor, look in the mirror.

Helena73 ago

ethnic identity is antithetical to christcuckery,

Never was before. Why hsould it be now?

You have a choice. If we do not unite with christcucks we will fail. Bet on it.

voatusernamevoat ago

Your solution is why we are here.

Helena73 ago

There isnt an available manforce of 50 or 100 thousand people that can defend us and think exactly like you dummy. Your mom didnt have that many kids. Deal with reality.

voatusernamevoat ago

This has already been played out: They were crushed not by a lack of numbers but by White christcucks and jews hand in hand strangling their supply line.

Helena73 ago

Okay you tell me who are your people then

voatusernamevoat ago


Helena73 ago

No, sounds like you people are whites who arent christian and arent left leaning. I ask you again, how do you propose to take back the country with 3 guys? I mean you got me but Im a middle aged woman. Ill be shit in battle.

There arent enough right wing atheists for your plan.

voatusernamevoat ago

Not only in battle but in thinking, but as you say, you are a woman: In your strawman scenario the answer is there isn't one. As for a game plan, I've written one several times now on voat in varying detail. Physical war is to be avoided, the issue there is as with what happened to Whites in africa, the issue isn't fighting and winning against non Whites, but cucked Whites and the jew controlled state. jews' power is money, from that all their tentacles derive, they need to be replaced as the owners and source of money, replace them as the buyers of politicians, media, lawfare. Race realist Whites need to concentrate on starting, buying, controlling, running businesses, most things don't take off but of those that do some take off like a rocket, quickly, elon musk, notch(creator of minecraft, billionaire overnight) being a couple of examples. Need to start up/own every kind of business that exist along with full supply chains as alternatives and competition to jew controlled/owned, so that jews can't non person people they don't like, alternatives to turn to when jews push their nasty agendas, and diminish jew market share/increase pro White market share that is leveraged for again buying off politicians, etc. On an individual level I've gone over details on not contributing to the jewed system, from avoiding income and property tax, not being a consumer, producing, countering jew influence of people(can't currently compete with a jew business, broadcast free alternatives or alternative activities to occupy people's time and minds so as not to be under jews' indoctrination influence.) jews aren't working on taking over the world, they've already done that(their aim now is population reduction, Whites first,) they've achieved this with a very small number of those involved. Achilles heel is christcuck mind poison, the bible can be twisted to get christcucks to follow a pro ethnic identity but the seeds of destruction are baked into the cake with cuckstianity, it'd need a complete rewrite to weed that shit out, basically it's fundamental premise, may need to be done even if only temporary.

Helena73 ago

So basically hive off and create syndicates like the amish or the hassidic.

It took Russia 80 years to rid itself of progressives. Thats one long ass row to hoe. Guess were playing the long came.

Xax ago

Christians are Christcucked because of infiltration.

The masons and Jews telegraphed 150 years ago that they were going to destroy the Church from within.

Talk to an old European Catholic and if you gain his trust, he’ll name the Jew.

Confusing Christians with Christcucks is divorcing yourself from an army of a billion. Or is that what you want?

AgentSakura ago

Turn the other cheek goyim

Christianity destroyed Europe ages ago and was created and spread by the jews to do so.

Anyone that argues against this is being intellectually dishonest and has not studies history.

It was and is pure ideological poison that placates to the jews / old testiment.

Same with all the other Abrahamic Religions and their off shoots. Not to say Christians aren't good people this is true in a majority sense but being a nice person doesn't save you from intellectual and ethnic infiltration of invasion, quite the opposite as we have witnessed throughout the ages and now in modern times.

Xax ago

I agree being a nice person isn’t a solid, applicable in all cases disposition.

But your intellectual problem (and I mean with your thesis, not your mind) is that the foundation of civil society is a trust that neighbors won’t settle a score with the sword. They will seek the arbitration of a third party. Perpetual war is never a formula for civilization.

The Hebrew law was eye for an eye. That got tossed by Jesus of Nazareth. He built a civilization—the one you are defending till the last drop of your blood (God bless you) —on the golden rule.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Do I want my neighbor to be a dick to me, I better not be a dick to him. We may call that being nice, but it’s actually enabling the foundation of the greatest society in history to be developed. It was once called Christendom.

Now the kikes have exploited the very instrument to found this culture that gave the world science, art, law and, what we cherish most, freedom.

So, do we through out our own society to rid us of the Jew?

How about we keep it and what enabled it to get that way and wisen up to the Jew?

We are far closer to expelling the Jew from this great human creation than we are in reconfiguring it.

AgentSakura ago

I believe in dueling, the coliseum and the glory which was Rome.

To a large extent Christianity ruined that aspect of our race completely. Violence and War is what shaped our genetics and was the foundation of what made our race great.

Although I do have my Theological discrepancies with Christendom it is far better then Judaism or Islam. You will find no physical frontage from me against a Christian European as there are aspects of the ancient religion that I respect but not many. I'm a Stoic and Cynic Philosopher and align more with ancient Greek and Eastern thought then with desert tribe mythology's. I would tear your ideologies apart in a formal discussion panel but never with the sword. There are arenas for ideas and for combat and I believe both should exist with honor, law included if so be it. Parties should be allowed to conduct whatever affairs they wish as long as there is consent. Something you will never find in this shadow world unfortunately.

I give leave to your thinking but not to your senses.


Xax ago

No one claims Christianity never raised the sword.

In fact, we get trashed from both directions: we’re cuck pacifist dupes or hypocritical crusaders.

Whatever pejorative underpinning our accusers have, they cannot deny that we are for peace and we are for war.

It’s all about justice. And if you find you’ve acted justly towards God, towards yourself and towards those with whom you live in close quarters, then you take whatever life throws at you. If it’s war, then it’s war. If it’s peace, then go create beauty.

But what makes justice possible is the worship and right gratitude to the origin of all of this. We happened to have been visited by God. Most definitely it is a good idea to show Him—if you’re not in a position to pay gratitude—a curiousness at minimum.

AgentSakura ago

Amen brother

Xax ago

God bless you, Anon.

AgentSakura ago

My name is Patrick Latham

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Patrick Latham

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I'm also the lead vocalist in three acts and have several music projects on the go. 

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Never Surrender - Extreme Technical Death Metal (Scouting for Drummer, 2 Guitarists (Lead and Rhythm), Bassist, Keyboard)
The Mind Rapers - Sarcastic Depressive Suicidal Black Metal (Scouting for Drummer, 2 Guitarists (Lead and Rhythm), Bassists, Keyboard)

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Qanon, TruthMovement

Xax ago

God bless you, Pat. I’ll keep a close eye on your work. Prayers.

AgentSakura ago

Thank you, I am The Giving Tree.