thebearfromstartrack ago

Losers are losers for a REASON. I wonder if they think this sort of behavior is Biblical or what? It IS NOT. Having NEVER read the Bible, they think they KNOW what GOODNESS is!

voatusernamevoat ago

op is anti-christian.

Helena73 ago


voatusernamevoat ago

You mean besides self loathing being the central premise of christianity, born guilty, a sinner.

Helena73 ago

You mean christianity where the guy horsewhipped the moneychangers and flipped their table? Christianity which fought war after war to drive out infidels, which purged the land of fornicators and satanists, which burned degenerates at the stake? Which banned usury for 1000 years? I reject your soyified characterization of christianity. I dont know what you are or what your game is.

If you are an Odinfag or some guy with a hitchens hard on coming here to shit on christians fuck you. If you are a christcuck coming to shit on odinfags fuck you as well. The time for that shit is over. We have the same enemy and we have to unite. There is no other option. You are a fucking glownig demoralizer if you say anything different.

voatusernamevoat ago

Yes, there is an enemy with lots of minions, christcucks being one of them.

Helena73 ago

Odinfag youre running pretty pissant revolution then with your 3 other pagan bros. Good luck with that traitor.

voatusernamevoat ago

Swing and a miss, already addressed in the included link, I'm not a "pagan," as for traitor, look in the mirror.

Helena73 ago

ethnic identity is antithetical to christcuckery,

Never was before. Why hsould it be now?

You have a choice. If we do not unite with christcucks we will fail. Bet on it.

voatusernamevoat ago

Your solution is why we are here.

Helena73 ago

There isnt an available manforce of 50 or 100 thousand people that can defend us and think exactly like you dummy. Your mom didnt have that many kids. Deal with reality.

voatusernamevoat ago

This has already been played out: They were crushed not by a lack of numbers but by White christcucks and jews hand in hand strangling their supply line.

Helena73 ago

Okay you tell me who are your people then

voatusernamevoat ago


Helena73 ago

No, sounds like you people are whites who arent christian and arent left leaning. I ask you again, how do you propose to take back the country with 3 guys? I mean you got me but Im a middle aged woman. Ill be shit in battle.

There arent enough right wing atheists for your plan.

voatusernamevoat ago

Not only in battle but in thinking, but as you say, you are a woman: In your strawman scenario the answer is there isn't one. As for a game plan, I've written one several times now on voat in varying detail. Physical war is to be avoided, the issue there is as with what happened to Whites in africa, the issue isn't fighting and winning against non Whites, but cucked Whites and the jew controlled state. jews' power is money, from that all their tentacles derive, they need to be replaced as the owners and source of money, replace them as the buyers of politicians, media, lawfare. Race realist Whites need to concentrate on starting, buying, controlling, running businesses, most things don't take off but of those that do some take off like a rocket, quickly, elon musk, notch(creator of minecraft, billionaire overnight) being a couple of examples. Need to start up/own every kind of business that exist along with full supply chains as alternatives and competition to jew controlled/owned, so that jews can't non person people they don't like, alternatives to turn to when jews push their nasty agendas, and diminish jew market share/increase pro White market share that is leveraged for again buying off politicians, etc. On an individual level I've gone over details on not contributing to the jewed system, from avoiding income and property tax, not being a consumer, producing, countering jew influence of people(can't currently compete with a jew business, broadcast free alternatives or alternative activities to occupy people's time and minds so as not to be under jews' indoctrination influence.) jews aren't working on taking over the world, they've already done that(their aim now is population reduction, Whites first,) they've achieved this with a very small number of those involved. Achilles heel is christcuck mind poison, the bible can be twisted to get christcucks to follow a pro ethnic identity but the seeds of destruction are baked into the cake with cuckstianity, it'd need a complete rewrite to weed that shit out, basically it's fundamental premise, may need to be done even if only temporary.

Merchant_Menace ago

This guy fucking gets it.

Rawrination ago

The cure for Christcuckery

TLDR Kikes aren't even real Israelites.

dundundunnnnn ago

Thank you.

Helena73 ago

So basically hive off and create syndicates like the amish or the hassidic.

It took Russia 80 years to rid itself of progressives. Thats one long ass row to hoe. Guess were playing the long came.

Xax ago

Christians are Christcucked because of infiltration.

The masons and Jews telegraphed 150 years ago that they were going to destroy the Church from within.

Talk to an old European Catholic and if you gain his trust, he’ll name the Jew.

Confusing Christians with Christcucks is divorcing yourself from an army of a billion. Or is that what you want?

AgentSakura ago

Turn the other cheek goyim

Christianity destroyed Europe ages ago and was created and spread by the jews to do so.

Anyone that argues against this is being intellectually dishonest and has not studies history.

It was and is pure ideological poison that placates to the jews / old testiment.

Same with all the other Abrahamic Religions and their off shoots. Not to say Christians aren't good people this is true in a majority sense but being a nice person doesn't save you from intellectual and ethnic infiltration of invasion, quite the opposite as we have witnessed throughout the ages and now in modern times.

Xax ago

I agree being a nice person isn’t a solid, applicable in all cases disposition.

But your intellectual problem (and I mean with your thesis, not your mind) is that the foundation of civil society is a trust that neighbors won’t settle a score with the sword. They will seek the arbitration of a third party. Perpetual war is never a formula for civilization.

The Hebrew law was eye for an eye. That got tossed by Jesus of Nazareth. He built a civilization—the one you are defending till the last drop of your blood (God bless you) —on the golden rule.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Do I want my neighbor to be a dick to me, I better not be a dick to him. We may call that being nice, but it’s actually enabling the foundation of the greatest society in history to be developed. It was once called Christendom.

Now the kikes have exploited the very instrument to found this culture that gave the world science, art, law and, what we cherish most, freedom.

So, do we through out our own society to rid us of the Jew?

How about we keep it and what enabled it to get that way and wisen up to the Jew?

We are far closer to expelling the Jew from this great human creation than we are in reconfiguring it.

Misskylie42 ago

Freedom only came when we got rid of the church and exited the dark ages / the Black Plague gave common serfs more importance within the regions

Xax ago

The Church is a vehicle of grace—the life of God. It enables us to act godly rather than like an animal.

No state can be free without grace. Why? Because it has no grace to impart. The state is not God. So, man is left to act without grace and his actions tend towards those of animals.

Do you understand that the whole justification for churchmen is to make known and be the conduits for humans to share in God’s life.

Today we have many corrupt churchmen who are antagonistic to grace’s influence. These imposters need to be hung so that grace may be plentiful.

Misskylie42 ago

The church is merely a way to make people roll over and welcome invaders

Xax ago

The corrupt churchmen yes. But they don’t even believe in the teachings of the church. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They need to be hung.

Misskylie42 ago

Jesus said to turn the other cheek. He set the precedent for people bowing to their enemies instead of fighting back

Xax ago

And He drove out the money changers with a whip.

So? Is He a pacifist or a brawler?

Misskylie42 ago

Idk. All I know is that he didn’t want people to stand up for themselves

Xax ago

We Christians have to stand up for ourselves. Peter said Be ready to provide a reason for the hope of eternal life.

When the Pharisees sought to arrest Him one of his disciples pointed out there were two swords they could use and He told him it was enough.

But He has to die so that we could have access to His grace. Hence he didn’t put up a fight. It was a trap to ensnare the devil.

But we’re not able to release grace into the world so our death is not necessary as a cause.

I’ll follow the example of the Crusaders. They were not pacifists.

Misskylie42 ago

Jesus wants us to be weak so that we will need god. It’s official

Xax ago

It’s official? Well, you just undermined your argument with that appeal to authority and an inchoate, amorphous one at that.

AgentSakura ago

I believe in dueling, the coliseum and the glory which was Rome.

To a large extent Christianity ruined that aspect of our race completely. Violence and War is what shaped our genetics and was the foundation of what made our race great.

Although I do have my Theological discrepancies with Christendom it is far better then Judaism or Islam. You will find no physical frontage from me against a Christian European as there are aspects of the ancient religion that I respect but not many. I'm a Stoic and Cynic Philosopher and align more with ancient Greek and Eastern thought then with desert tribe mythology's. I would tear your ideologies apart in a formal discussion panel but never with the sword. There are arenas for ideas and for combat and I believe both should exist with honor, law included if so be it. Parties should be allowed to conduct whatever affairs they wish as long as there is consent. Something you will never find in this shadow world unfortunately.

I give leave to your thinking but not to your senses.


Xax ago

No one claims Christianity never raised the sword.

In fact, we get trashed from both directions: we’re cuck pacifist dupes or hypocritical crusaders.

Whatever pejorative underpinning our accusers have, they cannot deny that we are for peace and we are for war.

It’s all about justice. And if you find you’ve acted justly towards God, towards yourself and towards those with whom you live in close quarters, then you take whatever life throws at you. If it’s war, then it’s war. If it’s peace, then go create beauty.

But what makes justice possible is the worship and right gratitude to the origin of all of this. We happened to have been visited by God. Most definitely it is a good idea to show Him—if you’re not in a position to pay gratitude—a curiousness at minimum.

AgentSakura ago

Amen brother

Xax ago

God bless you, Anon.

AgentSakura ago

My name is Patrick Latham

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Never Surrender - Extreme Technical Death Metal (Scouting for Drummer, 2 Guitarists (Lead and Rhythm), Bassist, Keyboard)
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Qanon, TruthMovement

Xax ago

God bless you, Pat. I’ll keep a close eye on your work. Prayers.

AgentSakura ago

Thank you, I am The Giving Tree.

Helena73 ago

Why the fuck are you arguing with me? I was making the opposite point: that christianity is not antithetical to ethnic identitarianism and does not imply passifism or being a doormat while you are invaded.

Xax ago

I was intending to reply to the comment you replied to.

Helena73 ago

Ok lol

hytreap ago

A lot of traditional Pagan religions have had a lot of their culture destroyed and appropriated by christcucks and the kike crusading genocide of the European people.

Because of this many of the traditional Pagan customs and traditions have been lost to us. The religions of our people have been rendered incomplete, and turned into myths for any culture to appropriate and use as stories. The Hollywood kikes being the biggest appropriators of all.

Additionally, the formation of a indigenous European identity or a heritage American identity has been denied to Whites by the ruling kike powers.

White communities are fighting a battle just to exist.

d3r ago

Can you recommend some reading? As we know, soo much our history has been altered, i'd love to read about the beliefs/way of life of the past.

Helena73 ago

Waah,waah, waah. 1700 years ago. Your worse than the blacks. But those IE religions still exist in India, go practice them Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism. Go rediscover your pagan roots.

lurklurk ago

Zoroastrianism is almost gone and hinduism and buddhism are only around anymore in India because sikhs stopped islamic slaughter orgy that was going there for centuries. Middle asia is culturally empty from anything tamerlane deemed non-islamic.

Abrahamic religions are poison to original cultures they occupy. Area I live in was conquered in northern crusades about 900 years ago. What followed was 800 years of being a colony for Sweden and Russia. They mostly used religion for pacifying populace to being good serfs and cannon fodder. There isn't much left from the old ways except some names of gods and holidays.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Your purpose on Earth is to worship God, not form a white pagan identity. That's why we lost. There aren't that many generations left.

voatusernamevoat ago

You could but going off in the woods isn't necessary and doing so paints target on your back, being clustered and isolated, ripe for a strike, easy to paint a narrative with words like cult, compound, etc. not what I'd do, I stay marbled everywhere in civilization. Again, things can happen quickly for a small number of successful cases, from that I'd say it'd be a combination of long game with accelerated bursts that hurry things along. Elon went from nothing to the largest US and second largest car manufacturer in the world by market cap(174b, toyota #1 at 213b) in seventeen years.

Helena73 ago

The Amish generally dont live in the woods and the hassids definitely dont.

Whats the basis of your group/network, being white? That wouldnt call any attention. Not at all.

voatusernamevoat ago

The point is about being separate from main society, mentioning the woods wasn't to just specifically living the woods specifically, separating out you stick out. It's not a group/network, it's headless, just a call for race aware Whites to get into business, they can keep their race awareness completely to themselves, operating completely independent, vertically integrating their business so it can't be compromised, starting more and more businesses, best practice being businesses that are peripheral to each other, working out the connection chain as a guide on what to setup next. elon again as an example, electric car company, home power wall company, boring road company, battery company that supplies car and power walls, satellite internet company & space x, tied together. Again the difference is White owners, not jews, and no degeneracy/sjw/blm/etc. jew agenda pushing, which there are companies that exist today that fit that bill and existed before that jewing started so there's no neon sign screaming race aware White business empire, another benefit to this strategy.

voatusernamevoat ago

Trivia, mail ads have a 4.4% success rate, online .12%, a statistical 1-36 of those who have viewed this are considering going into business to counter the jew. It's a start.

plasmah77 ago

These dumb weak pussy fucks!

AgentSakura ago

They deserve to be captured and reconditioned in camps just like you and me.

toobaditworks ago

And appeasing them means dying... when they say "It's a start but it's not enough" it means they want you dead.

98fordcontour ago

How do they even look themselves in the mirror after doing this?

user1212 ago

Do you guys understand that you can hire live actors? People to come act out a part for you anywhere? You can place an ad for just about anything and promise to pay the days wages and hundreds of out of work actors and actresses trying to make their big break will respond. It gets called variety of things, dynamic live action presentation. When you see these pictures just think a little about how much they are being paid.

CheeBooga ago

I never owned any slaves and you never picked any cotton

Phantom42 ago

Change it to "and you never worked".

It's a slight dig at then for being welfare sucking leeches but they're too fucking idiotic to get the joke.

malkoman ago

Need to stop the welfare train. Less free money for babies means less welfare babies.

TheSeer ago

This was beta tested on Germans and White South Africans, like so many things, before being rolled out in the rest of the west. And the best part? Many in the west (leftists obv) supported this, at the time. The public shaming of Germans and white South Africans that had NOTHING to do with Nazi Germany or Apartheid. Or people who would have been like 4 years old at the time.

horatioherbert ago


BarbaricHamSammy ago


SledGod ago

Fucking disgusting. Most embarrassing shit I've ever witnessed.

Locked_Account ago

Like a still from a beheading video.

ninjajunkie ago

Practice for the youngin's.

Kaige ago

That a whole family? The girl on the left looks like their daughter who is just zoning out as she daydreams about running away.

ketoll ago

as she daydreams about running away.

From her mental slave masters.

tulsyElko ago

The parents are morons, brainwashing their kids. They're basically forcing mental and emotional abuse on their own offspring. Complete losers, just pathetic.

voat_sukz_goat_nutz ago

is posting demoralization cuck-porn your kink? u seem niggardly. are you a nigger?

SomeFaggotFromReddit ago

This is the super saiyan of being a cuck

itstheirculture ago

This is disgusting. Imagine a Viking or a Crusader time travelling to the current year and seeing their descendants bowing down to niggers. They would be horrified!

acheron2012 ago

Horrified? Probably not. They would just kill them and go to lunch. They didn’t have time to waste on failed DNA. They would be MUCH more emotional about their trusted steed breaking a leg - as they should be!

itstheirculture ago

Lol! I guess a trusty steed would be of far more use than a white traitor.

24601_JeanValJean ago

these ignorant little spermlings have no idea that this is exactly what niggars want. They want whitey enslaved.

Christ this is one stupid fucking generation.

Carpools ago

Forget killing them, but maybe they should be reminded that not being ok, despite their poisonous message, is not ok. So, either get therapy, and get over their guilt, or eliminate their guilt from the rest of humanity by living like a hermit, or ending their pain.

They're a contaminant. A disease. Since they have no one who loves them enough to help them while they're sick, they'll need to figure it out themselves.

watts2db ago

nah Id be happy to see them killed purging our race of this filth actually strengthens us

aefibes99 ago

Addition by subraction.

Carpools ago

watts2db: nah Id be happy to see them killed purging our race of this filth actually strengthens us

Yes, you and the rest of the communist disease.

Don't ever think for a moment that Voat isn't inundated with communists, and their poison.

watts2db ago

you communists always project you along with these non useful idiots are the communist filth dont try to pretend otherwise

Carpools ago

communists always project

True. Using truth to lie, commie?

I am not sure if I understand the rest of what you typed.. however, shall we discuss what the communist agenda is?

Would you say the communists want dependence, or independence, for people? Would you say that they know that there are only individual rights, and individuals have their own merit, or would you say that communists try to distract from the only real rights with fictional "group rights", while trying to divide people? Do you think communists believe in individual merit, or only group merit?

Do communists shill fear and division, or not?

Here's my message...

Anyone who shills fear, and hatred, is a communist, or the useful idiot of one, who is attempting to divide and conquer. Anyone who encourages you to be independent could be an ally, while anyone who condones centralization and dependence is your enemy.

Individual rights, and individual merit, are the foundational principles of the United States it exists to protect.

Your turn, commie.. Agree with any of it? Tell us how you're not a commie.

watts2db ago

so you mixed in some truth with your lie

yes merit, independence, liberty, individual rights are all virtues of course

this has nothing to do with the fact that I despise the marxist traitors and their useful idiots depicted in that disgusting image.

I fucking despise communists in fact I do not even recognize that they are human but merely garbage

Carpools ago

Of course you don't, commie. You fatherless cowards aren't an accident, but cultivated to destroy decent people.

All kids like 6 and up used to know that fear & hatred were the enemy, and that no ally would ever encourage either. That is, they used to know before the state started bribing moms to destroy their families, separate children from their fathers, and they of the disease started to proliferate. Now children are taught hatred is a virtue.

If you're under 14, it's not your fault, you're their useful idiot, and you never stood a chance. If you're over 14, you need to take responsibility for yourself, and stop being a tool against your own best interest.

watts2db ago

so your fine with what is depicted in that image got it and you are trying to say I AM the fatherless commie HONK!!! HONK!!!!

Carpools ago

watts2db: so your fine with what is depicted in that image got it and you are trying to say I AM the fatherless commie HONK!!! HONK!!!!

BeerNinja727 ago

They all deserve the rope

green_man ago

Their ancestors didn't even do it, the kikes rand the slave trade and owned most of the slaves.

Doglegwarrior ago

if you are a white liberal and have truly never done anything raciat why would you apoligize? ive said this to people and it is true. i have never done anything negative to someone based off the color of their skin? do i watch out if a young black guy approaches in an suspicious manner? yep. would i do the same thing if it was a young white or hispanic? if they looked a certain way absolutly. but my distrust of the black guy is based off knowledge of stats and personal experience the skin color is more of an indicator of what a group of people have been known to do. it almost sounds racist when i say it that way.. but youbknow what i mean

codeinemassacre ago

It's not racist. It's survival. And we're the only race that pretends race is a social construct bc rayyyccisss. I know from having black and beaner friends growing up that they heavily consider race in their daily lives compared to whites. Mexicans and niggers also hate anyone who is too light (aka lightskin or white hispanic). Mexicans also don't like niggers.

philmchawk ago

if you are a white liberal and have truly never done anything raciat why would you apoligize?

Upcummies/penance and to appease power to get ahead in life.

my distrust of the black guy is based off knowledge of stats and personal experience the skin color is more of an indicator of what a group of people have been known to do. it almost sounds racist when i say it that way.. but youbknow what i mean

And while you're left wondering why they are winning every battle for 120 years.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

We call it "stereotypes". That's the word we use when describing a group of people that participate in an act as a majority.

24601_JeanValJean ago

Who gives a shit if it "sounds racist". Be a racist god damn it and stand up for your race and your people Fucking niggers do it, the brownies do it and so do the fucking slanty-eyed races.

Doglegwarrior ago

i kinda agree but it can ruin your life these days if you have a regular job.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago


It sounds like you know what the deal is, but you're frightened to just say it. I watch myself when young blacks are nearby (especially in a group) not because I was born racist, but because a lifetime of experience has taught me that compared to other races they are unpredictable, violent, and suffer little or no societal repercussions for acting like punks. I'd feel that way even if I never looked at statistics, read a paper, or found any other person in the world who felt the same way.

And if the young Blacks I'm dealing with at a given time are choir boys, fine. But I don't have to apologize to anyone or feel bad for keeping my guard up, given how blacks act as a whole.

24601_JeanValJean ago

Ten-fucking-thousand percent correct. I did not grow up racist. As a high schooler my best friend was black, this is 1970's era. The school jungle bunnies decided to go apeshit (black girl attacked the dean no less) and the race riots began. My black friend was no longer my friend, treating me as if I didn't exist.

I was taught by neegros to distrust and despise them for exactly what they are.

Doglegwarrior ago

agree 100% you articulated it a lot better then i did.

Glory_Beckons ago

Only if your skin is a certain color. And you're not a member of a certain desert tribe.

Which should tell you all you need to know about "racism".

RoundWheel ago

How many are paid to do this?

andrew_jackson ago

I don't know, but the picture gave me the idea that maybe we should pay blacks to chain up snooty liberals for us?

TestForScience ago

Paying them was SO three years ago.
They do it for free, now.

RoundWheel ago

They're are many professional victims. They remain well paid.

Regardless, it's disingenuous. They do it to manipulate and control the narrative. Even if many are also communist zealots.

NotMyFaultYourWrong ago

the matching uniforms really gives it away, if it were spontaneous they would be dressed differently.