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canbot ago

Why are there 130 Jewish groups? They are the richest, most privileged group in the world, not to mention the US. What we need is more protests concerning Jewish power.

369693936 ago

What we need is more protests concerning Jewish power.

What we need is the humane transfer of all Jews out of the West.

Zyklon_Bear ago

Why? So they can worm their way back in later like they always do? Didn't we already try that like 109 times?

If only there was another kind of solution...

voatusernamevoat ago

Yeah, it's dropping cucked mind poison christcuckery, replace with natural healthy protective ethnic identity and traditions, start and buy up every business that exists that jews can't non person who displease them, squeeze them out of market share, replace them as the source of money, buy off politicians, amass an unsalable lawfare war chest, replace as media of all forms, replace them in everything. With not being able to attack you through your mind, financially, politically, judicially, that leaves physical war, build that up too, that finally leaves biological, address that as well, thus leaving no venues for jews to attack.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

No thanks, we'll keep the religion of our forefathers. You can worship your faggy Odin (or is it Jupiter? You don't seem to know...)

voatusernamevoat ago

I'm not a "pagan," and pagan is a term coined to refer to everything that isn't one of the three desert cults.

Non White christcuckery was a desert cult imposed by force onto Whites.

Well aware going to have to discard and go through christcucks.

Atkho ago

It was proto communism.