Day_of_the_rope ago

So what you are telling me is .... Jefferson Starship is a Jewish Psyop?

Because they killed Rock-n-Roll.

T1tus ago

Ya it started with the nickelback hate..

Dark_Shroud ago

This is interesting because they do have a decent rock sound. So yes I could easily see them as a gateway for a lot of younger listeners.

Marku1 ago

I stopped listing to nigger shit and now everyone knows I won't even entertain nigger behavior .... Be a leader the rape fuckers coon monkeys behind their backs and be polite to the cocksukers otherwise, pretty soon everyone will pick up on it... Aka MORE RACISM NOT LESS. DUMB NIGGERS.

onetwolefthook ago

The jews run the rap industry and probably killed 2pac once he started noticing he was a pawn. Same story as with Michael. Black people look for muh whitey when it's the jews who have been pointing fingers to other people while getting richer from the suffering in the ghettos. 'They don't care about us' a recurrent theme. Killing good role models, leaders, as they propose a threat to the dumb ignorant niggers they wish to control.

thebearfromstartrack ago

WHY do you keep saying Jews when you mean Satan AND his mortal minions and lackeys (Kenites). There are PLENTY of NON Jews in the mix. INCLUDING NIGGERS. It's ALL LIES. and they are ALL pretending they know ALL ABOUT things they KNOW nothing about and also KNOW they are LYING about that. It's a PLAIN as the nose on YOUR FACE. CHOOSE. Part of choosing goodness is CEASING to LIE (included FALSE WITNESS).

mattsixteen24 ago

Rock music isn't much better than rap. They both promote the devil.

Granite_Pill ago

UGK deserves to be spared from your indictment. UGK never bent the knee to the Jews and had their careers destroyed for it.

Lil Wayne, Outkast, most East Coast rappers, most West Coast rappers, all had to do some weird gay shit for their record deals.

UGK, despite rapping about degeneracy and thug life, are Christians and correctly identified the mainstream music industry as being run by satanic pedophiles. Pimp C was found dead and Bun B sold out shortly afterwards. Houston rap never made it to the national attention that East Coast, West Coast, or Atlanta did because their Christian values wouldn't allow them to suck dicks and get fucked up the ass for record deals (i.e. Lil' Wayne, Ludicris, Yin Yang Twins, Kendrick Lamar, and deez otha niggas.) Most Houston rap is completely homegrown underground, self-produced, and many of them are Christians.

ScionOfZion ago

Rock wasn't evolving towards white noise. It only appeared that way as the stenography was being stretched to contain the story. Do you know it? Do you know the story it tells?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

rock is devil music too, elvis was tempting our young girls, beatles said they were bigger than jesus, all of it must be outlawed

NarrativeControl ago

Every passing day I'm more convinced that time should've stopped before the release of the iPhone. Everything went downhill since then.

Mind_Games ago

Rock and Rap music both rely on heavy bass to drive home a repetitive beat.

Classical music used cannons btw.

Scald85 ago

Try the early 90's. I suspect the "hair bands" of the 80's were originally intended as a demoralizing joke, just like punk rock, but became taken seriously as artists and had to be taken down by "serious" grunge fags. Literally within a week or so seemingly every store and radio station and MTV all started pushing whiny and ugly "alternative" rock, while the goofy but paradoxically skilled and masculine glam metal bands were rapidly forced underground.

Musical fads are one thing, but the collapse of genuine talent in the early 90's in favor of homeless heroin junkie rock was entirely artificial.

Void0101010101 ago

You kind of hit the nail on the head, but missed it by four decades, music got real bad once all the hard drugs started.

WhyNoDonuts ago

They tried to kill rock - while metal grew stronger.

They didn’t want Nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or rage against the machine to gain broad appeal, because the frontmen were all smart and had a positive message. An alternate rock scene involved the dead, phish, MMW and the Almans, but that was easily dismissed as hippy shit even though the tunes were solid. Bon joli was making shitty slow songs.

Enter ice T’s Original Gangster album, literally out of nowhere. Movies are being made glamorizing something in Harlem in the 30s that never happened. Arsenio is on top. LL wants to knock you out and the hip hop scene is taken from it’s height of consciousness to the ground floor within a year. The radio plays what they want you to hear.

undertheshills ago

System of a down, korn, disturbed, POD, lincoln park, mudvayne, slipknot All those guys shred and the lyrics have a message. Not just fuck, steal, sling, bling bullshit over and over. I was wondering the other day what happened to rock and after reading this.... yea obviously.

Sheetz ago

If the music before rock had never “evolved” we’d probably be much better off. Why is Elvis their “hero”?

Rellik88 ago

I still listen to hard rock, and metal shows still draw crowds.

Carpools ago

Decentralize all the things!

Are you a musician? Make music, and share it! Don't sell it, or encumber it, to centralizing entities.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

all the "nu-metal sucks bro!" astroturfing

To be completely fair, nu-metal did largely suck.

Fuckyounigger ago

Rock music is too complex for the simple monkey nigger mind to process. The frequencies confuse them and disorient.

Hmm maybe were on to something here.

420_MASS ago

I swear another pattern I have noticed is young intelligent (white) people love electronic music, rap is loved by niggers, dumb cunts and retarded women.

They are too stupid to appreciate complex music that isn't a monkey yelling over someone else's music with out of time boomy kick drums because niggers are too stupid to actually write the back ground music to their songs they just 'rap' over someone else's music, add their shitty drums and then call it music. It blows myimd that anyone can listen to that new rap/trap shit and think it sounds good in any way shape or form. It literally takes no musical talent to create.

420_MASS ago

I also notice they love promoting this nigger bullshit and pop music everywhere but never electronic music. I wonder (((who))) would do that.

thirdsargon ago

I disagree. It was the internet that took all the profitability out of the industry, and it lost it's big promotion industry.

MrDarkWater ago

Autotune and quantifying music fucked things up, but if course it was mainly the (((record companies)))

random_pattern ago

Shit worth listening to (before the whole industry was co-opted with crap music), in no particular order because I'm too lazy to use Word to alpha sort this, just going to type:

Gang of Four (particularly the album Entertainment!)

The Clash: London Calling and Sandinista!

Neu II (second album by Neu)



Rage Against the Machine

Ramstein (that heavy German band)

The Minutemen

Joy Division: Unknown Pleasures

Hawkwind: In Search of Space

Live/Dead and Skeleton & Roses (when Pigpen was still in the band)

Black Sabbath: Masters of Reality


Sunn O (I forget how to spell it)


This Heat

Sex Pistols

PiL (Second Edition)

Starless and Bible Black (deranged but taut King Crimson)

Chris Whitley (artist that big labels wanted to sign, and he said, "No, I'd rather do heroin")

Bless Its Little Pointed Head (an album title referring to penises! one of the few decently mixed Jefferson Airplane albums)

Soundgarden: Superunknown

Boris (you want the heavy albums, not the ambient ones; do some research)

The Boredoms (pretty much any album will fuck up your mind)

Flipper (the yellow cover)

Butthole Surfers

Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart (the one and only masterpiece)

Captain Beyond (1st album), killer band signed to the Allman Bros label that no one's ever heard of

Carcas: Symphonies of Sickness

anything by Clutch

Dub Trio: Another Sound is Dying

Fleetwood Mac: Then Play On (a beautiful, soulful, awesome record before the scum Buckingham and Nicks joined; DON'T buy the "extending version" with the two extra tracks by Danny Kirwan; DO make sure you get the version with Oh, Well parts One AND Two)


Future of the Left: Curses and Travels With Myself and Another (they have good videos on YouTube, too)

Jade Warrior: Last Autumn's Dream (another forgotten masterpiece)

there's more but it's time for lunch

now maybe some Jews were involved in making some of this music, I don't know; I suspect someone will say so, if true

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

I like stoner rock, which sounds like all about hippy shit from the name but is really just heavy heavy rock

Granite_Pill ago

The Clash: London Calling and Sandinista! -aight

Rage Against the Machine -one of my favorite bands when I was a teenager and in my early 20's, but now their lyrics are so cringe, I can't listen anymore.

Rammstein -one of my favorite bands of all time, too bad they're revealing themselves to be a bunch of lefty loons on the wrong side of history. I don't read anything about them anymore because I don't want my heart broken any further.

Black Sabbath: Masters of Reality -I do's likes me some Black Sabbath every now and then.

Butthole Surfers -everyone knows them from that one song they did, but they're a really good band that have some great songs. That one song they play on the radio all the time isn't even one of their better songs. Electriclarryland is one of my favorite albums of all time.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

worth listening to

Rage Against the Machine

Opinion discarded.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Not a fan of "Axis of Justice" then? ;P

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I don't even know about any of that, but for that person to try and say

(before the whole industry was co-opted with crap music)

and then recommend Rage Against the Machine as No. 6 on his list just means he's a complete pants-on-head, booger-eating retard. Like, not just mentally retarded, but one of those kinds of retards that can't even go from one room to another without the use of some crazy contraption. Like the ones in the "chased by bees" video? Yeah, that retarded.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Best video I've seen today.

Tom Morello's side group is called axis of justice, because symbols at an Ozzy concert triggered him. I'm sure you could already tell based on the name that it's just cancer.

The only less 'credible' group that could've made the list would've been Green Day. (Look at us! We're anti-establishment punks! Until we realize that the gibs are coming from the establishment!)

horatioherbert ago

If you believe rock is dead turn on college radio and rethink your point

illuminalto2 ago

Wish I had a way to share my music with you without doxxing myself....

Been in a rock and roll band for a long long time and we still write music despite the fact that 4/5 members own their own business and have families.

forgotmypassword-sad ago

Nu metal does suck though

armday2day ago

Rock has evolved. You have to find it. It's there, waiting for you.

i_am_the_warrior ago

So many soy numales and trannies want to be black so bad by saying shit like "y'all", "throwin shade", "haters", and "BOII". I see it as a form of white self loathing, being white has been demonized so much that whites now wish they were black, the most lionized and respected of all races in America.

langoleer ago

I wonder how music would have evolved without Jewish involvement in every aspect of the industry

andrew_white_forever ago

Electro was always true white pop music. When rock fizzled techno took off (though it was basically completely European, not make Americans involved)

j3wish_fabl3s ago

BaBs88 ago

Somebody post the goldstein records meme for the OP. Or google it yourself

MemeDropAcct ago

It eats the poo poo

Out tha diapah

GreenSlug ago

Just think a bit further back, before rock even. MUCH closer to the beginning of trying to cause the futures youths to be rebellious little dumbshits. SO MUCH shitty rock music, absolute fucking garbage, was blasted to the tops of the charts and made popular, the same as rap shit is. The same as they do with country music. I fucking hate both rap and country (country only slightly less so). One is a fuckin nigger slappin his gums about bitches and drugs and money and his rims. The other is a fuckin fake ass hillbilly with the gayest fucking accent ever invented slappin his gums about bitches beer his dog and his truck. They are both equally worthless niggers destroying the future by poisoning the minds of all these weak fucks these days.

Put some fucking Wagner on and have some fucking class

Granite_Pill ago

Modern country is absolute garbage, but the old-school country is good.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Rap is jews!!

I’m very optimistic about rock tho...

You gullible fucking faggots.

The_Venerable ago

I don't think you know what the word optimistic means. Yeah Rock wasn't perfect or wholesome but it was white and didn't lead to people sympathizing with nigger drug addicts.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago



The_Venerable ago

Are you jewish?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

he is

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

lol if I was, I bet the next line out of your mouth would be about transportation.

So yeah sure... I’m a jew. Whatcha gonna do with me billy badass?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

All music is jewish you manchild. Put these kids on Horst wessel lied and shit

necrophagist79 ago

It's even worse now. Just OD'ing addicts mumbling into a mic. I guess when they are dead you don't hafta pay them.

fr33europe ago

Same with country, it's fucked now

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Listen to some old old country, it's good shit.

fr33europe ago

Yeah, nothing like a nice day in the country, hanging out and listening to some nice white music.

biggdiccbenny ago


ketoll ago

Clear Channel / iHeart Music Radio.

Just an AI fucking computer pumping out mindless tunes 24/7. There is no soul or humanity left to it anymore.

curiouserdude ago

The telecommunications act of 1996 made it so the conglomerates could buy up radio stations. This was the beginning of the end of good radio music.

Berichonbegone ago

They did the same thing to the blacks when they killed soul and blues music. We’re next.

Zed_Leppelin ago

Yep, they are erasing the cultural identity of every group. Same as with promoting race mixing. The goal is to turn everyone and everything into a homogeneous grey sludge.

RobertMewler ago

Don't know how old you are but it happened way before the mid 2000s.

My class was made to watch the movie Breakin' when it came out. This was in 1984. That was the first time I remember being deliberately exposed to the indoctrination.

That movie's director? Joel Silberg.

Joel Silberg was born on March 30, 1927 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Then hip-hop got exposed to whites big time with MTV and VH1. Remember the "Walk This Way" video with Aerosmith and Run-D.M.C. in 1986?

Some of us have been dealing with this shit for 36 years.

AmericanBannedStand ago

I prefer the sequel to Breakin’

Luis_Sphincta ago

Breakin' 3? Aloha Shirts for Me!?

Dark_Shroud ago

I was a kid and barely remember, but I noticed it then that all of a sudden everything went shitty and black.

slwsnowman40 ago

Some of us have been dealing with this shit for 36 years.

Yea, and we're called old fags for it. lol

RobertMewler ago

That's OK! These young whippersnappers could learn a thing or two from old codgers like us.

slwsnowman40 ago

I'm passing as much wisdom as I can to my kids too. My oldest is way more knowledgeable than his friends when it comes to media manipulation.

He's on here somewhere, I don't know his account name and would prefer to keep it that way.

Outstretched_Bill ago

CIA also pushed rap culture to be violent and thuggish instead of creative while they flooded inner cities with crack cocaine. Shits poison. Now it’s just all completely degenerate. I hope it burns out soon.

TheSeer ago

Same time that private prisons were being built, that had contracts that stipulated they had to be filled to a certain capacity! And who owned these prisons? Guess what, they also owned the record labels!

Dalai_Llama ago

I always assumed rock music died out because it was much easier and cheaper for jews to produce pre-recorded tracks and "sample" (or steal) old music and have a tone-deaf, brain-dead, drug addled nigger mumble some retarded utterances than to have at least four well trained, classically knowledgable (because let's face it, the scale is still a European classical system) team of well coordinated, well practiced musicians play in unison.

andrew_jackson ago

I don't even believe that there was a conspiracy.

By 1988 people were ready for something new. MTV scoured concert venue and came up with grunge, gangster rap, techno and gothic. People ignored techno and gothic, while grunge and rap sold quite well. Literate educated young white kids actually waited in line to pay good money for stupid grunge and rap albums. We blame Jews for this?

my_goyim ago

Grunge is awesome. Suck a bag of dicks, faggot.

Brawndosaurus ago

They created the market through their propaganda machine

andrew_jackson ago

This assigns Jews too much credit, and assigns too little to whites.

Brawndosaurus ago

The average normie, even white ones, are sheep.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Rock was also created by kikes. Elvis, renowned king of rock and roll, was only chosen because he could perform popular blues songs of the day in the black style that was being marketed to white teens at that time. Big band music was the last vestige of true white culture.

Granite_Pill ago

"Big band" is actually the kiked version of Jazz. Let me explain...

Jazz is America's first true art form and it is largely a black machination. Big Band jazz is actually a Jewish creation.

In the 1920's, ball rooms, major night clubs, theaters, record companies, radio stations, and movie studios had their own bands. Even major hobby and sporting clubs had house bands, and professional orchestras were formed to provide live music for all sorts of occasions/events (this was a time before amplifiers, loudspeakers, DJ's, etc. If you wanted music for an event, it had to be live). For example, major ball rooms, clubs, and theaters had house bands to cover whatever entertainment needs/stage productions they could ever have. RCA, Victor, Columbia, Decca, and some other major record labels had their own house bands for producing music records. ABC, CBS, NBC all had their own bands for radio productions. RKO Radio Pictures, MGM, and Warner Bros. had their own bands for producing movie soundtracks. Some of these bands became quite popular nationally and contributed to the evolution of the art style and different regions developed their own styles over time.

The thing is, being part of the mainstream mass media, these bands were all owned and controlled by, yeah, you guessed it: (((Jews))). (((Jean Goldkette))), for example, led the all-white and Jewish Victor Recording Orchestra in the 1920's which became very popular. These Jews like (((Goldkette))) set up businesses and agencies which fielded bands around the country, which they also led, for events, concert tours, and record deals. Since these Jews were already immeshed in the mass media industry from a business standpoint, they are kind of responsible for creating the "music industry" as it came to be known, but that's another story.

Big band jazz is not actually a subgenre of jazz music, but describes the type of band playing it. The actual name of the jazz subgenre they became popular playing is called swing, which began to emerge in the early 1930's. Big bands originally played different genres of music for different purposes/audiences, not just jazz, but as swing music grew in popularity, "big band" became synonymous with "swing" and is used interchangeably, although incorrectly (and I'll get to why later). A "big band" jazz ensemble is a band with 10 or more musicians divided into 4 or more sections.

Many white American musicians and European musical influences, and even some (((Jews))), contributed to the development of swing. Swing is the name of the jazz subgenre because it describes the characteristic syncopated "swing rhythm" of the music which is really an African American machination. Blues and syncopated swing rhythm are straight up African in origin.

Big band actually came to refer to a popular style of swing, "pop" swing--think of it as the bubblegum top 40 pop music of the jazz world. These bands were led by Jews and usually comprised of all white and Jewish musicians. These bands, since they were owned and led by Jewish bandleaders received special treatment from their zionist media overlords and got more airplay on the radio, more features, more performances, and appearances in film reels and movies, they got more record deals, and were promoted more to the masses than their black and mixed-race big band jazz counter parts. When most people/normies think of "big band," they're thinking of (((Benny Goodman))), which is a bland, soulless, less complex form of big band swing, which is essentially produced to be pop music to sell records and theater tickets. I don't consider it the highest expression of the swing subgenre.

Big band swing began to fall out of style in the mid 1940's as WWII ended and people's tastes began to change. Swing evolved into bebop, which is far too organic, energetic, expressive, and soulful to be scientifically formulated by Jewish music producers for mass consumption. But the Jews never lost their stranglehold on the music industry. Jazz just ceased being their big money maker. It's hard to subliminally program and subvert society through such a high art form like jazz. That's why I like jazz even though it produced by 90% black people. It's a form of music untouched by cultural marxism, yet it still brings different races and cultures together peacefully.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Do you have any 'gateway(?)' bebop or hard-bop recommendations. I couldn't grasp it the last few times I listened, because it wasn't predictable enough for me. I know, that's a shortcoming of mine, and not a comment on the music.

Pop and all its hyphenates make me want to punch things.

Most of my listening is usually blues, trip-hop/downtempo, and Classical-romantic with a sprinkling of glitch and industrial.

Granite_Pill ago

Do you have Spotify? I have an ever expanding playlist of jazz music specifically made to be more accessible. Shorter compositions, clearer recordings, nothing too experimental or noisy. Lots of styles: blues, bebop, hard bop, post-pop, bossa nova, cool, dixie, hot, funk, Kansas City swing, Latin, mambo, New Orleans, samba, salsa, swing.

Hardbop: Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers

Luis_Sphincta ago

Nah, I'm not on spotify, but do appreciate the Art Blakey links. And the New Orleans reminder. I'd say many of the Crescent City pianists were the greatest ever. Total degenerates in many cases, but amazingly talented.

SmokeyMeadow ago

I'm waking up to the sad reality that nearly every note of music for a hundred damn years has been produced solely to line the pockets of some bignosed kikes. They didn't just build the industry, they built the fucking concept of music being a thing in the cultural eye. And the "music" they created is about as far away from traditional folk music as you can get, for a reason. Every top 40 hit has been a brick in a wall, that the kikes have built, all in the name of cultural subversion. No matter the genre, or decade, the message of rebellion and iconoclasm has remained constant. Everyone from rockabillies to gangsta rappers have been dancing on the end of a kike's marionette string.

Computergeek01 ago

Godsmack, The Pretty Reckless, Tool, Slipknot, Mushroomhead, Eisbrecher (to dab in a bit of Euro trash flavor), Disturbed, Ten Thousand Archers, Mudvayne.

These bands are all around and still making music. I agree, radio is dead; even the paid for satellite subscriptions all suck now. But good music is still being made. I'm shifting into a Punk phase myself. Now THAT genre is dead. Turbo Negro kind of holds on, but it's not the same.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

"Initially, the band had two running ideas for band names: Nazipenis and Turbonegro. They were advised that a band named Nazipenis would never sell records, so they chose Turbonegro as a more consumer-friendly choice."

this is actually kind of cool

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Even if Slipknot did release an album last year, nobody gave a shit because it sounds just like the one they put out five years ago. I like Slipknot, and We Are Not Your Kind got a resounding "Meh," from me. It's Stone Sour, but 37% growl-ier.

Ten Thousand Archers has a woman singer. Listening to women sing metal is God damned painful.*

Pretty Reckless is literal filth made to popularize whorishness among the twenty or thirty teenage girls left in the world that don't listen to nigger music. Plus, see women metal singers above.

Mushroomhead is a shitty knockoff. Wooo, scary masks. It feels like 2001 all over again. Back when Slipknot mattered. And that spooky guy in Limp Bizkit with the black contact lenses. And there's some woman there that, for reasons unknown, isn't shutting up. See the above.

Disturbed only ever had one good song, and that was almost 20 years ago.

I won't say Tool is bad. They have a few songs I like, I guess. I have their discography saved in my computer somewhere. But even if someone gave me free concert tickets, I wouldn't go see them.

Godsmack and Mudvayne are the only two bands you mentioned that are worth a petal of piss in the wind, and Mudvayne hasn't cut a record since 2009.

* The only - and I mean only woman "metal" singer I have ever heard that didn't make me want to shoot a nailgun into my ear to stop the pain is what's her face from In This Moment. And that's not so much metal as it is slightly edgier pop-rock to target the same twenty or thirty girls as Pretty Reckless does.

But, I tell you what: Tell some 30 or 35 year old bar whore that you like In This Moment, and you are getting a blowjob, bare minimum. It's worked too many times for me for it to be a coincidence.

Swo1ested ago

I had this exact thought listening to the classic rock station today in the shop. Remember when white art dominated the airways? Some bands were Jews and a lot of that shit gets played but it was majority white. Now these kids are all listening to shitty rap with their car windows down. Do your part, flip off any of these white boys that are listening to rap music. If they get agitated and start some road rage shit.. call them a nigger.

andrew_jackson ago

I like your attitude Comrade, but also consider that polite disengagement might serve just as well. Kids are into whatever music their uncle listened to while helping them change the spark plugs on their car.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

You uhh...still keep up with him?

Swo1ested ago

Don't call me a comrade you commie piece of shit

MisterGrieves ago

They literally had to kill off grunge.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

The Strokes powered through with rock though

MisterGrieves ago

A few bands have but rock is not king and rock is barely rock.

Chuga ago

Mainstream rock is dead. Thwn it went screamo but prog is still alive and well. You won't find it on the radio or TV. Its in the back alley and in the garage.

connecteduser ago

They hated old school Metal. It was fighting music. It was about getting laid, and as a result making babies. It was about calling out bullshit when you see it. It was about the glorification of the European gods of the old world. It was about dying for what you believe in.

They tried to kill it in the mid 80s with cheesy soy boy hair metal and that did not work.

Ready about how reporting of Billboard sales were tracked. They changed over to a central computer system that could be easily manipulated.

You also had a huge consolidation of record lables around 1994. Who do you think led the music monopoly after that?

zx9000 ago

Manowar said the same thing in 1987! Blow your speakers!

RustinKohle ago

Telecommunications act consolidated all the media companies.

Uberfeedus ago

Metal is the shit.

slwsnowman40 ago

The 90s is when a lot of these mega corps started forming. Now all we have is the illusion of choice and it doesn't matter what the product is.

olinneserpona ago

Nearly all music the music in memes and webmd compilations is some kind of hiphop and too many of the white people in these videos are talking like niggers. Most of them don't, but still too many.

New-World-Ebola ago

rap is a 100% psyop

thatguyiam ago

Rock already played out its role to turn kids rebel. Now its time for final society kill & really look out for #1

fartyshorts ago

New-World-Ebola ago

please try to spread the word wherever you live.

the future of our people depends on those with the knowledge to spread the word.

HbMcNutt ago

So was rock. Elvis was a satanist

kishind ago

How many legendary rock bands were celebrating occultism, satanism, and sexual immorality/degeneracy?

Jewish control of the music industry didn't start in the 90s, guys.

HbMcNutt ago


New-World-Ebola ago

elvis was a mongrel cunt

Tekedo ago

All the songs are about rape, and crime. Constantly putting blacks below other groups in lyrics

Writers: Allen Goldblat, Lashwan Tavis-Cornfeld, Drake

Yuke ago

Drake ft. Donald Duck ft. Goofy ft. Mickey Mouse ft. Pluto ft. Popeye, Olive Oyl & Bluto...

Written by Larry Goldsteinberger.

This is commie music. They get some gibs, Larry berger stain gets most of it.

aikibiru ago

Every Jew is raised with the expectation they're going to own and command their own private army of goy slaves. They advocate gangster culture to blacks to help force their subjugation, and to pit groups against each other for their sole benefit.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Swear to fucking god this is true: when I was a teen, I worked at a laundromat during the summers. My job was to load/unload various summer camp's laundry. One day we drove out to a Jewish summer camp. I'll spare all the reddit-esque details, but as I was tossing bags into the truck, a group of young boys approached and asked if we were Jewish (driver and I). We said no and I shit you not, as this is burned into my memory, one of the kids said "oh they aren't chosen ones" and ran away, as if we were useless dogshit to them. Jewish summer camps are probably where this kind of brainwashing takes place and I'm extra disgusted by that memory knowing what I know now. Jews brainwash their kids into being sociopathic fuckheads.

LibertarianForChrist ago

They weren't given "the chosen people" moniker by God, that's for sure. Maybe Satan.

MuricaPersonified ago

I've unironically been thinking about the Harry Potter series lately. The original concepts that the books convey are in direct contrast to the retcons and political stances its supposed author took on later. You have a literal 1984-esque Ministry that is not portrayed in a positive light, a small band of people trying to stand up for the truth by exposing their true enemy's resurgence and infiltration in society, even if it makes them social pariahs, while their equivalent of normies buy into the propaganda until all is too late. It's surprisingly parallel to our cause.

PhilKDick ago

Jesse Jackson, on a hot mic, referring to NYC as Hymie Town, comes to mind

dismyassholeaccount ago

It's the only time (((They))) are able to tell the truth.

Doglegwarrior ago

was korn and the other mixed rock some type of go between? kid rock? could u make up a better pysop name to mix the two? limp bizket? etc etc.. i liked the sound korn created but something about it recks of jew influence.

CmdrRockwell ago

korn is considered the very first "nu-metal" band. along with disturbed, linkin park, godsmack, etc..

nu metal sucking wasn't an astroturf campaign.. that shit did and does suck compared to traditional metal. sadly is somehow leaps and bounds better than the shit they are producing now and calling "Rock".

Doglegwarrior ago

do you like the early metallica speed rock that you cant understand anything? the hair bands and long guitar riffs aka long solos just sucked to me 98% of the time. 70s southern rock thats where its at

CmdrRockwell ago

early metallica from kill 'em all through to ...and justice for all is thrash / heavy metal and yes i like it and i can understand everything... late metallica from "load" onward is absolute shit.

AlabamaNigger ago

Have you listened to the tracks since youve been...woke....metallica.

CmdrRockwell ago

woke is what niggerfaggots refer to them says, but..

i've listened to plenty of old metallica recently and there's nothing wrong with shit like this or this.

what about it?

AlabamaNigger ago

Sounds like they know who the puppet masters are.

Doglegwarrior ago

ya there are only two metallica fans... the old school and the new fags.

connecteduser ago

It was the musical equivalent of dadaism. An art style that was popularized just after WWII. It promoted the destruction of culture an traditional art. A rebellion against capitalistic structured. Formless mush without structure. It's only appeal was how ugly and different it was.

Remind you of anything?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

By making bands sign contracts and giving away literally all their IP and then suing them for playing their own songs after the artist has left the record. Fuck kikes and their kikery bullshit.

Fuck John Fogerty but prime example of Jewish Kikery:

Fucking jews.

HotRod32 ago

Fuck John Fogerty


The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

He's become just the worst kind of sjw cuck over the years. Its fucking pathetic.

aloha_snackbar ago

that and Lars complaining about napster.

napster coul've become what pandora and all of those online radio providers are today

kishind ago

There is no scarcity in digitized products, and soon even basic low-IQ labor will be likewise post-scarcity (via worker robots).

Lars was a canary in the coal mine that we didn't appreciate, because he was so ineloquent and such a dick about it.

When the trucking industry starts using self-driving trucks, things are going to change bigly.

TripleZ ago

Led Zeppelin was the first band to stand up to concert promoters and demand 90% of the cut. Their manager was hard core. The promoters realized 10% for a guaranteed sold out show was better than nothing. I might have the numbers wrong but it was a significant change in how bands did business and how much they made for a show.

TheSeer ago

That they were promoting Satanism certainly didn't hurt.

TripleZ ago

Maybe Page a bit later on in their career but I don't think the others gave a shit about the occult.

TheSeer ago

Jones and Bonham's 666 sigils don't count?

"In through the out door" doesn't refer to sodomy?

TripleZ ago

Here's one take on them:

John Bonham and John Paul Jones both chose versions of the Trefoil, a Celtic symbol.

Bonham’s just happened to also be the symbol for Ballantine Beer (I do NOT think coincidentally…).

JPJ’s is more closely aligned with the idea of the Trinity, which the Irish Catholic Church grabbed, but which predates Chrisitianity. He got it from a book of signs written by Rudolf Koch.

I don't see these as evidence of Satanism. Also remember they were selling albums. This stuff was "cool".

"In through the out door" doesn't refer to sodomy?

"The album was named by the group to describe its recent struggles amidst the death of Robert Plant's son Karac in 1977, and the taxation exile the band took from the UK. The exile resulted in the band being unable to tour on British soil for over two years, and trying to get back into the public mind was therefore like "trying to get in through the 'out' door"."

I think you're reaching. Jimmy Page was definitely into the occult for a time. May still be, IDK. I don't think the others were.

TheSeer ago

I haven't even begun to reach.

TripleZ ago

Not interested in a pissing contest. I think they were an incredibly gifted band and I seriously doubt they were in to satanism. That's the christian right's scare mongering coming through.

Did you ever watch The Song Remains the Same? Bonzo was all about racing cars and Jones was about being with his family. Hardly satanic topics.

That's the beauty of voat - we can disagree.

TheSeer ago

Are any of your close buddies Satanists? Would you be friends with someone who was an avowed Satanist or occultist? I agree the rest of the band wasn't AS passionate about it as Page. But they didn't exactly kick him to the curb either.

TripleZ ago

They were the biggest rock band in the world producing some of the best music at that time. Would you walk away from that because JP played around in the occult? It wouldn't be Led Zeppelin without any one of them.

Personally I'm glad they stuck together because they made some awesome music.

TheSeer ago

Play with fire and you get burned, like Bonham found out.

TripleZ ago

So what's your outlook on life? I'm getting vibes of a judgemental Christian. Sound about right? Man are you going to be in for a surprise when you die.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

turns out christian right was correct

HbMcNutt ago

They all were into it

TripleZ ago


Bonham while an alchoholic was a strong family man. So were Jones and Plant. Page was the weird one. He bought Crowley's old mansion and at one time had a thirteen year old girlfriend when he was in his twenties.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

they all had their satanic symbols. page was main into it but others get the rope too since they didn't try to stop him

TripleZ ago

No need to be a A Punk Ass Bitch about it. You can't give Bonzo the rope, he's gone. The rest are in their 70's. And it was page that asked them to come up with symbols. Here's what I quoted to another goat:

John Bonham and John Paul Jones both chose versions of the Trefoil, a Celtic symbol.

Bonham’s just happened to also be the symbol for Ballantine Beer (I do NOT think coincidentally…).

JPJ’s is more closely aligned with the idea of the Trinity, which the Irish Catholic Church grabbed, but which predates Chrisitianity. He got it from a book of signs written by Rudolf Koch.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

still need rope even if old. For the dead guy we can dig him up and hang his body symbolically.

Soyboy69 ago

When was that not the standard practice? how else could the industry even function? If the artist can leave company A and go work for company B and create works that are even vaguely similar to those created while working at company A, then that devalues the IPs he made for company A as they no longer have a monopoly on his likeness.

Regardless the entertainment industry is just jews jewing jews at this point so I could give less of a shit.

FridayJones ago

The idea is that you sign them to contracts, and if your deal is so poor for them that they want to go elsewhere at the end of the contract's term, then you don't deserve to get the renewal signed. In other words, be more competitive at paying your talent and you'll retain better talent.

slwsnowman40 ago

This is why the band's should write their own music and lyrics. Then it is their IP. Once you use Company A's writers, you are just a performer and Company A owns the IP.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago


version7 ago

Always promoting gutter shit

Granite_Pill ago

Why is the midwest full of wiggers?

RobertMewler ago


kammmmak ago

Kinda like (((hollywood)))

It's all an agenda based on the kalergi plan

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zum ago

yes. All media, but most effective is...

Music Industry PARTNERSHIP (Jews + Blacks)! see: