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Joe_McCarthy ago

Have you been out of the sticks lately? Been around college campuses? Been out on the town to clubs in 'diverse' cities? Black on white sex was pretty uncommon 20 years ago. Interesting how you didn't see it in ads much then either.

So is this all a Jew plot or reflection of on the ground reality where market forces dictate advertising approaches?

anticlutch ago

Hi jew_McCarthy;

where market forces dictate advertising approaches?

Clearly not. interracial porn isn't even top 20 for women's liked categories.

SearchVoatBot ago

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tratakat ago

The most widespread type of interracial relationship in the U.S. is White Male - Asian Female, yet most interracial advertising and porn displays Black Male - White Female. There's an ethnic component to this most definitely.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I dunno what your basing that on. Marriage rates? Maybe so. But black male-white female couples among the under 25 demographic are the norm if anything in parts of the US in my observation - where Asians are often barely present on the ground. And a lot of this media is aimed at the younger consuming public.

Jews in porn is also overstated:

And to hear anti-Semites rail on Jews have always run porn - yet the portrayal of interracialism is fairly recent as even the OP notes.

A few holes in your Jewspiracy.

anticlutch ago

in (((my))) observation

Proof kike, or your observation is irrelevant.

Joe_McCarthy ago

My experience with interracial couples in the contemporary US is not exactly novel. Even on Voat many see the same thing. If you don't see it that tells me a few things. You may not even be in the US. If you are you're an older guy rarely around youth scenes. You're a pretty typical right-wing hayseed living in the country away from major cities and college towns.

But there is also a good amount of statistical data.

Dunno why I'm bothering though. The first sign you're an idiot is you call me a Jew. Always a sure sign of a kook in these parts.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shadowlight ago

The media planted this long before the mudsharking grew.

Hell, ten years ago it was hard not to find a 6pm news team that was not a black guy and a blonde white girl.

"Programming" at its finest.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Possible reasons for the trend in white women fucking niggers more.

  • Fewer younger white females since 2000. There are 7 million fewer white people in the US under 18 than in 2000. This means less selection to spread out in a situation where black males are younger on average than white males by about a decade or so. In parts of the Midwest, or cities, or even much of the Deep South this can be a factor.

  • Normalization of interracialism through the election of Obama or the increase of it among female celebrities, most of which are not Jews. The Kardashians for example.

  • An increase in broken white families or children born out of wedlock. More white girls not having a father in the way are more susceptible to fucking niggers.

But no, you lot just see some Jewish mind control. How come I see interracial couples in Alabama but not New Hampshire? Is the prevailing factor the fact that niggers are in the vicinity of white women or Jewish mind control? And how come I see white girls with spics in Arizona and California now? Is it because there are now lots of spics of young adult age in those states now as opposed to 20 years ago that are available to fuck white women or because of Jewish mind control? And how come you people never talk about that kind of mixing? And whose fault is the mixing, nigger and spic males that actually do it or Jewish mind control?

Shadowlight ago

Perhaps you are not listening.

Perhaps you need to spend more time comparing the rate of actual mufsharking versus what is o

pushed on tv.

Perhaps you need to look at the interracial coupling of news anchors fhat started well over ten years ago as a precursor to this.

Perhaps you need to look at how the timing of this propaganda push coincides with the mass invasion of non-White men in EVERY western country (By George Soros and Jews).

Perhaps you need to losten to those jews like Barbara Lerner Spectre WHO SAID they were goi g to do this.

Or perhaps you need to read more on how Jews are puahing for mudsharking and lamenting the inherent racial loyalty of White women as shown here

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your starting position is that Jews control 'the media', a dubious contention itself, and then that they are conspiring to get white women to fuck niggers, another dubious contention, and then that independent of any other factor, including anything in my rundown, white women, in accordance with Jewish mind control fuck niggers because Jewish mind control.

Barbara Lerner Spectre is also a tired scarecrow. Exploded that years ago.

Shadowlight ago


The power of Jews in Media and Hollywood is non-existent. Ask Weinstein.

Not to mention the likes of Epstein, a probable Mossad agent with blackmail material.

And nobody claimed Barbara was powerful, your statement is just a weak strawman.

Your Mossad fallacy mind control tricks won't work on me.

Oh, did I forget to mention the Whotite demographic countdown by the Jew run SPLC?

What else ya got?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, white girls fuck niggers because of Epstein and his mind control and a chart on a SPLC guy's wall.

Glad we straightened that out. Always nice to get to the nitty gritty.

Shadowlight ago

More Mossad fallacy tricks.

Whites are following the programming of the Jews in power. The data is in everything I just mentioned two posts ago.

You denied they were in power and I showed you how they are in power and even how they talk about their plans.

Again, what else do you have besides these useless fallacious mind tricks?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, I work for the Mossad too.

Here is Mossad katsa - and prominent Holocaust denier - Mark Weber. He quotes info to the effect that Jews are 11% of the American elite - even while outlining the power Jews do have.

And that's the US. Where Jews are most powerful. Yet 11%.

This power you speak of is not so powerful.

Shadowlight ago

They far outnumber that in the MSM and Hollywood, which is where this conversation started.

And holding positions is not the only measure of power. Owning the wealth, Companies, and influence are great power.

So powerful they can throw people in prison for merely asking questions about how many jews died in Germany.

So powerful that we can boycott our other States, but we cannot boycott Israel.

Joe_McCarthy ago

First, we're talking about the US really. Not Germany. But in the US they have no such power to throw people in jail for denying the Holocaust - and they are by any sane metric more influential in the US than in Germany.

You need to get out of this mindset and assumption that Jews run everything. And if it is bad it must be Jewish. It is a silly idea.

For example, even if we establish that Hollywood is 'Jewish' - and Jews did basically start it, even if maybe their influence isn't what it once was - that is still a long way from establishing that white women fuck niggers because of Hollywood. The major TV networks were more under control of Jews before the 80s - yet we had less nigger fucking. This mindset that Jews control everything equals anything you dislike is a bizarre worldview.

Shadowlight ago

No it is NOT "a long way" from that.

Jews run Hollywood and MSM and they are pushing mudsharking FAR MORE than the volume it has been happening. This dates back over ten years.

Add to this the Global push by Jews to overrun White Western Christian nations with non-White men, and you have a formula for genocide.

These are FACTS. Cry all you want about it, but each of these puzzle pieces are facts.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The specific complaint seems to be that 'Jews' are 'pushing' interracial black-on-white sex through commercials, ads. I've seen no evidence Jews dominate the ad agencies. Yet Jew haters blame them anyway. You see, I need this thing called evidence.

It is also absurd to blame immigration simply on Jews. That is reductionism in the extreme.

Shadowlight ago

That is not the specific comaint, although that occurs as well.

Let me repeat for you

Hollywood and MSM are heavily controlled and owned by Jews.

They push the interracial couing at a much higher degree than what happens in real life. In particular they heavily push BM and WW pairing.

Add to this the jew agenda to flood our nations with non-White men and you see the coordination for what it is.

tratakat ago

I agree with you that the role of Jews in porn nowadays is overstated. They definitely started porn (especially hardcore porn), but non-Jews were quick to adapt.

However, I definitely notice a pattern w.r.t to which types of interracial relationship is displayed on ads (for example) and the maker of said ad.

PagingDrBenway ago

You got the cause and effect mixed up, Joe.

I'm sure all this propaganda hitting Europe in the lead-up to massive migration from Africa and the middle East promoted by Jewish NGOs sponsored by Jewish bankers is just a completely unrelated coincidence too. ;)