fagnig ago

Spectre is a nobody, not a powerful Jew in the know.

Nonsense, shes an esteemed member of the Jewtriarchy.

ATX_1138 ago

I'm wondering if "Joe_McCarthy" is not a Hasbara troll.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm an Anglo-Saxon. Protestant. Even something of a WASP chauvinist. Not Jewish nor do I have any Jewish ancestry. Plus I'm not a yid spy.

Now bear in mind you're like the 100th guy I've encountered who thinks because I don't agree with the Jewspiracy I'm a Jew spy. It's cool though. When I was fixated on Jews I saw crypto-Jews about too. Jew obsessives think closet Jews are all around them. I've seen it with racialists for years.

Now what you choose to believe about me is up to you of course. But running around calling people secret Jews is the purview of the absolute paranoid fringe. I hope for your sake you don't stoop to that level. It'll only make you look ridiculous.

Consider this a good faith effort to head off some rather absurd bullshit.

Best regards.

Pineliquor ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

Nope. Non-tard confirmed.

Joe_McCarthy ago


Perhaps when I have a week to spare to seriously review these sources I can find out if they're any less dumb than citing Spectre.

fagnig ago

Doing yahwehs work son, @mention me in your post when you finish your research, please.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Israeli kikes actually facilitating not only illegal immigration, subverting greeks border security, and subjecting the entire European nations to the current unrest.