Far2Long2 ago

Jews often hide in the shadows. They are not always centre stage, but manipulate and control things from the sidelines.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Don’t Mess With Jewish Porn King Michael Lucas

As Forward readers know, Michael Lucas is the Russian-born, New York-based gay adult-film producer whose fervent Zionism inspired production of the first gay porn film made in Israel with an all-Israeli cast.

Then this:


Taken from article:

A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Alvin "Al" Goldstein (January 10, 1936 – December 19, 2013) was an American pornographer who is known for normalizing hardcore pornography in the United States.

From wiki.

Fahrvergnaked ago

I like you Joe, if for no other reason than you’re a contrarian, as I am. However, I bet if you look a little past just the owners of the media groups you’ll see something interesting. I’m gonna do some research and post it tomorrow.

Joe_McCarthy ago

He is the COO of MindGeek. Which is to say he is the second in command there to Antoon.

I mostly focused on founders who were obviously very central to the operation or current heads as I thought most important. If you wanted me to go over every secondary person I could list quite a few people. Most of them would probably be non-Jews. In the case of Paul Raymond I even mentioned him even if he is dead - as he was obviously very central to his company. I did this even though it is not obvious his successor is Jewish.

So if anything I made the list more Jewish than it is.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

The best way to solve, once and for all, the debate about who runs the industry is to ban all porn.

963189_137 ago

I like this idea. I don't think electronic castration is healthy for Whites.

TheEmpress ago

It would be interesting to see a rundown of porn producers.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Looking at this list it seems quite typical of Jewish involvement. Overrepresentative but still a minority. It could be tweaked some I reckon but I very much doubt one is going to be able to arrive at results fundamentally different than mine.

Puts things in perspective - and in my mind at least goes a long way to settling this issue. Plus it is just good clean fun to burst the bubbles of Judeo-obsessives who moronically think Jews rule all - and that all bad things come from jo0z.