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Crensch ago


They fail at continuity of evidence-supported claims.

VendalayIndustries ago

You got ass-blasted in the thread with this lie, and now continue to posture. So pathetic.

Crensch ago

I didn't get blasted at all.

They do not have any proof that PIA is the angel investor. None. Not even a whisper.

VendalayIndustries ago

Why does that matter when Voat still leads to Edon, which leads to Imperialfamily, which leads to London Trust Media, which leads to Kape/PIA?

Crensch ago

That, too, was wrecked in a thread before OP's

Rotteuxx ago

You're denying a page hosted on with a direct link to the domain is legit?

Do you have any evidence to prove that anybody else but Putt could have edited said page ? <-- Genuinely curious about that.

Vindicator ago

You're denying a page hosted on with a direct link to the domain is legit?

This is some serious double-speak, Rotteuxx. The only place Voat has ever linked to the Edon "About" page is in the links you and @Deshy have posted here. No one has provided any evidence that any goat could ever get to that edited page from anywhere on Voat, including from "an old Amalek post".

Furthermore, the archives show that page was edited after Putt moved to the new About page. I showed all that. So, yes @Crensch, @MadWorld @Argosciv and I are absolutely denying that dead page is "legit".

Do you have any evidence to prove that anybody else but Putt could have edited said page ? <-- Genuinely curious about that.

  • The fact that Voat was severely DDOSed right after Putt moved to a new About url, during the period that Edon page was edited and Putt himself complained in the PreviewVoat chat that he had been betrayed by a "mole" is one factor.
  • The fact that none of those who pointed out that page can show how they got there is another one.
  • The fact that the submission introducing this "Voat is compromised" Edon narrative was deleted within 24 Hours and then the account submitting it was deleted the following week reeks pretty badly.
  • The fact that anyone who points out the bullshit being pushed on this topic, like Crensch or me gets brigaded and derided with spoof accounts and claims we are being paid definitely shows fear of what we are saying.
  • The fact those ginning up fear with this "Edon" narrative don't seem worried enough themselves to leave Voat is clear evidence they don't believe what they're saying.

Sorry fren, unless I missed it there was no proof presented that someone else but Putt had the keys to the kingdom and could have falsified that page.

@Madworld presented a very well written resume of his findings which led him to believe it was the only logical conclusion but that's not what I'm interested in.

"That's not what I'm interested in." <---- Logical conclusions drawn from the actual evidence are not interesting to you, but conclusions drawn from suspiciously unsupported claims are worth trying to scare people away from Voat. Sure. This itself is evidence of bad will on your part.

A person of good will would take the evidence of devious consensus cracking that we have presented and question the Edon narrative, not double down and dismiss it all while trying to silence it with downvotes.

argosciv ago

trying to silence it with downvotes

Precisely what they're doing. Anyone not buying their bullshit is 'instantly' hit with at least -1, with a barrage of more not far behind it. Just goes to show the weight their narrative holds (none) when scrutinized. Coupled with accusing us of being jews or being company men in damage controls mode... it's hilariously hypocritical – given that those very tactics of theirs (+ downvote brigading) is their damage control in defense of their utterly destroyed narrative.

Cransch ago

The fact that you utter morons are pretending that a page hosted on Voat's servers isn't hosted on Voat's servers demonstrates your damage control for the bullshit it is, for all to see. Full stop. Period.

MadWorld ago

The fact that the submission introducing this "Voat is compromised" Edon narrative was deleted within 24 Hours and then the account submitting it was deleted the following week reeks pretty badly.

Uh, I think you are not supposed to poke on their Princess's persona.

Vindicator ago

Just stating facts, as that is what was requested. :-)

Rotteuxx ago

That's a lot of text to say that no, you have zero proof that someone else but Putt could have falsified that page.

You can pill pull all you want, your narrative is as unsupported as the one you oppose.

Vindicator ago

Pilpul is meant to deceive. Only one side of this is using deceptive tactics, and it is not me or Crensch or MadWorld.

It's you.

Why are you trying to smear and silence those who are raising questions?


Is it possible for Voat to ever be compromised, or will you always kiss @puttitout 's ring like a grovelling faggot?

Seriously dude. Why have unbreakable faith in a man made institution?

Vindicator ago

I'll believe Voat is compromised when I see someone other than you retards trying to censor the exposure of globalist pedophiles. Putt has never done so. Nor has the angel investor. Nor has Crensch.

Only those who push certain narratives and play vicious games.

Thanks for the great research on Epstein ties to Nickelodeon BTW. That is going to come in very handy around Easter time. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

you retards trying to censor the exposure of globalist pedophiles.


Thanks for the great research on Epstein ties to Nickelodeon BTW. That is going to come in very handy around Easter time.

Smug Unforgiving Thief


I am a retard. But retarded clocks are right twice a day.

You do realize I'm the 8chan source of the Disney Cruise Epstein Connection as well as Mark Epstein's donated yacht.

Why do you ban sources of "great research"?


you retards trying to censor the exposure of globalist pedophiles.


Thanks for the great research on Epstein ties to Nickelodeon BTW.

If I contribute great am I censoring?

name 1 thing I have censored

That is going to come in very handy around Easter time. :-)

I have more nickelodeon research. Should I hold onto it til then?

Is this a Milo Yianopolis "It's not time yet message?"

Cransch ago

You have absolutely zero evidence the page with edon isn't hosted on Voat's servers, zero evidence anyone else could have put it there, and zero explanation why Putt wouldn't remove it if it was fraudulent.

In short, your only bullshit argument is that "nobody could have possibly stumbled on it on their own". How. Fucking. Laughable.

@MadWorld @Argosciv

The damage control for the company you guys work for is obvious to everyone. Fuck all of you lying pieces of garbage.

Vindicator ago

Reeeeee. You sound mad. :-)

I presented PAGES of evidence from the Wayback Machine that the Edon page was never accessible from a live Voat link. And not ONE single link has been provided showing how it could have been. The only people who knew it was there were those who knew to link to it.

As for an explanation of why Putt wouldn't remove it, if I were Putt, I would definitely leave it there as bait to see which accounts decided to push it, so I knew EXACTLY who my enemies were. By my count, that list now includes about a dozen people, several of whom previously did a good job of projecting a pro-Voat vibe. Woops!

How else is he supposed to figure out who the mole is when he's got governments trying to hack his site every few months?

The fact you act like there is no plausible explanation why he would leave it up shows you are either severely challenged in the IQ department, or utterly desperate to cobble together support for your "Putt's a bad dude" narrative.

I know Putt isn't a bad dude, because he has protected the research of hundreds of little no-name goats who have been working hard for three years to document the crimes of rich, powerful pedophiles. He has gone to extreme lengths to keep that research accessible.

And that is how I know you "Cransch", and @Rotteauxx and @R3BIRTH and every one of the rest of your compatriots are exactly what @Crensch has said you are: pedophile protectors. Undermining Putt and Voat, trying to instill fear in the userbase, means supporting the most evil, disgusting child-raping motherfuckers that walk this planet. The Epsteins and Weinsteins we've done so much damage to.

So you quibble over "proof" if you want to. It demonstrates very clearly what you are.

Shit. Now I feel guilty. I probably just ruined Putt's troll trap. Sorry @PuttItOut :-/

Cransch ago

And not ONE single link has been provided showing how it could have been. The only people who knew it was there were those who knew to link to it.

This means nothing. There are dozens of ways to scrape pages that no user ever sees if they are even briefly live. You're ignorant.

As for an explanation of why Putt wouldn't remove it, if I were Putt, I would definitely leave it there as bait to see which accounts decided to push it, so I knew EXACTLY who my enemies were.


How else is he supposed to figure out who the mole is when he's got governments trying to hack his site every few months?


The fact you act like there is no plausible explanation why he would leave it up shows you are either severely challenged in the IQ department, or utterly desperate to cobble together support for your "Putt's a bad dude" narrative.


I know Putt isn't a bad dude, because he has protected the research of hundreds of little no-name goats who have been working hard for three years to document the crimes of rich, powerful pedophiles. He has gone to extreme lengths to keep that research accessible.

All of this work has been meaningless. The corrupt tyrannical elite do not care about you or your wasted effort. It serves no purpose. It only ever accomplishes minor inconveniences to low-level assets, all of which are solved by time and/or money. Waste of your life.

Undermining Putt and Voat, trying to instill fear in the userbase, means supporting the most evil, disgusting child-raping motherfuckers that walk this planet. The Epsteins and Weinsteins we've done so much damage to.

Insert eye roll emoji

So you quibble over "proof" if you want to. It demonstrates very clearly what you are.

You know nothing, John Snow.

Shit. Now I feel guilty. I probably just ruined Putt's troll trap. Sorry @PuttItOut :-/

You need to get laid.

Vindicator ago

All of this work has been meaningless.

Mmm hmm. And Epstein killed himself.


Cransch ago

Epstein is drinking 80 year old cognac from Napoleon's private stash of grapes in crystal that costs more than the car dumb faggot proles like you drive, while he fucks little kids in Israel.

Good job, champ. You sure showed him.


Vindicator ago

You say this like you know it for a fact. You spend a lot of time in Israel then?

Cransch ago

I know for a fact that you and all the other autistic retards just don't get that your research amounts to jack shit, and until you're ready to pick up a gun and do what needs to be done it's only going to continue to get worse for you.

Vindicator ago

Weirdly, you're the one it seems to be getting worse for. I don't have to make shitty sock puppet accounts disguised as @Crensch to try to manipulate and force my point of view on anyone. I have never had to delete an account. Tom Hanks and Justin Trudeau announce they've been exposed to coronavirus, and everyone on the internet is wondering if they are being purged due to their involvement in child trafficking, thanks to the research and outreach of pizzagate investigators. If that is "worse", I'm lovin' it!

Cransch ago


And this, in it's totality, amounts to the total efficacy of your movement. A lot of magical wonder.

Vindicator ago

Wonder is one of the greatest capacities of man. The childlike Wow! of a humble soul in the hand of God has always been the wind in the sails of Western Civilization.

argosciv ago

Fuck off, you manipulative, disingenuous whore.

the page with edon isn't hosted on Voat's servers

Nobody has at all said or even come close to hinting at that until you just now. Further fucking evidence as to your lies and contortions to sell a garbage narrative that only fuckwits would eat up.

your only bullshit argument is that "nobody could have possibly stumbled on it on their own"

That is not the only point of contention at all and you fucking know it.

the company you guys work

You also know that none of us work for any of the companies in question. Your centrifuge-level spinning and reliance on confirmation bias is what's fucking laughable here. Only the lowest-IQ mouth breathers take your narrative seriously.

@Vindicator @Crensch @MadWorld @PuttItOut

Cransch ago

Keep sucking jew dick, faggot.

argosciv ago

Keep sucking jew dick, faggot.

Keep relying on lies about others and "jew" talk to fit in and prey on bias you fake cunt.

Cransch ago

@Deshy you can't possibly be falling for this, can you?

Rotteuxx ago

Why are you trying to smear and silence those who are raising questions?

Your friends are the ones resorting to ad hominems against me.

Only an utter fucking retard could interpret someone asking for proof as an attempt at silencing people.

Where is the proof that supports the narrative that Putt gave someone access to Voat so that pages could be edited ?

Vindicator ago

Where is the proof that supports the narrative that Putt gave someone access to Voat so that pages could be edited ?

Right here:

You're also totally ignoring the fact that Putt didn't have to give someone access. I'm sure there are numerous ways government entities with deep pockets and an unlimited talent pool could gain access to Voat's code and tamper with any page they want to.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm not going anywhere but I need a team that can handle the tech side of Voat entirely

In no way does that mean he gave the keys to tbe kingdom to anyone.

As a matter of fact we never heard back from him on that, did he even hire anybody ?

So it's far fetched to connect Kape/PiaIF to Voat but totally reasonable to ssy the NSA hacked Voat.

Fuck you're ridiculous

Vindicator ago

So it's far fetched to connect Kape/Pia/IF to Voat but totally reasonable to ssy the NSA hacked Voat.

Everyone on Voat knows how hard the Powers that Be have striven to shut it down over the years -- from DDoS attacks to Shareblue infiltration to shutting down payment processing to shutting down the host servers. It isn't even remotely far fetched to think government entities hacked Voat.

Your Kape/PIA "connection" on the other hand has been created using lies, innuendos, sock puppet accounts, accounts that were quickly deleted, phony compilations of "evidence" that don't stand up to scrutiny, and vicious backlash against anyone raising questions about it. All of these clearly point to a theory that is so weak it can't stand on its own. If your position was strong and true, none of these tactics would be necessary.

Anyone who is objective can look at this comment thread from beginning to end and see what I'm saying is true and not ridiculous at all.

They can also see what you are.

argosciv ago

That's exactly the submission I was planning to bring up lol. @MadWorld @Crensch