iyskreem ago

Personally I don't see having kids as a violation of "going your own way", if that's where it takes you. MGTOW is more of an economic response to the rising cost of the juice and the decreasing value from squeezing it, rather than a rejection of any specific institution

MongolianPaellaFish ago

Going MGTOW is the most efficient way to admit that you have failed as a man.

lecnylep ago

aggressive alimony laws and child support laws also prevent whites from reproducing because white men don't want to get taken to the cleaners for wanting to start a family

alimony needs to be abolished and child support needs to be capped

xenoPsychologist ago

thirty jews today, eh?

Titanbikes4ever ago

So you admit it's cancer

BoomerHater1488er ago

Being called Crensch's alt is undoubtedly the most offensive thing anyone has ever said to me on Voat.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Amen. MGTOW is the most retarded thing men on our side have adopted

ados ago

anyone hating mgtows have obviously never been absolutely wrecked by their own women siding with jewbag lawyers and goy law enforcers. had their savings drained, and been evicted from their home at the point of a gun. mine only lived with me for two weeks before she brought out the feminist artillery, and she was as "conservative" as you could imagine. I was tricked.

some mgtows like myself who do have children with a white woman and have been absolutely steamrolled are investing and working for an early retirement, and plan to have a family in a non extradition country. if she so much as fucks with me, I'm either laying hands on her, which is ironically what most women want, or on the next plane flight to the next horizon. suicide is for pussies. mgtows largely just want to warn young stupid men, of which i was one of them.

satisfyinghump ago

I have no problem if a man genuinely had had enough of women and decides to focus on himself for awhile.

But the issue with these types of "movements" is how radicalized they become, to the point where the guys begin behaving and looking like something no women would want to be with, and they begin enforcing within their "group", this no-girl life style, to the excess where a guy could meet a girl who is perfect for him and he gets reminded and riled up by some mgtow group member and scares her away. Ensuring all of them remain single and going their own way... but together.

Naton369 ago

Can't argue such sound reasoning.

Smust77 ago

I wouldn’t call these bitches men ...

bitbug ago

MGTOW was probably started with good intentions of rejecting modern whores, but it got co-opted by this "All women are hypergamous, you can't trust a single one of them" angle.

It's probably the same with feminism.

Creggieb ago

Feminists want someone else to support them, and sit with the other fathers table at Thanksgiving, while validating their strong womanhood.

mgtow seem to be refusing to participate in that nonsense, choosing to opt of dating completely, rather than filtering available women.

Feminism seems more angry and demanding, whereas mgtow seems more of a "fuck this, I quit"

CowboyXero ago

Me at present:

-Working (One Day Job, One Side Hustle)

-Learning (One to two hours per day through Cybrary, Udemy and Khan Academy, respectively for a possible side hustle to turn into a profiting business later)

-Rebuilding Finances (paying off debt while making small investments as I'm able to in precious metals)

-Exercising (Five to six days per week, two hours per day minimum)

-Happy (Exercise isn't just changing me physically but mentally as well. Depression has been sent packing)

-No Drugs (unless you're counting caffiene and nicotine which the latter, I can do days without)

-No Wife, No Girlfriend, No Children

Went my own way after my second divorce. My quality of life improved. During my second marriage I thought, "How the hell can it get any worse than this?" Then the post-Divorce happened and it did. Blue State. I got through all of that. In my own opinion, my life is pretty sick awesome. More so now than during the last couple years of marriage and much better than the few years post-Divorce.

Right now, for me, everything's ducky. Now, let's go into your post.

Right now, you can see that I am an independent person. Getting stronger physically every day. Let's say that I decide right this second to go find someone to fall in love with, maybe marry but definitely have children with. There's no quality of life there for any of us. Financially, I'm not able to support a marriage and a child even if conditions were ideal which we all know they never are all the time. So what benefit would me having a large family be if I have no means to support it? I've seen some bitch, piss and moan that their children will be paying for my retirement so the opposite of that if I were to do it right now would be their entire family paying for mine. Not something you want, not something I want.

Take into consideration the area I'm in at present. Let's say, conservatively, there's an estimate of about 90% of women that have addictions (face it, that's what they are) to drugs like Xanax, Prozac, Adderall, Ritalin and Concerta. In my day job, I see the amount of women that "need" that shit to get along. One script for that is bad enough but for some it's a combo of the two or three. I've been up against that in my last marriage. You can't "sculpt" that and the doctors? They don't want to work with you at all. You're interrupting their customer base. In fact, they want YOU on that stuff too and they think something is wrong with YOU if you refuse. Of that 90%, they're on these drugs, attending Marxist indoctrination centers and they have a drug-reinforced, mentally-ill belief system that is boosted by media like CNN which is popularly consumed. They #BelieveAllWomen and #MeToo and just go for the official story hook, line and sucker. That's a minefield. Search for the 10% and maybe you succeed...big maybe. Better chance that you're going to hit a mine and anyone can be a minesweeper...once.

Now let's say that I go my own way for the time being. I spend time building my situation, my wealth, my mind and my body into the best they've ever been and I choose to protect that. Then, I'm in a far better situation. Then I can move to an area where the mix isn't such a minefield. Then, maybe I choose a woman who will be a suitable life partner and who will bear my children and then I can teach them to build themselves first and settle for nothing but the absolute best. Never make excuses and take no excuses from anyone. Once I retire with the woman I've chosen, then my children and yours don't have to take care of us, financially. We're not a burden on society, we're not a burden on them and, when I'm gone, I will have something to pass on to all of them to ensure that they're taken care of.

I don't know which of those you would choose and, frankly, I'm not asking. I know which way I've chosen to go and it's been decided and no ridicule, no downvotes, nothing anyone else says will change that and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

The title of your post is completely bullshit. The entire missive you post after clicking on this title shows it. You've made up your mind. You don't want it changed and you won't hear actual evidence to the contrary. What you expect is for the man who's been run through the grinder to pull his pulpy mass back together haphazardly and jump back in, leading to more of the same. If he doesn't he's a disgrace to you. How, realistically, do you think that pans out? Your oversimplification reflects that you want nothing more than to micromanage the lives of others and, I don't know if you've noticed but I'll go ahead and point it out. Many Americans have been putting up with that. We're all fucking tired of it. That's why Trump's in office right now. That's why House Democrats aren't long for office. If we're tired of that type of insufferable know-it-all attitude from politicians, we won't take it from some random person on a website who thinks he has the world on a string and has it all figured out.

Two divorces showed me that, at my young age, I didn't have it figured out. Not by a damn sight. My advice, correct that shit before you end up learning you don't the hard way. Spare yourself that pain.

So if me choosing to rebuild myself and my situation into something far better before even considering female companionship and children is being a disgrace to my race well I have news for you. I've been called worse by better.

That's all I got. Unplug for awhile. Go for hikes. Learn a skill for fun and profit and get out there and own it.

slowcrash101 ago

The thing is, when you as a man, become strong and independent women start becoming attracted to you. It is simple biology, women go along to get along. Men like to fight and conquer, to compete, to figure out things to master nature.

Nothing moistens a women's panties like a man who can get shit done and doesn't take shit from anyone.

Narcissists and sociopaths do very well with women because they have confidence and self assurance or at least project that facade well. That is attractive to women in the short term.

tinfoil_hats ago

maybe for the younger MGTOW's. I have some sympathy for older guys who got screwed over by divorce and the (((courts))), but the younger ones who don't even try and opt to end their genetic line seem pretty similar to the crazy cat lady feminists. except feminists actually managed to change society (for the worse, for the most part), but MGTOW's just "go their own way" and haven't managed to bring about any productive changes (that I've seen so far), so in a way they're even more useless pussies than feminists.

Jivicus ago

It’s meninism.

vonclausewitz ago

Be a strong, independent (person) and don't let the opposite sex and the institution dictate your life choices.

Wait. Hold on. Are you implying that men should let the opposite sex dictate their life choices??

Is that you're advice to young men?? Because I don't think that advice will work to get women attracted to you. All the red-pill TRP types advise that as a man, you should have your own mission. Women will come to you when they see that you're a winner.

That advice does not work for women because men don't give a shit if a woman is a "winner" - we value them for their youth and fertility. That's why it's so dumb when feminism tells women:

Be a strong, independent (person) and don't let the opposite sex and the institution dictate your life choices.

But when TRP (and other manosphere ideologies) tell men:

Be a strong, independent (person) and don't let the opposite sex and the institution dictate your life choices.

That is good advice.

...and yet for some reason, you hold this up as a negative. I think you lost the narrative there.

feminism and MGOTW reduces the number of white families

I disagree. I believe there more than enough marriage-worthy men available for the current population of marriage-worthy women. I think that there are very few marriage-worthy women and I think that every. single. last. one of them is able to successfully find a man, marry, and have a white family.

When you look at populations of women complaining (many examples here: /r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/) what do you see? You see women who squandered their youth and their fertility; women who never bothered to develop domestic skills that would be useful to a family; women who never even tried to have a family - What do you not see? You don't see women around 20 years old saving themselves for marriage and desiring a man with family values. Those women exist, but they get married easily.

You will not increase the number of white families by fighting MGTOW. You are wasting your time. There is already a surplus of men. We don't need more marriage-minded men. If you want to help, you need to convince young women to stop being degenerate.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao congratulations on being the last link in a family that stretches back to the dawn of time. Imagine some of the shit your ancestors had to overcome...and you're giving up because a woman might be mean to you.

Ah, well, maybe it's for the best. Quality women are where they've always been: with quality men. That will never change. What do I care if you take your ball and go home?

vonclausewitz ago

You didn't actually respond to anything I said. I suspect you're unable to.

ALIENS2222 ago

It's all just bullshit so Whites won't breed.

Niceballsnigga ago

Not even the same country, much less ballpark.

19810708321b ago

Think for yourself, educate yourself about consequences, make rational decisions about relationship, and love a single women who wants to be loyal, monogamous, and provide and be mothers to their children without being selfish. Stay away from goldiggers too.

That is MGTOW. It's a temporary educational stage, where as Feminism is enslavement for a lifetime.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

You must be lonely, what with being such a significant dipshit.

capnflummox ago

4.6 year account that doesn't post much suddenly has an opinion...

mudslime ago

same useless garbage as feminists.

consume, complaint and let the sub humans proliferate while the white are going extinct.

toobaditworks ago

If you're new here and MGTOW please visit: https://voat.co/v/TraditionalWives

ados ago

and listen to male incel autists larping as women? lol, I'd rather hang with my mgtow bros who actually have experience with women and a thriving brotherhood. later, transfaggot


Lol, but that will go against their narrative

d1a ago

MGTOW retards sound like such little faggots. Yeah women are fucked, of course they are. They are having anti-men, anti-family, pro-whore, pro-degeneracy propaganda constantly shoved down their throats. Women are degenerates by nature, even the most intelligent women are utterly incapable of ever making good decisions. When they aren't controlled by men they destroy themselves and everything around them. If your allow your woman to take your kids away, take half your shit and ruin your life, literally piss in your face, she never respected you in the first place. My wife knows what very well what would happen if she fucked me over. I know what women are and I deal with them accordingly. You expect them to behave in a certain way not realizing that they basically have no will of their own and are extremely easy to manipulate. You are too weak to be considered men of any worth, you might as well be a fucking social studies lesbian retard with your value system and crybaby excuses. You must mold women into what you want them to be, not expect them to be a finished product and act in a desirable way right as you meet them. Women get their values from men. There are no bad dogs, only bad dog owners. You don't know how to deal with women. You're 40-50 years old have gone through divorce and you still don't understand shit. And you unironically call yourself redpilled while contributing to the destruction of your nations as much as jews, niggers or marxist SJWs. Instead of realizing that there is a problem which only white men can fix and start from there, you whine about the situation being hard instead because you're incapable of dealing with problems. "Whaaaaaa laws favor women and also they are evil conniving whores that will ruin you if given the chance" Woooooowwwww you are such a smart little fella!!! Did you figure that one out on your own??? Now what are you gonna do about it big boy? A bunch of fucking cucks is what you are.

capnflummox ago

This fucking guy. Makes 'safe choices' then has to threaten his 'woman' to comply.

goatboy ago

Found the MGTOW cuck. Before she divorced you, did your wife make you watch her fuck everyone in town except you?

You quasi-morality about “threatening his woman” has no power here. Fuck off back to reddit.

capnflummox ago

Found the MGTOW cuck. Before she divorced you, did your wife make you watch her fuck everyone in town except you?

You quasi-morality about “threatening his woman” has no power here. Fuck off back to reddit.

Everything you said is 'reddit-tier'. Look at it. Funny...

d1a ago

If your woman is not afraid of you, she doesn't respect you. When people in general, and women especially, don't have the threat of punishment for misbehaving, they will misbehave because they have nothing to balance out their natural impulses for pleasure seeking.

This doesn't mean that you wife doesn't love you, on the contrary. This is the way she wants to be treated, and she will be happier and love you more for it. By fucking mens lives up without any fear of consequence, wome. Are showing you how just how weak they think you are and how they never respected you as a dominant presence in the relationship and as a man. If you unironically think that women will do what they are supposed to without men controlling them, you will never have a succesful relationship/marriage and you will never raise children properly. Women want this, you don't give them this, you will be punished. Even though they would.never outright admit something like that (because you are supposed to do.what you know is right, not what she tells you she wants) that is exactly what they want and a stronger man and yearn for such a man to lead them in the right direction.

capnflummox ago

I'll simply repeat what I said before:

This fucking guy. Makes 'safe choices' then has to threaten his 'woman' to comply.

d1a ago

Have fun being cucked by women and dying alone and miserable while I make 10 sons with my beautiful wife that I will instill these values into.

capnflummox ago

I don't think this guy understands the true meaning...

d1a ago

Please enlighten me as to how the situation that men are currently in is oh so unfair. It takes no intellect nor strength to recognize the problems that we are facing. It does however take both intellect and strength to keep fighting and realize that you are the key to resolving the problem that we are facing. You are giving up on survival merely because the odds of reality are not in your favor.

You are choosing the easier way out. You are giving up on your lineage, having a family and children and having both a true meaning to your existence and providing a benefit to society as a whole by being part of the solution to the problem that we are facing. And why are you choosing to have this defeatist attitude? Because the situation is HARD. You are worse than women, you have the potential to be succesful, create something good and resolve this nightmare of a problem that we have, but you choose to hinder yourself because the alternative is HARD. Do you realize how pathetic this actually is? You are going to willfully let yourself, your family, friends, nation and everything you hold dear DIE because it's HARD to survive? Truly pathetic, it really comes as no surprise that no woman has ever respected you. Perhaps you should die out as you have demonstrated that you are unworthy of survival.

capnflummox ago

Now you're projecting and placing words into my mouth and thoughts into my head.

I don't play by those rules. Try again. Or maybe go read this.

d1a ago

Whatever, MGTOW retards hold these opinions, if you're not one of them, great, you still obviously don't know how to deal with women.

capnflummox ago


Wasn't obvious to me. But if you have some evidence... by all means post it.

edgydude69 ago

I mean, thatd make sense if most mgtow weren’t already dad’s.

Obrez ago

I never understood how right wingers could be mad at MRAs I get it "more white babies" I agree we need more whites but marrying yourself to a dumpster fire that will divorce you at the drop of a hat and ruin your children like we see all around us every day all day, is a terrible idea, there aren't enough good women to go around today so we need to scare the next generation of girls into abandoning feminism by refusing to associate with the women who fuel the coal fire that is burning our civilization. You could logically say that will leave us with a lost generation of men and women but I say we use the left's tactics against itself, they want to push degeneracy by lowering the age of consent and we want obedient women whose place is in the home, we should be pushing an age gap so that right-wing men establish themselves and marry the youngest girls they are legally able to, the goal being to mimic the control our ancestors had over their women by not giving them this time destroy their purity and become poison to their people, it's a successful strategy in Islam and other conquest cultures.

Not every mgtow is trying to achieve this but most could be led to this position, yes there are degenerate mgtow, who avoid all Western women like the plague and will settle for Asians who treat them well, the problem anyone on the right should have isn't with mgtow, mgtow is a symptom of a cancer in our society and that cancer is women's liberation.

Instead of flinging turds at the various men's movements you should be nurturing and guiding them because they were the road most of us traveled to get here and can guide many more.

I'll outline how the elements of what was once called the manosphere guided me and how in turn we should be nurturing them towards our shared end goals.

In high school I did one of the very first no fap challenges on 4chan, in small part to see if I could do it but in part because I wanted the rumored/speculated testosterone boost and primarily the top shelf orgasm at the other end, this challenge was promoted on image boards along side many guides for the extremely lustful interests of young men to master or at least learn the arts of seduction so I dedicated much time to studying and practicing pick up artistry, from a fatherless home myself I had no guidance about women most boys growing up today won't have a man to guide them in their relationships, they need guidance and PUAs mostly care about pussy, not society. From here I found a community birthed by the intersection of the mass of men abstaining masterbation finding newfound motivation to pursue carnal pursuits with desperate efficiency and discovering the state of women it has evolved into a social theory that continually proves itself and bases itself on mass collection of field data and self improvement, The Red Pill, "TRP" has brother movements that b came the "manosphere" around a decade ago: NoFap a half formed brother which was coopted by controlled opposition and killed from within in just a few years. MGTOW, these were men saying that they weren't interested in pursuing the common women of our time, not some vow to remain celibate or avoid marriage or shun all women but to set their own standards and keep them, some men in this group have impossible standards or just hide behind the label as a coping mechanism but most are just disregaurding females on some general terms, if a good woman made an effort to make a catch out of one she would be able to 9 out of 10 times. MRAs, men's rights advocates, these guys are doing a good thing and fighting the culture war against feminism, politically I'm not necessarily a fan of their notion of fixing the problem at hand, I see them as combat medics providing emergency care to a system that has been shit in the aorta and needs serious intervention they cannot provide but they have good optics and raise the big problems to people blinded by kikes. A huge spattering of cucks and kikes subverting these movements internally, whom we could identify and show the [wooden] door if more of us chose to interact with and guide these movements. The last is the newborns of the manosphere it's sort of the aborted child if the time when that buzzword was gaining steam, the Incel community. "Incels" [involuntary celibates] are complicated many are frustrated aging virgins but it genuinely appears that many are just men who have come to learn the true nature of women and hate them, and so I would say that the Incel community are maybe half virgins, maybe a bit more, only half of whom are really involuntary celibates the other half just won't fuck fatties, uggly chicks, negresses etc, they are picky, they want good women but they can read the matrix and so don't try until they find a great girl then have no chance because they have no experience with a remotely successful relationship. The other side of the Incel community are mgtow and trp guys who just hate the modern woman and enjoy the Incel community memes and banter.

The right should be guiding the no fap community as it once did before sectarian division between Protestants and Catholics were wedged open by kikes and sjws who wanted to kill it. TRP and PUA can't be lead by us but we should be making a pro social argument for behavior in these places and teaching the tricks to our men and boys, they have great advice even for men looking to marry virgins as a virgin, they are a good portal by which to mentor young men looking for masculine guidance. MGTOW men are at the very least busy worker bees looking to improve their lives and ripe for the redpill on Jews and many other things, we should be able to get along and ideologically pollinate them. We should be participating if only to drive kikes out, these communities already lean right across the board rejecting them would be foolish when we need allies and allowing kikes to flourish and defeat whom they perceive as a threat where we could easily fight them back would be a massive failure on our part. The Incel crown aren't great optics but they make good memes and are extraordinarily politically incorrect these aren't men we should discard these are the men we should be fighting for, to help them lift themselves up and pursue a future with more white children.

Lastly I say these groups and what I have described here are the folks who pursued gamergate caused the creation of 8chan, the kickoff for the right wing swing and ultimately the memetic warfare that powered Trump's 2016 election in fact all of the top mods on r/the_donald in the beginning were TRP mods and shit posters and they had it stolen from them because kikes fear an empowered white man who dominates his relationships with womenand can avoid/identify poison women.

TL;DR Make the manosphere far right again.

BordelonLoop ago

"we should be pushing an age gap so that right-wing men establish themselves and marry the youngest girls they are legally able to, the goal being to mimic the control our ancestors had over their women by not giving them this time destroy their purity and become poison to their people, it's a successful strategy in Islam and other conquest cultures."

PaulNeriAustralia ago

MGTOW's are men who have thrown off enslavement!

goatboy ago

...by removing themselves from the gene pool.

Nah dude. If they were really fighting the slavers, then they’d consolidate into a unified political system, fund a superpac, Found an exclusive men’s-only organization. form a irl community that only allows like minded men in and subsidized other MGTOW to join them, etc.

Instead, they squander their time and power in vain pleasure seeking.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Agree - the key to change is political power and that involves organisation and money and most of us, including me, prefer to sit at the computer ranting and raving.

BoomerHater1488er ago

In another 25 years, I can't wait to see the enormous spike in suicide when all these incels realize it's now too late for them to have a family and that it would have been better to have a crappy family than no family lmfao.

Ah, well. I wound up with two daughters and no sons. Every MGTOW is one less shit tier family I have to worry about one of my daughters marrying into...

Neon_daemon ago

mgtow was a half baked idea to combat pc culture before people could make sense of the nonsense and put words to things. dont attack them bring them under the wing. the quicker we vanquish our enemies the fasterwe shed all these bullshit things we do to combat pc culture

goatboy ago

We’re very selective and only want the toughest, smartest, bravest, most adaptable, and Bad ass of society. Voat has a proven system for separating the chaff.

By all means, attack them. If they really believe what they claim and are more than perpetual worthless victims, then they will defend themselves and their ideas against every serious, silly, trolling, absurd argument , or shitpost goats throw at them- and come out stronger because of the argument.

WhatAgain ago

This may be an unpopular comment but here goes.....

The people in my life who have done the most damage to me personally have been the women I have let into my life. 100% of the worst times of my life have involved women. Relationships, sharing a house/apartment. Splitting up.

When was the last time you lost contact with a guy friend because you did not get along?

Same question for women.

Then next after that who cause the most shit in my life? Would be white (always male) bosses.

I have had not personal problems with blacks. I had a couple of run ins with pakis. I have never had a problem with gays. I has a couple of muslim friends, no problem there.

But white women? They have robbed me, lied to me, wasted my time, money, effort and energy. They have tried to stab me. They have tried to gaslight me on multiple occasions.

The last woman I lived with threatened to kill her self if I left her. It took a long time to get her out of my life.

And now OP is telling me that I cannot/should not avoid the race/gender that has fucked me over the most? LOL!

I have been single for around three years now.

I have just had the best couple of years of my adult life. I go where I want when I want. I have never had more money and freedom than I have now. I am having a fucking blast! Yes I still date. but the utter fucking creeps that I meet are fucked in the head and have been corrupted by modern feminism.

If a female uses the word "patriarchy" around me, I am out the door. Fast!

So MGTOW is feminism for men? Or freedom from a total bullshit life?

I would guess OP is married to some bitch he don't like, so he is taking out on the fuckers that escaped that squalid type of life tied to some bitch that just sees you as a way of paying the bills.

When I meet some new woman, I ask me self one question and one question only. What is she bringing to the table?

And 99.9% of the time there is only one answer. Vagina.

Most women have little or no actual personality besides the fact that they have a vagina!

An honest question. When was the last time a woman made you laugh?

When as the last time you had an actual honest to god, good time with a woman? Went for a beer? Hung out? Shot the shit without her getting "upset"?

How many women are single that have their own life? Are not mad feminists? Own their own home and do not have a couple of kids with some guy who is stuck with the bills.


Call is hat you want but if it means me being free from shitty people in my life, I will take MGTOW over being stuck with a modern woman in my life.

Good job, you fucking played yourself and you are a disgrace to your race.

OK OP. You go ahead and enjoy your life like you seem to be doing.

midnightblue1335 ago

The people in my life who have done the most damage to me personally have been the women I have let into my life.

How do people do "damage" to other people? It requires the damaged person to lower their guard and allow the other person to have control over your feelings.

Sounds to me like you have a problem with making yourself really vulnerable to the women in your life.

You also may be exaggerating; emotionally, it always is going to hurt more when a woman you love/want to fuck walks away from you more than if your buddy walks away. You can't stick your dick inside of your buddy and perform a miracle by making a new life with him. Women do that. Your brain and your body know this, even if you don't consciously realize it- so when rebuffed by a female, it's always going to hurt.... and it will validate any existing insecurities you have about yourself.

BoomerHater1488er ago

When was the last time you lost contact with a guy friend because you did not get along?

I have never, ever had a girl friend. Why have you? Hoping to wait for her to notice how wonderful you are and fall in love lol?

Then next after that who cause the most shit in my life? Would be white (always male) bosses.

Lmfao I'm two lines into your stupid post and I've already got you pegged as a faggot who can't understand why women aren't throwing themselves at you and why your boss hasn't made you Employee of the Eon and tripled your salary.

I have had not personal problems with blacks. I had a couple of run ins with pakis. I have never had a problem with gays. I has a couple of muslim friends, no problem there.

Now I'm confident that you're some breed of shitskin.

But white women? They have robbed me, lied to me, wasted my time, money, effort and energy. They have tried to stab me. They have tried to gaslight me on multiple occasions.

By calling them "white women" and not just women, you've confirmed you're a shitskin. Here's the problem. The only "white women" that are available to shitskins are the absolutely most broken and damaged, bottom-of-the-barrel people we have. If you're thinking a "white woman" is your ticket to a happy life, just be aware that those types of women would never, ever even consider dating a shitskin no matter how leftist and equality oriented they are.

The last woman I lived with threatened to kill her self if I left her. It took a long time to get her out of my life.

Really, it's your own fault for getting involved in that kind of thing. What, are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you not have a savings account to help you out in case you have to uproot your life and move? Why should you care if an ex kills herself?

So MGTOW is feminism for men?

Yes. If you're religious, I can't think of a religion that doesn't tell you to go out and have a family, and if you're not religious then surely you're aware that the only purpose of life is to create more life and to give that offspring every advantage you can for their task of creating more life. No matter how you look at it, the purpose of life is to have a family and kids. And you're taking your balls and going home because sniffle it's too hard.

When I meet some new woman, I ask me self one question and one question only. What is she bringing to the table?

I think it's fair to say that, as a low quality man, you're only meeting low quality women. That doesn't mean they don't exist, it just means they're out of your league.

Most women have little or no actual personality besides the fact that they have a vagina!

You're deluded. It sounds more like you have no thoughts other than muh dik.

An honest question. When was the last time a woman made you laugh?

Every day.

When as the last time you had an actual honest to god, good time with a woman? Went for a beer? Hung out? Shot the shit without her getting "upset"?

Just about every day.

I will take MGTOW over being stuck with a modern woman in my life.

You are going to wake up one day when it's too late and you're going to regret this path you're on so hard you just might kill yourself over it.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

why should you care if an ex kills herself?

Because he must admit that these women bring more to the table than just pussy. He knows he's lying to himself and in his long winded comment, he wasn't trying to convince everyone else that he's correct, but rather convince himself

El_Syd ago

I regret that I have but one upvoat to give.

Levantine_Leveler ago

You let women fuck you over.

BordelonLoop ago

take some damn responsibility. the person who has done the most damage to you personally is you. no one else. your choices. you. not a woman. or that cop that gave you a speeding ticket. or the mailman for bringing you your bills. you.

capnflummox ago

have been the women I have let into my life

He took the responsibility already, moron.

BordelonLoop ago

and yet still blames them.

capnflummox ago

Yes, he missed the point.

BoomerHater1488er ago

It's his solution that is retarded. It's like saying, "Man, I sure do have the bad habit of picking my nose....I know, I'll just cut off my nose-picking fingers. That'll solve my problem."

capnflummox ago

No, he's recognizing that it is his choices [in women].

What he's failing to recognize is that he is 100% responsible for letting those people in. And then he's placing all blame on women, just like feminism demonizes all men.

He's halfway there.

BoomerHater1488er ago

...That was my analogy. That he's blaming his fingers for picking his nose and so he cuts them off.

d1a ago

They are just worthless men, literally worse than women. Consciously hindering their potential and giving up just because it's easier and they are incapable and unwilling to endure suffering in order to self improve. And these cucks consider themselves "redpilled", hilarious. "Women are not behaving the way I want them to so I will just give up on taking societal responsibility and creating any sort of meaningful existence for myself and will become a degenerate with values synonymous to the marxist degeneracy that is enveloping our nations. GET REKT LIBTARDS, I FIGURED OUT WOMEN ARE WHORES, I'M A STRONG AND INDEPENDENT MAN WHO DON'T NEED NO WOMAN, I AM LE REDPILLED"

capnflummox ago

I get what you are saying.

Some people are going to take the MGTOW this way. They most likely overindulge in their other vices, too.

Everything in moderation. What I gather from the MGTOW, and why I defend it somewhat, is that one should recognize that there are horrible women (or men; people) out there. And that the MGTOW 'movement' is to help people recognize the toxic situtations they are in. It is supposed to be a catalyst for men to wake up and take stock of their life. Remove the poison and then self-fix their issues before looking for another women. "Make better choices".

To the people who are using MGTOW to demonize all women are no better than feminists who demonize all men.

Don't let the outliers blur the vision on the MGTOW thing. There are really good messages in there if you take them with the right grains of salt and have some of your own inner wisdom.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Everything in moderation

One of the original Jewish lies used to destroy the West.

Also, finding a quality mate is just life, not MGTOW. Notice how they call it Men Going Their Own Way, not Men Taking A Short Break From Dating In Order To Focus On Self Improvement So As To Attract A Better Mate In The Future.

capnflummox ago

Wow are you way off.

Also, it's about what I said it was about. If you want to take it to the extreme, because you clearly have no willpower, then that's on you.

I don't need to play life by your rules.

This moron...

d1a ago

They are just worthless men, literally worse than women. Consciously hindering their potential and giving up just because it's easier and they are incapable and unwilling to endure suffering in order to self improve. And these cucks consider themselves "redpilled", hilarious. "Women are not behaving the way I want them to so I will just give up on taking societal responsibility and creating any sort of meaningful existence for myself and will become a degenerate with values synonymous to the marxist degeneracy that is enveloping our nations. GET REKT LIBTARDS, I FIGURED OUT WOMEN ARE WHORES, I'M A STRONG AND INDEPENDENT MAN WHO DON'T NEED NO WOMAN, I AM LE REDPILLED"

varialus ago

It's supposed to be like Feminism 1.0 but is portrayed by its opponents to be like Feminism 2.0.

DOVahKiiN7 ago

Many are going to oppose what you said because it's hard for them to stop thinking with their genitals.

There is one called Traditional Husbands if they truly want to start a good civilization.

Gargilius ago

Not quite ; MGTOW men just want to do their own thing, control their own lives, and don’t try to impose their ideas on others, certainly not women; feminists however are all about controlling other people’s lives. That’s a bit of a difference.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

exactly. Feminists and females generally want to keep men as a slave.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Feminism is unbridled frothing hatred for everything male simply for existing.

MGTOW is looking at the quality of women today, the possible outcomes from entering into a relationship, the chances of actually keeping your kids, and saying "fuck that noise".

It's the difference between "I hate all buffets no matter what!" and "Well the buffets used to be good, but now they're all staffed by Kung Flu chinks that raise dogs".

fishmantis ago

Or "I make sure I only go to good buffets because most of them are pretty shitty. And I don't eat too much or spend much money there until I'm pretty confident it's worth the trouble."

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao quality women are where they've always been: with quality men. Do you think just because you have a penis that you're entitled to a loving, nurturing wife and four kids who adore you? It's a competitive word, and the solution is to make yourself more competitive, not to fucking give up and go home lol

Stingsbutplug ago

With quality men. Laughs in divorce rate.

Stingsbutplug ago

Or kill your competition and take their shit. Wild Bill Style.

midnightblue1335 ago

Holy shit!

quality women are where they've always been: with quality men.

Absolutely SCATHING!!

It's a competitive word, and the solution is to make yourself more competitive, not to fucking give up and go home lol'

Also ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. These fucking idiots go on and on about "Where are all the good women?" I met a woman in her early 20s, virgin, home schooled, kind of introverted but beautiful and well matched with me. And I've been with her for years now.

And I'm not anything especially exceptional. I do have that "over 6 feet tall" gift, and I suppose I'm handsome. But I'm not rich, I'm not famous, I don't have a million friends, I don't use social media, I don't work for a mega-corporation... I'm just a man, probably slightly above average. And I found an absolutely wonderful woman.

You know what one of the major differences between men like myself and you, Mr. BoomerHater, and MGTOW tards are? The women we involved ourselves with wouldn't dare screw us over the way they screw over future MGTOW faggots, because they don't want to lose what we have to offer. MGTOW faggots never had much to offer, offered too much without demanding reciprocation, or they devolved into cucked morons. That's why their women ran off on them.

And no, I'm not suggesting that "beating the fuck out of your woman will make her stay".

MDEneverdies1488 ago

There is never a way to convince these faggots. They will perpetually ignore the truth and scream about how there are no quality women

invisiblephrend ago

mgtow is about ignoring the attention whoring sluts that try to play the system and financially and mentally ruin men's lives while discussing with other men on how modern day women are complete fucking cumdumpster trash.

op is a retarded boomer who thinks his worthless hippie generation that sucked jew cocks to, "totally make things better maaan!" for his children would somehow work out in the long run. change my mind.

Eualos ago

Faggot nigger

ChristoDeFetus ago

So it’s a “don’t stick your dick in crazy” support group?

Stingsbutplug ago

It’s a don’t be a fucking breeder rube instruction manual.

AmericanJew2 ago

That is the extreme abridged version, but mostly yes.

Since most American women have become beyond crazy, men need a support group now to deal with it.

The most important part imo about it is the push back MRA do against the unjust laws and slavery/child support welfare system that robs men of their children and steals their money to give money to freeloading whores and their bastard offspring.

fishmantis ago

A support group for men who make bad choices and have given up on their bloodline. Yeah the courts are biased, the laws are fucked. Guess the answer is to just give up and disrespect all the struggles and sacrifices of your ancestors.

bb22 ago

Question. If someone marries a total nut job psycho bitch just to have kids, is that a blessing to the bloodline?

fishmantis ago

No. That's why I mentioned men making bad choices. Having kids with the first girl who seems half okay is a mistake. You have to have standards.

Vc83 ago

christ you must be new here lol

TheBookWasBetter ago

Nah, he looks like an old goat. He might even call you a niggerfaggot if you ask nicely. We never really discussed the finer points of single living in ones prime years. This is generally a support-your-family crowd.

Vc83 ago

The finer points? your prime years are prime years because they are the best child rearing years. DNA health and fertility is highest in early adulthood.

Drinking, partying, traveling and fucking around during the most fertile times in your life is destroying the traditional family, and it is being pushed in the western world. Where other countries, people are starting families 18-25 years old and having multiple kids.

While western men and women are doing dead end office work, drinking on weekends and going traveling a few weeks every year. Using dating apps and sleeping around, watching porn.

Our previous generations were having kids at 20 and a family of 4 by 30, now couples are racking up their partner count before 30, then meeting someone to settle down, then struggling with fertility at 35 because surprise surprise, they waited too long.

Not to mention marital satisfaction actually decreases the more partners they've had in the past. It also increases the divorce rate.

Creggieb ago

If that's all the single life was to someone, than they wasted it. Enjoy living in a masculine supporting environment while one can. That means the whole house, not a portion if it. That changes fast once others live in the same space, and compromise makes it so that your home isnt just yours anymore.

The home that I work to pay for currently reflects my needs and interests. Nobody elses. It isnt infested with nonsense like decorative pillows, or throw rugs or any of that other crap. My free time is actually free There can be silence whenever I want it, and noise whenever I want, nor am I answerable to anyone. Those are the benefits of single life.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

well said.

facepaint ago

I was thinking recently that feminism is MGTOW for women. Same difference.

johnmclean ago

What's wrong with that?

Hopefully they will take over society like women have.

I'd rather live in a world run by men.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Despite what you may have heard, the world is already run by women. That is why male children are so fucked up these days.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

and most people, women included, would prefer to work for/with men. The female is under-evolved.

tokui ago

Most have already bred, idiot. Don't mix up incels with veterans.

Stingsbutplug ago

There’s no such thing as an “Incel” when you can pay a woman for sex. Change my mind.

tokui ago

You're misguided. You think Elliot tunneled those whores because he couldn't buy a hooker?!

9NaughtZ ago

How do you know? Maybe not. Some might have gotten laid but not had kids. Men can't really detach well if they have a family. Most family men are kinda just floating along anyway.

CeasarSalud ago

I don't know, both are fragile a fuck.

New-World-Ebola ago

just look at the main fags on jewtube pushing it.... it's like a closeted recruitment drive for kike nigger cuck faggots

Professorballs ago

Well, it's retarded, so in that way, yes.

Crensch ago


The guy invited you to argue.

He even made solid arguments for you to work with.

All you've done is engage in false equivalence, shaming, and argument from non-agreed-upon axioms.

I'm interested to see how you fare against him.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

If he'd actually respond to anyone, we would know

BoomerHater1488er ago

Maybe he'll ban him like a kike for "infringing on their first amendment right to peaceful assembly" or whatever you Boomer faggots banned me for from your sub. People there need to know that Christcuckery is Judaism for Gullible Goyim and that multiracial societies are white genocide. Grow a pair of fucking testicles and unban me you absolute faggots.

Crensch ago

Mmmmm salty

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yes, I am salty when kikes act like kikes contrary to the spirit of Voat. But apparently @Puttitout is fucking dead or something.

Crensch ago

What you call the spirit of vote was put in place by a bunch of Reddit cabal mods that wanted this place to be an insignificant shithole quarantine for the people they didn't want to speak over there.

Congratulations, you're the one being led around by the nose if you yourself are not a kike

BoomerHater1488er ago

No, Reddit banned these ideas from their website. When they found out there were alternative platforms, their sperg mods came over censored those ideas here, too. Voat's entire existence has been a struggle against that.

@PuttitOut has replaced mods who shat all over the spirit of Voat before but, like I said, he's MIA.

Crensch ago

It's literally exactly what I said it was. Reddit cabal mods didn't want this place being a safehaven for other ideas, so they set up a globalist cabal (PV) and refugee niggers (SBBH) to destroy any mod and every community on this site that didn't follow their rules.

22363702? ago

Kinda like you do? Maybe he'll be your friend?

JunOS ago

His arguments counter themselves in numerous instances. 'what re your arguments?' then 'im not the problem, MGTOW isn't the problem'... Then what are you wanting to argue. He's making MGTOW some epherial topic then. Lol

You want to go your own way and ruin your lineage, that's your choice ... And fault.

Rotteuxx ago

Why no reply to this @Crensch?

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

You're only looking 1 step ahead. Finding some chick to have kids with isn't hard at all. It's what happens after that that's the problem.

Have kids for what? So they can be ripped from you? Taken to public indoctrination camps? Grow up in a single mother home while you're portrayed as the bad guy?

The problem lies with society and the people who are allowed to make decisions with it. Take away no fault divorce, take away social media, remove women voters, take away welfare and child support, and you'll see community come back. You'll see the relationships you're autistically reeeing for.

There are so many different angles that you're either too stupid to see or are refusing to see. It's going to take a monumental shift in how our faggot society operates before you see mgtow guys going away

JunOS ago

Have kids for what? So they can be ripped from you? Taken to public indoctrination camps? Grow up in a single mother home while you're portrayed as the bad guy?

The whole point of having kids is taking all of that into consideration. If the woman you're with and the kids you could have aren't fitting to that, that isn't called MGTOW, it's called finding a good partner.

I say stop using society as a crutch. You are responsible for who you procreate with.