Horrux ago

I finally found one. At age 40. We tried for the babies but it was seemingly too late. Sigh.

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I canr my arguement in favor of MGTOW.

skullfuku ago

An analogous idea is that buying lottery tickets isn't worth it. I'm not denying that lottery winners exist. I'm just saying it's unlikely my ticket will win. I'm saying that I probably shouldn't organize my life around imagining a future where I win the lottery.


Rich_Pensioner ago

"Good" MGTOWers are men that have voluntarily withdrawn from the pursuit of romantic relationships so to align there life with inward virtues. Many critiques can be raised about the current state of the sexual marketplace in technically advanced--liberal countries. What is most demoralizing is, there is no way for new cultural customs to develop. This wisdom-less situation is a good example of "cultures do not change, people just grow old and die." "Bad" MGTOWers are men that were pillaged in divorce and now advocate to young men to be more than weary to stagnant social convention, instead of being adaptive.

Men and women are often seen as incompatible in their social dynamics, interests and perception of the world. Men and women are complimentary. Its the differences in mating strategies in one population of men and women and another population of men and women, which causes conflict in this technically developed and socially liberated, scaled world. Short-life-history people do not like children and long-life-history people do like children. Short-life-history people primarily procreate haphazardly, whereas long-life-history people primarily marry haphazardly. That is not to say either lacks foresight, just one prefers to life fast--die young and the other has a different understanding of risk. Marriage is not overwhelming compatible with people that fuck like rabbits and also is not necessary to raising children.

Although informal marriage was once the joining of two families, it is now a formal state enforced contract of two individuals. (1) The pair-bonding of a man and woman is beneficial for the two involved in the medium and long term as well as externalizes during and after their lives. Contemporary society promotes promiscuity, weakening pair-bonding. This is unfavorable to short-life-history people as they may benefit from multiple pair-bondings over the course of their life rather then nil bonds. I.e. a short-life-history pair may part ways after the children grow up. (2) Pair-bonding is worth the risk, when accounting for the risk of inaction. Namely, not having a family or too few close relationships. In general, all contractual agreements should be negotiated in the frame of "in case of disagreement...".

I do not agree that there are more marriageable men than marriageable women. Men value low promiscuity, which is common place in society and women value status/provision, which is absent, bar extremes, in a globalized & developed society. There is little incentive to overlook the lack of value for the future dividends. However future dividends can outweigh immediate value. So medium to long term relationship building over marriage is advised. Generally speaking, dumb people are going to fumble when negotiating relationships and smart people are going to price themselves out. Obviously some concessions need to be made when the average person pairs up. The white-pill is that contraception is approaching idiot proof and people that do not like children are not having children. So in the future a better social understanding will eventually develop between sexual relationships and the scaled world.

Bonus: Advice to young people, you'll definitely be old one day. How will you stay relevant after you retire?

tl;dr: I think I've argued that having children out of wedlock is a good idea and developing a relationship with a woman for future emotional support for foreseeable life events is a good idea. The keystone is probably, don't be born dumb or born short-life-history minded.

Fracture6 ago

At some point in time I changed from Blue Pill/Egalitarian to going my own way, due to being presented with coherent arguments against Marriage. It is the rational motion when new information becomes available.

The same could happen with MGTOW: Self-actualization means focusing on myself first and foremost and at its ultimate conclusion even going against MGTOW - if rational arguments disprove it. And we have in fact some issues:


We harp on about how terrible marriages are by citing the 46% divorce statistics and correctly noting that some marriages are unhappy (for example due to "cheaper to keep her" preventing the divorce).

That is all true but MGTOW tend to omit the bright sides, that marriage is a great enhancement if it works out with your wife. That there is some financial gain & tax breaks. And that within the 46% divorce statistics are padding serial divorcees or people with other mistakes that you can avoid and make marriage better. Lastly, some divorces are amicable. Not all end up in court with the woman taking your cash.

This goes for news articles and social media as well. We see some crazy court ruling in Australia here, an unfair #MeToo Lawsuit in California there. Or the occasional rabid feminist blog posts. But the world has billions of people, so it is easy to find tons of whatever you are looking for. It is not proof that those cases are representative of how events usually transpire.

The other part I contest is Reductionism.


Ants simply process a simple chemical reaction, all they do is smell Pheromones and follow where they lead. If Pheromones are sprayed in a circle, Ants will crawl around until their death. But at the same time, this devotion enabled Ants to be the most widespread Species of Insects with 10 Quadrillion Inhabitants.


MGTOWs argue against the worth of wives by distilling their deeds into parts, and how supposedly low value they are.

Cooking, cleaning -> "Cheap labor, easier to do yourself or hiring a cleaning lady".

Childcare -> "Nanny + Surrogate is much cheaper, and does not sue you for Alimony".

Sex -> "Just jerk off to Pr0n, just get a Hooker. She is not worth it, attraction is an illusion of chemicals in your Brain!"

I entertain the possibility of it being wrong, that entangling with women is more than the sum of their parts just like ants as a whole are more successful than their weak mandibles and simple pheromone system.

Is the above convinging to stop going my own way? Of course not! Evidence against marriage dwarfs those points. But I believe it is healthy to consider opposing viewpoints every once in a while instead of circle-jerking reaffirming stances 100% of the time.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Anarchy99 ago

I haven't seen mgtow offer any real help to men. The worst thing a man can do is listen to another Jew give relationship advice. The fact is me the fact is men or operating from a subordinate position in life. Meaning you don't own property. If you don't own property you cannot have jurisdiction over your relationships. You can't show the woman the door when she doesn't behave. Women like strong men not weak sniveling mgtow motherfukers. The Jew has robbed your parents and you from owning property. If you are living under a woman's roof and she's paying the rent, you are fucked. If you are living in an apartment and you are sharing rent, you are fucked. If you are working some shit fucking job you hate that pays dirt fucking wages, to pay the rent you are fucked. Do your boy babies of favor and don't get them circumcised. That way you will have happy grandchildren.

Circumcision is a Jewish hex against gentiles. Unfortunately America Is In Too Deep.

Anarchy99 ago

The problem is most men are circumcised. Because they are circumcised they cannot properly satisfy the woman in the bedroom. By circumcising a baby it causes brain damage. It causes trauma. It breaks attachment between the mother and the father, because the father didn't protect the baby and the mother. The baby will always have a deep psychological imprint of mistrust. Circumcision breaks attachment between the man and the woman because the foreskin secretes bonding pheromones. The foreskin makes sex pleasurable for the woman. Most women do not like sex with a circumcised man. They find it uncomfortable. The guy has to pound harder to get off. Which means her pubic bone is usually bruised. That's not what gets the woman off. It's not the size which can be uncomfortable for a woman, it's the way the foreskin rides on the clitoral notch. That's what gets a woman off. Not the size of the cock but the foreskin. So yes it is a Jewish Problem. If men cannot seal the deal in the bedroom, their relationship will probably break up. Jews did this to gentiles. So yes it's a Jewish Problem. There are other social problems that come along with circumcision such as you are now a lesser of a man. So symbolically you will always take the back seat to a woman. This is why women are exerting control and influence over men because they don't get the foreskin. I know this sounds wacky to most guys but this is the truth. This idiot above left the comment. Don't listen to him. He's probably a fucking Jew.

Horrux ago

This is true. I have been circumcised as an adult (for medical reasons) and my testimony is that it constitutes a TERRIBLE MUTILATION. Also, 100% true about bonding. And it's not just bonding of the woman to the man, but vice-versa as well. Without a foreskin, ejaculation becomes the GOAL of sexual intercourse. With a foreskin, ejaculation is an EFFECT of sexual intercourse but does not have a status as a goal because it is so easy to achieve. The intercourse is thus able to focus on the bonding.

In more crude words: without a foreskin, sexually the woman's body becomes simply a means of achieving orgasm. With one, the experience is wholly different from a mindless, careless race to cum. I forget the details, it's been decades... :-(

MDEneverdies1488 ago

I'll play

To start with, you need to understand that "it's what jews want!!" isn't an argument. It's a claim.

It is the truth. I will not provide evidence as to it's validity as evidence is easily found in the study of Jewish subversion through history. The attacking of family units is always their first step.

Is my claim any less valid than yours?

Seeing as you just pulled it out of your ass, yes

An analogous idea is that buying lottery tickets isn't worth it. I'm not denying that lottery winners exist. I'm just saying it's unlikely my ticket will win. I'm saying that I probably shouldn't organize my life around imagining a future where I win the lottery.

This is not analogous in the slightest. You don't go through a vetting process with your tickets, spend years getting to know and understand the tickets and court them into marriage. You do not enter a marriage on a risk/reward basis, you enter because you know you have a winner. Viewing it as a lottery and that one might win is a coping mechanism for your poor vetting skills.

But okay, if you want to argue against MGTOW, then you need to come up with an argument that (1) dating and marriage will benefit me

You immortalize your genes by having offspring through procreation and participate in k-selection by having a good woman rear your children into ideal, well adapted examples of our species.

(2) that those benefits outweigh the risks. If you don't address the risks (or you dismiss them by saying, "lol just marry a good woman") then you're not making a good argument.

Sure, you always run the risk of one of you dying or becoming unable to care for your offspring, that's a natural phenomenon that's exacerbated by industrial society. As I've already addressed in your lottery analogy, you do not have offspring with a woman in a risk/reward manner. Ultimately, if you've reached this phase of marriage and suddenly lose the respect or control of your woman, it is due to your shortcomings as a man. The risk/reward is directly correlated to your ability to vet potential wives during dating and your ability to be an ideal man.

there is no shortage of marriage-worthy, marriage-minded men. There's a shortage of good women, but there's no shortage of good men.

Perhaps if you have never found a good woman or was never able to keep her, you aren't the best person to judge what a good, marriage-worthy man is. Anyhow, this part makes me chuckle a bit. Mgtows always talk about how women are malleable and usually see them as less for it. When in fact, if your claim of there being a shortage was true (it's not, you are valuing your personal experiences as evidence here), then a good, marriage-worthy man should be able to hone a woman into the ideal - essentially increasing the number of good woman to his needs.

If you could snap your fingers Thanos-style and turn every single MGTOW man into a card-carrying, jew-hating white nationalist, and you could set every single one of those men on a mission to find a marriage-worthy white woman and have 20 white babies with her, do you know what would happen? The number of white families would increase by precisely 0.

Your shortcomings are your own, no need to project your failures unto this fantasy. Did you even think this through at all? It is not logically sound in the slightest.

So if you really hate jews and want to save the white race, and your cunning plan for doing that is convincing MGTOW men to marry, you are an absolute fucking idiot. There are currently too few marriage-worthy women for the existing men. You're a fucking idiot if you're wasting your time trying to add more men to that mix.

Your defeatism betrays your façade of being a worthy man.

If you actually want to help the white race - if you're serious about that - then you need to go talk to women. Make /v/traditionalwives more popular. Spread that message.

Do it up fam, no one is stopping you. But spreading those messages outside of Voat would be much more productive.

If you actually want to help the white race, you're wasting your time talking to me. I'm not the problem. MGTOW isn't the problem. If MGTOW goes away, that wont fix the problem.

Mgtow is a problem because it suckers in young men that haven't even come to understand their shortcomings into believing the issue is not with them, but with the lack of women as you keep repeating. They then turn to woman bashing, never once considering how a woman actually completes a man. They see themselves above woman, simply by virtue of having a swinging dick. It robs these young men of the drive to improve themselves and rise up the sociosexual hierarchy.

If you do these things, you will get women. If you waste your life with video games and pot, you'll achieve less.

What the fuck. You just invalidated your entire argument here.

RealBiggly ago

You immortalize your genes by having offspring through procreation and participate in k-selection by having a good woman rear your children into ideal, well adapted examples of our species."

He said things that benefit him?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Are you fucking retarded?

RealBiggly ago

No, why do you ask? Because you couldn't understand my question.

I'll type it slowly for you...

Having some woman, who will probably divorce you and leave you near homeless and penniliess, raising your kids, will "immortalize your genes"?

So my genes can go forth and create more of this shit? I'd rather they didn't really. At best, they could produce decent young people, but that just means decent young people living in THIS shit. Not so sure I should inflict that upon the poor fuckers?

Now if the UK or West in general were something good and decent, worth fighting for and to be proud of, I'd fight.

But it's not.

Take a look at it? And as a straight white male, "my" society fucking HATES me. So fuck em.

Let it burn.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

You could have just said yes, fucking retard

RealBiggly ago

And you hate me too, but you want me to help you extend this "legacy" shit?


Let. It. BURN.

MDEneverdies1488 ago


HbMcNutt ago

Sounds good. These beta cucks want to suicide their legacies; let em. They cant figure out how to meet decent pwople because they themselves arent decent people. Let em kill themselves slowly if they so chose. No one will care for them as they grow old

vonclausewitz ago

"it's what jews want!!" isn't an argument. It's a claim.

It is the truth.

Irrelevant. If your only guiding principle is, "if jews say to go north then I will go south" you are setting yourself up to be manipulated by them. They will just use reverse psychology on you. They'll get what they want by telling you they want the opposite.

You need to have your own set of values apart from the existence of jews. I do! I make my own decisions, and if you want to convince me of something, you need to address my values and my reasons.

Is my claim any less valid than yours?

Seeing as you just pulled it out of your ass, yes

The claim was, "jews want you to shield women from the consequences of their immorality"

I didn't pull that out of my ass. It's true. Why are you denying it??

Do you have a single shred of evidence that jews want white men to hold white women accountable for their degeneracy??

vonclausewitz ago

I want to start with just this one:

You just invalidated your entire argument here.

Explain to me how that invalidates the argument?

The argument is, "this is not worth the trouble" - imagine I was talking about being a politician. I give advice like, "you need to volunteer with a campaign, you need to run for a local office, and you need to kiss a lot of people's asses" That's useful advice. But then I follow up with, "all that work really isn't worth it though, in my opinion - politics is a dirty business and you wont find it fulfilling."

Explain to me how one of those statement invalidates the other? (a) this is not worth the effort (b) but if you insist, here's how you do it

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Your argument lies on the Crux of "there aren't enough good women"

Then you proceed to outline how one becomes a good man worthy of a good woman and that you will get one. It seems as if you were to follow you previous logic, you still wouldn't get a good woman, no matter how good a man you are.

vonclausewitz ago

okay, gotcha.

"there aren't enough good women"

Yes, I do believe that.

you proceed to outline how one becomes a good man worthy of a good woman


and that you will get one.

get one what? I good woman?

I believe what I said was, "If you do these things, you will get women." That is to say, you wont be an incel. If you are traditionally and unabashedly masculine and are reasonably physically fit, you will be able to get a girlfriend (probably).

However, there are very few marriage-worthy women. You will likely never meet one. You should go ahead and "practice" on an average girl. Practice is helpful so that IF you luck out and meet a good girl, you will have the skill and experience to have a shot with her (that is, you wont be a shy retard).

But chances are, you wont meet one.

HbMcNutt ago

Then, of course, when she finds out how "practice" youve had, she will move on to someone who isnt a whore. Thus completing the circle of retarded logic that fills this sub

vonclausewitz ago

when she finds out how "practice" youve had, she will move on to someone who isnt a whore

how much "practice" do you imagine an average man will get? Not a chad pulling down bar sluts two at a time, but an average, white man whose long-term plan is marriage and a family? Maybe one girlfriend? Maybe two?

And then you imagine a marriage-worthy woman is going to penalize him for that?

HbMcNutt ago

Are you going to pelalize a girl for the same offence?

vonclausewitz ago

I'm honestly not sure that you saw what I typed. I need you to say it loud and clear - what offense, exactly? If you scroll up and look at my comment, it's the sentence that starts with the word "maybe"

HbMcNutt ago

My only point is to live by tge same standards you hold others to at least. Ive talked to alot of mgtow dudes who spent their teenage yrs and 20s partying, sleeping around, and not investing aby time into quality relationships or even quality friendships and are now wondering where the good girls are at. Good girls want good guys. Overall i do agree with your point though. Dudes should be focused on being the best Man you can be, and learn how to date. My hangup was assuming our definition of dating was different. Courtship vs getting laid

MDEneverdies1488 ago


How do you address the rest?

MDEneverdies1488 ago


Pinging so you actually respond

RodentLord ago

Went up to camp with my dad this weekend, split a bunch of firewood for the rest of winter. Worked hard, felt good.

Taking it one day at a time.

Divinelight ago

The first thing that stood out to me was your comment about whores and nigger babies, this is voat, nobody here would go near that. It's not even remotely comparable and is retarded that you'd even mention it.

Our claim has vast amounts of evidence, what has your claim got? At what level of evidence does a claim become a fact? And again, this is fucking voat, not Reddit, we wouldn't go near used up whores.

You sound like a Reddit cuck. I suggest you edit this shit to be less cucked.

I don't care if you get married, I don't even care if you keep the relationship going. What I will say is that you have failed if you don't carry on your bloodline and teach them well. Ideally you'd get two or three kids, if need be get custody of them, ditch the girl and raise them right. She'll now be unwanted but you'll raise kids better to replace her and society grows stronger and your genetic imperitive has been completed.

Marriage since the 70s has been a risky scam. I wouldn't recommend it unless she has much more wealth than you and owns the house and good luck with that being the case.

vonclausewitz ago

Our claim has vast amounts of evidence

Forgive me, I'm getting a lot of replies. What claim is that? Do you mean the claim that jews want you to be MGTOW?

Because my response had nothing to do with the presence or absence of evidence. My response is, you need to be able to argue for or against a thing, and you need to be able to decide what is the best path for your life, regardless of what jews want. If the only thing can say is, "this is what jews want! Do the opposite!!" then you're letting them guide you - they'll just guiding you by reverse psychology.

I need to hear your arguments against MGTOW, not the jews arguments for it.

RodentLord ago

This comment reads like it was generated algorithmicly.

Wildlands_207 ago

From what I have seen of MGTOW, it is about finding your own focus in life, and not putting women first. If you develop yourself, develop interests and succeed at what drives you, women will follow. I'm not convinced that is a bad strategy.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Progeny is legacy. Need a womb for that. A decent woman who is right for you is hardto find and often difficult to pleasein the long-term, but will lead to a legacy.

RealBiggly ago

What's so great about legacy?

The current legacy we have is a generation of sluts and soyboys. Why should I strive to maintain that shit?

BoraxTheFungarian ago

That's a legacy you have if you do nothing. By not fixing things, that is your legacy, sluts and do-nothing soy people.

RealBiggly ago

The best I can do (and have already done) is to produce a beautiful young white woman, and then fuck my hairy ass off to Asia, to marry an equally beautiful woman for myself. Because my daughter's mother was also a looker, but totally fucked in the head, as are virtually all Western women today.

SearchVoatBot ago

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22361735? ago

I don't like the lottery ticket analogy, it implies such helplessness/useless on the part of men. The only option to increase my chances of winning is buying more tickets (or in the analogy, meeting more women). I can't take your bonus advice to increase my chances of winning the lottery. I can never persuade or teach a losing lotto ticket to be a winner. I can't read lottery numbers for red or green flags that indicate winners or losers.

As mentioned by others procreating is really the main goal of life, but also you want your offspring to succeed, not just exist. You can't even ensure their survival if you spray and pray, so you need to stick around and raise them. Marriage has been been shown to be the way to best raise successful offspring. Marriage also increases male health and wealth (while doing the opposite for women).

MGTOW seems to me to be mostly either a fear of failing or anger at having failed. With the latter it is really hard to convince people that they had choices and made wrong ones, especially when there may be no second chance. MGTOW is a lot of men pointing out splinters in women's eyes while ignoring the log in theirs.

I think there are pretty equal non marriage worthy men and women at the moment. The difference is men are the influencers. The matriarchy is only controlling culture because weak men are letting it happen. Women naturally want to follow men, when they reluctantly have to lead they get bitter. If men aren't being man-whores expecting sex before marriage there won't be sluts abound. If men stuck around and fathered/educated their daughters there would be more debt-free virgins without tattoos. If young men/boys stated and acted as if they wanted D-FVWT girls would conform to that mould.

This is getting long. I guess to oversimplify, marry a good girl or mould one, don't marry the type who gets divorced and you won't get divorced raped. Choose a good woman and life your life will be much better than not having a partner at all. The odd of different risks and benefits are not random but what you make them.

RodentLord ago

How old are you?

ketoll ago

Men shouldn't be in relationships to have their needs met. They should first be self sufficient and satisfied being single and pursue their work and talents. Once satisfied with himself, then think about finding a wife to start a family.

So sick of romance movies portraying a conquest of desperation seeking someone else to meet your needs.

Intrixina ago

A relationship should be a bonus on an already fulfilling life, not something to chase "happiness" that doesn't exist inside otherwise.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Kids. Anything else makes you a loser. Your genetic line dies and every single thing your ancestors did for the last 50,000 years becomes worthless. You're nothing but a self-absorbed, selfish waste of space.

Not that I mind. If you're too much of a fucking beta to tame a woman, your line probably deserves to die. Too many losers in the world as it is, we could use less of them.

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M80TheMan ago

*Disclaimer : sorry for the format I'm on mobile.

MGTOW is a genetic dead end to your family lineage and is therefor counterintuitive to your biological instincts to procreate and build a family. I understand that MGTOW is a reaction to the social and legal injustices of men that have been expedited by feminism so the symptom is more organic than most opponents would attest against. Most men turn to MGTOW because they already married, procreated, then got unfairly ruined in divorce, thus they simply bow and excuse themselves from a perversely flawed system where the only way to win is to simply not play. With this phenomenon occurring simultaneously with the dreadful (and also counterintuitive) movement known as feminism, the paramount structure that suffers most is The Family Unit. With this damaged society seldom produces decent functioning human beings. Single mothers are undoubtedly the worst thing to befall on society and MGTOW does absolutely nothing in amending the disaster. Good, strong, intelligent men are not reproducing and if they are they get financially raped by divorce and have their relationship with their children inconveniently interfered with. This is not how you build a functional society. Now I'm not going to discuss the glaring problems we already have regarding blacks, gays, Jews, etc. because what ultimately matters is the preservation and protection of The Family Unit. All MGTOW is doing is leaving its post. I can't tell you that marriage will benefit you or that the risks are worth it. The laws regarding so are unfortunately compromised. What I can tell you is that good women are out there and finding one and starting a family with one is the most rewarding and noble things a man can do for both himself and society. We need traditional roles for men and women because they are the glue of The Family Unit. And children need BOTH heterosexual parents. We're all aware of the damages gays do to children and how damaged society is when women are married to the government. You said it yourself when men better themselves they often attract women with little effort. Find a good one and make her better and she'll do the same for you. Feminism is just a large collective shit test. It takes a strong man to attract, tame, and even save a woman (along with society) from the plague of feminism. Be a strong man. You owe it to your ancestors.

2345oolikool ago

Counter intuitive to YOUR traditional views. Also rising above "BIOLOGICAL INSTINCTS" is what thinking men do. The rest just swim upstream, over rocks, up waterfalls, dodging bears, fishermen, and eagles, with no guarantee of success, for the chance to SPAWN, and then DIE. These unthinking animals never conceive the thought that "once your dead, your dead" legacy is grasping at smoke, a futile attempt to ascribe some future MEANING to a life that never amounted to much when it was still alive. Issac Newton was a lifelong celibate man, Chad, and Tyrone have 14 kids from 8 different mothers. Who has the ACTUAL legacy??? Also, I'll be a strong man by doing whatever the fuck I want to with my ONE life no matter what anyone says. I owe shit to my ancestors, and everything to myself.

M80TheMan ago

A little late to the party eh, faggot? Not finding a partner and reproducing is counter intuitive to all living species on this planet. This view is not bound to just me. You aren't here because you're ancestors dicked off and said "You know what, women just aren't worth it. This life is too hard and I just really want to jerk off and tinker for the rest of my days." They followed their biological instincts, manned up, and made a family lineage up to you and you decided to disregard all they've done and type a shitty reply defending a dead-end philosophy/ movement or what have you. But hey it's your life and you can do what you want. At least one less nigger is reproducing.

2345oolikool ago

If being like you, and others like you, that think this anti m.g.t.o.w way, and all this INSANE anti Semite, racist, conspiracy, tinfoil hat, bullshit is the way to be, then I think it would be a better world if ALL of you DIE off. You have ZERO power to stop the m.g.t.o.w philosophy, and even less power to stop even a single m.g.t.o.w from LIVING as I see fit. So go try to have your "WHITE BABIES". Too little too late. Your own children are going to reproduce with other races, no matter what you try to tell them. They will see through your nazi, racist lies. And I'm actually "ONE LESS WHITE MAN" reproducing. Hail EXTINCTION!!!

M80TheMan ago

Haha. Fuck off, kike. Crawl back to reddit if you can't handle the icky racism here. Oh, and I'm not trying to stop your faggy little movement, I just gave an argument against it.

lookiloo5432 ago

You gave no real argument. Your traditions, lunatic conspiracy theories, racism, and your white babies are not arguments. And you can CRAWL up your boyfriends ASSHOLE, because anyone that SCREAMS faggot as much as you do is CLEARLY trying to hide his own latent homosexuality. L.M.F.A.O. Shout out to your future mixed race grandchildren diluting your "PURE" blood. Hail to the EXTINCTION of your kind. CUNT!!!

M80TheMan ago

Jeez, my 2 month old comment sure triggered your nigger ass. Tell me, why would a less than 2 day old account be chiming in now to a late discussion? Either I pissed you off here before and you made an alt or you really have nothing better to do then talk to me. Or you're a kike and get paid to post stupid shit here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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voatsecurityguard ago

so beta...

there are plenty of worthwhile women. become the worthwhile man they'll want to marry and go get one. it's really easy.

  • Source: Married white guy with lots of little blonde children.

Neskuaxa ago

It's like you glossed over the part that's says just that.

voatsecurityguard ago

because it's an afterthought... just a rationalization for the mentality through a manufactured superiority complex to justify why all women are unworthy of your special seed.

vonclausewitz ago

to justify why all women are unworthy of your special seed.


So let me see if I've got this straight, giving detailed advice on how to be a good man, and how to find a good woman is "to justify why all women are unworthy of your special seed."

voatsecurityguard ago

when thrown in as an after-thought in a nigger-faggot's soliloquy on the merits of MGTOW.

vonclausewitz ago

But, it has nothing to do with "justifying why all women are unworthy of my special seed" - it's not even in the same galaxy as that? You literally just pulled that accusation out of your asshole.

voatsecurityguard ago

so why are you guys all single/incel/whatever you are?

vonclausewitz ago

"If you want to argue against MGTOW, then you first have to understand what it is. As simply as I can put it, it's the idea that dating and marriage likely isn't worth it for men."

It's a cost:benefit thing.

voatsecurityguard ago

works great for me! my wife stays home and tends to the children and I work in the corporate world and we have a white picket fence and a tire swing and a big garden and life is awesome!

RodentLord ago

I like the flavor of your LARP.

voatsecurityguard ago

it's real, scro. lots of basketball practices and scout meetings... fresh-baked bread and hand-embroidered dish-towels... it's like the 1950s but our car headlights look cooler and we have cell phones. - my dog's worthless though. won't bring me slippers or fetch the paper.

RodentLord ago

my dog's worthless though. won't bring me slippers or fetch the paper.

That's what hte wife is for, obviously.

voatsecurityguard ago

you're doing it wrong.

RodentLord ago

Say it ain't so, unka joe.

voatsecurityguard ago

make a list of things you want most out of a woman and let me know where slipper-delivery ranks.

RodentLord ago

  1. Loyal
  2. Fertile
  3. Good cook
  4. Hygenic
  5. Slipper-delivery service comes pre-installed

voatsecurityguard ago

you know you can raise the bar a bit, right?

RodentLord ago

Sixth is a sense of humour.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Is my claim that Jews want whites to die childless more valid than your claim Jews want you to get married and have lots of kids? Yes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Feminists_by_religion

But that wasn't your claim it seemed, your claim was that Jews want whores propped on pedestals, which is true. Those whores result from feminism as well, they aren't the traditional women we are telling you to find.

As for benefits, for you you get to raise a family and have someone take care of you in your old age, you will understand true love and accomplish the only goal living creatures have, to carry life on. But consider this, you aren't the only person in this world, by having kids and raising them well you help your neighbors, race, and family.

As for risks, well you know the risks, if you find a dumb chick whose parents and you couldn't get to behave well, you're fucked; you should be able to tell pretty early on if you find out all you can about her. However trading kids for a hedonistic lifestyle GARUNTEES that you die sad and lonely, it's not a risk, it's a promise.

If I may ask two questions, how old are you? And if you plan on letting your ancestral genetic line come to an end, what do you plan to do instead of having a family?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Side note, if you find a whore see her relation to Jews. Few white women are the scumbugs Kikesses are.

RodentLord ago

True fact. They use the shapeshifting tactic in pornography all the time. Plenty of "white" porn stars are jewesses. This serves the dual purpose of making you attracted to jews thinking their features are "white" and also of making you think white women are more whoreish than they really are.

22357574? ago

Whine moar faggot.

drj2 ago

It honestly sounds like you people met 1 or 2 women and simply settled for them and then ended up having a bad experience. You probably meet all your women at bars, on dating apps, or some other place degenerates hang out. There are good women out there. Unfortunately for you, you gave up on the search. And the jews wanting this isn’t just a theory. They want all white men single doomer gloomer black pilled.

But hey I don’t give a fuck. If you want to empower yourself and do all the red pill shit without the need or want from women then I applaud you. We just don’t need more sob stories and gloom around here. There’s enough black pills being spread and it leaks.

vonclausewitz ago

There are good women out there.

Do you disagree that there are fewer marriage-quality women than marriage-quality men?

drj2 ago

Hard to say. But I’d say both numbers are lower now. As to which one has fallen further, probably women.

Neskuaxa ago

I don't think any of this post sounds black pilled tbh. Seems pretty thought out. But what the fuck do I know.

drj2 ago

To not procreate and not have white babies is black pilled as you can get.

Crensch ago

So far it's

OP - 1 : Others - 0

Phantom42 ago

Yup... I can see the notion behind other user's points, but it seems they assume the MGTOW crowd wants to be in that situation. From what I'm seeing, it's a bunch of different guys that sat back and said "wait a minute..." and saw the jewish game being played. If there was plenty of good White gals around, I doubt there'd be many MGTOWs.

Despite my rhetoric, I don't identify with the MGTOW crowd. As much as I might place blame on women at large, I have enough self-awareness to look at myself and see plenty of flaws. Sure, I'm a clean guy, all things considered, I just have a shitty past that fucked me up. Nothing illegal or anything like that, just... Shit got rough and I got shit on by life. Happens to plenty of folks, and many get it worse than I did.

I work each day to try and better myself in other ways, but I still have my reservations.

My whole thing... Even if I did find a good girl, which I think I know one, I don't want to be the dude to fuck it up and end up hurting some gal that didn't deserve it. May even push her to be a crazy bitch like the rest.

Idk... I'm just ranting like always. 😂 Pay me no mind.

stbelmont ago

I don't want to be the dude to fuck it up and end up hurting some gal that didn't deserve it

If you don't pressure a girl for sex before marriage or try to apply things you've seen in porn to the relationship, there alone you'd probably be treating her at the 99th percentile of goodness compared with other guys. The right girl will notice if you're protecting her and respectful of her instead of taking advantage or waiting for a moment of weakness.

That's just the starters of what she'll have to deal with with guys. They'll try to get her to move in with them "to save money," lean on her to co-sign student loans, guilt her for hiding her PIN number from them, and worse. At least nowadays maybe guys won't soften up girls with marriage proposals that seem genuine, but are a means to another end. ... I'm sure you'd treat a girl more honorably.

Phantom42 ago

If you don't pressure a girl for sex before marriage

Why would I do that? Part of the attraction comes from knowing the gal is clean and has self-control like myself.

try to apply things you've seen in porn to the relationship,

I guess I shouldn't be surprised people do that, but... People do that? No fucking wonder divorces are high. I've heard of all kinds of shit that happens in that industry.

I've only seen it twice myself, both accidental (long stories short: Was at friend's house. Went to other friend's house across the road. He had friends over. One of his friends had his phone connected to the TV playing a movie from his phone to that. He went to the bathroom. Screen goes black, we're confused looking at the TV with a WTF look... Then we see a chick getting fucked. To save bathroombro the embarassment, the friend I was with and I figured we'd just take our leave.... That same damn situation happened again a few months later. Same guy too.) Not to say I don't get urges every once in awhile... Nature and all... BUT I sure as Hell don't look at or watch shit (or listen to it, I've heard that's a thing).

Like I said, I'm generally a clean dude. Just a shitty past. I don't party or go clubbing or whatever the fuck like most other college "gentlemen". I just kinda do my own thing and fuck what everyone else thinks. Not like they believe in building a better society. No, they're too comfy fucking whores and getting wasted every fucking night like a bunch of literal heathens.

you'd probably be treating her at the 99th percentile of goodness compared with other guys.

Maybe so, but do they even care? Because from the way I've learned it, they'd rather take a beater over a treater, so to speak.

The right girl will notice if you're protecting her

I remember when I was smaller we took some kind of test for a "Here's the jobs that fit your personality!" kind of thing. It was in middle school. I recall scoring extremely high in protective instincts, empathy, and logical/critical thinking. Basically, I was recommended to go to the Army or Chair Force (especially the fucking Chair Force...) OR go be a doctor. My parents forbid me to go into law enforcement, military, and education... So doctor it is. If things go as planned I'll be the first one ever on either side of my family, as far as any of us know.

and respectful of her instead of taking advantage or waiting for a moment of weakness.

Inb4 someone pulls the "respekt wahmen" card out their ass. I'll respect a woman, hang the whores for all I care. They throw away, potentially, their entire genetics for what? Telegony and all that is what I'm referencing here.

That's just the starters of what she'll have to deal with with guys. They'll try to get her to move in with them "to save money," lean on her to co-sign student loans, guilt her for hiding her PIN number from them, and worse.

You know, I'm again surprised but at the same time I'm not. Pathetic fucks... Whores can be men too. Catch 'em in pairs so they can "hang out" together forever! 😂

I'm sure you'd treat a girl more honorably.

Well, with how you've put it... Yeah. Yeah I fucking would.

stbelmont ago

Because from the way I've learned it, they'd rather take a beater over a treater, so to speak.

A woman who knows her worth knows she can do better than to tolerate abuse, and certainly won't marry into it.

I wish you the best with becoming a doctor. Both my parents were, from a time when students were serious about studying. Whites will be glad to have a conscientious white doctor with logical/critical thinking skills.

Doctors of the past, you may know, did not use to rely on drugs, and on machines and computers to make their assessments. They were more hands on, like chiropractors and massage therapists. Your school education will be based on what the pharmaceutical companies want taught, and that does not include nutrition and what can result of nutritional deficiencies, and their correction. (I get the impression veterinarians have a superior education in some of these ways.)


I knew the concept but didn't know there was that word for it.

I'm again surprised but at the same time I'm not.

Just wait. People will amaze you, sadly.

If you end up having a daughter, and probably for a son, too, you'd benefit them by keeping aware of any significant relationships they're in, in case your age and experience or sex gives you insight into anything fishy their intended might be up to that your child would never conceive of.

And tell them to recognize any pressure/guilt + "don't you trust/love me?" as a sign they need to exit and to come to you for additional support.

Phantom42 ago

Your school education will be based on what the pharmaceutical companies want taught,

Mmhmm. Funny you mention that, I'll be in a prime position to recommend to folks what to take and not to take. Considering I'll be the pharmacist... I'll be able to have a good base knowledge of what's in the pills and, hopefully, help people with better methods the regular doc that sent in the 'scrip didn't know about or tried to jew out of.

Then, should shit go haywire, I'll still be useful because I'll know what med does what to someone, how much they might need, etc. Nobody cares about the medics and doctors until they need one. 😂

Yeah... Some might give me shit for going the pharmacist route, I say fuck off, lol. "HURR YER WERKIN 4 DUH BIG PHARMA DEET-DA-DEE!"... Wrong. There's plenty of opportunity to help people out, actually help people, and make more than enough money to have a family of my own, a wife at home, and plenty of nice shit. A pharmacist is just as much a doctor as the guy they just saw for their condition. If I know a better way of helping someone out, I'll be damned if I don't help them.

I've got this all planned out... My big worry is what happens when I have to fight or run. It will happen in my lifetime. 1960 to now, we went from 90% White to 50% White. Wait 40. I'll be fucking 60 then, and... Yeah. 10% White by then. If that...

Makes me not want to have a family at all, really. WHERE'S MY FUCKING NUKES AT OL' TRUMPET?!?!? HMM?!?!?

stbelmont ago

We had a pharmacist or two on my mom's side back before miracle drugs. Being that kind of pharmacist appealed to me.


Hippocrates "Let food be thy medicine."

"All disease begins in the gut."

Margaret Mead "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Jehu ago

Margaret Mead "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Why quote that degenerate fraud?


stbelmont ago

I appreciate her quote. And I appreciated learning about her just now.

Jehu ago

Her advisor was (((Franz Boas))) --- a degenerate woman led by a Jew on a crusade to de-normalise female premarital chastity.

So yes, "a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens" has indeed changed the world. In the West at least, female virginity is now confined almost entirely to prepubescents and young teens, and white women are now almost all sluts. Men ca no longer find virgins to marry. Hence MGTOW...

stbelmont ago

and white women are now almost all sluts. Men ca no longer find virgins to marry.

I'm all for men setting that better example, then.

Jehu ago

I'm all for men setting that better example, then.

Many men have. ...And continue to do so.

But good examples don't make vaginas tingle.

Women have been "liberated" and they want tingles. And the men who give them tingles are not the ones who set a good example. Quite the opposite, in fact. Hence the epidemic of sluts, single mothers, and cat-ladies with their dildos and vibrators.

When given their freedom, women head down the primrose path to Hell until they end up thinking like this.

Women have very poor judgement, no impulse control and were only ever meant to be the property of men, sold by their fathers to their husbands. This was a truth understood everywhere in the ancient world, from Rome to Jerusalem. But when women were "emancipated", degeneracy was inevitable.

Crensch ago

Yeah, they're basically arguing "of course we're right, it's self-evident!"

MGTOW don't care about the things the WNs care about. MGTOW is a symptom - if you want to attack someone, attacking the men that see a raw deal and think "nah, not for me" is probably not the best choice. Attack the betas, the Jews, ostracize and mock the women in front of the next generation of women that don't want to be publicly mocked for being whores.

Plenty of other things to do besides mock the guys making a reasonable choice for their lives.

Phantom42 ago

All true.

If anything, we should focus on turning MGTOW bros into fucking Spartan gods or something. The "Chad Pill" or whatever. Hell, you don't have a wife or kids, be a fucking god among men. Work on yourself and show the cunts what they could have had, had they not been... well... cunts.

Did you see that one family that was posted on here the other day? Last week, I think. Had that one kid on the tractor that looked like an SS recruitment posterboy came to life? We should encourage the MGTOW bros to do that.

Go from MGTOW to MG(42)BRO. I don't know.

Fuck now I'm rhyming...

You get the idea either way. If you're gonna go it alone, make sure everyone remembers you.

Crensch ago

Cheers to that.

Phantom42 ago

they've kinda decided to not give a fuck about anything that doesn't directly benefit them.

True. You'd need a whole marketing campaign to get the idea across that it's worth being a better male. "But I can't muh dik", not like you were getting any anyway, right?

Yeah... Several could be salvageable though.

I mean, Hitler spoke more to the leftists, and look at that turnaround. They went from stupid fucks to decent folks because one guy said the right things and not only planned a way forward, but shared it with everyone. Damn near finished it too... Shame.

I still think admonishing betas and cunts while naming the Jew and pushing to end the rights of women is the way to go.

Oh yeah. This is a... I don't know how to put it. "Side-goal," of sorts... There's the overall goals, expelling jewry, reclaiming Natural Order, so on, pretty much what you listed, BUT it's important to pick up who and what we can along the way. If they wish to remain in their cesspool, fine! I hope it fucking drowns them. But for those intelligent few who see what we're striving for and want a ride on the Holocoaster II: Electric Jew tour... Bring 'em on. The more good men and women among us the merrier.

Hell, maybe one day we might get some nice shit like they show in those lovey bullshit Hallmark movies. Whites and snow everywhere.

Crensch ago

BUT it's important to pick up who and what we can along the way.

Think of how long it took men to finally say "fuck it" and got MGTOW. Everything else changed and moved to the point that men said "fuck it". Pretty sure a position gotten to because everyone around you is insane requires everyone around you finding their marbles again before you'd consider going back.

Not saying they're a lost cause, but without those things changing... it's probably mostly a wasted effort.

Hell, maybe one day we might get some nice shit like they show in those lovey bullshit Hallmark movies. Whites and snow everywhere.

If only.

Phantom42 ago

Fair points again...

I guess we'll have to see.

goatboy ago

Your counting skills are worse than your moderator skills. That’s saying something, since you’re the worst cancer on this website.

Crensch ago

He made multiple solid arguments for his position. You and the others made claims and fuck-all else.

goatboy ago

No. I made witty assertions and OP made a false comparison to the lottery, sweeping generalizations, and silly platitudes.

Crensch ago

You admit that all you made were assertions.

goatboy ago

You admit you’re a cancerous faggot.

Crensch ago

Others - 0

Conspirologist ago

MGTOW are adult men who don't want whores who's orifices were ravaged by other men. Teens who try to pose as MGTOW are demented, since they have plenty of virgin females around to marry and live happily forever together.

Jehu ago

I agree that self-respecting men don't want to wife up some other man's leftovers, but I don't think it's just the virginity issue --- the personalities of modern "liberated" women are truly awful. ...And there's not much you can do to change it when the culture is telling them "go girl", and putting her in her place now leaves you wide open to accusations of abuse. Men are screwed --- it's just that most don't realise it.

The fact that 95% of women are used goods and worthless as wives is one part of the equation, you're absolutely right about that, but the other part is that the law is so virulently anti-male that marriage has become Russian roulette for men. I've lost count of the accounts I've heard from broken men who married a "nice traditional church girl" and ended up cuckolded by her and then robbed blind in the divorce courts.

So I can understand even teenagers going their own way once they realise the game's rigged.

Conspirologist ago

This is why smart men don't marry anymore.

SearchVoatBot ago

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vonclausewitz ago

Sure, I'll accept that. If you're around 20 look for a quality women. They are few and far between though.

Anarchy99 ago

You deleted my post you cocksucker. This guy is a shill


and maybe you're a jew, pal.

vonclausewitz ago

I replied to your post and asked you why you created a post when there’s a sticky and the first fucking sentence says not to do what you just did

You ignored my question. Why did you do that? What do you call the kind of person who feels an irresistible urge to go into a community and subvert it? Hmmm.

Anarchy99 ago

Sorry Jew boy you are the subversion. Everybody needs to know about you. Fuck your sticky notes.

vonclausewitz ago

you are the subversion

How so?

Anarchy99 ago

With your shit Jew advice. Fuck off

vonclausewitz ago

Do you think that a person should be allowed to create a subvoat and to delete threads which are off topic?

Do you think a person should be allowed to create /v/religion and delete threads with titles like, "YoU chISTCuck jeWISh sHILLS!!! They're is NO GOD!!"

Do you think a person should be allowed to create /v/atheism and delete threads with titles like, "you GODLESS jewISH SHIlls!!! Jesus IS lord!!!"

Anarchy99 ago

You are a spineless piece of shit Jew. A real man would leave my posts up. Then you debate it. I'm not sure you're not a girl. I just gave the guys a whole bunch of good information and you removed it because it wasn't "sticky" . You are not a man, you are a worm

vonclausewitz ago

You are a spineless piece of shit Jew.

Notice that you didn't answer my questions. Sounds like you're the spineless one. I think you're terrified of your inability to defend yourself using logic and reason. So instead, you just ignore questions and call people jews.

Logic and reason are the tools of the white man. If you were a white man, you'd answer my questions. Name calling is the tool of the jew - you are literally crying out as you call me names.

Anarchy99 ago

I answered your silly question loser

vonclausewitz ago


I'll repeat the questions:

Do you think that a person should be allowed to create a subvoat and to delete threads which are off topic?

Do you think a person should be allowed to create /v/religion and delete threads with titles like, "YoU chISTCuck jeWISh sHILLS!!! They're is NO GOD!!"

Do you think a person should be allowed to create /v/atheism and delete threads with titles like, "you GODLESS jewISH SHIlls!!! Jesus IS lord!!!"

Anarchy99 ago

What advice are you offering to white men ? Nothing. I've been watching mgtow chase its tail for years now. You give no practical advice. You're asking questions that are off-topic. You are stalling.

What has mgtow done for men?

vonclausewitz ago

You are literally terrified of answering those questions, aren't you

You're asking questions that are off-topic.

No. You came into my subVoat. You saw a rule that said "here's where you post your disagreements." But like a typical jew, you felt privileged to ignore that rule. And also like a typical jew, you felt an irresistible desire to subvert this place.

If you're not a jew, then you should feel deep shame over what you've done.

So I ask you: do you think a person has a right to create a subvoat and to have a rule that posts must be on topic.

You are terrified of answering that question.

Anarchy99 ago

Why would I be terrified? Why would I give a shit what you think? Why are you changing the subject? This is voat a free speech platform. If you have to control the content you are the one who is terrified. You are the one who is circumsized. I am uncircumcised. I fear no man. You are not a man.

vonclausewitz ago

voat a free speech platform

Do you think that a person should be allowed to create a subvoat and to delete threads which are off topic?

Do you think a person should be allowed to create /v/religion and delete threads with titles like, "YoU chISTCuck jeWISh sHILLS!!! They're is NO GOD!!"

Do you think a person should be allowed to create /v/atheism and delete threads with titles like, "you GODLESS jewISH SHIlls!!! Jesus IS lord!!!"

Anarchy99 ago

You are making leading statements of presumption. I never said any of those things. This is why you cannot be trusted.

vonclausewitz ago

I never said any of those things.

I didn't say you said it. I'm asking you, and you are terrified of answering.

Do you think that a person should be allowed to create a subvoat and to delete threads which are off topic?

Do you think a person should be allowed to create /v/religion and delete threads with titles like, "YoU chISTCuck jeWISh sHILLS!!! They're is NO GOD!!"

Do you think a person should be allowed to create /v/atheism and delete threads with titles like, "you GODLESS jewISH SHIlls!!! Jesus IS lord!!!"

Anarchy99 ago

Men don't know how to control women. And you need a foreskin to control a woman sexually, which ultimately is the bottom line.

Conspirologist ago

It's demented to not use your chances as a teenager. MGTOW is designed for adult males who have no choice but becoming voluntarily celibate, because their chances of meeting a virgin are gone forever.

NotHereForPizza ago

Forever?... Not really. You can just, like, meet people.

goatboy ago

Slaves fear the world.

Pussies get fucked by the world.

Faggots fuck over the world.

Real men conquer the world.

MGTOW are nothing but slaves, pussies, and faggots.

Be real men and change the world.

NotHereForPizza ago

This is like when you're trying to learn how to play a video game and the best advice someone can give you is, "don't die, dummy!"

No, but in all seriousness, MGTOW isn't wrong about the general premise. Men need to withhold loyalty until women shape up. With that being said, men need to start socializing women to counter their hypergamy much in the same way that they need to quit being so damn defeated and be the change they want to find in the world.

Go to church no matter your age. Find a nice family and begin talking to them. They'll ask you if you're single soon enough (be desireless, retards) and when they do answer honestly. Boom you just recruited a team of "find this guy a nice girl". Of course, if you act like a fuck, they just won't help you.

BushChuck ago

Nah, we don't have to explain any of that to you.

Now, fuck off back where you came from.

We're full.

ketoll ago

So edgy! Like a senior giving wedgies to the freshman.

BushChuck ago

Kill yourself.

Use a shotgun, so you don't fuck it up.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

It seems like he's been here 4.9 years. You've been here 9 months. I think mgtows are weak defeatists, but they have as much right to have a subverse as anyone else. If you don't like it ignore it.

i_hate_sodomites ago

People like you measure the length of your dick in "how old is my account". Fuck back off to reddit, you tranny kike.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

You are missing my point about account age.

oneinchterror ago

Just ran into that assmad faggot in a different thread; turns out he really excels at missing the point. I think he has manlet rage because he seems to be angry about everything.

BushChuck ago

I've been here since the days of AMelek the Sane.

I ditch my account every 50K ccp.

Fuck you, white knight faggot.