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WhatAgain ago

This may be an unpopular comment but here goes.....

The people in my life who have done the most damage to me personally have been the women I have let into my life. 100% of the worst times of my life have involved women. Relationships, sharing a house/apartment. Splitting up.

When was the last time you lost contact with a guy friend because you did not get along?

Same question for women.

Then next after that who cause the most shit in my life? Would be white (always male) bosses.

I have had not personal problems with blacks. I had a couple of run ins with pakis. I have never had a problem with gays. I has a couple of muslim friends, no problem there.

But white women? They have robbed me, lied to me, wasted my time, money, effort and energy. They have tried to stab me. They have tried to gaslight me on multiple occasions.

The last woman I lived with threatened to kill her self if I left her. It took a long time to get her out of my life.

And now OP is telling me that I cannot/should not avoid the race/gender that has fucked me over the most? LOL!

I have been single for around three years now.

I have just had the best couple of years of my adult life. I go where I want when I want. I have never had more money and freedom than I have now. I am having a fucking blast! Yes I still date. but the utter fucking creeps that I meet are fucked in the head and have been corrupted by modern feminism.

If a female uses the word "patriarchy" around me, I am out the door. Fast!

So MGTOW is feminism for men? Or freedom from a total bullshit life?

I would guess OP is married to some bitch he don't like, so he is taking out on the fuckers that escaped that squalid type of life tied to some bitch that just sees you as a way of paying the bills.

When I meet some new woman, I ask me self one question and one question only. What is she bringing to the table?

And 99.9% of the time there is only one answer. Vagina.

Most women have little or no actual personality besides the fact that they have a vagina!

An honest question. When was the last time a woman made you laugh?

When as the last time you had an actual honest to god, good time with a woman? Went for a beer? Hung out? Shot the shit without her getting "upset"?

How many women are single that have their own life? Are not mad feminists? Own their own home and do not have a couple of kids with some guy who is stuck with the bills.


Call is hat you want but if it means me being free from shitty people in my life, I will take MGTOW over being stuck with a modern woman in my life.

Good job, you fucking played yourself and you are a disgrace to your race.

OK OP. You go ahead and enjoy your life like you seem to be doing.

BordelonLoop ago

take some damn responsibility. the person who has done the most damage to you personally is you. no one else. your choices. you. not a woman. or that cop that gave you a speeding ticket. or the mailman for bringing you your bills. you.

capnflummox ago

have been the women I have let into my life

He took the responsibility already, moron.

BoomerHater1488er ago

It's his solution that is retarded. It's like saying, "Man, I sure do have the bad habit of picking my nose....I know, I'll just cut off my nose-picking fingers. That'll solve my problem."

capnflummox ago

No, he's recognizing that it is his choices [in women].

What he's failing to recognize is that he is 100% responsible for letting those people in. And then he's placing all blame on women, just like feminism demonizes all men.

He's halfway there.

BoomerHater1488er ago

...That was my analogy. That he's blaming his fingers for picking his nose and so he cuts them off.

capnflummox ago

I get what you are saying.

Some people are going to take the MGTOW this way. They most likely overindulge in their other vices, too.

Everything in moderation. What I gather from the MGTOW, and why I defend it somewhat, is that one should recognize that there are horrible women (or men; people) out there. And that the MGTOW 'movement' is to help people recognize the toxic situtations they are in. It is supposed to be a catalyst for men to wake up and take stock of their life. Remove the poison and then self-fix their issues before looking for another women. "Make better choices".

To the people who are using MGTOW to demonize all women are no better than feminists who demonize all men.

Don't let the outliers blur the vision on the MGTOW thing. There are really good messages in there if you take them with the right grains of salt and have some of your own inner wisdom.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Everything in moderation

One of the original Jewish lies used to destroy the West.

Also, finding a quality mate is just life, not MGTOW. Notice how they call it Men Going Their Own Way, not Men Taking A Short Break From Dating In Order To Focus On Self Improvement So As To Attract A Better Mate In The Future.

capnflummox ago

Wow are you way off.

Also, it's about what I said it was about. If you want to take it to the extreme, because you clearly have no willpower, then that's on you.

I don't need to play life by your rules.

This moron...

d1a ago

They are just worthless men, literally worse than women. Consciously hindering their potential and giving up just because it's easier and they are incapable and unwilling to endure suffering in order to self improve. And these cucks consider themselves "redpilled", hilarious. "Women are not behaving the way I want them to so I will just give up on taking societal responsibility and creating any sort of meaningful existence for myself and will become a degenerate with values synonymous to the marxist degeneracy that is enveloping our nations. GET REKT LIBTARDS, I FIGURED OUT WOMEN ARE WHORES, I'M A STRONG AND INDEPENDENT MAN WHO DON'T NEED NO WOMAN, I AM LE REDPILLED"