everlastingphelps ago

It worked for the Ashkenazi.

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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I am a mormon and you are missing some things. Probably one of the few mormon anons here, i worked in SLC and church security. SS recruits HEAVILY from CS.

Teaches us about the evil of the jews without naming the jew, preserving the sheep in a world system whereby there is no escape. We protect our sheep from the evil in our own way. Teaches righteousness, race realism, and the truth about secret combinations.

18 And it came to pass that they formed a asecret combination, even as they of old; which combination is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God;

19 For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man.

20 And now I, Moroni, do not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had aamong all people, and they are had among the Lamanites.

21 And they have caused the adestruction of this people of whom I am now speaking, and also the destruction of the people of Nephi.

22 And whatsoever anation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the bblood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for cvengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.

23 Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get apower and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of bdestruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this asecret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the afreedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who bbeguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath chardened the hearts of men that they have dmurdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

26 Wherefore, I, Moroni, am commanded to write these things that evil may be done away, and that the time may come that Satan may have ano power upon the hearts of the children of men, but that they may be bpersuaded to do good continually, that they may come unto the fountain of all crighteousness and be saved.

HashTheFash ago

I'm interested in the lds church, and I've even started reading the book of mormon. Do you have any advice for the curious? The JQ is the biggest hurdle so far, why is the reverence for Israel so fervent? That state is entirely disconnected from scripture other than by name.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Two things you need to know.

Its a cult.


Its a cult.

Joseph Smith wrote the BOM and was a false prophet with no translation skill or ability to decipher any ancient text. See kinderhook plates, Book of abraham, ALL admitted now on a secret (hard to find) section on lds .org for gospel topic essays. They started around 2013.

The members are entirely sheep. The motive of their shepherds is for you to decide. Lots of protection, lots of vulnerability. At the end of the day your children will grow up unable to critically think themselves and they will be lost to the cult regardless of your original intention of setting them there.


Dont believe me about the suicide pacts? Watch/Listen/Read it for yourself. Below is the entire Mormon endowment prior to the changes we made in 1990. Do you know why we made the changes? We couldn't get the younger generations comfortable with miming slitting their throat, chest and belly over signs and tokens we stole from free masonry.

analyticalalligator ago

Why do you call yourself Mormon?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Because im a mormon.

You dumb nigger

WolfShepherd ago

Reas this

And then answer:

  • how do you reconcile your freemasonry which serves judaism?

  • why do you tithes 10% when shopping malls that mormon leader families profit from?

  • do you think giving Israel nuclear materials is a cause for concern?

jthun2 ago

another question: why did the mormons give jewish gangsters money to found a gambling town in las vegas?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

It's a corruption of the understanding that "Israel" refers to people who follow the God of the universe. Eventually, "Israel" ceased being the Hebrews, and became the Church.

WolfShepherd ago

They admit they stopped following abraham in babylon

NotaQjackass ago

Mormons are the Q jackass strain of British Israelism, agreed.

0rion ago

CHRISTIANS are basically jewish too. Of course good luck having that discussion on voat, where you will be downvoted into oblivion by the christcuck bridgades.

auto_turret ago

All jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are jews.

alalzia ago

They are the original larpers , qtards are newfags .

shbbougter ago

This a problem common to the entirety of Christianity which is like Judaism Lite™. We should consider the possibility the entire culture was created as an adjunct to Judaism, to serve it in a manner of ignorance the same way you'd raise and train an army of underlings.

hydraxos ago

The new testament is the opposite of the old testament on many crucial points. Universalism/tribalism, loving god/hating god, forgiveness/unforgiveness...

Protestantism was for a big part a move back to the old testament. Hence why Catholicism and Orthodoxism were always the primary target of those who wants to destroy the European civilizations.

Iornukrum ago

Wouldn't you want your slave servants to be forgiving and non-tribal, while you exploit them ?

jackfraser ago

This is my view on it now too. I was raised Christian and fell away naturally, as one does these days, when there is nothing to keep faith afloat. I see the long term memetic programming in the religion; it’s probably better understood with a teleological lens, though.

Consider this: instead of your suggestion that Judaism deliberately begat Christianity as a way of converting outsiders, instead perhaps maybe Christianity did start organically, being made of recycled parts of Judaism, and they found it to be useful, and so didn’t kill it off? It’s likely that many cults formed in those days, Christianity was one among many. Memetic natural selection thinned the herd, leaving only contenders with staying power that weren’t actively suppressed.

I often use this technique to reframe things that would require conspiracy and malice and organization, and instead demonstrate how they can happen without needing a bunch of old men in a smoky room.

Muh-Shugana ago

Jesus's first followers were converted jews.

You can't trust a jew who says he isn't a jew, but we have to trust the originals who did just that.

It didn't even take long for christianity to then schism and fragment and tear the various white nations to ribbons and send them against one another. I still don't understand anyone who says that christianity resulted in prosperous nations. It was just the richest and most importantly positioned christians commissioning self-aggrandizing artwork, and jews love luxurious places filled with expensive artwork.

They don't let us see these places of course, they prefer to shove garbage in our faces, but if you ever catch a glimpse of a jew-only place for the rich ones, it's all really quite beautiful looking. lots of gold-leaf and marble.

By the way, the reason you don't believe in malicious organized conspiracy's is because you aren't jewish. The fact that non-jews do not think that way is one of the explanations jew have for why they are the 'True Human Beings' and everyone else is just a two-legged animal.

They see manipulation as the highest and most advanced form of mental functioning, and anyone who does not manipulate must simply be too simple to do so, because for them its a no-brainer.

Iornukrum ago

The division among European people along religious lines was preceded by a long period of turmoil and war though. I believe, the Romans used subversion first, by exploiting the thirst for war and its spoils, pitting tribe against tribe.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Its a devil's deception that they think it matters.

Butterbread ago

Jew/Israelite/Semite have been unduly conflated. Many people of European ancestry may in fact be descendants of Israeilites.

See https://voat.co/v/politics/3501404

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WolfShepherd ago

They illegally trafficked uranium to Israel.

Would you like a source?

Thereunto ago

They illegally trafficked uranium to Israel.

The modern political state of Israel (founded in 1948) is not the Israel of the bible. Modern semites may not be completely representative of all of the lineages of the twelve tribes (10 of Israel, 2 of Juda). Christianity itself is a form of Messianic Judaism. Modern, Talmudic Judaism is a cousin relgion to Christianity and is often mistaken for (pre-Talmudic) biblical Judaism.

WolfShepherd ago

Be that as it may, mormons have thrown in with talmudists and practice freemasonry

Butterbread ago

We're talking about separate things. I'm not defending LDS church, I'm just trying to point out what may be a tangential thread of truth.

WolfShepherd ago

@nochomo got one

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Butterbread ago

You're a jerkoff and a faggot.


Are Mormons allowed to use bad words like that?

Butterbread ago

You're either a paranoid idiot or a troll. Why are you even accusing me of being a godamned mormon? Do you even know? You're a fucking NPC faggot.

Grizzible ago

What did God do to you? Why blaspheme his name?

Butterbread ago

Jesus fucking christ, I'm trying to point out to these idiots that I'm obviously not a fucking mormon shill. I'm surrounded by fucking NPCs. Fuck you.

WolfShepherd ago

See, you said "LDS CHURCH"

That's shill shit. Non mormons call it mormon. Let's be real here

Thereunto ago

Non mormons call it mormon. Let's be real here


WolfShepherd ago

You're clearly a mormon

Butterbread ago

Mormons are regular people for the most part. In a way, they are sheep. The church is easily abbreviated as LDS. I appreciate your shill radar but you're just wrong about me.

You yourself may be part Israelite. Did you watch what I linked? You come off as a shill trying to deny the truth about Israelite/Semite/Jew conflation.

NoRoyalty ago

Your post confirms my own experience with a friend who is Mormon. She has a reverence for Jewish people and I have observed that her fellow church members seem to cherry-pick from the Old Testament, even referring to Sunday as the Sabbath.

70times7 ago

Saturday is the sabbath of Creation/4th commandment.

Sunday is the day of antichrist Rome.

analyticalalligator ago

Sunday is the day of the resurrection. Saturday was the day Christ was dead and descended into hell to free the dead.

I could go on, but I'll just leave it at, we're not Jews. We don't cut off pieces of our dick's and we don't go to Temple on Saturday.

We break bread and celebrate Christ's resurrection on Sunday like the Paul in acts 20:7.

We've been doing it that way for 2000 years. If you think that's demonic then something is wrong with you.

jewsbadnews ago

Christ went to hell to free the dead? Why?

analyticalalligator ago

How else could people like Moses, Elijah, Adam, etc get to heaven?

jewsbadnews ago

They didn't go to heaven?

70times7 ago

The sabbath was hallowed on day 7 of creation. 2000 years before a jew existed.

Has nothing to do with jews. Or sin. Or Christs death and resurrection.

You need a new excuse to transgress Gods law.

analyticalalligator ago

God established a new creation through Christ. We are not of the old, we are of the new.

70times7 ago

Oh, was unaware you are living on an entirely "new" planet.

Must be nice.

Back in reality, those of us living on the planet God actually created, who accept His authority over us, we remember His 7th day sabbath as He commands us to.

The 7th day sabbath He hallowed before sin entered this world. The 7th day sabbath of His 4th commandment.

Revelation 14:12 - Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

See the word "and" in that verse?

analyticalalligator ago

2 Corinthians 5:17

Acts 15

Genesis 17:9

70times7 ago

Any of the other commandments God wrote himself on stone done away with? Or only the one that literally tells us to "Remember" it?

We can kill now? Steal? Adultery? Bow to statues?

Matthew 5:18 - For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

All things have not been fulfilled. Satan and his angels are still here. Romes mark of authority has not yet been enforced. The last 7 plagues have not occurred. The earth has not been made new. The city of new jerusalem has not descended.

Why then are you teaching Gods law has been done away with? Jesus spoke of people that would do that.

Matthew 5:19 - Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven

Someone has taught you so, and now you are teaching others so.

Once again, the 7th day was hallowed during creation. It has nothing to do with sin. It has nothing to do with salvation. It has nothing to do with Jesus' death or resurrection.

It is a memorial of Gods creation that was created FOR MAN. 2000 years BEFORE a jew was ever born.

everlastingphelps ago

We aren't under the Law of Israel. The keeping of the Sabbath is strictly Law of Moses, which was Completed in Christ.

Other commandments that we can do away with? Absolutely. Not eating pork. Not eating shellfish. Not throwing women out of the house when they are on the rag. Not circumcising in the flesh. Not ritually washing in a mikvah.

You're playing a stupid game. God gave the 10 commandments first, but he didn't raise them above the rest of the Law. He expected the entire law to followed by the Hebrews. Those are the people Jesus was speaking to in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) -- the unsaved. Jews. No JEW will make it to the kingdom of heaven without the Law. We aren't Jews.

70times7 ago

Trouble is, you are ignorant of the law and its meaning.

Gods moral law, His 10 commandments never saved a single soul.

"All" they do is tell us "what" sin is. Thats it. 1st John 3:4 says "sin is transgression of the law"

And paul said he would not know lust, except the law told him not to covet.

The law is a schoolmaster.

Now, "because" mankind did not keep the 10, God gave the salvation law. The law that "would" save people. The prophetic law foretelling Jesus Christ. Using the feast days, the temple services and the rest to illustrate the "type/antitype" of Christs mission.

That is why Christ said He came to "fulfill" the law. The prophetic law that was given "because" of sin.

He was not speaking of the 10 commandments. You can "fulfill" the 10 commandments, as much as you can "fulfill" the speed limit on a highway. You cant. There is nothing to fulfill. Only obey.

Christ obeyed the 10. Fulfilled the ceremonial.

The sabbath was hallowed during creation 2000 years before jacobs kids (jews) were around.

Has nothing to do with jews.

Adam and Eve were not jews. Neither was noah, job, abraham, methusalah, issac and thousands of others.

Yet the sabbath was hallowed on day 7. (after man was created)

It is a memorial of creation for all time.

And God wrote it in stone. For you.

everlastingphelps ago

You need to pray until you can get past your circumcised vs uncircumcised heresy. Exodus 20 is still required, because God put them on stone (the second time at least) but Exodus 21 is out? Sacrificing first fruits from Exodus 22? Why has God denied the earth a Temple if we are required to continue sacrifices under Exodus?

You sound like a Jew. "Oy vey, just because God said it, if he really meant it he would have put it on stone (and let it get smashed and then put it on stone again.)"

70times7 ago

The 10 tells us what "is" sin.

The others were added "because" of sin.

Bottom line.

After Christ ascended, the words were penned "ALL have sinned".

John says sin is "transgression of the law".

If all have sinned, then the law stands. Otherwise there is no sin. As sin is "transgression of the law".

The law that is our school master.

The law God Himself wrote.

I do wonder though, if as you say the law is gone, why do you need a savior?

everlastingphelps ago

Because if you cannot find the Kingdom of God through the Law, you can only find it through the Son.

70times7 ago

Is the kingdom of God righteousness?

Know that righteousness literally means "right doing".

Know what the Law God wrote with His own hand shows?

Right doing. Thats it.

Christ promised He would write the law in our hearts and minds.

The law of "right doing".

It would be so infinitely clearer if you truly, and i mean truly, understood the difference in the 2 laws.

Please listen for 30 seconds...

God wrote one law/covenant. On STONE. With His own hand. And had it placed "in" the ark.

Moses wrote the other. On paper/scrolls. With his hand. And placed it at the "side" of the ark.

God wanted to make a covenant with the hebrews. So He asked them (literally) if they would obey His commands. They agreed. But they were terrified of His voice. So they requested only Moses do the actual signing/receiving/agreeing to the covenant.

So Moses went up onto the mountain and God wrote Him out the 10 laws He wanted obeyed. 10 requirements, that if were transgressed, would nullify the covenant.

As Moses was on the mountain, the hebrews that agreed to the deal, broke the deal. With their golden calf sex majik orgy.

God told Moses what was happening, that they were breaking the covenant they agreed to, so Moses went down the mountain and saw with his own eyes. He saw them breaking the covenant with his own eyes. In his grief/despair/shock, he slammed the 10 laws of the covenant on the ground. Just as the hebrews symbolically had done themselves.

God recalled Moses up the mountain and told Moses He was going to destroy them. Moses pleaded for Him not to, and God agreed.

But the covenant had been broken. Within days. They all were damned.

But God gave another way out. He gave Moses a new law. A prophetic law. A law of ceremony, feasts and ritual that was symbolic of the salvation He would give for breaking the 1st covenant.

Symbolic of His Sons life/mission/death and resurrection to atone for the breaking of the original (10 commandments) covenant the hebrews entered into.

2 separate laws. Do you see how it was 2?

One law told the hebrews what "was" sin.

One law told the hebrews how God would "save" them from sin.

Christ obeyed the 10. Christ fulfilled the ceremonial.

You must surely see this difference between the two.

THSenior ago

Stupid. You’re too dumb to know that the commandments were from higher ranking Jews to non-Jews.

70times7 ago

God wrote the 10 commandments with his own hand. Not man.

The irony of your insults mixed with the ignorance of your post, is not lost.

memik ago

Imagine believing in magic sky bro and that your magic sky bro is the one true magic sky bro and all the other sky bros are the fake sky bros and that your magic sky bro came down and wrote (chiseled on a fucking rock) guidelines that you must follow or will instead get sent to eternal magic jail and then talking about ignorance in the next sentence.

70times7 ago

Imagine being so powerless you cant even make yourself an inch taller at will.

Imagine being such a slave, so helpless, yet so prideful and boastful of your own knowledge youve accumulated by jew public school teachers and jew movies and tv for a few years.

memik ago

Well don't keep me in suspense, are you going to tell me what it's like?

70times7 ago

You live it as you read this.

A helpless slave to your own existence.

memik ago

You're being overly boastful of your own knowledge. The entire thing applies to you if you replace jew public school with jew religion. I've only challenged your claims, never made any of my own, and you hurl these insults at me. You are a brainwashed dog.

70times7 ago

I've only challenged your claims, never made any of my own

Not only a helpless slave, but a liar also.

Dont think calling God a "magic sky bro" or any of the other garbage you wrote is making a claim?

I do hope you are young. And have many many years ahead of you.

memik ago

What am I a slave to? Certainly not a jew god.

And as far as getting upset at what I call your god, you're a stones throw away from the muslim butthurt when muhammad gets depicted. Regarding age, I think you're an adult who believes in jewish fairy tales and chastises perceived infidels for not believing in the same fairy tales.

CantDentTheBrent ago

with his own hand

Did it like come out of the sky?

70times7 ago

Exodus 34:5 - And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there

CantDentTheBrent ago

How in the fuck is that possible dude????

Really think about what you're saying.

70times7 ago

Why wouldnt it be possible?

CantDentTheBrent ago

Why hasn't it ever happened again?

Edit: even better what proof do you have besides a book. We can prove things from the Egyptians but not a dude in the clouds??? That would be big news

analyticalalligator ago

It happened prior in Genesis.

I'd point out that Jesus Christ would be the next instance.

The tablets themselves were lost long ago. The only thing remaining that could be "proof" would be the general benefit to society and to the individual when the laws are followed.

I don't know that anyone really needs proof though. I doubt many things in the Bible. Did Elisha really cause two bears to maul 42 people because they called him bald? I doubt it. People don't revere the ten commandments because it's "written by God". They revere then because they were taught to do so and I think there is value in that. It's a damn good idea to maintain the values of the previous generations because it brought them success. Maybe not the boomer's values though. I think it's safe to skip those.

70times7 ago

Who said it hasnt?

CantDentTheBrent ago

When? Where? Any proof of it besides Jewish fairytales?

70times7 ago

If you are so convicted scripture is "jewish fairytales", why do you care?

Its a thread about mormons and jews, and you come to say you dont believe any of this stuff?

Then why say anything? Need to feel important or something? Get a dog dude. They will make you feel better.

memik ago

"If you are so convicted scripture is "jewish fairytales", why do you care? "

Because retards like you get into positions of power and force your dimwitted beliefs on others. Case in point: genital mutilation of US male babies.

70times7 ago

Yeah, the 10 commandments create such an oppressive society.

You are in luck though. You are living in a time where mankind has rejected the simplicity of Gods 10 commandments, and now has 100 million laws for you.

It is your heaven. Enjoy.

memik ago

"Yeah, the 10 commandments create such an oppressive society."

You said it, not me. You're pivoting the discussion toward some bullshit. Stop arguing like a jew. We're not talking about the content of the the 10 commandments but about the belief that they were written by "god" and that your god is the one true god and that you think all the other gods and beliefs are followed by fools and you're not a fool because you follow the correct one.

"You are in luck though. You are living in a time where mankind has rejected the simplicity of Gods 10 commandments, and now has 100 million laws for you. "

You're living in the same time, retard, except in addition to 100 million laws you have also have to follow jew fairytale guidelines.

"It is your heaven. Enjoy."

Why are you talking like a teenaged retard? I know you're older, stop being a faggot. I don't believe in the same imaginary entities as you but it doesn't mean I have an inverse view of what is revolting in the real physical world. Your beliefs do not make you superior and you belittle yourself with your pompous attitude.

70times7 ago

Your beliefs do not make you superior and you belittle yourself with your pompous attitude.

Go read your first reply, then read that again.

I apologize for dropping down to your level of discourse and hurting your feelings in the process.

memik ago

Your argument tactic of imagining feelings and attributing them to your opponent is pathetically ineffective. You tried it on the reply to which I replied and now you're trying it again.

Your character is pompous, your writings are unoriginal clones of jewish thought lacking substance, and your insults are dimwitted.

I've went back and read my reply. You pose the questions:

Why say anything? Why do you care?

I care because I want to know the truth. I say things because I want others to know the truth. I want my beliefs challenged and to continuously hone my interpretation of the world.

You, on the other hand, would stifle such discussion. You would question why it should take place and attempt to derail it at every turn. You are an enemy of truth, whether by malice or ignorance.

70times7 ago

Your actual reply was..

Because retards like you get into positions of power and force your dimwitted beliefs on others. Case in point: genital mutilation of US male babies.

Calling me a "retard". Claiming I "force" my views on others. Calling my views "dimwitted".

Dont whine because you get it back a little. And I mean a literal "little".

Gave you like 5% of what you gave me. Grow up ya baby.

Like you said, I am older. Older then most here. And have been studying this material for years. Hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of thousands of hours of study.

From babylon, egypt, greece, rome and everything else. From thousands of sources. Thousands of points of view.

From the writings of Josephus to Crowley. And everything in between.

If I was a "retard" like you defamed me, I would have dropped this the 1st time i read some low tier meme on a chan written by some 14 year old incel and jumped on the her der "jewish fable" bandwagon like so many have.

Dont cry when you get a tiny sliver of what you give out, back at you.

memik ago

Your views are dimwitted because you believe them to be infallible, because you think less of others for not believing the same fairy tale bullshit as you, and because you literally don't understand why someone would care or say something about a subject.

Secondly you're once again back to your stupid tricks of inventing feelings, attributing invented feelings upon others, and then telling me not to have the feelings which you've invented. Unless you're autistic I find no reason why you'd think I'm doing anything other than enjoying this conversation.

And everything else you said, while it contained words and names but had zero point. Where is your original thought? Why are you telling me about the books you've read? Why do you keep thinking I'm crying? Why do you think I'm 14? Why did you call me an incel? You're so far off the mark you couldn't hit an elephants ass with scattershot. And if you're so wrong about this very basic stuff how could you possibly think you have it figured religiously?

70times7 ago


And you wonder why people hate you.

Not my fault.

memik ago

I've never wondered that. Are you able to articulate why you HATE me? Or is this another one of your snotnose debate tactics?

70times7 ago

I dont hate you mate. Not in the least.

I pity you. And your parent(s).

memik ago

How could you pity me while knowing nothing about me? Very pompous.

70times7 ago

I pity you because you believe yourself strong, yet are fragile as a feather.

Believe yourself wise, but you are a fool.

Believe yourself learned, but you are ignorant.

I pity your mother for what she did to make you this way. She will be held accountable.

I do not hate you. I pity you.

memik ago

I don't.

I don't.

I don't.

You're a retard.

Your sense of reality is fucked.

CantDentTheBrent ago

I have a dog dumbass. And I love my views challenged.

Because my views have foundation.

What a cowardly religion. Can't even stand up to the most basic of scrutiny.

But it sure does make you complacent

70times7 ago

You love your views challenged huh?

How much time to do you devote to "challenging" them? 30 seconds? Or 30 minutes? Maybe a few hours or days?

I can prove the bible is legitimate in under 30 minutes. Assuming you can read at a proficient level. Up to you if you want to take the time. Let me know.

CantDentTheBrent ago

I'll get back to you on that.

THSenior ago

You’re literally retarded dude. Moses was an oppressor of Christians and a militant thinker. He came up with the Ten Commandments to keep the gentiles in line.

everlastingphelps ago

I didn't think it could get stupider than 70times7, and then this nigger.

downvoatmachine ago

LOL ummm dude I would like to see your timeline on this one....

THSenior ago

You dumb fuck

downvoatmachine ago

i'll post a screenshot of an iq score if you will....

THSenior ago

Post a shot of your confirmation kike

CantDentTheBrent ago

I did it and got 131. What's yours?

CantDentTheBrent ago

Test is rigged still smarter than 99%of niggers tho I guess

THSenior ago

Make your confirmation kike

70times7 ago

Thank you. That was the stupidest thing ive read so far today. Can only go up from here.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

Have you considered the comment may be ironic?

analyticalalligator ago

Sarcasm doesn't work in text.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

Not sure what that means or how it’s relevant to irony.

THSenior ago

Sounds good faggot, when you get your head out of the Jews asses you can let me know and we will start to discuss how the 10 commandments are for Christians but Jews have hundreds. The first few chapters of the Bible are from Jew books. You’re a real dumb cocksucker, you know that?