21250356? ago

I'm on here a lot defending the Church from morons like this. Just keep in mind that Q and Trump picked Huber, who happens to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Huber has been a stake president (the LDS equivalent of an archbishop) and a mission president. Q has staged Huber to take down the Clinton Foundation. When he came to talk to Congress the first time, the DS freaked out and they offed GHWB to take up all the headlines for the week. That's how scared they are of what Huber has to say. Again, Q and Trump picked a Mormon for this job.

Mormons believe that the Constitution was inspired by God. Our prophetic legacy contains prophecies about what is going to happen to the United States. We expect to play a significant role in saving the Constitution, or at least the principles embodied in it. I understand that others often ridicule us, but when the tide turns, you are going to want to have the Mormons in your foxhole. Having men to whom God speaks is an amazing asset when the time comes to fight the devil's kingdom.

We have been warning about the Cabal for 200 years. For crying out loud, the Book of Mormon gives a lot of warnings about it. Why do you think the devil doesn't want you to read it? People who spread the anti-Mormon garbage are like the MSM. They have an agenda and it comes from a false narrative. They just parrot it. They don't really have a clue.

I'll end with this: If the Q movement turns on the Mormons, it will lose. If it treats Latter-day Saints as fellow patriots, the movement has a chance of at least a generational success. The Cabal won't go away forever, however. This we know from prophecy. If you get tired of reading the same old anti-Mormon drivel, try reading some of this:


21245597? ago

The C_A is infested with them.

21243009? ago


Another jidf thread. Trying so hard to blame others.

Its on you kike. The worlds wrath will fall upon you

21242867? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/mw0muc.png :

The Mormon Church Has Been Accused of Using a Victims' Hotline to Hide Claims of Sexual Abuse - VICE

This has been an automated message.

21260734? ago

I was a congregational leader in the Church for several years. The Church created the hotline to advise bishops and branch presidents how to proceed in cases where abuse is confessed by a member of the Church. The law traditionally recognizes the relationship between clergy and confessor. There is no "cover up" or hiding of the sins, but confession is a sacred trust. As Mormon leaders are not professionals--instead they are unpaid lay leaders with priesthood authority--the hot line advises them how to proceed and how to comply with the law. Ill-intended people misrepresent that, but that just shows the malignity of their own hearts.

21242808? ago

Q is infected with mormons

I down-voted you because your claim is 100% bullshit.

We don't know who Q is... which makes you a liar.

21242788? ago

You are correct on various objections to Masons and Mormons including being by the account of their own leaders followers of Lucifer or the "spirit brother of Lucifer" according to the case, their extreme public corruption, and their pedophilia, blackmail, and mind control operations except you have no evidence of "Q is infected."

The boards are infected with some degree of Mason and Mormon shills, however. Both shilling pretending to be or perhaps in some cases actually pro-Mason or Mormon, and some which are presenting true information on the extreme public and personal evil of these but with intent to distract.

Your "Q is infected" suggests your thread is the latter.

21260751? ago

Most of the Masons and Mormons I know are the finest people I have ever met. How many Mormons and Masons do you actually know personally?

21242823? ago

You sound like a mason

21242885? ago

You not only sound like, but obviously are, an idiot.

21243028? ago

Hes a jew.

Masonry is all based off kaballah. Theodore Herzl ( a kike ) even admits they use masonry as a system to control shaboz goi

21242784? ago

Magic underpants for the win!