thewebofslime ago

Online privacy is on the onus of the online user. Voat cannot be expected to save everyone. Sure, harassment is bad, but information, itself, is neutral. There are already laws in place to deal with threats and harassment. "Dox" is not a legal term. Sharing information is not and should not be legal. Sharing embarrassing information is not illegal. Avoiding embarrassment is not a legal right. Avoiding being offended is not a legal right.

In fact, free speech is the right to offend. It is the right to embarrass. The Founding Fathers said so.

I see no problem with anyone being doxxed. If people choose not to take their online privacy seriously that is not Voat's problem. If someone uses Voat as a vehicle to harass by repeatedly posting personal information, making up fake stories, then trying to convince others to use that fake story to screw with someone's life, that isn't a result of doxxing, that is a result of people behaving badly and there are legal remedies for that. Slander and libel already have rules surrounding them.

This is, of course, assuming the drama isn't staged to be a distraction.

So, when people start calling me a pedophile, I have a legal vehicle to sue them and take their money from them to make sure they don't do it again. I don't have to ask admin for help. @theoldones @shizie I can sue you if I can prove harm for making false accusations. False accusations are harassment, libel, slander, etc. The legal system is not perfect but it generally works for the average citizen and I don't need to ever communicate with @puttitout about it.

It is easy to sue people in the US. If someone infringes on your actual rights, there is a remedy and it isn't crying to @puttitout. You call the police, you file a petition with the court, etc. A process is already in place. Rules are already in place.

People should really be aware that a face picture is enough to do a facial recognition search using any of 100s of services. It gets worse than that, though. The face search finds @srazyie's page which shows addresses, phone numbers, criminal records, bankruptcies, family members, family member criminal histories, all of her aliases, links to all of her social media accounts ever, and so much more. It even has her multiple email accounts.

Even if she uses "srayzie" and just a picture, and other services are tying all of this data together and know who she is. Plenty of paid services know who "srayzie" is and you don't need a name or a picture because she uses one of her many email addresses to sign up accounts called "srayzie."

This is how I often find people, as well, simply by importing their email address. The social media sites find the rest of the info, themselves. The APIs allow all people finder services to do the same thing.

So, with just an email, LinkedIn will find FBI employees. It can also work both ways, to find email addresses. Generally, users don't have access to this, but API's do and the technology is improving rapidly. The difference between now and three months ago has shown great progress. Scary.

Indeed, @srazyie has a MASSIVE online footprint and she plastered her picture onto anything and everything. She made herself a very public figure using alts on multiple platforms but wasn't smart enough to separate them so that Facebook, Twitter, etc, didn't connect them. She was very fickle and lazy about cleaning up stray accounts.

If you use the same username everywhere and the same email addresses to sign up for services, they will all connect you and allow that connection to be public because ad services need to better advertise at you. That is why this is all so public and it isn't going to get better; quite the opposite.

You know I've been saying this over and over. I can't stress how public everything is. In a year, it is going to be more drastic.

The doxx conversation is important and I am stressing that there is no hiding for anyone unless they wise up on how to use the Internet. MyLife and other databases are the starting point from which someone can gain total access because everyone's passwords are also widely available and they are leaked with some regularity.

Voat is not responsible for all the information on the Internet and Voat should not be infringing on free speech. The information is out there whether Voat bans people or not.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#62358) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@thewebofslime: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Shizie ago

@theoldones @shizie I can sue you if I can prove harm for making false accusations.

Suuurrreee! What have I ever accused you of that's false? Or are you just trying to keep getting my attention and finding reasons to ping me? Sorry, but even if I were single I wouldn't ever be interested!

theoldones ago

Online privacy is on the onus of the online user.

oh fuck right off.

thewebofslime ago

Fine. Give us all your personal info and let's see what happens.That is the alternative that you are proposing.

Or... you could take my advice and go ahead and learn to protect your own privacy.

theoldones ago

Fine. Give us all your personal info and let's see what happens.That is the alternative that you are proposing.

Or... you could take my advice and go ahead and learn to protect your own privacy.

i've got a better idea.

you could stop being a spying piece of shit. thought about that idea yet?

thewebofslime ago

Why in the world would court documents be redacted, in the first place?

Anyone with a half a brain has their court documents sealed. Also, plenty of people are arrested and accused of a crime, but go free. So, what you are asking is, seemingly, disingenuous.

theoldones ago

Why in the world would court documents be redacted, in the first place?

you're missing the point here.

why would you post them if you know what information resides in there?

thewebofslime ago

So did @srayzie but you don't have this conversation with her.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

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theoldones ago

please explain how even if that were true or not, that absolves you of your own guilt.

thewebofslime ago

Admit it is true and I will tell you.

theoldones ago

fuck off you get no bargain and can make no request

thewebofslime ago

Your persistent commitment to dishonesty is impressive. You are the most dishonest poster on Voat and that is saying something.

theoldones ago

you done talking shit yet?

thewebofslime ago

"I have some concerns about your methods. If you did these things to make your message less effective, it would be more effective."

ha so true.

I feel like I keep getting told to stop investigating a lot.

"Hey, if you stopped investigating, the investigation would go a lot better."

thewebofslime ago

I gather that you are stating that I am not allowed to post publicly available information and that you are willing to spin whatever you need in order to make doxxing bad.

Just remember, you are protecting people like this...

You seemingly don't want me looking for or sharing information like this. Why?

SandHog ago

I shared PMs related to the boob pic stuff to prove I wasn't lying.

You also shared the dm about her brother which did get deleted. That was reprehensible. Noone else knew that information.

I shared no personal information. The two twitter accounts and her location plus the pics from twitter led to everything. After the fact people went and checked. No one is "sharing". The woman has the biggest online footprint I have ever seen, and I went looking AFTER the dox that got beatle banned. She has taken a bunch of stuff down since (smart) but the damage was done.

She was extremely naive regarding her online presence, no doubt.

I think zyklon got all his stuff a couple months back and fucked with her by releasing things gradually.


Your narrative desperately needs for it to be my fault, but the fact is that she doxxed herself.

I've never said it was your fault. If I have a narrative it's that doxing is fucked up and people should not do it. My beef with you has always been about the inconsistent manner in which you handled the entire situation and how you attack mods for dealing with trolls who are running amok. You held her accountable every step of the way while at the same time giving the trolls every benefit of the doubt and manipulating the stickies to influence the casual observer. I do not know why you handled it in the way you did. I don't even really care. Maybe your feelings got hurt. Maybe you are great buddies with those guys behind the scenes and are playing stupid fucking forum games. It doesn't matter.

She did not post her real name on here. Someone else did that. It is irrelevant how hard or easy it was for someone to link her real name to her account on here. The fact that someone did is doxing. It's disingenuous to blame her for that which is what you and others are doing. You are also justifying the act by doing so.

You like to go on and on about slippery slopes. Well, we are currently sliding down one in regards to doxing. You could help to prevent that. The user who posted the actual dox is not banned yet two people who re-posted the links he generated were banned. If you really are about protecting Voat there is a pretty clear and present danger to every user on the site. Whatever disagreements we may have I think that we can both agree that there should be no place on voat for doxing. Or am I wrong in that?

SandHog ago

Except you did take a side. For whatever reason I do not know but to say that you were unbiased is a joke.

WhiteRonin ago

You have taken sides and are as biased as all of us.

Dude. You have no clue what private people are doing in their private time. You have no right to ask either since private exchanges are private.

You have a point if private individual’s information is leaked on a public forum as this.

However, the hypocrisy of your point is very strong.

Srayzie is a semi-public figure at the least and a public figure in most instances. She like Neon Revolt have placed themselves as “reporters” of a movement. Is the level of reporting journalism? No, but that would also mean most bloggers and reporters aren’t journalists either.

Second, I challenge you to take the very same actions you are using to hunt down Srayzie haters and apply it to all possible doxing posts with GA and PG and such other subs.

Once you go ahead and review each post in all those subs applying your same criteria I will believe that you have zero bias. Until then you have as much bias as any other person and as much or even more than @kevDude.

Enjoy bro!

SandHog ago

Dude. You have no clue what private people are doing in their private time. You have no right to ask either since private exchanges are private.

Everyone has bias. There is a difference between having a bias and acting on it when adjudicating matters which is primarily the purpose of PV. I wasn't talking about PMs I was asking if people have still been sharing dox info publicly. Hence the 'where.'

Srayzie is a semi-public figure at the least and a public figure in most instances. She like Neon Revolt have placed themselves as “reporters” of a movement. Is the level of reporting journalism? No, but that would also mean most bloggers and reporters aren’t journalists either.

Lol. Ok so I guess everyone who has a twitter account on Voat should have their full name and address linked here and associated with their Voat handle. You'd have a point if she was using her real name but she wasn't.

Second, I challenge you to take the very same actions you are using to hunt down Srayzie haters and apply it to all possible doxing posts with GA and PG and such other subs.

Yep, because the people discussed in pizzagate and on GA all have Voat accounts. Got it.

You are really bad at arguing points. Also, I'm not sure why you seem bent out of shape at me after I did you a favor earlier but whatever.

WhiteRonin ago

No dude you don’t get it. Goats dog up shit on various non Voat members and post all the time. Look at the crazies going to Comet Pizza.

That is the line I’m talking about. Why is ok to dig up shit about non-goats but it’s bad to do about goats?

Poal has it right about images. Ban them all not matter if real or cartoon.

As for the the dox stuff. I haven’t been pinged recently so haven’t shared around. Putt couldn’t ban me because I didn’t post original content. I’m sure he ain’t happy with what I did but I didn’t do the dirty, just the needful. Being a messenger is a tough job.

I’m not sure what you are talking about earlier.

I’m not bent out of shape. I’m just wanting rules to be applied across the board fairly.

Ban these people: beatle, Kat, Gotham, Crensch, srayzie and shizy. 3 and 3 and all their alts - every single fucking one. Dig em all out. But because we can create new accounts, it’s Rather ridiculous because they will be back. I’m not playing favorites.

I also want Putt to lay out what a dox is.

I don’t know if people are talking in PM or email. I’d do email because Putt has access to all data.

I also hate the current CCP system. It only creates more alts and butt hurt people over protecting the site from spam.

sguevar ago

I am not, I am expressing my views on the matter. I owe that to a Voat user that is concerned about the whole deal. Whether he believes in v/ProtectVoat or not, it is besides the point. He deserves an answer.

SandHog ago

Funny how kev calls me a concern troll over people literally doxing people ain't it? I didn't agree with it when zyklon/gg did it. I didn't agree with it when the other side did it and I told them so even though it was in response to the trolls doing it. I don't agree with it now that slime has done it and is threatening to do it to yet more people. Where do you think this sort of shit ends once it becomes acceptable? The question you should be asking yourself is why kev finds some people being doxed acceptable but not others. My position has remained unchanged. His hasn't. Funny how noone said shit to slime when he did the full doxing and then threatened to dox more people. All of it was done in v/ProtectVoat. Putt himself had to remove the information. He should have banned slime right then but he didn't even though he banned Katharzso and someone's alt for reposting it.

Why do you think I and others left v/ProtectVoat in the first place? Kev is a fucking hypocrite who sits back and pulls people's strings to get what he wants. He's doing it to you right now. ProtectVoat's mission is to slay powermods. Problem is that it's run by one.

And damned right I'm concerned. People come to Voat to say unpopular things with the expectation that they can freely do so without having their identity linked to what they say here. Hell even being associated with this site is enough to cost people their jobs. You don't think leftist faggots would use dox information to try and destroy someone's life? They do it every day. Think Voat will still be a platform if this sort of thing is normalized? It won't. You want to protect Voat? Maybe you should start focusing your attention on the cancerous users that are an actual threat to it.

Apologies for the rant and I appreciate the condolences. I got a lot of shit going on irl and this nonsense needs to stop.

thewebofslime ago

@kevdude called you a concern troll? It fits because you only cared about doxxing after it happened to @srazyie. Until then, you were content to let her do whatever. It means your concerns is fake or, as @virge calls it, "not genuine."

virge ago

Kev is a fucking hypocrite who sits back and pulls people's strings to get what he wants.

Appears to be the case.

sguevar ago

Apologies for the rant and I appreciate the condolences.

No apologies needed. I honestly think you have valuable insight on all this matter. The only thing that I can tell you is this: The only one that moves my strings is the Lord. And no man will control the way I think or handle myself why? Because we are all facing the war between the flesh and the spirit. And no one will be able to use my faith to manipulate me either because that would turn them in false prophets and use the Word at their own convenience.

Please don't misunderstand what I say here. I am not trying to paint myself as someone of a higher moral. But I say this because my faith is really important to me. I don't agree with what u/thewebofslime does. Let that be clear. You shouldn't share information of people here, even if it is on public records on Voat without that user's authorization because it has real repercussions IRL.

I however can't stand with u/Crensch for what he has done and the way he has conducted himself. Time will tell if my decision was correct. But my interest as yours is, is to stop this nonsense, reach consensus and work for a better Voat. We can't do this with so much polarization. However we can't reach it either if no party finds a way to yield and have dialogue.

Let this be clear also, I don't consider your position a concern troll. You have valid points and I do hear them. But we can't work to move forward and protect voat if we are focused on fighting each other.

Why do you think I and others left v/ProtectVoat in the first place?

You are not the only one that has told me that u/kevdude is a manipulator. Heck, I am not blind. I know things move around me that at this moment I am not focused on. But v/ProtectVoat needs to stand. And maybe you are right, maybe we will be able to move forward if u/kevdude is no longer a moderator/owner of the sub. But that needs to be dealt within v/ProtectVoat and discussed by us and it's subscribers. Much as I think the subs run by u/Crensch will eventually have to decide whether they want to keep him or not. Much like v/GreatAwakening did, despite his power moderation, they are happy to be lead by a power mod. So that is it. Even if I am critical of it, it is their choice and I respect their choice.

In the little time that I spent on the preview chat, I honestly liked the empowerment that the new feature will give to users. And I think that we will discuss further more once it is up and running so things can change and we can have a more open door policy about how we run our sub. But this internal fight happening right now, motivated out of pride and personal vendettas is what is hurting Voat right now. You know this to be true. This is why I decided to reach an agreement to u/virge. I am not interested in pursuing further conflict with him even If we see things differently. I am interested in stopping the conflicts to reach dialogue.

This will need to be something that each individual right now involved in all this drama needs to see or find a way to see it.

And damned right I'm concerned. People come to Voat to say unpopular things with the expectation that they can freely do so without having their identity linked to what they say here. Hell even being associated with this site is enough to cost people their jobs. You don't think leftist faggots would use dox information to try and destroy someone's life? They do it every day. Think Voat will still be a platform if this sort of thing is normalized? It won't. You want to protect Voat? Maybe you should start focusing your attention on the cancerous users that are an actual threat to it.

You have a valid concern and I appreciate you sharing it. I share it with you. But we can't work on it without working on the issues that polarize us first. Again, I may be naive for some, but I know that several don't share my faith yet we find common ground to work together. So I am asking for that.

I never consider you anything else. I hold no ill against you or anyone. Even u/Crensch. With him I am disappointed and seeing how he has corrupted his ways I don't trust his motivations because they are pushed by his personal vendetta.

I got a lot of shit going on irl and this nonsense needs to stop.

Do as I did, u/SandHog, when I had my wife ill, take your time. Don't let you being here at Voat take strength out of you to deal with what you need to deal with IRL. And believe me I send my best wishes to you and will pray for you and that everything goes well.

But as stated before, all a man has is his word. I give you my word that I will defend the rights of the users and that I will not become a powermod myself. So you can rest assured that my commitment with Voat is real. Obviously is up to you if you believe me or not.

Take care man, may God take care of you and yours.

SandHog ago

I'm really not interested in fighting with anyone but I will call out bullshit when I see it. I saw the whole drama unfold from the ground floor and what was done was extremely wrong on a lot of different levels. It's also cracked the door open on doxing to where some people got banned for it and others haven't. I do not know why Putt has been inconsistent on this but it's very bad for Voat and every user on here. That is my primary concern. Maybe some people are cool with Voat devolving into something like Kiwi Farms over time but I'm not one of them. All the rest of that stuff will eventually sort itself out over time one way or another. This doxing has to stop though or Voat is going to be a ghost town. Thanks for the kind words. Hope you have a good night.

sguevar ago

I'm really not interested in fighting with anyone but I will call out bullshit when I see it.

I respect that.

I do not know why Putt has been inconsistent on this but it's very bad for Voat and every user on here.

I think it has to do with the major efforts he is doing to deliver the update. That at least is my opinion.

Maybe some people are cool with Voat devolving into something like Kiwi Farms over time but I'm not one of them.

Neither am I.

This doxing has to stop though or Voat is going to be a ghost town.


Thanks for the kind words. Hope you have a good night.

No problem, likewise! Take care man, serious!

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Unless someone has committed a crime, its simply an intimidation tactic. And only pussies attempt it.

sguevar ago

As expressed here:, and I quote:

Additionally I do not support nor will I ever support the sharing of personal information of a certain user without that user's expressed public authorization and that goes for more sensitive data as to public record data. I value the right of Voat's user base to have privacy and to deal with Voat matters within Voat.

That is my position on it.

SandHog ago

Agreed. I've been away for personal reasons but I see a certain slimy individual going around stating that not only is there nothing wrong with it but he also claims to have compiled a bunch of people's identities/criminal histories and noone even seems to care much. Seems like something v/ProtectVoat should care about but I didn't see anyone calling him on his bullshit. Why is that?

sguevar ago

I've been away for personal reasons

Hope you are doing alright.

I see a certain slimy individual going around stating that not only is there nothing wrong with it but he also claims to have compiled a bunch of people's identities/criminal histories and noone even seems to care much.

This is why I don't engage with that* user a lot. Just counted occasions. Also this is the same type of justification that Crensch does so again I don't support it. Personally I prefer to focus in the defense of the users that are affected by this behavior and inform the community about how to protect themselves.

Seems like something v/ProtectVoat should care about but I didn't see anyone calling him on his bullshit. Why is that?

So far from all the parties involved in all this nonsense, v/ProtectVoat is the only one that have defended both users affected by it. You can check my comment history. I was the one denouncing what was being posted on the anon subs about u/srayzie as I was the one who reported what was being done to u/GothamGirl. And from my private interactions with both u/Dismember and u/kevdude, we all believe the same. Personal information should be shared by 3rd parties without the authorization of the owner of that information when it regards Voat's user base. After all, anonymity is one of our main points. That you can express your views and opinions without being persecuted by them IRL.

So v/ProtectVoat will not support any behavior like that. But we will also not support the hypocritical denunciation done by an OP (Crensch) that has engaged in the same type of behavior and that has hurt the integrity of the platform with his actions. We stand by what we believe. And personally if I thought that it wasn't the case, I wouldn't have comeback as a mod/owner.

This is why I recused myself from the whole matter that he published on his post. I don't trust him anymore and I still have my suspicions about him and haven't been proven otherwise. So I prefer to focus on the informative part of the sub I collaborate with.

Are people still playing red team blue team here? It's fucking retarded.

Agreed, duality is one of the ways that the spirit of the enemy deals with: Red vs Blue, Black vs White, Man vs Woman. Divide and conquer. I have attempted to look for common ground so we all can work and move forward. I have explicitly asked for dialogue multiple times and I received empty answers from some and attacks, insults from others.

So in that regard you can think what you want but I will stand where my faith leads me to stand, always by the truth. Even when people attempt (poorly I might add) to attack my credibility.

chazwhich ago

Dozing is unnecessary, ideas should stand or fold on their own merits. Only exception I can think of is if there is a threat of violence.

Sheeitpost ago

I think it depends on what doxing means in the specific example because it's slang for someone's identity being revealed. That could mean a SSN which should not be allowed to be revealed or it could be finding a Facebook profile of someone from another context which in my view is freedom of discovery. No doubt with antifa being the leftist's champion, they will try to pass legislation making all "doxing" a felony soon to give them more power.

SandHog ago

Doxing meaning tying your real identity to your voat handle. Thing is is that I have seen a user going around threatening to do this very thing and it has been mostly ignored. Not only is he threatening to do it he has done it once already. Which I find ironic considering it's all been posted in v/ProtectVoat.

fightknightHERO ago

Antifags ain't human but voat is a board of peace

we will never encourage doing anything ill-eagle

Hey_Sunshine ago

Maybe it's because I'm American, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. What I've written online is what I would stand behind and say in person. Then again, my perspective isn't everyone's and some folks might live in shithole countries that throw people in prison for calling an Arabian rape ape what it is.

Notimportant36 ago

In the ideal this would be how shit would go... With these intimidation tactics, trying to get people fired or worse for their opinions, etc... It's not quite as cut and dry.

Gigglestick ago

No. I’ve been doxxed and humiliated without even an ability to respond on Facebook when I was drunk. There’s enough info online, private message the person, and warn them. Unless you’re in Michigan, I probably won’t meet a single goat irl.

WickerMan ago

Most doxing happens because the "victim" enables it to happen.

SandHog ago

That wasn't the question but you are correct. Point being would you like you Voat ID associated with your real name?

WickerMan ago

I sufficiently gave my opinion that was asked for.

SandHog ago

I'll take that as a no.

WickerMan ago

Point being would you like your Voat ID associated with your real name?

My real life name can fairly easily be found. My picture was on the banner of a popular sub for months. No skin off of back. I just think of myself as undoxable now.

heygeorge ago

Point being would you like your Voat ID associated with your real name?

No, I doubt that @WickerMan would. And I wouldn’t particularly like mine associated with my real name. Doubtless most Voaters wouldn’t.

To this end, if one does care about this sort of thing, it is highly advisable not to associate their Voat social media account with their photograph nor with other social media accounts.

WickerMan ago

If you keep in mind that you are responsible for your own security, you're probably going to be safe.

sguevar ago

That I agree but I support the victim's right to call for that information to be removed and not shared again without that victim's expressed public authorization.