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brandon816 ago

Too little, too late. He just got banned for vote manipulation, using an alt to upvote himself.

Vindicator ago

Three cheers for @theoldones!

theoldones ago

-"schoolgirl raped and murdered PT 1"

-posted teen porn to porn sub, and cried when people downvoted it

-attempted to post CP of a child being raped to a porn sub

HoneyTrap1488 ago

One account going dark doesn't mean much. There are new accounts appearing all the time that clearly aren't new users. The dirty paedo is probably still here.

thantik ago

I also left voat when my wife started listening to crazy people and almost left with the children. Didn't want anything said here to be admissable in court, and it was easier to delete my account - I was lucky that I wasn't banned from any subs at the time, because at the time being banned from any sub at all would have made it impossible to delete the account.

Luckily, things ironed out, and I was able to get my account back. Though I wish there was a way that Voat would allow me to only keep the last 2-3 months worth of replies.

DintDoNothin ago

These people will be the downfall of voat

Holonomic ago

Well, now I can sleep at night.

ratsmack ago

Yeah... people shouldn't ping Putt over every stupid, like he's their mom or something. Putt should really only get involved when there is a real issue.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Eh I once agreed with him in that way but like I told others after the Aged controversy I realized that it's definitely a slippery slope scenario. So I'll just stick to downvoating and calling people pedofags repeatedly until they leave instead of supporting censorship even if it's shit I absolutely hate.

CatsControlTheEU ago

I entirely agree, no censorship or banning has concurred. Me and everyone else calling him a pedo faggot is also entirely fair game. Not my fault he couldn't handle the pressure.

NihilisticClownFrog ago

Yep. Didn't delete everything=alt

Intrixina ago

Classic psychological projection - it's what those with mental illness do. Blame others for shit they are doing.

CatsControlTheEU ago

The jailbait sub was used as the main excuse for former CIA intern Anderson Cooper to run the smear piece that applied to Reddit a pivotal pressure to break the back of its free speech culture, which has been slaughtered without mercy and is now long dead and buried.

Ironically the reason a while back when the Aged controversy came to a breaking point that Aged was unbanned was due to Voat wanting to preserve free speech. I was part of the original people who vehemently pushed in favor for his banning but I switched to the unbanning group for that very reason of preservation. Despite @Puttitout and his hard work at keeping Voat an actual bastion of free speech, there may be a time where it is no longer becomes his choice on whether or not Voat starts enacting stricter rules especially on CP - we have, and will continue to be a target and unfortunately certain governments or organizations will use anything to try and shut us down or put us under their control.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Of course Voat will continue to be a target. But that isn't because an account like @Aged posts fan art of female characters from games. And censoring that type of legal content is not going to make Voat any less targeted. If you don't want to be targeted, then stop talking about politics, government or anything serious and just post cat pics all day.

CatsControlTheEU ago

I'm not saying it's targeted because of Aged, but rather shit like that may be utilized to garner some kind of support for actions against Voat like @TruthDefender mentioned in what happened to Eddit. It was used as an excuse to instill large scale censorship.

The reason Voat is targeted is clearly because of its political stance and criticisms of governments and their officials.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Right, but what lesson is to be taken from that? Reddit doesn't suck because others targeted unpopular subs. It sucks because it caved to the pressure when that happened. Since r/jailbait had illegal content they did need to address that one sub. Everything since then is on them buckling to SJWs, not fear of being shut down by the FBI.

A majority of the posters on Voat deciding they just don't like some content and so trying to actually have the site not allow it is the beginning of a potentially slippery slope. I'm not saying you are advocating that but certainly some of these guys would support it. This place does change over time and there is no guarantee things you agree with will continue to enjoy popular support over time. The protection for your speech is to support Voat tolerating at least the mere existence of all legal content. Not saying people need to upvote content they despise or refrain from calling people names if they don't like what they post.

CatsControlTheEU ago

A majority of the posters on Voat deciding they just don't like some content and so trying to actually have the site not allow it is the beginning of a potentially slippery slope.

I agree and that is the whole basis of the Aged controversy. And also why I defended Aged's pedo rights because his material was legal despite my clear hatred for pedos. So your point is entirely valid, the reason Reddit got fucked was because they caved. I suppose if we continue to refuse to allow the legal CP spam to sway us into banning it thus beginning the fall down the slope we should be alright. I only hope that Putt can continue to hold onto his integrity and ignore any potential smear campaigns that will no doubt go his way.

theoldones ago

the voat rules surrounding CP, if still restricted by US law, may currently be inadequate to recognize certain glaring problems that perhaps need to be addressed.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Lolicon is not pedophilia FYI

CatsControlTheEU ago

Yea they put it all over TV and make people think it's a common phenomenon. Literally fucking all over kikewood.

If there is a fag being attacked/harassed in a movie or show all of a sudden it ends up that the main instigator of the attacks actually is in love with the fag he hates. Give me a fucking break.

theoldones ago

what's interesting now that you lay it out, is that post 1 is me pointing out the sub existing, and the last link that killed his account was posted to that sub.


argosciv ago

I'm a be totally straight with you.

Once upon a time, I had you blocked. I have no recollection as to why, something you said must have triggered my shill radar, but this was a very long time ago -- I can't even remember when or why I unblocked you, but that too was well before our recent interactions, you must have said something redeeming...

Anywho, point being, I give you serious props for your work here and look forward to your next take down.

theoldones ago

freshmeat is currently PMing me, saying he has the power of the law


Vindicator ago

He's a very interesting operative:

His username is a pedo reference, of course.


heygeorge ago

Post ‘em! @freshmeat is one of our finer lolcows. He even acts like he’s “left” or “leaving Voat” all the time, classic.

heygeorge ago

Fucking Delaware Law

argosciv ago

Top fucking kek.

He doesn't like it when I bite back.

DayOfThePillow ago

You pedos can have all the free speech you want, say anything you want whilst we put the rope around you neck, say whatever you want as the floor gives way and the noose tightens, you have your free speech.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Good goy!

Remember to let Jamal and Abdul have their turn with all the young girls first. We wouldn't want to come across as pedophiles, now would we?

DayOfThePillow ago

Don''t quite get your point, why would they not get the rope and the talmud promotes child sex so why would hanging pedos make me a good goy?

Charliethebum ago

Hopefully he took the helpful advice so many goats gave him and offed himself

CatsControlTheEU ago

It really could have been considering he's been hounded before and he didn't leave, just want to say that if I didn't include you in my ping list it wasn't personal, just included some of the names I remembered.

J_Darnley ago

Congratulations to the pedo brigade. If you successfully remove all the loli you won't have to be reminded about how excited it makes and how much shame you then feel.

CatsControlTheEU ago

muh "if you hate pedophiles, you must actually be one" probably the most retarded logic in existence.

just the same as

"if you hate trannies you secretly want to be one"


"if you don't like fags, you're actually gay"

Keep turning those wheels up there, I'm sure you'll come up with something clever one day.

J_Darnley ago

Oh no, the preacher seen with a gay escort doesn't like me.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Oh no, the preacher seen with a gay escort doesn't like me.

Still using the same retard logic. Try harder.

TestForScience ago

Hey, just because it says their account is deleted doesn't mean it actually is.
I seriously just asked someone yesterday why their profile says it was deleted but they were still posting - they said they deleted it but decided to come back, so...

CatsControlTheEU ago

That is, really weird. Looks like a bug that the icon stays. Though I will say that 20 minutes before I made this post he didn't have that gravestone on his profile. So he definitely did delete it hence the 5/24/19, whether or not he reactivates and comes back is a different story but we will be waiting.

freshmeat ago

it wont last, they have never left here for 4 years

Fambida ago

Time to replace /v/AmalekLeaves with /v/FuarkLeaves

argosciv ago

Time to replace /v/AmalekLeaves with /v/FuarkLeaves


Oh shit, I legit laughed heartily at that.

Mostly because Amalek never left and right above(after) your comment is this from none other than the subversive, Amalek-connected fm.

@kevdude @Crensch @srayzie @Vindicator @PuttItOut

TheAntiZealot ago

Wait for the alt to appear. I'm sure these people are actually receiving an income to do this. How else can they find the time to do it? Trust fund babies? But then what of the passion to be so consistent?

CameraCode0 ago

Eh idk if he specifically is paid to do it, but I do know that there's a lot of weird people on the internet and I know not all of them are getting paid. The human mind is an enigma.

TruthDefender ago

It's hard to know for sure. Some tactics of theirs are consistent with highly motivated posters (do click that if nothing else), and paid people would be more motivated than unpaid people. If you look at the profile of Aged, he's made over 10,000 submissions, most of them lewd. Remember what happened to Reddit? The jailbait sub was used as the main excuse for former CIA intern Anderson Cooper to run the smear piece that applied to Reddit a pivotal pressure to break the back of its free speech culture, which has been slaughtered without mercy and is now long dead and buried. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out many of those who posted to that sub were agents. History often repeats, and @TheAntiZealot might be onto something.

CatsControlTheEU ago

It is always possible that some of the pedophiles are literally just here to try and discredit Voat, utilizing its anti-censorship mantra to their advantage. Even if another alt appears we will be ready and waiting to downvoat their pedo shit into oblivion for whatever that's worth.

swinston79 ago

It started with @hecho and his chomo friends a few years back. Most of the DownVoats I've given out here were to them and their crew. They say/said that,and I'm paraphrasing, That if they got banned it proves that Voat is/was no better than Reddit and that they were testing Voats anti-censorship,that was like 3 years ago. Best we can do is hound them and DV their CP bullshit,and report them if they do post true CP.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Yea I agree, and that's exactly what we did with this pedofag. He just couldn't take it, the rest getting banned for manipulation is their own fault.

swinston79 ago

They all need to be Gassed.

BordelonLoop ago

i am having difficulty with the claims of censorship. seems like what happens is self-policing.

CatsControlTheEU ago

That's because there was no censorship. We just cussed the guy out wherever he went. They're just mad.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

More than possible. It's happening.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Good job to @theoldones @drstrangegov @bluntripkin and everyone else who called out this pedo and made sure to let him know that he was a raging faggot degenerate.

schlomo_skekelstein ago

>voat is for free speech
>good job to everyone who worked to censor people
fuck you faggots and your double think. he was doing nothing wrong.

theoldones ago

pedos get the rope.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Source on that guy wanting to fuck kids?

theoldones ago

attempting to post CP in a porn sub.

CatsControlTheEU ago

He didn't get censored faggot and he didn't get banned. None of his legal/within Voat guidelines shit was removed.

The community responded to his posts negatively. He couldn't handle that negativity anymore, so he left.

schlomo_skekelstein ago

A targeted campaign of harassment is the same as censorship. It doesn't become "le not censorship" because the admins aren't the ones doing it. Harassing people think differently from you until they leave IS censoring them. And before you say "we're allowed to disagree with him", disagreeing with someone is not the same as following them around and tracking their posts.

CatsControlTheEU ago

disagreeing with someone is not the same as following them around and tracking their posts.

All part of free speech bud, 'muh i'm being harassed stop it' is another form of censorship just as 'muh hate speech' - people letting everyone else know about the fag pedo shit and reacting negatively is free speech just as much as the posting of the fag pedo 'drawings'

You and your pedo degenerates abuse the fact that Voat has really lax rules so you can post this shit.

The only reason your'e complaining now about rules or lack thereof is when the tables have been turned against you.

theoldones ago


very interesting.

theoldones ago

only 32 minutes ago i raised the red alert on this:

"Laura B from Candydoll is just too cute"

literally posts a picture of a child

LightningAndTheSun ago

TIL thinking a girl is cute means you're a pedo

Dortex ago

Did you know u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it? Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Found the paedo.

TruthDefender ago

Thinking a girl is cute doesn't by default mean you're a pedo, but it takes on that meaning in context of a much bigger body of posts that show someone to be a pedo.

Charliethebum ago

Sexualizing little girls is pedophilia, yes.

LightningAndTheSun ago

No. Sexual attraction towards prepubescent humans is pedophilia.

Charliethebum ago

... yes that's right