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freshmeat ago

You are trying way too hard buddy. Keep wasting time with this drama please. I'd say like 95% of the Q users on the site already know you, SBBH, and srayzie are shills and will move on quickly without looking back when they migrate again. Saw a post yesterday with 30+ upvotes on a comment completely dismantling srayzie and SBBH. It was anon but it read like Sar.

We have a great thing with limited moderation but, like welfare niggers, there always have to be some that shit it up for everyone.

The way you shit on irony and take the comedy out of it is comparable to a bull in a china shop.

argosciv ago

Aaaand look at that, a "real"ProtectVoat turd comes crawling out of the woodworks, after kev and srayzie reach a resolution.

freshmeat ago

2 shills come to a conclusion they predetermined before they manufactured a crisis. Im blown away.

Doesn't matter, all the concern trolling nowadays on voat is fruitless because barely anyone of significance uses this site anymore, and those who do wont publicly admit it lest they look retarded.

argosciv ago

Fucking neck yourself, you scum sucking grub.

You cunts wanna make shit personal, well, I'm right fucking here.

freshmeat ago

Lmao get fucked nigger. Keep shilling.

argosciv ago

Keep projecting, cunt.

I know what you're doing and why.

You chose the wrong person to fuck with and it fucking failed, miserably.

Go ahead, start up the campaign again, see how fucking far it gets.

freshmeat ago

Bring it on kike. There is no point spending time educating people about retarded shills like Srayzie and PV on voat. I get more views in a single discord server than i could with a front page stickied post on global.

Even QRV knows this and they are boomers. This site is too easy to shill and curate, with the admins only making it easier for them.

argosciv ago

Thank you, for doing exactly what I wanted you to, you stupid motherfucker.