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KatHarzso ago

Lol, cute wind up he has.

Octocopter ago

He is trying to garner support from various groups to farm ccp from. You should be aware he is a pedo and defended fuark as well as him spreading pro pedo narratives.

KatHarzso ago

I noticed they are owners to a SFWLoli sub and not entirely sure who they are or what their game is. What is fuark? I really don't wanna jewgle it...

Now after reading that link - I do not condone pedophilia and support having pedophiles fucking executed, but I would like to remind people that pedophilia pertains to children who are pre-pubescent. No, I don't want thirteen year olds getting married or having sex with anyone of any age but if they have reached puberty, they are no longer "children" in the eyes of nature and do not fall under the word pedo-, but instead ephebophilia.

Octocopter ago

@fuark_auf was a user on voat that posted a fetish rape video of a young girl (a specific clip from a movie) but only the section depicting a prepubescent girl being beaten and raped and he posted this to a porn sub. (here is voat celebrating the account being deleted

Members like Dortex and Maggotbait ran defense for him and attacked people with spam and down vote brigades while promoting and posting pro-pedophile comments. In that archived link Maggotbait says "That's a good point it could be lower" when asked why he chose 13. Here is him posting fetish text story about raping a child

He and Dortex were part of the users that got banned during the vote manipulation wave and ended up getting unbanned with everyone else despite their vote manipulation being easy to see.

He is posting to aww and sbbh type subs in hopes to convince them to help him in their next brigades and to up vote their comments.