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Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Woah. That's a lotta sleuthing.

I always just got the impression he is a meth head slipping in and out of consciousness.

Personally I'll post a snarky comment or two on the Q subs every once in a while when I see a bit too much trump worship or Israel support. Redpill slowly but surely, like the fph people. But to post gore/porn? That's a tactic to reduce the amount of visiting users. It's how jidf destroys 4chan. It's 100% a Jew tactic.

On a side note, how big is your file on me... :S

Justsomebullshitname ago

It’s a tactic to prevent live streaming of the forum by profiteering name fags.

Curious if you’ve ever looked at the hand behind the Jews or if you let the inclusive feelings from hating Jews keep you from seeing that they are controlled them selves. They are just a mask worn by another.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Who controls the Jews?

70times7 ago

The actual answer is arturo sosa.

But not many like that truth.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Uh huh. So Arturo Sosa told the Jews to kidnap and ritually sacrifice little boys in the medieval times?

Jews have been a plague longer than Jesuits have existed.

70times7 ago

The "mystery" religion had people killing children throughout history. Of all colors and creeds.

Its current home base of operations is the roman catholic church.

Mystery babylon the great.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Right so Jews killed Catholic boys and it was the Catholic's fault. Sounds like victim blaming.

How's the saying goes: "the jew cries out as he strikes you?"

70times7 ago

Dude learn some history.

Theyve been sacrificing children since before babylon.

They were killing them pre-flood to their gods. Wasnt even such thing as a jew back then.

You take a deep subject and ram yourself into a wall whining about the jews.

Its 1000x bigger then the jews.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Alright well I'll need some links then.

70times7 ago

You need some links to ancient child sacrifices? You have never heard of them?

Kids to molach, reliefs from babylon, the 1000 recorded sacrifice sites, etc

Never heard of any of these?

You read a thread on a chan and now every single thing that ever has happened, or does happen is "the jews"

Youre living up to the name. Learn your history.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

No I understand that there has always been child sacrifices. I just want links to support that the child sacrificing people are catholic clergy and not Jews, Satanists and weird culty oligoarchs like Hillary Clinton.

Please don't get mad when I ask for proof.

70times7 ago

Not good enough?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I guess what I would say is that I do know and acknowledge that the church has worked in many pagan things in order to make conversions easier during early Christianity.

What I don't think is that it would have adopted the child rapey parts of paganism because we know that there are pagan traditions the church did not adopt such as slavery, polygamy, exposure ,etc. These traditions went against the teachings of Christ so they were abandoned. Child rape and sacrifice also goes against the teachings of Christ and would be abandoned.

The thing is we aren't going to convince each other because there is nothing I could post to sway you (because how can you nullify that something like that happens in secret) and I don't think evidence strong exists to sway me.

We will just have to agree to disagree.

Btw did you see the new banned lists? You were a target of negative vote manipulation check it out.

70times7 ago

Always the target of negative voats.

Every once in a while I get another 50 or so ccp overnight because someone got banned.

This guy was kind enough to point out the latest round of bans to me.

*though he doesnt seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed