DintDoNothin ago

You guys get too wrapped up in this forum

jimibulgin ago

Blocked. Thanks!! Good work!

Durm ago

Stop inciting others to brigade people.

There are a lot of posts having nothing to do with Jews. Find a new hobby.

shadow332 ago

Thanks, I'll totally stop pointing out an obvious jew shill when I see one, thanks for the amazing advice. Stop posting direct links without archiving. Find a new hobby.

Durm ago

Such a stupid dick.

calfahul ago

That's good, Voat needs more dissenting voices to grow. If voat can't deal with slimeballs, it doesn't deserve to exist. Keep it up @Men13

shadow332 ago

I think it's good too. People need to see actual obvious shills. This makes them easier to spot when you are elsewhere, like in news comment forums or other social media.

Men13 ago

I don't think you know what a shill is. But that's ok, you're an obvious moron so I don't expect more.

Themooninthesky ago

@men13 could be a harmless black queer disabled supermodel of the future....naw, he’s a Jew berg.

NoRoyalty ago

Found the Nazi.

shadow332 ago

You say that like it's a bad thing, jew faggot.

Obvy_throwaway52 ago

They'll never understand this. It's beautiful. They think they're winning, like they've "won" hundreds of other times throughout history.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

I post pro Jewish articles from Jewish news sources. And I post pro African heritage viewpoints and articles as well.

I guess you can put me on your shill list.

shadow332 ago

But I don't see you saying anything kikey or subversive, so why would I do that? How does posting jewish or nignog heritage articles qualify as shilling? Bro, do you even shill?

TopTierCIAShill ago


hey faggot how much did you pay for that account? You stupid kike.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Men13 i am going to gas you with my farts including all of your family. @zyklon_b get in here and help us gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zyklon_b ago

@men13 fucked a small nigger in 1990

lord_nougat ago

His name?

Michael Obama! He was small back then.

Goys-R-Us ago

Thanks for the heads up.

@Men13, you're a hook nosed piece of JIDF shit. Go fuck your boyfriend.

billyvvinz ago

throwing a jew down the well without me? i'm deeply saddened by this development.

shadow332 ago

Sorry billy, I forgot who to ping, there are jsut so many of us waiting for these guys!

billyvvinz ago

that's okay, there's plenty more to go around.

dayofthehope ago

Another jew shill seems to be @tom47 . He claims that the jews are the chosen people of God https://voat.co/v/news/3178140/18244461 but fails to reply when I point out that such a concept is unbiblical and ask him to support his own viewpoint.

shadow332 ago

Hm, I scanned his comment history and looked at some of his posts. From the retarded overuse of RANDOM caps IN the THINGS he writes as well as the need to mark every statement with an exclamation point indicates more of some semiliterate Kikebook MAGA boomer. They believe that shit about the kikes, so it fits in the narrative. Moreover, all of his submissions are from boomer "alt right" sources: Foxnews, Breitbart, Inforwars, etc. this is typical of these MAGAboomers.

The guy looks like he has the education of a 3rd grader. This is really nigger-tier.

sane ago

Its basic old testament, and god so far did not tell the truth. The old testament has statements predicting the eventual population of Jews will grow to over 1 trillion times larger than it is now, but by using grains of sand on a beach as a yardstrick.

Gen 22:17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore;

Since no people has such a population that large, the jews are assumed to be the ones to reach a trillion citizens first and by de facto, be the CHOSEN PEOPLE.

It is reiterated in Hosea 1:10 :


TL/DR: God promised that jews would fill up every inch of earth and possibly other worlds.... but so far it looks like they may even die out over time.

dayofthehope ago

Today's Jews do not believe or follow the Old Testament. They say Moses was the greatest prophet, but they won't follow the 10 commandments. These points are all talked about in the documentary film Marching to Zion.

So their religion is not the same as the Old Testament. But maybe they are direct descendants of Shem and Abraham?

Also, not true. 90% of today's Jews refer to themselves as "Ashkenazim" which is a reference to Ashkenazi some guy mentioned in a Biblical genealogy as a descedant of Jephath, which clearly makes them not descendants of Shem or Abraham.

The word Jew in the Bible is used in a whole bunch of different ways. Just because somebody calls themselves Jews or Israelites now, doesn't meant they are related to the Biblical Israelites.

Obvy_throwaway52 ago

This is what those who bash Christianity don't understand. The word "Jew" , "Hebrew", "Nazarene" etc all mean different things, at different times, referring to different people's. No, they weren't all semites. Today's "Jews" aren't true "Jews" at all. They never even inhabited the area today known as the "Holy Land". It was never theirs. Ever.

sane ago

According to DNA migration computations, and Archaeology, YOU ARE CORRECT. The very closest population that was ever closest to Israel was over 350 miles to the east of the region.

It is now provable using DNA studies, and DNA in skeletal teeth, that the "Holy Land" was never theirs. Ever. Until recent centuries.

zxcvzxcv ago

My bad. you are right.

EpiPendemic ago

VOAT is the perfect size for spotting this type of shit. Good eye

shadow332 ago

True. I don't mind the regular libshits or boomers, you can tell from what they post, they just have a differing opinion and they want to express it. But the condescending, snotty iamverysmart tone mixed with utter bullshit, no sources just name-calling, confuses the reader and derails the thread - that's what stuck out for me. (Besides the obvious holohoax defense "fact" script of course).

shadow332 ago

Soory @1quickdub, had I known you like outing these rats too I would have pinged you straight away!

NosebergShekelman ago

Yep. He is a full-blown Israeli just like me!! oy to the vey

I like to call him the Palestinian cock licker of Tel Aviv

zxcvzxcv ago

I agree with your statement except for one problem: you are assuming a kike will listen to logic, facts and reason, and have forgotten the 6 words of truth, "Gradually, I began to hate them."

Those who love truth, hate the jews, because the jews hate truth above all things.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sane ago

Men13 lied in : https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3172024/18154487/10#18154487

It is easy to prove using jew sources that a Jew cannot marry a non-jew (arab for example) within Isreal. And its about the "jewish race".

for example :

"Israeli law does NOT PERMIT marriages between members of different religions within its borders"



So he is lying for deceptive pro-Israel motivations.

Men13 ago

You know religion isn't race, right?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahaha, niiiiice

Men13 ago

Yes, it is a problem. And whites have the same problem, caused by the same people.

Our enemies are using "divide and conquer" techniques, and you're falling right into it.

Jews and whites are faced with the same problem, why not join forces to fight it?

Instead, you fall into the same propaganda you think you're too smart for. You're letting the people you hate dictate your world view.

Congratulations, you're playing yourself.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Who is trying to divide the Jews from the whites?!

Those bastards!

Men13 ago

Yes, people like Soros.

Israel hates Soros and defends anyone who attacks him. Like formal Israeli government statements defending anyone who is accused of anti-Semitism for attaching Soros.

Soros is Jewish on paper, and had explicitly stated he's proud of the anti semitism he creates.

He funds a ton (if not all) pro minorities anti white movements in the US, and also a ton (if not all) pro Palestinian anti Jewish movements in Israel.

He's doing the same thing in both countries, and in Europe too, and is specifically trying to divide anyone who opposes him

And you're falling for that.

In the US and Europe he uses his Jewish identity for everything he does. using to make you hate Jews.

He wants you to hate Jews.

In Israel he uses his European identity to make them hate "foreign interference from Europe".

He wants Jews to hate Europeans

Soros is the enemy, and you're eating his propaganda like a good brainwashed sheep.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why do you think Israel isn't my enemy?

Men13 ago

Do you think Soros is your enemy?

Do you think cultural Marxism is your enemy?

Do you think the destruction of the white race is a bad thing?

If your answered yes to those, then Israel isn't your enemy. Globalists (which yes, are much more Jewish than anything else) are both your and Israel's enemies.

The only reason you think Israel is your enemy is that you eat up the propaganda by these globalists.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Haha, pilpul.

You can't even my question. It was REALLY easy!

you think Israel is your enemy

What makes you say that, moron?

Men13 ago

You writing:

Why do you think Israel isn't my enemy?

Strongly suggests you think it is.

Especially in the context.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


You already assumed it was my enemy from the get go, you donut.

You can't assume something then use your own assumption as proof.

Men13 ago

That's what you wrote, not me.

NosebergShekelman ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's ok 🕌

SearchVoatBot ago

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I just look for accounts referencing Q, 1488HH, or are SpelledLikeThis.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, I find the more pro-white username, the more likely they're literally jewish.

Men13 ago

How is "men13" a pro white username?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Did you just butt into our conversation to object that we weren't talking about you?

Men13 ago

My bad, I assumed a conversation in a post referencing me by name might be about me.

I guess it's like that guy from the song "you're so vain you probably think this song is about you" who for some inexplicable reason thinks that song is about him.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Actually it was specifically NOT about you, perhaps even defending you, but you seem unworthy of defending.

shadow332 ago

Haha trie. His smug, condescending commentary is pretty JIDF scripted as well. I thought those guys only spammed the chans.

TheTrigger ago

Nah, they've been hitting us up pretty hard, especially after the Tarrant thing. Before that it was mostly on-and-off sliding, during happenings, and they weren't sending their best. Voat appears to have moved up a few notches on their threat-level meter.

shadow332 ago

Interesting, I didn't put those together. User @sane said this good point:

If he were not a fact twister and merely a shit poster, I would not care at all. But this sort of damage ruins voat in a subtle way by smearing the usefulness and credibility of the entire site and making smarter people less likely to hang around voat with "divide and conquer" Israeli defenders spewing deceptions all over.

I think you're right, for some reason they find this site troublesome.

TheTrigger ago

Hah, I can think of about 1488 reasons why they find this site troublesome. All 6000000 of those reasons would be no joke, either.

Obvy_throwaway52 ago

I give as many fucks as Hitler did, which was apparently just enough to expel them. How dare some goyim expel God's Chosen from their fat goy pigs they've been blessed with? How dare he make them work for a living instead of destroying societies with their kike merchant ways?

theoldones ago

@Men13 can you give us an explicit yes or no regarding whether or not you live in israel

Men13 ago

I don't love in Israel. I love in the US.

I do have direct knowledge of the area though, not I don't love there.