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Splooge ago

Where are all the bodies?

"Nazis burned them all!"

Logistics, how was that managed when at most they only had capacity for about a half million total?

"Well, they didn't burn all of the juden!"

So they buried them?

"That's right! The ones that weren't burned were buried in mass graves!"

Why haven't any been exhumed?

"It's holy ground and cannot be defiled!"

But underground radar studies have found nothing anywhere since the supposed event.


Men13 ago

Logistics, how was that managed when at most they only had capacity for about a half million total?

I'm sorry, that's just not true.

You can do the math yourself.

A single crematorium (which had many furnaces) could burn 1440 corpses a day under regular load. That's already more than 1/2 million a year.

There were 5 crematorioms of various sizes - two of this size, and 3 of half the size. That's well over 2 million corpses a year, and they were in service for longer than a year.

You are just wrong.

Astroqualia ago

How can 1940s tech burn 1440 people a day into ash? Did they pay aliens for space age ovens? Do you not know how long it takes a body to fully burn? Do you not know how much fuel that would take for a wartime country to import and pay for? Their supply lines were pretty shot as well. How did they achieve this?

You're obviously a new shill or a fucking moron.

Men13 ago

How can 1940s tech burn 1440 people a day into ash?

Oh, now you are really reaching. How can 1940s tech is fire? Really?

Did they pay aliens for space age ovens?

No, they just built a lot of ovens.

Do you not know how long it takes a body to fully burn?

Yes, I do. Do you?

Do you not know how much fuel that would take for a wartime country to import and pay for?

Yes, I do. Do you?

Their supply lines were pretty shot as well. How did they achieve this?

Easily. Burning people is cheaper than feeding them.

Astroqualia ago

You're bullshitting all the answers. You're just believing the fake info that supports a physical impossibility, just because a piece of paper says so.

I bet you believe the official investigation into 9/11 too. How about that totally valid Warren commission? Lol

Men13 ago

physical impossibility,

I don't think this means what you think it means.

It's impossible to burn people in furnaces? What is so impossible about it?

Astroqualia ago

You're purposefully misconstruing the point, shill/spook. Rub the last 2 of your half-dead brain cells together to make a neuron pathway spark enough to make a coherent thought, and maybe you'll get it. Probably not.

Men13 ago

Because you don't have a coherent point.

You can count the furnaces, you can read the manufacturer's manual. You can do the math yourself.

But you won't do any of that, because you don't want to discover you might be wrong.

They built the fifth crematorium (with a lot of furnaces) in the same place as the first 4, meaning the first 4 running at full capacity weren't enough for them.

Please, explain to me what is physically impossible about this?

Astroqualia ago

I have a coherent point, your shilling or blatant ignorance couldnt be more obvious. You clearly have no clue how long bodies take to burn to ash with X amount of fuel that burns for Y amount of time to burn Z bodies per day. No fucking clue.

Men13 ago

I actually do know how long it takes. I've read the manufacturer's specifications for these furnaces.

45 minutes to fully burn a corpse, but you can put in a new corpse after just 25 minutes even though the old corpse is not fully burnt yet.

Also, if the corpses are smaller (like children), you can put in multiple corpses at once. That's part of the manual as well.

Now tell me, if they couldn't afford the fuel for the furnaces, why did they continue to build more crematorioms at the same place?

Astroqualia ago

You clearly dont, because 45 minutes to burn a corpse in 1940s tech is a blatant, impossible lie. You're either directly shilling for authority, or too stupid to realize when you're believing obvious propaganda.

Men13 ago

Write, you mean they didn't know how to burn things in 1930s? Fire technology wasn't evolved yet?

Burning things isn't hard. Talk about being too stupid to see propaganda, you just believe easily disprovable lies.

Just like flat Earthers. That is literally how you think.

How long do you think it took to burn a corpse in 1930?

Astroqualia ago

You're just assuming asinine things and making random bullshit statements, then expect me to believe your source info. That's moronic. You talk like a boomer.

Men13 ago

You said it's impossible. The furances exist, they were built, yet your say it's impossible to fuel them. Claiming they were built for... what, fun?

I gave you a memo from the base Commander detailing how many corpses a day were cremated in each crematorium. You don't care.

What do you have? Vague statements that's "it's impossible".

"It's impossible to have enough fuel for all the furnaces"

"It's impossible to burn corpses that fast"

You saying it doesn't make it so. Prove it. I gave proof, you gave nothing.

Astroqualia ago

The fact that you cant even reiterate what I say in text accurately shows you have no love for the truth, you just care about winning an argument, most likely as a paid shill, due to the autism you spout. I guess you believe the official 9/11 story as well, as you have your nose so far up authoritarian promoted information's ass that your eyes turned brown.

Men13 ago

Talk talk talk. Give actual sources that support you or shut up

theoldones ago

buddy, you seem full of fuck and kike.

zxcvzxcv ago

You are correct. Kike confirmation here: