MortonLoothorKodos ago

Well they were burnt to ash you see! No, you can not sample the soil around the camps for evidence- that's disrespectful to the dead!

Fullmetal ago

holocaust victim graves


I guess you've never heard of the crematoriums?

LarryBagelstein ago

Oy vey, goy. I was personally gassed 17 times during the Shoah and then turned into a bar of soap that Hitler himself used. How can you be so insensitive...?

Lynch_Tree ago

Most concentration camp pics are actually Russian gulags.

boekanier ago

6 million? In 100 years they'll make 60 millions of it.

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Splooge ago

Where are all the bodies?

"Nazis burned them all!"

Logistics, how was that managed when at most they only had capacity for about a half million total?

"Well, they didn't burn all of the juden!"

So they buried them?

"That's right! The ones that weren't burned were buried in mass graves!"

Why haven't any been exhumed?

"It's holy ground and cannot be defiled!"

But underground radar studies have found nothing anywhere since the supposed event.


Men13 ago

Logistics, how was that managed when at most they only had capacity for about a half million total?

I'm sorry, that's just not true.

You can do the math yourself.

A single crematorium (which had many furnaces) could burn 1440 corpses a day under regular load. That's already more than 1/2 million a year.

There were 5 crematorioms of various sizes - two of this size, and 3 of half the size. That's well over 2 million corpses a year, and they were in service for longer than a year.

You are just wrong.

Astroqualia ago

How can 1940s tech burn 1440 people a day into ash? Did they pay aliens for space age ovens? Do you not know how long it takes a body to fully burn? Do you not know how much fuel that would take for a wartime country to import and pay for? Their supply lines were pretty shot as well. How did they achieve this?

You're obviously a new shill or a fucking moron.

Men13 ago

How can 1940s tech burn 1440 people a day into ash?

Oh, now you are really reaching. How can 1940s tech is fire? Really?

Did they pay aliens for space age ovens?

No, they just built a lot of ovens.

Do you not know how long it takes a body to fully burn?

Yes, I do. Do you?

Do you not know how much fuel that would take for a wartime country to import and pay for?

Yes, I do. Do you?

Their supply lines were pretty shot as well. How did they achieve this?

Easily. Burning people is cheaper than feeding them.

Astroqualia ago

You're bullshitting all the answers. You're just believing the fake info that supports a physical impossibility, just because a piece of paper says so.

I bet you believe the official investigation into 9/11 too. How about that totally valid Warren commission? Lol

Men13 ago

physical impossibility,

I don't think this means what you think it means.

It's impossible to burn people in furnaces? What is so impossible about it?

Astroqualia ago

You're purposefully misconstruing the point, shill/spook. Rub the last 2 of your half-dead brain cells together to make a neuron pathway spark enough to make a coherent thought, and maybe you'll get it. Probably not.

Men13 ago

Because you don't have a coherent point.

You can count the furnaces, you can read the manufacturer's manual. You can do the math yourself.

But you won't do any of that, because you don't want to discover you might be wrong.

They built the fifth crematorium (with a lot of furnaces) in the same place as the first 4, meaning the first 4 running at full capacity weren't enough for them.

Please, explain to me what is physically impossible about this?

Astroqualia ago

I have a coherent point, your shilling or blatant ignorance couldnt be more obvious. You clearly have no clue how long bodies take to burn to ash with X amount of fuel that burns for Y amount of time to burn Z bodies per day. No fucking clue.

Men13 ago

I actually do know how long it takes. I've read the manufacturer's specifications for these furnaces.

45 minutes to fully burn a corpse, but you can put in a new corpse after just 25 minutes even though the old corpse is not fully burnt yet.

Also, if the corpses are smaller (like children), you can put in multiple corpses at once. That's part of the manual as well.

Now tell me, if they couldn't afford the fuel for the furnaces, why did they continue to build more crematorioms at the same place?

Astroqualia ago

You clearly dont, because 45 minutes to burn a corpse in 1940s tech is a blatant, impossible lie. You're either directly shilling for authority, or too stupid to realize when you're believing obvious propaganda.

Men13 ago

Write, you mean they didn't know how to burn things in 1930s? Fire technology wasn't evolved yet?

Burning things isn't hard. Talk about being too stupid to see propaganda, you just believe easily disprovable lies.

Just like flat Earthers. That is literally how you think.

How long do you think it took to burn a corpse in 1930?

Astroqualia ago

You're just assuming asinine things and making random bullshit statements, then expect me to believe your source info. That's moronic. You talk like a boomer.

Men13 ago

You said it's impossible. The furances exist, they were built, yet your say it's impossible to fuel them. Claiming they were built for... what, fun?

I gave you a memo from the base Commander detailing how many corpses a day were cremated in each crematorium. You don't care.

What do you have? Vague statements that's "it's impossible".

"It's impossible to have enough fuel for all the furnaces"

"It's impossible to burn corpses that fast"

You saying it doesn't make it so. Prove it. I gave proof, you gave nothing.

zxcvzxcv ago


They were built to prevent disease from spreading into the ground water. haahahaha. everyone in the areas used the furnaces to cremate, not just the concentration camp. Even the locals brought their dead in to burn because of the high water table in the area that prevented burial.

hahahahahahahha. maybe try reading more

Astroqualia ago

The fact that you cant even reiterate what I say in text accurately shows you have no love for the truth, you just care about winning an argument, most likely as a paid shill, due to the autism you spout. I guess you believe the official 9/11 story as well, as you have your nose so far up authoritarian promoted information's ass that your eyes turned brown.

Men13 ago

Talk talk talk. Give actual sources that support you or shut up

theoldones ago

buddy, you seem full of fuck and kike.

zxcvzxcv ago

You are correct. Kike confirmation here:

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kikeniggerfaggot ago

Yes, I do. Do you?

Enlighten us with the actual numbers/sources then. I don't, in all honesty.

Easily. Burning people is cheaper than feeding them.

Letting them starve is even cheaper

Men13 ago

Letting them starve is even cheaper

No, it's really not. Starving people fight back, also you still need to dispose of the body somehow.

sparts ago

Starving people fight back but people being pitched into ovens don't? Seems legit...

Men13 ago

They weren't put in the oven alive you know...

SouthernSon ago

With all those tankers of fuel driven by pixies on mystical highways

Dr_Ed_G_ShitlordPHD ago

Cool, now explain the the incredible amount of fuel that would have been needed to accomplish those numbers and then explain how they were able to provide and transport all of that fuel during a Total War economy.

Also, where are you getting 1400 from?

Men13 ago

Cool cool.

Now you explain this to me:

After they had 4 crematorioms able to burn around 2500 bodies a day, they decided to build a fifth one at the same location that can burn over 700 more a day.

Why did they need that fifth one, if they couldn't get enough fuel for the first 4? Why did they need a fifth one of the first 4 were not used?

Dr_Ed_G_ShitlordPHD ago

So just to clarify, you can't answer my question and instead you provide an unverified document as proof of your original claim?

Men13 ago

Your question was where I got the 1400 number from. I answered that question.

You didn't answer why the Nazis would build a fifth crematorium, with a lot of new furnace, if they couldn't afford the fuel for the first 4.

What makes you think it took that much fuel to run? Compared to feeding millions of prisoners that is.

That document isn't all the proof. The furnaces still exist, you can see them yourself. You can count them.

There's also the manufacturer instructions, which includes how often you can put in a new corpse. The numbers match this document.

Your only rebuttal is "lol I know nothing about was, but obviously this world be to d expensive to run lol". Then why did they build it?

kikeniggerfaggot ago

Also, where are you getting 1400 from?

The guy above here asked you a very simple question - would you mind answer that before trying to change the subject?

I'm saying this because you're not doing your cause any favors by behaving like this. I'm all for an honest analysis of the matter but the way you're "debating" just proves you have no arguments.

Men13 ago

Oh, sorry - I forgot to link to that.

It's from the German's own calculations - see the official letter here:

Note that these numbers INCLUDE time for cleaning an maintenance.

kikeniggerfaggot ago

That is really what you consider to be proof?

In all honestly. If I were to post you a picture of a document that says "the holocaust didn't happened" signed schomo kikenberg would you say "well ok"?

Men13 ago

That's not all the proof. The furnaces still exist - you can count them yourself.

There's the manufacturers instructions about maintenance and how long you should wait between bodies.

You can do the math yourself and get the same results.

There's testimony of German soldiers who worked there

There's a lot of evidence of this. But I suspect you wouldn't accept any evidence at all.

In your heart you know this is true - your just saving face because you really want there to be a conspiracy.

kikeniggerfaggot ago

I really don't know or care. I know what the jews have been up to since the end of the war, and that makes me think that the Germans had very good reasons to do what you're implying they did anyway. You know, the jew will tell you what's been done to him, but never why.

No idea why you keep hammering on those points. It has been established (and now I'm weaseling myself, but no reason not to when you clearly do not know what that is or do not care) that the above points are not a proven over and over again. There's laws that prevent people from digging further. That, plus what I said in the above paragraph, is more than enough for me to make up my mind.

Men13 ago

No idea why you keep hammering on those points. It has been established that the above points are not a proven over and over again.

No it hasn't. You sound like flat Earthers saying "it has been established that the Earth being a glob isn't proven over and over"

And just like flat Earthers - just saying it doesn't make it true.

This happened. Get over it.

That, plus what I said in the above paragraph, is more than enough for me to make up my mind.

You said nothing in the above paragraph. But it's fitting, because you don't need anything to believe what you want to believe.

There's proof. There's a LOT of proof. You just don't care. Because reality doesn't matter to you.

kikeniggerfaggot ago

Let me spell that out for you again

It didn't happen? Well now what do we have have to cry about schlomos everytime people call you out on your subversion?

It did happen? They sure earned it, if you look at what they do today.

We can't by law question it? Oh well. That sure points in one direction but who am I to jump to conclusions.

No it hasn't. You sound like flat Earthers saying "it has been established that the Earth being a glob isn't proven over and over"

Again, no. Bring me proof if you want, but again, I think it just doesn't matter, as I spelled out above here. Please do not reply if you can't wrap your head around those simple statements above.

gentronseven ago

Out of his ass since he made it up.

drhitler ago

At 1 child sacrifice a day, it would take 16000+ years to get to 6 million

speedisavirus ago

It's all most like the sacrifices weren't put in cremation ovens

Kannibal ago


primaryappellation ago

Germany would have been completely deforested in the process

Kannibal ago

because cremation only uses wood like in old fashioned viking funeral pyre's eh?

I think not.

The Vrba–Wetzler report offers the following description.

At present there are four crematoria in operation at BIRKENAU, two large ones, I and II, and two smaller ones, III and IV. Those of type I and II consist of 3 parts, i.e.,: (A) the furnace room; (B) the large halls; and (C) the gas chamber. A huge chimney rises from the furnace room around which are grouped nine furnaces, each having four openings. Each opening can take three normal corpses at once and after an hour and a half the bodies are completely burned. This corresponds to a daily capacity of about 2,000 bodies... Crematoria III and IV work on nearly the same principle, but their capacity is only half as large. Thus the total capacity of the four cremating and gassing plants at BIRKENAU amounts to about 6,000 daily.

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primaryappellation ago

Germany had a fuel shortage numbnuts. Mass graves work, the only reason to cremate would be to cover their tracks if they planned on losing the war

Kannibal ago

or if they realized they couldn't win the war

primaryappellation ago

So they did it from the start...Riiiight. For the same reason Anne Frank:s father was treated in a hospital through the end of the war instead of being killed right away (the treatment the Jews pay handsomely to force us to believe all sick/unable to work Jews received immediately at the camps he wasn't sent to )

Kannibal ago

their own documents speak to their dedication to their task of eliminating (((the jews)))

So you are saying they are hypocrites, that they would not even make a go of it, despite all of their public and private writings classifying (((the jews))) as enemies of mankind that needed to be eliminated from the world as a threat to the world, to humanity, never mind the German Folk?

primaryappellation ago

So why didn't they shoot them, or use nerve gas instead of a delousing agent? Also, the Jews are infamous for forgery and deceit. Look up the testimonies of the American Judges at Nuremberg, they were all disgusted by the way the "war criminals" were tortured into confessing

Kannibal ago


germans are notorious for efficiency

primaryappellation ago

Shooting is cheaper and more efficient

Kannibal ago

they were running into problems when people were having problems routinely routinely shooting people on an ongoing basis

even hardened SS men.

primaryappellation ago

Nuremberg, the place where they tortured out confessions.

Kannibal ago

You will have to prove that strong accusation.

especially since the Allies had a strong motivation to not be like the Nazis

primaryappellation ago

You won't "believe" the testimony unless it is related to you through Jewish owned media or our Jewish owned government. "Jews don't control-"

Kannibal ago

because the testimony of those veterans who returned from WWII and described what they found is nonsense.

You confuse modern political activity with documentation from actual german records in archives both in Germany and elsewhere. and the sobering evidence when you visit these sites.

I personally do not think Israel has acted with perfect morality or wisdom in their dealings in the Middle East.

You remain convinced that the Nazis, models of German efficiency, and who were fully motivated to get rid of the jews by any means possible, were either incompetent, or were merciful in their treatment of the Jews of others.

This is a fatal gap in your logic.

primaryappellation ago

They wouldn't have ransomed the Rothschilds if that were true

Kannibal ago

yeh, so the logic is because they didn't kill off 110% of the jews, therefore they got 0%

The Jewish population of Europe was about 9.5 million in 1933. In 1950, the Jewish population of Europe was about 3.5 million. In 1933, 60 percent of all Jews lived in Europe.

By 1945, most European Jews (two out of every three) had been killed. Most of the surviving remnant of European Jews decided to leave Europe.

In 1950, most Jews (51 percent) lived in the Americas (North and South combined).

primaryappellation ago

Suck my dick. If you're going to gloss over the importance of members of the Jewish mafia being ransomed by the Nazis, then they don't pay you enough to try to snow me

Kannibal ago

So Nazi's being greedy enough to accept bribes is proof that they did not kill millions of people.

nice chain of logic there, Lou

primaryappellation ago

Listen faggot, you're either being paid to lie, or you're beyond saving.

primaryappellation ago

Also, I never said that the Holocaust didn't happen, just that the kikes are lying about it being anything more than a minor genocide. They celebrate a worse one (Purim) every year

Kannibal ago

Walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, it's a duck.

although the truly great genocides are those of Stalin, Mao, and people like Genghis Khan.

Why should people be upset about the mass killing of only a few million people? wusses, right?

So you are saying they should "grow a pair" ????

Just like White people are "only 14%" (or so) of the world population and some folks are worried about the sub-species getting wiped out. Maybe they should be told that they should grow a pair as well?

Oh, that's a different thing, eh?

primaryappellation ago

Oh, jews were wiped out now?

Kannibal ago

nah, but losing 6 million of your relatives might be up a bit upsetting.

primaryappellation ago

D'aww, now that you appealed to emotion, I just have to agree with you

Kannibal ago

so you agree that whites shouldn't be upset about their possible demise.

Natural selection and all.

Astroqualia ago

Nope. Run the math and logistics from a source that isnt a jew or jew funded. You will be surprised how unfeasible that actually is. It takes a certain amount of time and fuel to burn 1 body, burning that many is laughably absurd.

NiggerVirus ago

It was actually 60 million Jews killed and the nazis burned every single one of the corpses for 24 hours in batches of 12 using 15 ovens so they basically disappeared . This is common sense you damn anti-Semitic sons of bitches

HitTheGas ago

I'm so sick of the constant downplaying and revision of the Holocaust numbers. To say it was only 60 million does a massive disservice to the Jewish victims. New research suggests that it was closer to 150 million jews at Auschwitz alone. Nice try anti-Semite

siriusisness ago

no no no! it was 666 million you anti semite.

NiggerVirus ago

Thank you for calling me out on this. I think you are probably closer with your numbers and I must realize as a white Male I am most often wrong, racist , anti-Semitic and a bad person. I will try to be better.

Doglegwarrior ago

Well i heard they burned them to a fine powder. Ground them up and used it as spices to feed the troops they hated jews so much they wanted to hide all evidence and shit them out too boot. Also made lamp shades and made them masterbait to death.. the shit ia hilarious

OvenShoveler ago

Do they have any lampshades, (((soap))) bars or jewbraid shoe laces around today to show as proof?

Oh they don't? How strange, you'd think there would still be some around to show as proof if it had occurred.

(((Historical records))) paint the picture that these horrific practices were common place, yet nothing to show for it? Not even a body, pile of ash or museum souvenir.

They wonder why less and less people are believing this shit year after year. They made up a story too unbelievable and impossible to be true and now the goyim are waking up to their tricks.

Corpse_washer ago

Because the truth about it will be used to rmeove support from jews when ww3 commences, so muslims and jews can fight it out without outside interference. The holocaust is for Europe, 911 is for the US.

OvenShoveler ago

A statement like that implies there's even bigger players above the Jews... what do you know?!

Corpse_washer ago


OvenShoveler ago

Oh not this again. Albert Pike is the biggest misinfo out

Even in your link it states

To date, no conclusive proof exists to show that this letter was ever written.  Nevertheless, the letter is widely quoted and the topic of much discussion.

Literally provide anything to either prove the letter did exist at the time or that anything in that letter could be taken seriously

Corpse_washer ago

Yup. It must be disinfo. Why else would jews hold the visible positions if power, freely advertising they are jews. The hidden hand is just a joke mate, why would they hide if they can let you know who to kill if you want out under their rule. Makes perfect sense.

OvenShoveler ago

they do it openly so they can flaunt muh holocaust over anyone that would disagree with them, allowing the mob to treat them as a protected class that you should defend lethally otherwise you're a X (nazi, racist, homophobe, etc etc etc)

pre-ww2 they hid in shadows and are what witches and vampires were based off

they had a habit of eating children and drinking raw blood (blood libel)

Corpse_washer ago

I see no possible advantage of them not hiding. Also there is a reason jews refuse to migrate to Israel to have them all in one nice cosy place. Do you really think its a coincidence that muslims are literally shipped to not just every country, but every city where jews live? Do you see any possible advantage for jews in something like muslims getting their hands on swedish carrier killer subs, french nukes and german tanks?

OvenShoveler ago

They can't hide after how much they were exposed in WW2.

But if they were to hide again, they would be eventually discovered and expelled and/or executed again.

So their new tactic was to be in the open and make you feel guilty for fake crimes against them, to build them their own nation and to bankroll it

(((shitskins))) and shitskins are both drawn to major cities


However the muslims are sent to every single last town, city and village. You just only hear about the ones causing shit in Jewish areas because 'OY VEY, save me goyi.... friends!'

Corpse_washer ago

They are not drawn there, they are literally shipped there. But the jews dont ship them there, the jews ship the blacks to Europe. You could not point out that jews hold the visible positions of power if they werent openly advertising it. It would make it harder to point out to the herd that see, everyone in power is a jew with a magnitude of two at least. It would delay their eventual removal with multiple generations at least. I must smile, when people believe jews are smart enough to rule the world with 95ish iq. I know now everyone who says that the jews have a leash on them will be branded as a jew or zionist, useful idiot, et cetera. I dont care. I will be there laughing, when the last jew is killed, but the world still remains a slave, but now with a new nwo religion and hopelessly broken to fight back against it, unable to point at the culprits.Have you ever stopped, and thought about what Trump means when he said he is the only one who can save Israel? Save from what? That how did Pakistan get nukes and for what purpose? Why does it make sense that after you create a problem(give jews power and you can count on it that their degeneracy will make them hated) and then you offer a solution(ww3) and have absolute joker card to let the eradication commence(911, holocaust ) people will be willingly join you? Afterall, you saved the world from the jews, while removing islam too? Simple things, like look, all the msm is attacking Trump, he cant be one of them, works only with herds of people. There will always be those, who see a plan within a plan within a plan within a plan.

OvenShoveler ago

I too ponder about the possibility of a hidden upper class that uses Jews as their foot soldiers.

Perhaps even a class of people that consider themselves "gods" just like elites use to thousands of years ago and these "gods" have chosen the Jews to be their foot soldiers

"gods" chosen people

So if anything were to go wrong, they would let their foot soldiers suffer in their place.

But no one's heard of anyone above Jews and all signs point to Jews being the final boss.

inb4 Freemasons

At this point, Freemasonry is a country club for shabbos goys. They are an empty husk of what they use to be, and if they were the ring leaders, they wouldn't be so mainstream. Every normies says muh freemasons

Corpse_washer ago

no ones ever heard of anyone above jews

Just like you would do everything to not advertise it.

class of people consider themselves gods

I would like you to read the story of Arachne.

When Athena saw that Arachne had not only insulted the gods but done so with a work far more beautiful than Athena's own, she was enraged. She ripped Arachne's work to shreds

Doglegwarrior ago

Well its the reason more and more laws are being passed to make questioning it illigal. I dont have a great anaology but....

Imagine i tell you a story about the giant fish i caught. Then you ask where is it? I say i ate it. Ok you ask where are the bones. Ohh i threw those in the fire. Well did u take a picture. Yes but its not the original and i show u a picture with a fish image. (Aka the rebuilding of the chimeny) then later on you bring it up and say i dont believe you.. i sue you and say if you ever ask about my big fish story you will be fined or go to jail??? Its that fucking crazy

HitTheGas ago

I also heard they wove the hair into rope and then hung the Jews with said rope. Those Nazis were so evil that even 70 years later they are still discovering new exotic ways of how they killed the Jews. Never forget the 26 million - here, buy a Holocaust ribbon to show your support (it's illegal to not wear the ribbon).

Doglegwarrior ago

Lol.. the one good thing if there is a major collapse world wide. There will be a shit load of mad maxx road warrior type fuckers hunting jews down.

TheTrigger ago

This, I wholeheartedly believe.

OvenShoveler ago

Slow down! I can only get so erect

jozsefsz ago

The official story is that the crematoria were running 24x7. Which makes complete sense tactically, when you realize the massive fuel shortages the Axis forces were experiencing. /s

speedisavirus ago

Can't run a tank on the fuel that would be used.

RoundWheel ago

Factually false.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Fun fact: Even modern crematoriums cannot burn bone to ash, and instead have to macerate (crush/grind) the bones into powder after the cremation takes place.

At no time before or since WW2 has there been any crematory tech that uses fire to turn human bones to ash. Literally doesn't exist, at all.

Stalins_bedpan ago

You can't find what isn't there. That's why it's illegal to investigate.


Cat-hax ago


Samchay6 ago

Look, let's be realistic. Everyone knows Jews melt when you throw water on them. I have proof....

Linkmyboy ago

Certainly explains the smell then.

Samchay6 ago


TheTrigger ago

Well, I didn't want to be impolite. But now that @Cat-hax mentions it, well, by golly...

middle-path ago


Wazhappenin1 ago

Great fucking point. Everyone we get to see the holo hoax will be another sympathizer maybe even a patriot. Great job getting the truth out. The Aztecs had walls of skulls. They found that too.

vastrightwing ago

They are all buried in Jedwabne.

Gumbatron ago

It's always interesting how the total was 6 million when the plaque read 4 million, but remained 6 million when it was adjusted to 1.5 million.

Othmar_Regin ago

Those evil Nazis had to import jews just to gas them!

Damnpasswords ago

I was taught that Hitler invaded Poland to get its jews

Shortest_Skill ago

Reminder that nobody will do anything about this.

fluhthreeex ago

Sure we will. We'll continue to make it illegal to question the narrative, the numbers, and oy vey have there been any good WW2 movies out of Hollywood lately? It has been so long since the last time I have nearly forgotten..

Sparky159 ago

Dunkirk was pretty good

Shortest_Skill ago

That sounds like anudda shoah.

Hmmmm_m ago

Ain't no business like shoah business!