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shadow332 ago

For the rest of you, this post culled out a kike, check it out here:

"In Israel, the demographic problem is that the Palestinians breed to fast":

Getting butthurt about a jew meme

Claiming Soros is "anti-zionist and "anti-Israel"

Showing how "not all jews" are in the industry

Getting asshurt again when people talk about kikes

Talking about his home nation

Note he says: "Also, you know religion isn't race, right?"

Has to post in a holohoax thread again

"Many Jews died in the towers on 9/11. So if you have such blatant and easily disprovable lie in your title, I'm pretty sure your entire point is bullshit."

Showing up in @Ex-redditor's post about Israelis killing Palestinians:

He's all over this holohoax thread by @mralexson:

There's tons more of examples. Disgusting fucking rat-nosed kike.