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CervicalStrike ago

It's funny with George Soros(Schwartz György.) One could simply do the opposite of everything he supports and know they are doing right. This guy is evil incarnate.

Men13 ago

So you think being a Zionist, pro-Israel, pro-occupation, pro-settlements is a "doing right"?

I think that would be going too far, but hey - anyone who's against Soros is fine by me!

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

hurr durr, isa 2 stoopid 2 reed.

Men13 ago

No, what I'm saying is that Soros is one of the most influential ANTI-Israel people around the world. He personally finances many groups and people who delegitimize Israel, his groups created more than 90% of the testimonies against Israel in the Goldston report, he pushes and financed BDS, and the Israeli settler leaders have tried for years to make his financing be illegal.

Soros is as anti-Zionist as they come. He is openly called a traitor in Israel, and accused of trying to destroy Israel.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

waiter, i didnt order the wordsalad