Men13 ago

Yes, and he also funds organizations that want to destroy Israel. He wants to destroy the west in general - he's an extreme cuck who thinks the west (including Israel) is "evil" and "oppressive", and tries to dismantle it. That's why I said that anyone who is against Soros is fine by me.

Men13 ago

Soros is an extreme anti-Zionist that spends a great deal of his money financing organizations that delegitemize and fight against Israel.

CervicalStrike ago

Yeah I recommend doing one or the other sooner rather then later, because the prices seem to be going up. I did 23andme when it was $100 like 5 months ago. Now it's $200. The cool thing is (I think) that both of them will let you download your raw data as a .txt file, which could potentially be uploaded to other interpreters for analysis in the future, when existing data is more complete. I know 23andme lets you do this and I think AncestryDNA also does. I recommend giving them a fake name and using a prepaid card to pay.

CervicalStrike ago

I did the one. Those seem to be the big two and there doesn't seem to be a consensus on which is better. From the research I did before picking one, it sounded like's is a little better for family genealogy and 23andme is a little better for genetic ancestry from the reviews that I read of people who have done both.

badbear ago

Pro-Sanders super PAC brought in $2.3 million

Of course there is nothing he can do to stop the PAC from operating. It's a completely independent entity from his campaign.

ForWhiteSake ago

George Soros is final boss tier. We're talking James Bond villain here.

CervicalStrike ago

I sometimes wish that for the briefest of milliseconds, that plebs could know for one instant how we feel about them.

Ulluses ago

Communism would work fine for robots or insects, humans are too emotional and primal for it to function.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

speaking fees

vuke69 ago

Just in case you missed the memo, Soros is an admitted Nazi collaborator.

How do progressives pretend not to know this about their white knight?

vuke69 ago

Bernie doesn't have any Super PACs.

You don't actually know what a superpac is or what they do, do you?

sinjinsmythe ago

I just keep trying to remind people on here that some of us our Jews and most of us are just trying to tread water and feed our families like everyone else.

pm_me_or ago


sinjinsmythe ago

This is along the lines of my recent thinking. My alternative is to vote for Trump - let's be honest, he will not be very good at the job. From what I have seen and heard of/from him (which isn't that much I guess?) he appears to care more about his own ego than the US. While it is refreshing to hear him speak his thoughts without caring about the PC media-mafia, some of the things he says are outlandish and other borderline nuts. His tax plan is not very good, and as his "experience" qualification it is my understanding that 1. he and/or his companies filed for bankruptcy on more than one occasion, and 2. he would have made billions more had he simply passively invested in the S&P since he inherited his millions, rather than play with it to "become" a real estate tycoon. Not exactly great credentials when it comes to claiming you can fix the economy here. I hate most of Bernie's policies, but the pendulum must swing back in that direction (unfortunately) for society to try to balance the equation before we are destroyed from within. Or maybe not and everything goes on as it always has. I don't really know that much about anything probably.

Sir-Real ago

Trump has big talk about big change, but has no plan to deal with an uncooperative congress. I'd support Trump if it comes down to any dem besides Sanders vs Trump, but this is definitely a big flaw.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

trump is a fucking nutbag, i say this as someone who will be voting for him; the point of voting for trump is to destroy the system that makes average peoples votes worthless

Spear1000 ago

Someone needs to end this faggot perminantly. If there's a hero out there nows your time to shine.

BoiseNTheHood ago

Bernie is Soros' Plan B. That's why he sent out his shill economist friends to put a bug in Bernie's ear.

Macuilxochitl ago

Do you have any evidence or proof?

shakin_my_head ago

Well stated Sir.

shakin_my_head ago

That is a picture of an evil man right there.

Ina_Pickle ago

That saying: Money is the root of all evil.

T-law ago

damn, I hope she doesnt win. I really really hope she doesnt win. please, anyone but her...

Pawn ago

tl;dr the rothchilds are so wealthy they own your ass without you even knowing it. The rothchilds are so rich, they fuck countries without the courtesy of lube

gosso920 ago

Straw donors.

Straw donors everywhere.

gosso920 ago

Throwing good money after bad.

arrggg ago

Hillary gets her bribes by doing speeches. I'm sure Bernie's ego couldn't resist getting a fat stack of cash for a speech or two about "democratic socialism".

arrggg ago

Excellent description of socialism and how they use immigration. You should post this more often.

edistojim ago

meh, probably nothing, on the other hand, where there's smoke……….

CervicalStrike ago

Zionist Jews always find a way. I'm expecting to get downvoted, but at least voat doesn't usually delete posts. I'm going to link back to this once it happens in a few months.

sinjinsmythe ago

No one is going to delete your posts here unless you are one of those all caps douchecanoes that spams the same message on everone's posts, whether we disagree with you or not. And yes, I do take umbrage with the derogatory way you say "Jews" part, as some Jews are not zionists and most as far as I have known are normal people like everyone else just trying to feed their family. Meanwhile, feel free to post whatever the fuck you want here. L'chaim!

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

the talmud demands jews to make slaves of the goyim, so every religious jew is your enemy.

the non-religious ones often use the talmud as justification towards their sociopathic behaviors, so that covers a great many of the non-practicing jews; meanwhile those unicorn jews that didnt do nuffin are warped by their religious or sociopathic ancestors, this kind of brainwashing is very hard to undo and frequently passed on unknowingly.

i suspect there is less than 1% of jews worldwide that should be spared the purifying flames of the average room-sized furnace.

CervicalStrike ago

I don't hate 100% of kikes, but the ones I hate I really, really hate.

I'm actually a crypto myself. :)

CervicalStrike ago

Mark my words, he'll donate to Bernie the moment he becomes the nominee. He is horrified at the prospect of The Donald undoing all of his work.

demi_god_dylan ago

It would do good getting rid of the Pacs would be great, but unfortunately its not going to happen until we start the revolution.

terabyter9000 ago


demi_god_dylan ago

I doubt very much that anybody is going to get rid of super Pac's, why would they its to there advantage.

edistojim ago

I thought Soros was hooking up with Bernie ?

CervicalStrike ago

Bernie hasn't gotten the message yet from Rothschild HQ. He still thinks Bolshevism is the most effective strategy for destroying the West. He didn't get the memo that it's now to simply flood it with great vibrancy.

Onlio ago

One bullet would stop his madness

diodine ago

You might miss even at point blank though.

CervicalStrike ago

It's funny with George Soros(Schwartz György.) One could simply do the opposite of everything he supports and know they are doing right. This guy is evil incarnate.

Men13 ago

So you think being a Zionist, pro-Israel, pro-occupation, pro-settlements is a "doing right"?

I think that would be going too far, but hey - anyone who's against Soros is fine by me!

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

hurr durr, isa 2 stoopid 2 reed.

Men13 ago

No, what I'm saying is that Soros is one of the most influential ANTI-Israel people around the world. He personally finances many groups and people who delegitimize Israel, his groups created more than 90% of the testimonies against Israel in the Goldston report, he pushes and financed BDS, and the Israeli settler leaders have tried for years to make his financing be illegal.

Soros is as anti-Zionist as they come. He is openly called a traitor in Israel, and accused of trying to destroy Israel.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

waiter, i didnt order the wordsalad

nomenimion ago

Why, oh Soros, why?

CervicalStrike ago

You know how we have all these globalist politicians working to destroy the people, cultures, identity, and self determination of the Western world via forced immigration? This is the king kike behind it pulling their strings.