shadow332 ago

For the rest of you, this post culled out a kike, check it out here:

"In Israel, the demographic problem is that the Palestinians breed to fast":

Getting butthurt about a jew meme

Claiming Soros is "anti-zionist and "anti-Israel"

Showing how "not all jews" are in the industry

Getting asshurt again when people talk about kikes

Talking about his home nation

Note he says: "Also, you know religion isn't race, right?"

Has to post in a holohoax thread again

"Many Jews died in the towers on 9/11. So if you have such blatant and easily disprovable lie in your title, I'm pretty sure your entire point is bullshit."

Showing up in @Ex-redditor's post about Israelis killing Palestinians:

He's all over this holohoax thread by @mralexson:

There's tons more of examples. Disgusting fucking rat-nosed kike.

Men13 ago

"look, here's a fictional book about the founding fathers - that's proof the Constitution is fake!!!1!"

That's how stupid you sound.

shadow332 ago

Ok, jew. You completely missed the point.

Men13 ago

Since your proof that it's fake is "fiction books about the period are popular", then your opinion isn't really all that important

shadow332 ago

You still believe the holocaust is real, so you're opinion isn't really that important.

derram ago : on Twitter: "19 of the top 20 best-sellers in Jewish literature and fiction on Amazon are all Holocaust fiction"

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