ahhhcrap ago

If you live in a red state start claiming there are 15-20 people living in your household every time there is a census. This will allow more congressional reps to be elected from your state. They've gotten up to 53 reps in California by claiming all the illegal aliens as part of their population. I say we start using this tactic against them and claim racism if they try to make us prove it.

Fullmetal ago

Nothing is going to change as long as the powers that be can maintain the bread and circuses.

Revolutions aren't born of patriotic philosophies, they're born of suffering.

boekanier ago

Yes, voting won't help.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

There is no political solution. Eventually enough of us will get tired of this and we’ll revolt. I just hope that by that time we stull have our guns.

AnotherNewAccount2 ago

I think you may not know what the actual plan is.

The goal is NOT to ban guns in The USA outright because that could cause a White revolt and The Jews know this for a fact.

The Jews plan is to slowly replace White Americans with minorities to the point of majority-minority and then to the point of South Africa where Whites are slaughtered and get land stolen from them and no one cares.

This is why waking up Whites is so important.

And why shitting on MAGA/Qtards (civnats) who like kikes/niggers/muzzies/spics as long as they vote for Republicans is also important.

SolidHyrax ago

It's not that they're jewed to the core, it's because they rely on voters who never deserved the right to vote and like to vote themselves more of your money, so of course they'd like to keep their own jobs. Now if we had a system where only net tax payers would be able to vote for congress and veterans and men who maintain a ready reserve state can vote the president, is when we could have a reliable and a responsible voting system, and no one is going to go after your freedom every fucking second.

PatriotLady1 ago

Property owners, white and male. As a woman, even I can discern that those rotten bitches in Congress, the State Dept and anywhere in government are just delusional commie cunts. Look at them. Name one woman that could do the job better than an Alpha? They don't have the drive or balls.

SolidHyrax ago

You don't even have to discriminate between men and women, even though I agree with you since women for the most part are majority beneficiaries of government money, so if I mention that only net tax payers should vote, only about 4% of the women will be able to vote by default, unless they are willing to cut back from benefits, which anyone can do.

vladtep ago

Ivanka didn't need a conversion to marry Kushner, she needed surgery to pass as a gentile.

And she's Orange man's daughter so you do the math...


KimBellend ago

That's definitive. Jewish as a rabbi and desperately trying to pass for White.

vladtep ago

jews play 4D chess against gentiles.

Anyone playing 4D chess is a jew.

PatriotLady1 ago

We are headed for Civil War 2.0. Selling the farm and moving further out..off grid. As soon as that happens, all technology will be discontinued.

vladtep ago

If we were headed for civil war, I would think that one would want to move closer to the epicenter.

What are you all going to do, walk 800 miles to fight? lol

KimBellend ago

Anyone who is in a city when the economy breaks and war starts will be living in an ultra-dangerous, disease ridden hellhole without access to food or water.

A very large proportion of those who die will die of disease and starvation and we could see a huge die-off as predicted by deagle.com.

So niggers will go first, in very large numbers - because no planning.

But there will still be plenty looking to take what you have. But with no petrol for private vehicles, if you can be 60 miles from a dense population, - and hidden stores for maybe two years and good surveillance and early warning for strangers coming - you have a much better chance.

vladtep ago

Yeah but let's not fool ourselves, you ain't fighting no war.

You sitting around eating beans.

PatriotLady1 ago

Hole up. We are old as hell, and my hubby is ill.

vladtep ago

These people are stupid. -Jew

Moln0014 ago

We need new people in the government. Or everyone should have 4 year terms, no more than 8 years service time in government.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Start from the ground up

Simonsaysgoat ago

And our justice system has been tailored to fit thier needs. How can you win a game of monopoly when your opponent is playing as the banker and making the rules up as you go?

2fast4u92 ago

Only 卐 one 卐 real 卐 solution

Whiteflourguy ago

I agree with this to a T, Even though I know this I still catch myself talking Pro Republican even though I do know that the shadow Government (JEWS) call the shots.

RebelJohnny ago

The Republican party is the white people’s party whether they like it or not. The lines have been drawn. The thing is, it’s better to lose an election than win with a cuckservative. At least if they lose it forces them to reevaluate and opens the door for pro-white candidate. So yeah, if they run a chuck you should stay home, or write in somebody, or hell, even vote for the Democrat.

PatriotLady1 ago

Write in David fucking Duke

Anon1492 ago

Voting when they are flooding third world shit into our country at record levels? Oh yeah, voting is going to work. We all know what works and that's why they are trying to take away our guns.

Sosacms ago

Ya, it's much better to just do nothing at all and bitch about how everyone else isn't doing enough.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

I am arming myself and practicing my shooting. Getting ready. Making new friends and redpilling old ones so we can all arm ourselves and get ready.

So yeah, that makes me better than people who just vote.

Sosacms ago

That's entirely reactionary, not preventative. You've already given up on saving your society, you'll just defense yourself against those that destroyed it.

Besides, what kind of retard logic are you anti-voters using? The Jew is silencing my vote... So I don't vote, that way they can't silence my vote. You are the only guaranteeing you have no power over your government. 60%+ Americans don't even vote and you're telling me that not what they want? Sounds like the ((( anti-vote ))) campaign is by far the most successful.

Not voting (especially at the local level) is about as retarded as not breeding because the Jew is trying to prevent you from breeding...

But hey, at least you aren't letting the Jews control your actions, right?

CameraCode ago

Not as good as someone who does all of that AND votes, though. Again, Hitler didn't take power by waiting for Weimar to collapse and shooting in the woods.

vladtep ago

The problem is you just voted for the military that will stop you. lol

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Who do you vote for? What is the chance of him getting elected if he's Jew woke? Zero, fuck all

Dont waste my time with Hitler, as great as he was...Nazi won that on the card that they were all veterans of WW1, Which was very recent when compared to Nazi emergence.

Hitler was a true Hero. But Jews have done everything they can to prevent that type of guy getting elected in current American political system.

I am getting ready for war. Are you? Bitch

CameraCode ago

Voting isn't just presidential elections, dumbass. Jews aren't omnipotent, the don't control your local elections or possibly even your state elections. I'm doing everything you are doing, AND voting. How is that hard to understand?

If I were a shill, I would conflate voting with doing nothing, and claim everyone who votes is doing nothing else to save their race. Every single state that has constitutional carry got it as a result of voting. Are you saying constitutional carry is a bad thing to have?

vladtep ago

Jews aren't omnipotent

Yes, they jolly well are.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Jews dont care about your useless local elections. Why would they when they can brainwash vast majority of people to vote for (((their))) candidates?

Democracy works when only educated and intelligent people are allowed to vote.

The only solution is violence. Not at the masses, but the targeted group of people who control our countries.

Then we will reshape the democracy, and things will again move forward

CameraCode ago

If I were a shill, I would conflate voting with doing nothing, and claim everyone who votes is doing nothing else to save their race. Every single state that has constitutional carry got it as a result of voting. Are you saying constitutional carry is a bad thing to have?

Interesting how you ignored that part of my comment. Why do you think constitutional carry is a bad thing?

Delacourt ago

My point exactly.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

I am arming myself and practicing my shooting. Getting ready. Making new friends and redpilling old ones so we can all arm ourselves and get ready.

So yeah, that makes me better than people who just vote.

odin_thor_frey ago


KimBellend ago

What we need is a collapse of government. Could it happen? Well, it is tremendously and indeed unsustainably expensive, so maybe.

It all comes down to how much longer they can keep up this money-printing nonsense. Every dollar they are printing is sucking value from somewhere else in the world and centralizing that value in Washington. So their plan - now that the cheap oil has disappeared - is to steal value from everywhere else in the world and let everywhere else collapse first.

You have to think that China and Russia will resist that and try to collapse Washington first and since that is the only thing that will save Whites and let them fight, I find myself in the paradoxical situation of praying for collapse.

It will take out 90% of the population, but I don't care. I am that fucking angry.

Delacourt ago

It sounds odd to say but I am too pessimistic to believe a collapse will happen, at least in the near future.

The USSR used a system even more braindead than our current one, and it managed to function for almost a century. Arguably it collapsed in large part due to Western competition and intervention (the "color revolutions"), and if the West did not exist and the entire world was the USSR, who knows how long it could have survived?

Other backwards states like North Korea and Cuba have managed to limp on as well. People love the status quo, and it's unbelievable what some people will put up with just to keep the machines running for one more day.

China at least may see collapsing the United States as killing the golden goose, and permanently ending the chance that any of our debts will ever be repaid.

Nonetheless I like your analysis, it's smarter than most I've seen on here and it involves actual geopolitics. I wish there were a thoroughly-considered paper put together by experts on here evaluating the true potential (or lack of potential) for collapse.

syntaxaxe ago

Hitler was a result of things getting too crazy, too fast for people to ignore.

Look at the world we live in now. If this world was imposed upon the whites of 60 years ago, do you think they would have accepted it as normal? Or do you think it would have been obvious to them that this is a dystopian end of our civilization, and the only reasonable thing to do is fight?

Of course accelerationism has huge risks, and may not work. But, as we are now, Western people are widely accepting just a little more destruction, a little more tyrrany, a little more demoralization at a time. It's normal, and it's not much more than yesterday, after all, so what's the justification for fighting? Plus, most of the people who have been around long enough to see that this world has gone to shit are old, and the younger generation knows that we need to leave their old ways behind and Progress, right? So we'll accept a little more destruction, just like we have for generations, but with new justifications this time, just like always.

Yeah, acceleration is going to result in governments clamping down, and the elite class openly ramping up hostilities. What other option do you have to wake people up to the war we're in? Should we be patient and peaceful until we're all minorities in our own homelands? Until the surveillance state is absolute?

Accelerationism is not guaranteed to work. It's not even really a solution, in and of itself. It's a way for everyone to realize we are in a slaughter house, a prison with the walls slowly closing in on us. The clock is ticking, and we need our people to be aware of this war while there is still time. They are so brainwashed, that most of them won't support us as we fight for them. But if they'll fight for anything, they will fight for themselves once the boot on their neck changes from slow pressure to quick stomps.

And if they won't fight even then? Then we didn't have anything left to fight for anyway.

meglomaniac ago


Its starting to get to the point where you wonder if the Americans are really free.

The keystone to the freedom of the American citizens, the 2nd amendment, basically is non existent.

Your freedom was signed away in 1986 when you signed away your rights to any sort of modern military munitions.

vladtep ago

Yeah, these idiots are going to wait until we're so outgunned, it's not even funny.

Of course that's all part of the plan.

That's the price of stupidity and shortsightedness.

KimBellend ago

You have to hope that the oil crisis that we are currently living in worldwide gets serious enough soon enough to de-fund the surveillance state (yes, the world has run out of cheap-to-produce oil. That explains why we have such a high global debt and low interest rates, to maintain demand for expensive-to-produce oil which otherwise consumers couldn't afford out of their incomes).

That will come inside ten years.

Then whites can begin to act, once all of the cameras are gone and the police no longer have gas for their cars. That is coming, but until then, just keep hitting the range and making reliable friends.


if the Americans are really free.

About that That explains him having his boats full of black slaves, where the order for the extermination of the natives came from and why the settlers where so destructive to the animal kingdom. So yeah, the USA were pretty much a jewish colony from the very first step.

PatriotLady1 ago

Amen. Our forefathers were NWO.

gazillions ago

We're pack animals always looking for a leader. Bad leaders will get the entire pack killed by other packs, unless they turn on the leader and kill it. In this case the leaders are plural and they aren't the politicians. It's imperative to get the right leaders ready to step up.

PatriotLady1 ago

If a pack leader is killed another will rise after earning the position.

meglomaniac ago

What sort of leader are you looking for to help the American/Global people fight for their rights en mass?

I'm going to work where I can't reply, and i'd really love a detailed reply here from the people of voat.

I hope you understand maybe I don't elaborate as to why (((NSA))) is always around.

gazillions ago

It would have been perfect if it had have been trump. He could have done it.

A leader would have to go completely around the establishment. Everyone that liked him would have to door knock for him. No one with Trump's amount of money to run is likely going to appear, so supporters would have to print off the hand outs from the indy politician's web sites. And there should be a million indy politicians.

Ideally, that would be what the system was set up for in the first place; so joe smith could run for office. The vast amounts of money interfere with the process and suffocate it.

PatriotLady1 ago

If we ever get to reset. No Congress person should get anything but a small salary no more than the median wage of civilians. Just enough to be there, get their job done and back to their home state to work in their regular jobs. No lawyers. No fucking lawyers ever allowed in office again.

gazillions ago

There has to be a ban in place of them handing out contracts to "friends and relatives. There should be an ethical review of contract awards by a revolving staffed board and more emphasis on forensic reviews of the money in politics.

Poa_Alpina ago

I'm gonna post in T_D about how they are retards for not making a fuss about $36 billion to Israel until I get banned for antisemitism.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I don't pity them. I despise them. If half of the human race wasn't mindless follower drones we wouldn't be in this mess. Loyalist personality types are the worst unless you are the ruler.

WakandanWizard ago

Votecucks BTFO

englishwebster ago

I would think that the social climate is almost right for another hitler to appear. trump got elected on the wall despite everything thrown against him. could you imagine what would happen if someone openly ran on ethno-nationalism?

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

could you imagine what would happen if someone openly ran on ethno-nationalism?

Yes i could, kikes would try to to assasinate him 1000 times before he becomes our eventual president, if not of USA, certainly of our new ethnostate.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

despite everything thrown against him

Compare what happened with Ron Paul to what happened with Donald Trump.

There is no bad publicity.

shbbougter ago

Every once in a while you have someone anomalous like Ross Perot. When the (((media))) is dead set against a candidate then you have to suspect he or she is potentially the right one, but unfortunately that rule was broken with Trump.

PsyOp ago


EnterTheUnKnown ago

Ignorance is BLISS

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Trust the plan goyim

Juster ago

It's really just the opposite. People who think we can Tarrant our way out of this are delusional. They will only succeed in fracturing white identity even further and turning even sympathetic whites against them.

Where you're right is that it will take more than just voting for president. It's going to take disciplined political organization and time. There aren't any shortcuts. I know lots of people don't understand this yet on Voat, but you will. Many of us are working on it.

syntaxaxe ago

What we really need to do is play the game they own, on their terms. If we play well enough, they'll also play by the rules and admit defeat. There's no use in actually fighting in this war, because white people have been so unified and self-interested during peace.

I'm sure you are working on it. I honestly wish you luck. But, perhaps you'll forgive people who don't want to take the Q route and forever Trust The Plan™

Juster ago

Who said anything about Q? Q is a embarrassing cope and a distraction from the kind of genuine activism that whites need.

syntaxaxe ago

That's my point. I make the Q analogy, because that 'Trust The Plan and don't fight too hard' mindset is what it would take to accept your word of:

I know lots of people don't understand this yet on Voat, but you will. Many of us are working on it.

Maybe you can win their game, maybe you can't. But if just 5% of men in the modern world had the balls of Tarrant, this would have been over long ago.

Juster ago

All radical white terrorism can accomplish is turning America into some version of the Middle East, a violent no-man's-land, just like radical Islamic terrorism did to their homelands.

We don't want to murder our white brothers and sisters, we want to wake them up, and it's not hard to do. Our opponents do the work for us. Jussie and his pals in the AG's office did more for white solidarity than Tarrant ever did. Livestreamed mass murder sprees actually get in the way of this natural process of coming back to white identity that is happening all across the Western world.

Associating white advocacy movements with violence is self-defeating and we shouldn't do it.

PatriotLady1 ago

Tell that to the Vietcong. They defeated a modern army with air power, using guerilla warfare and small militias.

KimBellend ago

Tell that to the Vietcong. They defeated a modern army using guerilla warfare.

Ridiculous. The USA could have defeated North Vietnam with one pinkie whenever it wanted. It was held back by Jews and Communists in the government and media.

Do you think that Vietnam could have resisted even one tenth of the bombing that Bomber Command put on Germany in WW2?

Hanoi and Haiphong Harbor would have disappeared inside a week. Then how would the Vietcong and NVA been supplied?

Wake up! The constant problem in the USA is subversion, and has been for generations!

Juster ago

Well, they defeated a foreign invader who had to fly their war materiel halfway across the globe to fight a third world people with a strong sense of identity. We'd be engaged in a civil war where neither side had anywhere else to retreat to.

My argument is that we should work to make sure it doesn't come to that, not race to bring it upon us.

syntaxaxe ago

Our opponents have been doing that work for us for several generations. I hope that whatever you are working on has more success than that. I hope it has an answer for our people being killed in the streets, for being demoralized against their own identity since birth, for being subjugated to an injust court system, for being replaced in our own homelands. I genuinely wish you good luck.

Delacourt ago

People who think we can Tarrant our way out of this are delusional.

You're 100% right. I'm beginning to think people who agree on this basic fact should start our own subverse.

CameraCode ago

Some people just can't see the bigger picture. Hitler didn't take power through holing up in the woods and not voting. Tarrant certainly did something impactful, but a political movement is also needed.

Delacourt ago

I disagree that Tarrant did anything impactful. In the long term the only effects of his attack will be that gun rights and free speech rights will be rescinded in Australia and New Zealand. There were people predicting an imminent race war or escalation of hostilities in the fallout of his attack (as people do after every attack of this type), but as we can see nothing significant has happened other than the removal of rights, and the long-term will bear the same result.

Other than that, you're spot on.

vladtep ago

He also didn't take power with whites as a minority.

Hitler's political success cannot be replicated today and by the way, he failed.

Delacourt ago

Awakened whites are a tiny minority of whites, and you say that all whites are already a minority. There are more whites against awakened whites than there are awakened whites.

This tiny fraction of a minority deciding to declare war on the entire rest of the world is the definition of suicidal. It's basic numbers. Even a five-year-old could tell you the same.

Hitler's Putsch failed miserably, and that was in a country where virtually everyone was his same ethnicity and implicitly agreed with his ideals. And the Putsch had thousands of people behind it! How do you justify believing that an even smaller force, in a minority-majority country, with most of their own ethnicity against them, will magically succeed where Hitler failed?

Why not try something that can actually work - wake up whites, gather together and secede?

vladtep ago

A small minority can win military victories very easily.

That "small minority" still outnumbers the US military 10 to 1.

Delacourt ago

A small minority can win military victories very easily but they cannot win political victories ever.

This is literally fucking backwards.

Tiny, disorganized, geographically scattered units numbering in the hundreds or low thousands don't win against monolithic, highly organized, omnipresent militaries numbering in the millions.

If you're going to hit back with "what about muh Vietnam" or "what about muh Middle East" or "muh guerilla war", guerilla wars only work when the guerillas are supported and covered by the majority of the population. This was the case in Vietnam and the Middle East, where the masses embraced communist or Islamist ideology respectively. Guerrillas not supported by the majority of the population get ratted out and destroyed, as would be the case with individual hardcore white nationalists versus the entire rest of the United States.

That "small minority" still outnumbers the US military 10 to 1.

Which "small minority"? Hardcore white nationalists ready to die for their beliefs? Or whites generally?

Because if you are talking about whites generally, you will need to win several massive political victories just to get them on your side in the first place.

The overwhelming majority of whites will NOT sign up for a war of eradication with the United States military and all non-whites. In fact the overwhelming majority of whites would actively oppose you, either physically and directly, or socially by ratting you out to authorities.

You are assuming that most whites will just magically support us. That as soon as a war is declared, white liberals, feminists, soyboys, apoliticals, cuckservatives etc. - who make up the majority of whites - will just flock to our side. You are implicitly assuming that we have already won the political victory necessary to get those people on our side. That is delusional and absolutely retarded.

vladtep ago

guerilla wars only work when the guerillas are supported and covered by the majority of the population

Wrong, the American Revolution was not supported by the majority and less than 10% fought.

Same applies to the rest of your drivel.

Delacourt ago

Wrong, the American Revolution was not supported by the majority and less than 10% fought.

Nope. Wrong again.

40-45% of the white populace supported the Patriots. Only 15-20% supported the Loyalists. From numbers alone the outcome was very clear. Here is an actual source from a real historian.

They'd last about a month, then they'd be all gone, soft targets. Anyone who wasn't a "hardcore nationalist" would be at that point. lol

If ideological purity was the same as physical strength then the Germans would have won WWII rather than losing to the the culturally liberal and communist Allies. The Confederacy would have won the Civil War rather than losing to the multi-racial Unionists. Hitler would have won the Putsch rather than losing to the degenerate Weimar Republic. The hardcore Japanese kamikaze fighters would have won against the Americans rather than getting bombed into submission.

But they didn't. All of these groups lost because they were overwhelmed by superior organization and raw numbers. Ideological purity is not the same as physical strength. Only in your dreams.

In reality even a well-organized unit of "cuckservatives" with a numerical advantage can easily overcome a tiny and disorganized group of "hardcore nationalists". Ideology has nothing to do with it. If you think the fact that you ought to win means that you will win then you're a damned fool. Only numbers, resources, organization, and training count in the real world.

Again, you are delusional. Wake up. Stop living in a fantasy world where you magically always win.

vladtep ago

Doesn't matter, if you can't win militarily then you are jolly well fucked politically so...lol

My10thaccount ago

Its Demicrans and Republicants once you see reality.

BentAxel ago

Well, to be fair, the Muslim niggers in Minnesota hates Jews. She's a vile low I.Q. sub-saharan moron put in place by her masters; she's not for Jews though.

vladtep ago

I'd say it's all part of the show, like Fox vs CNN.

In reality, they own both.

ZOGDOG1488 ago

You are right. Chaning the face of the jew above you won't achieve anything. Optics are for cattle. Look at Trump. Drain the swamp, build a wall, lock her up. He has achieved nothing of what he had promised, MIGA and shit. Words and promises don't mean anything, not anymore.

PatriotLady1 ago

We bought an arsenal/sarc to MAGA on our own. Been how long? 243 years...time for a reset. Moslems, illegals and anyone else can GTFO.

OdinsWrongEye ago

Don't blame me. Last folks I voted for were Ross Perot and then Ron Paul. Gave up voting after that.

vladtep ago

Kinda funny that his named still managed to be "Ross".

jewed to the core.

OdinsWrongEye ago

My name is "Michael," which is a super Jew name. I don't like it, but that is what my parents gave me.

Delacourt ago

Not voting doesn't accomplish anything more than voting.

Objectively it's way worse, since everyone admits local elections still matter. Don't vote and you'll end up with a gun-grabbing sheriff rather than one who sets up a gun sanctuary county.

ConservativeDev ago

Exactly. Not voting pretty much makes you a leftist supporter. I suspect half of these Jew haters are leftist larpers.

Lobotomy ago

The first gun grabbing sheriff in a flyover county will not be in that position, or within the mortal coil, for very long.

OdinsWrongEye ago

Don't vote and you'll end up with a gun-grabbing sheriff rather than one who sets up a gun sanctuary county.

That is not true. Anyway, maybe if I didn't live in one of the largest US cities filled with niggers, I would go out and vote, but that is not the case right now. My vote will not count, even locally. I do appreciate you optimism though. Thanks for trying to help.

PatriotLady1 ago

We fight the "Mormon" vote in my state.

OdinsWrongEye ago

Utah? LOL. I would much rather switch. Maybe I am wrong. The only Mormon I can remember meeting was some hot female Mormon decades ago. She came to my parent's house on Christmas. I made the mistake of answering the door. I out chatted her because she was hot. She finally left.

Do Mormons steal your stuff? Do they attack you in groups? Are they significantly more prone to kill folks in your neighborhood? Do they litter, yell in movie theaters, smell, walk slow and block you, have no car insurance, live in run-down houses with rats, mice, and roaches? Beg on the street, give you the dirty eye, randomly say rotten things when you walk by?

Now, know that I am talking about decades of experience, not daily things. But this is what happens when you live in a city that is over 50% black. Give me those hot Mormon wenches!

NosebergShekelman ago

Just vote, goys. It works!! The dual citizens will lead the way. Israel is your bestest ally and you need to give moar each year to protect it at all costs!! haha

hatecrime ago


dudelol ago

Catholics[Jesuits] are the issue and the enemy of freedom.

Zoldam ago

It's going to lead to war, or submission by consent. Even the normies on the right are starting to realize this now that Trump has failed them left and right (though still a lot of circle jerkers). Yeah he did a couple things like stop the climate accords etc. But he is not addressing the actual problem. The Zionist controlled media, banks, corporations, and so on. (I say Zionist since you don't have to be a Jew to be one, and there are plenty of traitors who are Zionists).

jimibulgin ago

I say Zionist since you don't have to be a Jew to be one, and there are plenty of traitors who are Zionists

Amen. and you have to be one if you are a Jew.

Zoldam ago

Well there are Jews who aren't, but it's exceptionally rare and less than 1% Even the 3rd Reich acknowledged the "Noble Jew" once in a blue moon.

Remember in was that one in a million that got the Talmud in to gentile hands to see what a horrifying evil book it really was.

jimibulgin ago

agreed. But I was pointing out that being anti-zionist is NOT discrimination based on 'race' or religion .

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Shit like that, climate accords, it literally does nothing, and can be immediately undone by whatever brown lesbian yaskween they put in after him. Climate change shit is all about making money, and Trump has been making other ways to benefit the competitive oligarchy being hosted by the U.S.

IdoubtIt2 ago

It’s also about destroying the petrodollar to put into place a global currency. Something akin to an “earthdollar” (I shit you not). Currency backed by UN world heritage sites and the resources they contain, which is actually a big ol’ fucking scam because who in the fuck would actually trade in their “earthdollar” for its value in Amazonian rainforest water? James Corbett has a good video out in it earlier this week.

TheSeer ago

4d chess is just a way of telling people they need to accept his decisions, and that Qtards themselves can't explain it.

VognerDuke76 ago

By design.

middle-path ago

read: Qoomers

Gopherurself ago


TexasVet ago




Withdraw formally from membership of a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization.

"the kingdom of Belgium seceded from the Netherlands in 1830"

PatriotLady1 ago

You mean GTFO?

Gopherurself ago

Thanks faggot

TexasVet ago

While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I would prefer to see a white ethnostate from sea to shining sea. No secessions. Just a 90+% white nation like we were prior to 1965.

antiliberalsociety ago

has no white children to contribute to own cause

OdinsWrongEye ago

Well, 90%+ with no GoFundMe ... LAWRZ ... Still on your side, old man.

Civil_Warrior ago


WE GOTTA STICK TO THE ((((((( PLAN))))))))

KimBellend ago

Jew is just one side of the Jew-controlled Uniparty and is in it for the cash and egotism. What we are looking at with this Q shit is just two sets of Jews fighting it out to be our overlords. It's a Jewish mafia war.

Jewgle Genie Oil, Jared Kushner, and the Golan Heights.

Last week Trump gave Israel the Golan Heights and in that one action got billions for his family, generational oil and gas money.

Have you not yet woken up to Trump being a scam? He could have had the DoD build the wall two years ago. They had the money and the legal right. But he didn't.

Now we have 100,000 invaders a month coming in. And what is he doing to stop it? Nothing!

He could have put the military on the border *two years ago *with rubber bullets and tear gas. But he didn't.

Ever wonder why not? Because he is a con. It is the Uniparty!

He still says he wants even more immigration! He is extending the HB programs forgodsake!

Civil_Warrior ago

All of Trump's Kidz is jooz.

PatriotLady1 ago

As a boomer I support this faggot's message. Only thing I want to stick is a 243 up a moslem's ass. I just fucking don't give shit anymore.

fluhthreeex ago

Why would anyone care about Muslims?

AnotherNewAccount2 ago

Now think about how White Americans could actually just go around sticking 243's up a muzzies ass all day long if kikes didn't control The USA like they claim "old straight white men" do.

AnotherNewAccount2 ago

Whites could just go around sticking 243's up goatfuckers rears all day long if kikes didn't control The USA. This is why kikes are the big enemy, they don't attack us personally, they use minorities to do it for them ;)

paperfolder1 ago

Great choice of caliber!

Mylon ago

Yeah, just gotta win the next election and then Trump will have the power to arrest all of the democrats! /s

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Trust Sessions.


IdoubtIt2 ago

Mueller was white hat all along! WAGAFTJIKYSWRY1W!

goatmensch ago

If voting mattered for real, the Fed would have done away with it by now. But it kept their scam hidden for more than a century.

TheSeer ago

Even JFK didn't really touch the Fed. He was gonna go after the CIA first. The Fed's body guards, basically.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

JFK was going to End The Fed by creating a new currency. Then they killed him.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I pity people who simplistically reduce all problems to j00z.

RebelJohnny ago

Taking out the Jews would break the back of the left. Without them they have little money and little exposure, and would be pushed off to the fringe.

PatriotLady1 ago

Our government was formed from anger over taxation. I fear we've gotten too complacent. We just keep swallowing the shit they dish year in and year out.

trevmon ago

i pity those that do not

syntaxaxe ago

Obviously #NotAllJews, and there are many problems we'd still have without their influence. But the results of being a host to their communities are basically the same across the board, and it's foolish to ignore that. And, given that their elite sit on top of all of our institutions of power in the West, it takes a very blind eye to not notice that a whole lot of our problems can be directly traced back to them.

The ruling class Jews are acting as though they are in a war against the rest of us, and we have to recognize that this war is happening in order to protect ourselves. If they are destroying our nations, cultures, demographics, economies, etc., us simply saying, "Not all! Treat people as individuals! Don't treat your people as a side and don't fight them as a side!" is likely to work out as well as it would in any war.

TexasVet ago

We have many many problems you are correct, but the Jewish elites are, and always have been, the root cause.

Mumbleberry ago

And hear you are trying to give them traffic. Hypocrit

TexasVet ago

Is the message still reaching our people? Why purity spiral so hard.

That being said I will use hooktube as per u/customer 's suggestion.


antiliberalsociety ago

That's the first blue link I've seen from you that wasn't a link to your cry video. Got any more to prove I'm lying? Or that you didn't commit fraud?

Mumbleberry ago

Niggerloving censorfaggot, shits on 1st amendment

TexasVet ago

You sure are salty. I would feel bad for you if you weren't such a lying asshole.

Mumbleberry ago

Boohoo, nigger loving race traitor

crazy_eyes ago

they are not elite, they are scum, use their proper pronoun

TexasVet ago

Ha! Yes. The scum of the earth indeed.

anoncastillo ago

There are a lot of legit problems that Jews are disproportionately responsible for causing. Yeah reality is nuanced and #notalljews or whatever, but there are legitimate grievances that must be addressed.

JesusRules ago

Until someone talks about the Kike Reserve fuck 'm

Simonsaysgoat ago

This is the one thing that, if any person dared to talk about, I would vote for. I don't vote.

Ps4Freedom ago

Equal under the law... when the house falls it will take out the fed. It's on the way.


IdoubtIt2 ago

No. It’s not.

Conway ago

What do you think that will solve? Serious question.

VicariousJambi ago

Trump has several times.

PsyOp ago

Post a link to a video of Trumpstein talking about the fact the the Jews run the federal reserve.

trevmon ago

he mentioned international bankers once during the campaign before becoming prez, got me a bit excited, then he puts goldman sachs in charge of averything

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Hey bro Goldman Sachs is an American institution, they're doing well in Trump's economy.

I'm not. You may not be. But your Jeff Bezos kinda guys, everyone deemed too big to fail is doing amazing! MAGA!


VicariousJambi ago

Americans have record low unemployment across the board. Wages are up. Taxes are down.

PsyOp ago


IdoubtIt2 ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......HAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy shit dude, you fuckin’ serious? “Record unemployment” yeah for muh based POC. Not whites. Not the rust belt. Moreover, what kind of jobs? Also, what about those who’ve been unemployed so long they drop off the measured statistics? Hmmm...I wonder what race they are? Hmmmm...I wonder if they were trump voters? Whelp, even if they were, you gotta make sure you snags those three black people that’ll vote Trump in 2020! MURGa!

VicariousJambi ago

Do you have any sources?

IdoubtIt2 ago

Sources for what?

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Oh thank Christ pharmaceuticals that make you ill are even easier to get than the easy as fuck that they were before.

Whose wages are up? My taxes aren't down.

VicariousJambi ago

My wages are up and my taxes are down

IdoubtIt2 ago

Funny, cause I owe more taxes than I ever have. (And it’s not related to an increase in income). Everyone I know has seen their tax bill INCREASE. They are all solidly middle class, didn’t change anything in 2017 and theirs (and my) taxes went up. But typical boomer “well, it didn’t affect me, so quitcher boobin!”.

MortonLoothorKodos ago


trevmon ago

during obama years msm kept saying economy was good too. spoiler alert it wasn't

VicariousJambi ago

Am I wrong about those stats?

IdoubtIt2 ago

What stats?

VicariousJambi ago

How can you not love this propaganda


RockmanRaiden ago

He has? Show me. I'd like to be able to defend him from what I percieve to be how obviously he has to bend the knee to ZOG.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Why do we support hook nosed kikes at all? How does it make it better for my white America family for having fogubt in iraq and afghanistan? How does my friends being sent to Syria help real white americans? Why won't any leader or politician talk about being white??? Why is the success of whites measured in how well trump takes care of cannibal niggers? It's pathetic

VicariousJambi ago

Here are a few examples


So great that oil prices are falling (thank you President T). Add that, which is like a big Tax Cut, to our other good Economic news. Inflation down (are you listening Fed)!


The only problem our economy has is the Fed. They don’t have a feel for the Market, they don’t understand necessary Trade Wars or Strong Dollars or even Democrat Shutdowns over Borders. The Fed is like a powerful golfer who can’t score because he has no touch - he can’t putt!


Had the Fed not mistakenly raised interest rates, especially since there is very little inflation, and had they not done the ridiculously timed quantitative tightening, the 3.0% GDP, & Stock Market, would have both been much higher & World Markets would be in a better place!


Despite the unnecessary and destructive actions taken by the Fed, the Economy is looking very strong, the China and USMCA deals are moving along nicely, there is little or no Inflation, and USA optimism is very high!


It is so important to audit The Federal Reserve, and yet Ted Cruz missed the vote on the bill that would allow this to be done.


IdoubtIt2 ago

Wait...this isn’t proof of anything. These are Trump tweets. Do you honestly believe that because he tweeted it, it must be true?

VicariousJambi ago

Just pointing out that Trumps called out the fed a few times like I stated.

Helbrecht ago

Bread and circuses

It's a distraction. Says what he thinks you (we, whoever) want to hear. Never actually pushes forward on it, just talks a good talk.

Then from the "outside" comes Q, with perfect excuses as to why he hasn't done certain things yet.

tendiesonfloor ago

That zionist buffoon runs his idiot mouth about all kinds of shit. At the end of the day, all that matters to him is his ego and Israel.

Ps4Freedom ago

Today, I will show compassion. Today, I'll be kind, Today I'll be a parent because it looks like some might need one.

Get off your ass and get to work. The lawn needs mowing and blow the driveway when your done. I want your room cleaned up and your laundry done. If I see you on that computer before your chores are done I'm taking the damn thing for a week. Give me lip I'll smash it and you can buy yourself a new one. I want the oil changed in each vehicle, don't forget the lube. Get your brother to help you repair the fence and if you start fighting I'm letting the stallion out and your still going to fix that fence with your brother or neither one of you eat. The stalls need mucking and the poop pile needs to be moved. Here's the shovel. At lunchtime I'll give you the list for the second half of the day. And at dinner, the list to be done before dark. I wanna see just how much bitchin you do after a full days labor.

If you're still bitchin tomorrow about our President, I'll keep giving you the same damn work load each and every day until you figure out how to show respect for your own hard work. Which in turn had better give you a better appreciation of what a man does everyday to take care of his own. GD fuckin spoiled rotten kids.

Humansized ago

So qtard pissy about somebody bad mouthing god king trump. Wow very original.

Ps4Freedom ago

No dear, I'm talking about making you men instead of pussies. If you believe your life is worth respect then you have to show respect to others. If you want a worthy partner in life you must make the effort to be as good or better. The sucker punches life will hand you are no joke. The problems you will have to solve and the people you will be responsible for require self discipline to do a worthy job. Be proud. Stand proud. Listen to this video. It's lessons are invaluable for what you will face in life. You only have one life. Live it well, on your own terms.


Humansized ago

Dont you have some plan to be following or short phrases to mindlessly parrot? Wagawaga right?

Ps4Freedom ago

I see. A pussy who intends to stay that way. At least your making well thought out choices.

AnotherNewAccount2 ago

Do you want to get redpilled so more? I believe I can get you to see our POV.

Ps4Freedom ago

Trade red pills? Sure.

AnotherNewAccount2 ago

White Genocide is real, It's happening right now.

How much do you know about it?

Because that's the basics for almost everything political discussed on Voat and 8ch outside of Q nowadays.

Answering just that question alone will say a lot.

WalnutMeat ago

Don’t voice disapproval of your occupied government, kids.

Just clean your room, Bucko.

Talking together about corruption is bad. Illegitimate government should not be talked about if your lawn isn’t perfect. Like....do you kids even clean your yacht? Trump blah blah...you’re all just being lazy by communicating about your collapsing nation. If you were under my roof, I’d have you clean the gutters to teach you never to pay attention to lying politicians again. Because remember you spoiled kids: The world ends at your driveway. This is how I lived my life so I know it’s the right way to see things.

Ps4Freedom ago

Wrong family. In this Larp you can voice your opinions all you want after you get some physical work done so you can think straight. Your not going to get out of work in this life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBuIGBCF9jc

IdoubtIt2 ago

Fuck You, all I fucking do is work. I’m white, so I have no other choice. I’ve been working since I was 13 and I’ve never stopped. I haven’t had a vacation in three years, almost never call in sick and spend my weekends working some more.

I am thinking straight. I see clearly. You however are so fucking beyond pozzed by the boomer mindset it’s fucking disgusting. Fuck you, work harder. Trump is a fucking joke. Name ONE FUCKING THING he’s actually improved. INB4, he’s lowered the unemployment rate for muh POC and released a bunch of good boy dindu’s from prison, cuz they aints dun nuthin wrong!

We currently have a fucking ongoing invasion on our border that just so happened to start around the time he entered office. Funny that! Also fucking hilarious how he’s done nothing more than make empty pathetic threats. INB4 “but, but the democraps won’t let him do anything!”. He wouldn’t do anything anyway. All of this is deliberate, manufactured and done to absolutely fucking decimate white civilizations. Then white people. South African whites are being slaughtered, but “muh based murican black man is MAGA!”.

You’re so blind you probably needed special software to make your post.

Ps4Freedom ago

Ha! I actually found a shill. How fun And satisfying.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Nope, I’m an actual person that thinks you are absolutely delusional. I wish I was getting paid for this. Seriously. This Q shit has you believing everyone is a shill that doesn’t buy into the Q psyop. Learn what a limited hangout is. It’s Q to a T. I don’t think it’s a larp. I do think it’s tied to the Trump admin. If it didn’t start out that way, it is now. But it’s a limited hangout. You guys think you know the truth. You think you understand what’s going on. You think that Satanism and pedophilia is as bad as it gets. Nope. It gets worse. As in killing Billions, yes BILLIONS, of people worse. Are you aware of Agenda 21? Agenda 2030? Did you know that Isreali Orthodox Jews do not vaccinate themselves or their children? Why? Did you know the sperm counts of every man in the west has been dropping by 10% every decade since the 1970’s? Did you know testosterone rates are doing the same? Do you know that erectile dysfunction is seen in nearly 35% of 18-25 year olds, which was virtually unheard of 20 years ago? Why is the mainstream pushing veganism? What happens to people on a vegan diet at around the 5 year mark? Why would they push this? Why are people fatter and sicker than they’ve ever been in history in spite of the unbelievable rates of medical advancements in the last century? What do evolutionist agree was the single most causative agent in the rapid development of the cortex in early humans? How does this relate to IQ? Why would they want to limit or remove animal proteins from the diet? How does this all relate to population control? Who was Malthus and what is Malthusianism? Do the elites believe in malthusiamism?

There’s a few questions from a “shill” who knows that Q is a limited hangout precisely by what he/she/it WON’T say.

You have absolutely no idea what is really going on.

Ps4Freedom ago

Now your talking to me instead of just being insulting. Trading insults is pointless.

Most of your questions I know. I live in CA and grew up in the SF bay area. You know, right next to Stanford. I've been aware of the infiltration and all manner of horrors connected to the studies and programs done by the CIA. They have effected me personally as well as those I grew up with. I moved to a ranch and raise my own food. Hell no, I'm not vegan. Agenda 21 is my back yard. I've known about the jewish issue for so long I don't remember when I learned it. One of Anton LaVey's wives was my teacher in 7th & 8th grade. I've been to her house to protect a friend while my father circled the neighborhood. She kicked us out when someone told her my dad was circling. Being a curious kid, I've seen and experienced many things surrounding the satanic problem. I know there is an erectile dysfunction problem but I wasn't aware it was hitting young adults. Vaccines, weather modification... I should do this a different way and ask you about the things I'm not sure about.

Aren't the Malt guys the ones that worship cows? Must be. What's the caustic agent? Aluminium? Really, as far as the vegan thing, I don't know any. I know it's not a good idea to eat the meat in the market unless you can find a butcher that sells organic. People are fat depressed, diseased and on drugs because of processed dead food, toxic chemicals and a sedentary lifestyle.

There are some things I really have no idea about, actually many but these topics have been a thorn in my side for 50 years. I never thought I'd see the day nor did I think it possible that someone, anyone would be able to stand up and lead our country back to greatness. I had lost all hope. I felt guilty my kids have to live in this world, in this way. Then one day...

My son calls me to tell me Trump just announced. I let out so much noise it scared him. That call was a new beginning for me and my family and this country. I have not stopped, I will not stop fighting for this country until my dying breath. I would take a bullet for my President. No hesitation. I will pick up arms if need be and I'm an old woman. And I will kick ass if I have to. I will not lie down again, ever.

I'm surprised that someone as well informed as you are doesn't get the Q thing. It took me awhile of watching before I could be sure that the messages were meant to lift and inspire, educate and challenge, support and strengthen. Prepare us to stand on our own and be a united force at the same time. A leader is nothing without those that follow. So I have chosen to follow Trump. I don't ask that you or anyone else follow. But the dedication, patriotism and honor of serving a President that listens to me is a very wondrous thing for this old woman. I will not be swayed from my course because I have seen. I fight everyday for all Americans by running conservative news, researching and passing on what I've found. And I enjoy giving my fellow patriots a lift up when the battle makes us weary.

So you see, I do see. I have been on the battle lines for real. You have no idea the horrors I've seen and fought my way out of. This shit has been the reality of my entire life. Waiting 2, 3, 4 years to see it end, that's fast hard work! Who else is going to do it? Trump is the GD master at this stuff. He cut his teeth on the NY mafia for crap sake. Honestly, I thought he'd make an excellent president back in the 80's.

I have no idea how to close this mini book so I'll just say thanks for not being a dicknosed shill.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Thanks for the reply.

Malthusianism is based on the “overpopulation” ideas of Thomas Robert Malthus. He wrote his ideas back in the early 1800’s, before fertilizers and industrial agriculture. Say what you will about those things, but it revolutionized food production. He believed that as food production rose, so would population numbers (well...duh) but that it would eventually reach a point where it would cause mass starvation, a depletion of resources, all manner of social, economic and ecological disaster. Ignoring (or rather, not having the data available to him that we have today) the fact that as people are lifted out of poverty, birth rates naturally decline (look at the western world, which is also the reason they claim we need immigration, to replace declining population!). So, today, it’s the whole idea behind population control, agenda 21, the eventual formation of “smart cities” where they can force everyone to live in coffin sized apartments with 24/7 surveillance and virtually zero access to the vast wilderness (that’s for THEM to enjoy, not us plebs, look at the millions and millions of acres owned by the government, imminent domain, “world heritage sites, etc). They also plan a world currency based on resources. Meaning you get something like an “earth dollar” that is supposedly backed by resources like water, oil, timber, etc. It’s basically a scam, just a way for them to have ultimate control over all earths resources. All for them, none for us.

I still disagree about Trump. But I remain open to the idea that I’m wrong. I hope I’m wrong. But I really don’t think so.

WalnutMeat ago

You suck.

Ps4Freedom ago

Just watch the video

Ocelot ago

7 month user acting like a massive didactic cunt on voat? Wowee, ain't this a surprise boys.

talmoridor-x ago


MortonLoothorKodos ago

What's this larp

Ps4Freedom ago

exactly. Larpin with a message. Learn something.

VicariousJambi ago

Do you have any evidence he's controlled by Israel?

undertheshills ago

He recognizes their claim on the Golan heights. He gives them shitloads of money. His son in laws parents are involved AIPAC. He hasnt even mentioned the federal reserve. Hes the best goy. Hes really worse than Obama in a lot of ways. At least Obama was distracted with hot dog parties and vacations.

GHWBushisinhell ago

You can start here.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Amazing redpill on (((Trump))). This should be posted to comment every post about Trump.

GHWBushisinhell ago

100% Also, knowmorenews' video "Trump - Gangsters Paradise" on Jewtube.

TheKnightOfGod ago

So Trump got addicted to Jew money after it saved him from Bankruptcy and he also has ties to the mafia. He's their bitch now. We'll never get the wall, only a shitty fence.

fluhthreeex ago

How because of Bankruptcy? I just heard he loves Jews because they're good at handling his money and clever with legal loopholes. Also, he surrounds himself with ones who fit his style of using, fucking over, and then throwing away every one around him once he's done with them. Except for his favorites.

Nothotsnot ago

I don't think he leaves physical evidence... that would be really foolish. Only his actions could prove that question.

VapidGopher ago

Idk why they’d downvote you for asking for a proof. Equally fun are the YouTube “proof”’vids, just as reputable of a source as total-truth.obscure-opinion-blog-site.com

shrink ago

Literally controlled would be a dubious claim, but I would say most of us were pretty optimistic immediately after the election, thinking Trump was going to genuinely put America first and stick to his promises. He's done a few things here and there that put him ahead of your general politician, but those of us who were optimistic have since come to admit that yes, he keeps bending over backwards for Israel left, right, and center, singing their praises, doing shit like the Syria strike threat, the Golan heights thing, the Jerusalem capital, etc. etc.

Now, he hasn't thrown American lives into the fray for a brand new war in the sandbox somewhere, so that's a plus, but he is absolutely doling out favors constantly with little to no pressure at all. Israel loves him, his kids are married to kikes, and Israel is still getting more aid from the USA than any other nation. There's no way that I can now accept him genuinely thinking about the American population first, especially with the absolute retardation of his blustering about the fucking wall without ever actually doing anything about it.

VicariousJambi ago

He's done a few things here and there that put him ahead of your general politician

Having the best economy ever = "a few things here and there", alright.

he keeps bending over backwards for Israel left, right, and center, singing their praises, doing shit like the Syria strike threat, the Golan heights thing, the Jerusalem capital, etc. etc.

Talk is cheap. What's has he actually done for Israel that not just talk? He moved our embassy and given them some of their fiat money, the 38 billion. And that was pretty much congress, he just signed the damn thing.

blustering about the fucking wall without ever actually doing anything about it.

Did the public know about the human trafficking last year? The drugs, etc? I'm aware I just said talk is cheap, but in this case he's bringing to light things the cabal definitely doesn't want seen. I think that's a little different.

And at his last rally he announced he's gonna be somewhere on the wall showing us progress they've made "in the next two weeks", so I'll just let that do the talking for me.

VapidGopher ago

I still say give him time. People are trying to call it game over 5 minutes into the 2nd half. There’s still a lot of time left. That and there have been too many coincidences involving congress randomly bringing up military tribunals. And the mysterious ongoing investigation that required Justice Roberts to make a decision behind closed doors and the media was losing their minds because they weren’t even allowed on the same floor while the parties (still unknown) met. There are far too many unknowns and too much time left for anyone to predict what will happen, much less declare that nothing else will happen.

trevmon ago

rip van winkle over here

VicariousJambi ago

Is that a yes or a no?

Delacourt ago

It's shills.

There is a massive blackpilling campaign going on to spoil support for Trump.

He's not God. He is FAR from perfect. But things like increasing awareness of the Fed and various other redpills are worth it alone.

These people don't realize that if Trump loses, they are going to get exactly the same downsides, but everything else will be a million times worse.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Holy shit, not everything is shills. Not everyone who disagrees with “muh god emperor” is a shill. You ducking qtard boomers have your heads buried so deep it ducking staggers me that you can be on voat or 8chan AND STILL THINK THIS WAY! Absolutely mind boggling.

I’m not a shill. I’m a gen X white Christian living in a society that our white ancestors built, watching it all be torn down before my very eyes. I’m told EVERY FUCKING DAY that I’m evil because I’m white. That I don’t deserve anything that I’ve worked my ass off for because I’m white. That I should work harder to pay for “muh based POC” that want me dead, my children raped and brainwashed AND THEY THINK ITS FUNNY.

America is dying. Europe is dying. And all you can do is repeat WWG1WGA ad nauseum, as if it’s some sort of magical chant that’s going to magically fix shit.

There is no magical phrase. Trump is not going to save us. Get that through your heads. Trump will not save us. You need to see this and see this now. Or your grandchildren will have to sift through the ashes of the ruined civilization you left them.

Delacourt ago

You're ridiculously wrong and it shows in the conclusions you jumped to.

I'm not a Qtard. I don't believe in Q.

What about "He's not God. He is FAR from perfect." makes you think I see Trump as a "god emperor"?

Trump won't save us. Only we can save ourselves.

At the same time, I am righteously furious at people who do nothing and are proud of themselves because "at least I don't vote", or idiots and shills who say "if we get Trump out of office things will be better!"

Don't mistake me: Qtards are retarded. But I have more respect for a Qtard who is involved in society, networks with other Qtards and tries to spread their beliefs than someone who sits at home, does nothing, and tries to convince others that not voting will solve all their problems.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

There is a massive blackpilling campaign going on to spoil support for Trump.

I've noticed this, most here are manipulated at the slightest word of jew.

You could say Hitler was a jew, now everyone here thinks (((Hitler))).

Delacourt ago

You're right-on. It's the easiest manipulation tactic on here. One mention, and at the very least it causes a shitstorm.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Million times worse? After Trump went from "reduce immigration" to "I want more immigration than EVER BEFORE!", after he went from "might maybe kinda sorta think about taking a look at ending birthright citizenship" to signing some shit that lets all aliens in if they claim to be a family, (which has been happening at an average rate of 1,100 illegals a month) ? Because of this, 2019 is projected to be a bigger year for illegal immigration than any year of Obama's term.

The only functional difference between Trump and an openly gay tranny Muslim nigger supremacist is that retarded copesters think Trump is on their side so won't put up any fight.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Acceleration is key. I'm not a shill, I'm just ready to kill and defend my country. You're tactic of trust the olan is a failing strategy.

Waiting and always waiting for someone esle to fix the country is exactly why we are here.... Everyday, parasite shitskins and taco niggers pump out more clones or themselves... None of them are my brothers or american.

Maybe thays the difference though... The Blackpill for me, at least, was realizing that there is no way to beat birthrates of shitskins in America... And even if you boomers can convert taco niggers soics to republicanism, I still see that as a failire... No one actually thinks nonwhites are american, and if you believe that, you are a traitor

Hey_Sunshine ago

As much as I admire your eagerness, we'll have a difficult time swaying the opinion of the lay person if we initiate violence so suddenly. Remember, the NSDAP gave the jews 6 years or so to leave Germany.

The model is already established, do what Hitler did and move all undesirables to the functional equivalent of the British Mandatory Palestine (we'll just give them Liberia again).

We could revitalize the ship manufacturing industry building transport ships with the sole purpose of sending blacks back to Africa and spics to Venezuela.

zyklon_b ago



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VicariousJambi ago

Doesn't change the fact that he's mentioned the feds a problem!

zyklon_b ago

True. doesnt change the fact he filled the swamp with joos either

VicariousJambi ago

How many more did he put in then were there before?

zyklon_b ago

i do not have the numbers but any jew is 1 too many. you are smart and can see somethjng seemz.off with him

VicariousJambi ago

Eh, tbh a lot of y'all that hate on him say the exact same shit the left does. Instead of foaming that he's a racist ya foam that he loves Israel. You ignore everything good he's done and cannot get past the fact that the political game (2 parties) isn't really the same as it was 6 years ago.

Really makes me wonder how much credibility you guys actually have. It's why I usually ask for sources.

Although I'm aware you're mostly a shitposting / troll account :P

IdoubtIt2 ago

What good? I’m waiting.....

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Oh yeah for sure my guy we should never ignore how he's dropped the hispanic unemployment rate to record lows! What a fuckin WIN for Americans! STILL NOT TIRED OF WINNING! TRUST SESSIONS WWG1WGA MAGA

VicariousJambi ago

More people having jobs is a bad thing?

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Yeah retard when half the jobs are invaders forgive me if I don't throw a party

VicariousJambi ago

But they're not?

IdoubtIt2 ago

Ok smarty pants, what jobs? Whose getting them? I want proof. Back your shit up.

trevmon ago

i wish the left would say this stuff, maybe just omar came close but she married her brother so

zyklon_b ago

Yeah i just post shit aint really political

goatboy ago


This all entertainment. Corporations and businesses run the world. Everything in Washington is just a distraction. Didn't you see Q? "Enjoy the show."

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol. Answer this, which one is more american? A 5 year legal immigrants from China? Or a heritage white combat veteran who's family has been here for ever? Both are legal citizens, but which one is MORE amrerican?

goatboy ago

The real American is the one who is best at slaughtering the enemy. It's kinda what American's have been selectively bred for.

tendiesonfloor ago

muh Corporations and businesses bernie save me!

Get fucked you naive commie faggot. You have no idea what's going on out there.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

We got a retard here boys

agodgavemethisland ago

Lobbying is bribery, idiot.

TheSeer ago

Not corporations. Central banks. There are no Central banks mentioned in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, but they do play a central role in Communism (and I think they even appear in Das Kapital, although I would never read that).

godamn ago

Good verse Evil on cosmic steroids.

CameraCode ago

It sounds like you are telling people not to vote. Let's see how that turns out.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Elections are Rigged via Fraud

xenoPsychologist ago

no no no, you vote with your rope.

CameraCode ago

When was the last time you voted with your rope? I'm all for it, but until you do you can vote as well.

xenoPsychologist ago

better payout when rope wins by a landslide. lets get rope in every office this election. rope 2020.

CameraCode ago

So why can't you vote until you use the rope? How does voting in any way prevent that?

xenoPsychologist ago

voting has done so much for us so far. traitors who dont represent us as far as the eye can see. repressive regulations and red tape. and the voter fraud is only making matters worse. the time has finally come. can rope count on your vote this coming election?

vladtep ago

Because you just voted for the largest military the world has ever seen and they will stop you. lol


Delacourt ago

Voting is always better than not voting. People who say "don't vote" are either retarded or shills.

That doesn't mean that voting alone will save us. Only organizing, redpilling, changing the culture and having kids will do that.

Trousersnake1488 ago

No, you're just a cuck. Voting gives you the feeling of doing your part, you're just a faggot feel good no action kind of guy. Which is fitting, given that you think an 18 year old college slut has the same political clout as a 45 year old man. What faggot you are.

PatriotLady1 ago

(((Trust the Plan))) and stfu has never worked for me and won't now. I'm a results gal.

CameraCode ago

Voting gives you the feeling of doing your part, you're just a faggot feel good no action kind of guy.

Just because you aren't strong enough to vote and do other things to save your race doesn't mean no one else can.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Strong enough to vote... Lol what. You mean storng like a strong she nigger who has 5 broodlings to vote for more welfare??

The sooner the system is seen as invalid, the sooner we can recreate it. Fagos like you want to keep the old system going because you lack the fight in you to kill. Tell ya what, when it comes time, leave that stuff to me

bushka ago

People on welfare should not have the right to vote. It's clearly a conflict of interest since they have no skin in the game. That one tweak in our laws would solve many problems.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Oh they do have skin in the game, ie how much more of of the white man's gibs they want.

bushka ago

Beggars can't be choosers.

CameraCode ago

Strong enough to vote AND do other things to save your race. You haven't killed anyone yet, and I'm not saying you won't, but I practice shooting, collect resources, redpill my friends, etc. the same as you, and I vote. Voting doesn't make me a subservient weakling in any way. I don't think I'm special in any way because of that, but you make it seem like that's impossible.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I understand your point. But yeah, ive killed a few mohemetans but that was in afghanistan. No statestide yet. But, overall you're right. I just get impatient

CameraCode ago

That's fair.

CameraCode ago

My argument towards "don't vote" shills is this: if voting doesn't matter, then there is no harm in voting as long as you recognize that alone can't be counted on to fix your issues (which I and most others do). It's like entering the lottery, but better because it's completely free. I'm not going to quit my job just because I entered a free lottery ticket.

Delacourt ago

That's a great way of putting it. I agree 100%.

I mentioned it to someone else ITT, but I'm thinking somebody should set up a subverse to counter the "don't vote!" shills.

LDIP ago

Yeah! Then Democrats will ship billions to Israel instead of Republicans!

CameraCode ago

I can see where OP (and you) are coming from, but voting is still very important and does make a difference even if the vast majority of candidates are kiked. I just don't want people's takeaway from this to be "don't vote". Voting in local and state elections makes a huge difference. Rand Paul was voted in as well, there are good politicians, just very few of them.

Missouri and Texas have introduced bills to ignore federal gun control laws. Voting and influencing local politics alone cannot fix this mess, but it can put us in a better position to fix it.

trevmon ago

do vote but for third parties only, and don't expect them to win but if you don't vote it's like saying you're fine with whatever

CameraCode ago

I vote for whoever the best candidate is and who most aligns with my vlaues and goals.

trevmon ago

same but how often is that a repub or dem

agodgavemethisland ago

If no one voted the shit machine would lose it's legitimacy.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

You're technically right, but it's not a viable plan.

trevmon ago

can't just completely ignore society, unabomber tried to live alone in the woods but then logging companies rolled thru, it's like that

Delacourt ago

You will never get 100% of the people to not vote.

CameraCode ago

No it wouldn't. That would just make it easier for them to put whoever they want into office.

TheSeer ago

If you must vote, Vote Giant Meteor 2020!

MortonLoothorKodos ago


AntiMason ago

No shit.