dontforgetaboutevil ago

Couple things. One you are implying that the people who cannot rebel when their freedoms are taken away can do something about that process if they get ahead of it somehow. If you really hold that position then you don't think really think rebellion is impossible. Furthermore history has shown that rebellion does in fact happen. In fact it doesn't even require poverty and starvation. The roman conflict of the orders is a good example of "middle class allfuent" people rebelling against the nobility literally over abuse of rights.

Now as far as new zealand ans australia go honestly I have never had much respect for the commonwealth territories of the former english empire. These people are highly inured to submission and obedience to a distant authority who does not care about their rights. So frankly you are probably correct in your assessment of these panty wearers.

However, I think when it comes to America the situation is much more dynamic. For one thing we are a people whose history was created by telling our bosses overseas to go fuck themselves. We have a guaranteed right by our constitution to bare arms as well. Gun ownership and self defense is woven into the fabric of America and it is how we settled this massive nation in the face of hostile indians, mexicans and the goddamned english.

I think that accelerationism is also a pretty stupid name for a concept. I think that it is originally a term from another language that is translated into english and that is why it sounds so hollow and without a definition linking to a reality based phenomenon. And so I name you foreigner. I doubt very seriously you've grown up in any of the countries you are judging. Furthermore I warn you about prognostication. It's the best way to be wrong.

Delacourt ago

You're right, rebellion can and does happen. However, as you note, it requires the support of "middle class affluent" people to work. A rebellion cannot exist without organization, numerical support, or material resources. The American Revolution is the perfect example of this. It had the support of the majority of the populace including many of the most wealthy. It was united by a common ideology and was also highly organized and competent. I see none of this in the "accelerationists" of today.

I agree that "accelerationism" is a stupid term. That's why I always use it in quotes. No one really knows what it means, in fact a few years ago it used to mean something totally different. I am just using the common definition as it stands today, which is retarded.

I could be wrong, but if I'm not it's absolutely vital that I spread the truth before it gets worse. I firmly believe that the current situation is going to end up exactly like the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was largely inspired by the Oklahoma City bombings, but politicians did not have the balls to enact such drastic and tyrannical measures until 9/11 happened and gave them the perfect justification. There was a lot of criticism regarding the Patriot Act, but nothing ultimately happened. There was no mass uprising or civil war. I believe exactly the same will happen here, and in more places if the suicidal ideology of "accelerationism" continues.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I think we got caught with our pants down with the patriot act. Everybody was in shock and I think on a lot of levels people just were not really paying attention to legislation at the time. We were more focused on who hit us, why and how we were gonna hit back.

Frankly no domestic terror event is going to be as focus demanding as a foreign attack. Especially one demanding a serious and heavy military response. Especially not a domestic terror event in another country.

This new zealand stuff is a 5.0 at on the bullshit scale at best. 9/11 was a 7.8. I think only an actual invasion or a nuclear event would rate higher than 9/11 did.

Furthermore I want to go back to what I said about our pants being caught down. Ultimately nobody expected the government to get so shady with the legislation while we were all getting hopped on kill and revenge. We saw it happening. I know it was discussed but ultimately it happened so fast and with so little public interaction that nobody really knew what to do.

The reason I bring that up and think it is significant is because I believe people will not be fooled and caught so unaware again. Also there is a lot of shade cast on 9/11. As years go by fewer and fewer people believe the official story. So when the patriot act is brought up a lot of americans feel an inner twist of anger about it.

Gun control is a little bit different than something as nasty as the patriot act. But ultimately and at last I don't think the gun owning of the US will put up with much more gun control. Groups are getting more and more organized to fight this both in courts and at the lobbying level. But in the end even if all the talk fails.

Molon Labe goddamnit.

alalzia ago

It works from the leftist perspective : ECB & Obama , bailouts , poverty , wars , confiscations of property and savings = a huge non neoliberal socialist block in EU even in the US .

I am not well versed in the nationalist perspective so i can only suppose that immigration . loss of basic rights and general degeneracy can create distance between the authorities and the citizenry . The Facebook shooter only dropped a spark to make this reality spread faster and if you look at the bans, the prohibitions , the political theater and the arrests he actually made it happen.

The bad news are that socialists and nationalists are canceling each other out allowing the same elites to perpetuate their rule over everyone. Both parties should know that there are no allies among the political cast , each and every politician , each and every politician's handler is out to get us all. There must be a solution to that and getting stuck in "communism bad" & "capitalism wrong" is a very bad indicator of what our future will be like .

Delacourt ago

The point I am making in this post is that there is no "fire". It's an illusion. The new gun control and censorship laws will persist, but there will be no mass unrest or uprising against them. All the shooter will have accomplished is a permanent reduction in freedom.

As I said, wait a year and see what happens. I will be proven right. "Accelerationism" in this sense simply does not work.

Othmar_Regin ago

Hey look you even got 5 of your Hasbara buddies to upvoat you, great work!

ThyCultOfQ ago

You were losing it all anyway... tomorrow... 10 years time... what's the fuck difference. You could have got out a white marker pen and written something decent instead of that wall of cucked failfag text

Delacourt ago

"You're going to lose it anyway, why not help the government take it away from you faster!"

And you call me a failfag?

ThyCultOfQ ago

No the point of accelerationism is to force you all to take a stand whilst the numbers are still on your side... if you were never going to make a stand then you deserve to lose it all anyway... so what's changed?

Delacourt ago

Okay. I have a few simple questions for you.

If accelerationism is true, where do you expect the political situation of the world to be in a year? How about 2 years? How will the average person's life be affected? How do you expect the average person to feel or respond? When do you expect the full "collapse" to happen?

The problem with accelerationism is that it has no standards. People have been using these tactics for over a century and they have never worked. Hell, Charles Manson tried this exact thing over 50 years ago and it didn't work. The only things that ever happens is that rights are removed and people get more brainwashed.

Accelerationism is a lot like communism. Communism has the stated goal of creating a better society, but every time it is tried countless die, and then the communists walk away and say "oh well, maybe it will work next time". The stated goal of accelerationism is to get our rights and freedoms removed by the government, and that will cause people to rise up. Except the people never rise up. Rights get removed and are never restored. Just like the communists, the accelerationists have no standards and no ability for self-analysis. EVERY TIME THEY TRY THEY FAIL, and yet every time they walk away and say "next time it will surely work". In the meantime our societies become less and less free, as the accelerationists happily fuel the leftist propaganda machine and turn the masses against the right.

If the goal of accelerationists is simply in setting us back, removing our freedoms, and ensuring a better and freer society is less and less likely, their track record is excellent.

TheArtOfPhysical ago

Accelerationism only works if you directly support their ideas. Terrorist attacks aren't part of accelerationism and are to the contrary rather counter productive to the "cause of right wingers" across the world. So for those whom seek violence, its much more productive to use that energy to further yourself intellectually and maybe start thinking of property protection of some sort.

Othmar_Regin ago

So you are saying we should just lay down and die as an alternative? And those freedoms you think we have, no we lost them decades ago we just haven't fully noticed it yet.

Delacourt ago

Every time I bring this up I receive the exact same thoughtless cookie-cutter response. "What, so you want us to just lay down and die?"

No. I don't. "Accelerationism" is the path to laying down and dying. Everyone who participates in it either dies directly, or ends up permanently removing themselves from the gene pool through life imprisonment. This is why thousands of internet tough guys like you pay lip service to it, but only a tiny handful of people are desperate or dumb enough to actually do it. It is a suicidal ideology on both the individual and collective level.

The alternative to this retard ideology is the actual strategy that works - having kids and building strong, competent communities. Look at Muslim groups that fail versus those that succeed.

Muslim groups that fail are the ones that use terrorism. Look at ISIS and Al Qaeda - both used terrorism and both are essentially fucking gone. Last I checked the ISIS "caliphate" was down to a few acres in the middle of a desert. The reason for this failure is very simple; these groups made tons of enemies. Everyone hated them and wanted them gone. Even most liberals will begrudgingly agree that ISIS and Al Qaeda are bad. The terrorism they used was not a competent strategy, but simply a symptom of their bitterness and misanthropy, and in the end it destroyed them.

On the other hand, Muslim groups that use the strategy of taqiyya thrive. These are the Muslims who claim to be "poor victims", and then come into a country, move into neighborhoods, and have 10 kids. These are the Muslims who infiltrate colleges, jobs, organizations and institutions. They network with other Muslims, preserve their culture, and create Muslim communities where previously there were none. Most importantly, they have tons and tons of fucking kids.

The thing with "accelerationism" is that no groups that ever succeeded has actually done it. It doesn't work. It's fucking cargo cult bullshit. Historically, groups win through better organization or greater numbers. There is no quick-fix, no "one neat trick" that allows a disorganized, demotivated, declining minority demographic to magically beat an organized and motivated demographic with huge numbers. The demographic having tons of kids will ALWAYS overcome the demographic that is not only not having kids, but removing itself from the gene pool.

The ONLY way to win is the hard way. That means starting families and organizing like every other culture and civilization has had to do in the history of the world. If you are a childless dead end, not involved in your local community in any way, then you are part of the problem and no amount of childish revenge fantasies is going to fix that.

Othmar_Regin ago

We are waaaay past the point of no return do you really think that the European Whites will out-breed the darkskins who have an average of 4?!

Delacourt ago

We don't need to "out-breed" them. We need to not die out in a few generations. Even if all nonwhites vanished from the Earth tomorrow, whites would eventually disappear because our replacement rate is negative.

Our problem is that our people have lost hope and lost faith in themselves, and because of this they feel they have no identity and have forsaken starting families or supporting the nation. The solution is redpilling them, showing that they have an identity, building communities and starting strong families, and restoring their faith in their race. Doing nothing other than push literally suicidal tactics on young men does not solve our problem.