NosebergShekelman ago

My cousin Barry mutilated and sucked the blood from Ben's penis

spaceman84 ago

Wew lad. If you weren't on a watch list you are now.

Glory_Beckons ago

If I wasn't already on at least one or two, before this, I'd be quite offended.

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

SirNiggsalot ago

White men and women, our enemies reside in D.C. and in work in Congress . Traitors are the first enemies that need to be dealt with. Seneca said as much 2000+ years ago.

Baconmon ago

I agree with every thing you've said.. The elites have lots of power, but it is built out of a house of cards, and they know that too many wrong moves could cause a snowball effect and have whites rise up and take back what is rightfully their's.. (((They))) know that if we all stand up together and fight back that it will be no contest; whites will win.. That is why they are trying hard not to let a race war break out, and it is exactly why Brenton has decided that accelerationism is the only possible solution left to having a chance of taking back our homelands before we are completely replaced.. He knew that the sooner we start a race war, the greater chance we have at winning..

The response of the elites alone tells me this was not a false flag.. They are trying their damnest to stop the manifesto and the shooting video from spreading.. I personally think the manifesto is a bit more powerful than the shooting video, but any one should see both if they can.. The manifesto is a very good read, and (((they))) are afraid that any one who reads it will see Brenton as the hero that he really is (which is why they are stopping at nothing to try to censor it)..

I also think that the corporate media will try to memory-hole the shooting because of the power it has to convert whites, but i think they will still bring it up only to use it as excuses to restrict guns even more, and to censor entire websites from the internet etc..

Artofchoke ago

Why attack the invaders, though? Their numbers are huge, and there will be more more more to replace them. There are people creating the situation. People who are legislating it, people who are financing it. Those are the appropriate targets. This is like killing individual fleas on a dog. You have to treat the cause.

Glory_Beckons ago

He wasn't going for the direct result of 50 fewer Moslems in one town in New Zealand.

He was going for the side-effects:

  • Force the powers that be into a knee-jerk acceleration of their totalitarian crackdown, making people on the fence tip the other way
  • Expose dishonesty and hypocrisy of media narratives, comparing coverage and tropes used here as opposed to when a Muslim does it
  • Bait adversaries into escalation, retaliation strikes (Utrecht shooting? Paris church fire?)
  • Draw attention to the fact that even a town called "Christchurch" at the end of the world is infested (nowhere to run; must stand and fight)
  • Manifesto is well thought out to red-pill normies (I suspect this is the only reason he avoided explicitly naming the Jew)
  • Everything about the video is designed to do what OP describes; it awakens something primal in men who watch it (there's a reason FPS are so popular)

He spent two years tailoring both his actions and the presentation to achieve these effects.

Bonus points for all the reactions ranging from "well that was bound to happen eventually" over "they kinda had it coming" and even "fucking finally", not only from a huge number among our people, but even from well known and/or highly placed personalities in media and governments. I don't think even he himself expected this level of support and endorsement.

kaonashiii ago

Agreed, ben shapiro is such a fuckface.

Doglegwarrior ago

Video is on bitchute last time i watched it. I was surprised it was on therr and running smooth. I had to watch the guy with red abd blue shoes it does look like he ends up bare foot but the lighting is so weird it is hard to conclusevly tell. The thing that pisses me off is why do internet detectives have to be looking for shitblike this when the god damn news should be!

Glory_Beckons ago

Red soles, blue tops. He's never barefoot.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ok i cant see the images but i will take your word for it. Looked like blood to me the first time but the lighting is so messed up it is hard to tell. Guess i will have to go rewatch a soldier fighting invaders again to make sure.

Glory_Beckons ago

10:36 to 10:40 makes it quite obvious. It's blurry because he's moving quickly, but you can see the red soles as he walks past, and then he turns around to look behind him two seconds later, showing the blue topsides.

Doglegwarrior ago

There is one thing about the muslim birth rate video that is confusing.

So whites having 1.6 children ok thats bad but people kept saying over population will kill the planet and we will run out of resources so a natural reduction in population seemed somehwat normal and sane.

The muslims in england having 8.1 kids is insane and idiocracy level of stupid and will obviously lead to social and religious and racial conflict and the replacement of white people.


1 to 50 every white man has the ability to eliminate 50 muslims it seems? The NZ shooter proved that theory right. Theblas vegas shooter one old white decrept guy who took out the wrong people but still good 1 to 50 type ratio? I think this numbers could eventualy work out

Glory_Beckons ago

Agreed about 1.6 not being as big of a deal as people sometimes make it. And the "no civilization ever recovers from <= 1.9" thing is also bullshit. If nothing else simply because the number is an average and some parts of the population always remain well about replacement. Even now, having 4+ children is normal in some demographic segments (mostly the traditionalist / religious backgrounds).

Populations of all animals fluctuate up and down over time, across generations. Part of nature's way of rebalancing the system. Humans are no exception.

The real problem is allowing an invasive species that spreads like a weed and drains resources to take root in the middle of a population downturn period. This creates a serious extinction risk.

Burning it with fire is a universal solution.

Doglegwarrior ago

I agree but the crazy thing is not only do white western cultures get tricked by jews into letting them in we then pay for our replacement with welfare!! The reason you dont see the yellow vest revolution on our tv is the fact they arr revolting against their money being taken to pay for welfare for invaders and its about time someone stood up to the bullshit.

WhitePaladin ago

You got a ton of downvotes, the shills are in full force today ! They are scared !

Glory_Beckons ago

Same as with the video itself, they don't want you to see this. They don't want you to think like this. They don't want you to feel this.

They want you cowed and impotent and unaware, plowing their fields for them, with your head bowed, so they may reap the harvest.

whambamthankyouham ago

It's a hoax dipshit.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

You are a disgusting idiot. You are 100% right on one point though, people that viewed the video and experienced the feeling you describe definitely have been "initiated" (or maybe "activated" would be more appropriate), but at the very least "horrifyingly desensitized" to the visceral negative effects of carrying out an indiscriminate mass murder of ethnic cleansing. More of us that watched it felt physically sick or repulsed at the slaughter of people that weren't even fighting back in self defense regardless of whether we think it'd be better for devout Muslim immigrants to return to their already Islamic countries or not. You need to reflect on what this says about you if you feel the way OP describes after watching that.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

I think you're reaching when you say that people were "initiated". That's still based on persona and I'd be reaching if I asked if that was projection. I do agree, however, that most people (myself included) did feel physically sick while watching the video. Hope he gets life in prison.

Xax ago

And then it makes you wonder at what point Jews and Muslims were “horrifyingly desensitized” to the mass murder of white Christians over the past 1,500 years.

Were Jews and Muslims EVER sensitized to (((their))) fellow human beings, us white people?

You need to stop assuming we have an empathetic enemy. (((They))) are the ones who need to be seen for what (((they))) before interjecting our responses.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The year of the black sun approaches.

ideteststicks ago

I've never taken a human life and have no intention of taking one either, it's one of the easiest simplest things to do and thats wake up and not having the intention of killing anyone. However I do believe in strict controlled immigration and enforced repatriation. 'killing in the name of'' gets you fuck all just another load of dead bodies and countless heroes.

Asses on seats of parliament names on ballots, they aren't going to voluntarily fuck off back to where they belong while the faggots keep bringing them in. Vote the traitors out first..

OmarComin ago

You're all repulsive. I can't imagine celebrating someone who butchered defenseless people as they prayed. He's every bit as despicable as some ISIS terrorist, and you're all the same as the ISIS sympathizers who cheer them on from their keyboards. Can you even imagine the suffering and heartbreak these families are going through? Try to have a shred of sympathy for your fellow human beings.

I'm sorry that women don't like you or you hate your job or whatever. But that's not the fault of Muslims or Jews or black people. Try improving your own lives instead of trying to ruin others through bloodshed.

pby1000 ago

Killing unarmed people is not very heroic.

Look, the pedo-Satanic NWO infiltrated our governments, school systems, and everything else worldwide and we let them.

brandnewset ago

Divide and rule

iDontShift ago

whatever. i think folks watch this with their eyes closed.

PatriotLady1 ago

Haven't seen the video and don't need to see it. Difficult to give a shit when moslems have murdered so many innocents. KARMA

MadCatTimberWolf ago

To date fired from 3 jobs for discussing the truth about Islam, in the USA. If I lived in UK or NZ I'd be in jail.

NotHereForPizza ago

From someone who actually knows what they're talking about: it invokes agency in the unawakened. The methodology in use here is specifically designed to break an overton window. Unfortunately for some, it also pushes them to imitate, which will inevitably lead to growing tensions. It's quite the double edged sword. In other words, this wasn't a very friendly operation. Sure, it accomplishes a few things we're also looking to accomplish, but at the cost of adding some layers on top which will very likely and inevitably fork the base and even convince some to imitate it, allowing a bad light to be cast.

Itsdone63 ago

"Bad light" what are you talking about? Who is good and who is bad is determined by victors. The fact of who looks bad now shows you who the current losers are. Whites have been losing the political and culture war for years now.

NotHereForPizza ago

Without learning to notice the difference between optics or politics and actual observable truth, you will hardly develop, if at all.

Itsdone63 ago

Whatever, I'll take this as us talking about two different things.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's be more beneficial to realize there are people out there who's overton window far exceeds your own. At least, this way, you can have something to aspire to.

DeadFox ago

War already started

NotHereForPizza ago

You act like we haven't been at war for quite some time.

DeadFox ago

Then why are you refusing to fight? Are you a coward or a subversive?

NotHereForPizza ago

You obviously aren't serious, or are too stupid to realize how dumb those questions are.

DeadFox ago

I'll go with answer number 2

SearchVoatBot ago

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HitlerDinduNufin ago

If anyone is reading this and hasn't seen the video, Please do so. Also, read the manifesto.

Both are easy to find.

Civil_Warrior ago

Unfortunately the video is an obvious crisis actor wax dummy festival. Look for the mannequin dummy w no head sitting on the right hand pile of wax dummied, all face down so you don't see they were never alive. Blanks are obviously used and shell casings never accumulate because they are cgi.

fr33europe ago

What are you babbling about, if you've been anywhere near the internet you've seen far worse than this.

iDontShift ago

i think your delusional about how people would act in panic.

those folks didn't even try. only a few folks in the beginning moved.

and the lady outside... it was fucked to be sure, but how can you say those folks 'ran there...'

satisfyinghump ago

As far as people being punished for distributing this video, those of us who speak to people we think are still worth it, may be they're balancing on the line and just need to be swayed. Go ahead and ask them why does no countries government declare the threats that have been declare about this recent incident, when the videos are of muslims cutting the necks / cutting off the whole head of prisoners in orange jumpsuits(i know some are fake, but, the true purpose of those videos are to awaken and invite the more extreme muslims. We are basically being told that Muslim extremists can create (commit murder in the act of doing so) these kinds of videos but whites can not. They will be punished. Ask your "I dont know where I stand" friend(s) to simply tell you the difference and explain why that's ok one is treated differently from the other.

iDontShift ago

those folks didn't run to the corner. they were there. i didn't see them move. i didn't hear them say anything.

hoax? what kind of hoax? ... a false flag. yes. did people really die? yes.

but that dude walked into a prepared scene... so ya, hoax, a fake of some kind, not nature event.

Tranix ago

Don't fall for this. Stay sane. Hug your mother. Live a good life.

phoenix883 ago

We want a future for our children. In our countries, with our way of life, free and with much less burden of taxes and daily low-key repression.

Nothing more, nothing less.

We cannot live peacefully with them in one area. We tried. We paid trillions of Dollars and Euros to alleviate that, we have given up so much of our freedom and security to make it work, to give poor people from war-torn countries a new home in our home.

It did not work.

Our homes are now war-torn as well. We had lone policemen with baton and whistle before, now we need dozens of soldiers with full weapons of war in all major locations of public infrastructure. We have thousands upon thousands of rapes and murders more than before. Our freedoms are curtailed by our government in a desperate attempt to keep the lid on this conflict that we could not even avoid by fleeing our homes, paying ever more taxes and ceding ever more freedoms and ground to people we were supposed to help. Because we did that already. We fled from our cities. We pay more than half our income as hush money so they don't murder us out of greed. Except they still do it, just killing less of us.

We will never be safe again anywhere on the entire planet if we lose our homeland.

This fight has been going on since the dawn of Europe, in the moment the first tribe fled from Africa so many millennia ago. They fled for the same reasons. War and poverty and sickness and untenable living conditions. Not because that continent is the problem. Whites could make a good living there in Rhodesia and South Africa. The living conditions are bad because of the other humans. Human civilization could not evolve in Africa because of them.

This fight is as old as mankind.

Gopherurself ago


Tranix ago

Would you like some tea?

Shekelsteinblatt ago

More like xanax. Any calls to violence are subversive in nature. Unless you're the pope and it's 1400 A.D.

Xax ago

There’s no tea in hell, CIA glow in the dark nigger. Why don’t you confess your sins against your fellow men, us?

Gopherurself ago

With a pound of your flesh I hear it smells like pork when you cook it right

DeadFox ago

Stay at home, ineffective, continue to pay taxes you neet, and ignore your nation being destroyed.

Tranix ago

Make a positive impact, not a negative one.

DeadFox ago

The shooting was a positive impact.

ratbastardman ago

Positive by whose standards?

Glory_Beckons ago

Live a good life

There's nothing any of us would want more than that.

But that's just it. We can't. That option was taken from us.

Millions of invaders flooding our land, destroying our culture and our way of life. Our politicians actively colluding with the pillage, raising our taxes to supply and pamper the invasion force. Our parents and grandparents watched and did nothing, too busy setting up the ponzi scheme to finance their pensions, the weight of which now falls on our shoulders to bear. House and property prices out of control, impossible to afford without signing yourself into indentured service to a bank. Majority of women completely useless, have been taught their self-worth is based on how well they can pretend to be a man, and that having children is beneath them. If you manage to have children anyway, huge risk they'll be taken from you along with half your worth, present and future. If somehow you avoid all that, your boys will be indoctrinated into faggotry and sissyhood by state institutions, and your girls likewise taught to be useless sluts. If you protest or try to shield them from that, you will be labeled a heretic and have them taken from you.

Tell me, how is a young white man to "have a good life" today?

You've taken that from us. Between Jewish colonialism, Muslim invasion, Boomer betrayal, and Liberal cuckholdry. You've taken everything from us.

All we have left, to keep ourselves warm, is our rage.

A great reckoning is coming.

Tranix ago

We just want to be left alone. To live life our way, among our own, in a place we can call home. To build a family, and watch our children play, and grow up, and have children of their own. And to grow old, and die content, knowing their future is secure.

But that's just it. We can't. That option was taken from us.

Escalating violence isn't gonna make you safer.

9/11 didn't make Arabs safer.

Glory_Beckons ago

9/11 caused us to waste untold resources on pointless wars with no victory condition or benefit to our people, and to give away precious liberties for fragile illusions of security. It also ignited a war they wanted, radicalized their youth, armed them, solidified the West as an enemy in their minds, and ultimately led to the unopposed invasion of Europe and North America by millions of Arab and North African Moslems.

Slowly, but surely, they are getting everything they wanted. And we are losing everything we had.

You have yet to offer a single actionable solution or remedy to a single problem I have listed. All you preach is apathy and submission and inaction in the face of invasion and exploitation and betrayal. "Striking back at your oppressors isn't gonna make you safer," you whine. Shall we beg for scraps, instead? Remind ourselves it could be worse? Slave mentality is the panacea you peddle.

I understand the Arabs better than I understand spineless cowards like you.

I sincerely hope you are a woman. The idea of a man being so pathetically weak is nauseating.

Tranix ago

Tell me, how is a young white man to "have a good life" today?

Stop blaming others. Don't wallow in your censorious mindset. Contribute. Practice generosity. Be of benefit to the people in your life. Acquire skills according to your disposition and talents, and put those skills to good use. Make your mom proud.

ratbastardman ago

You can do all that, but if you don't secure a future for your children, what good is it?

Tranix ago

You are calling for a future of violence and danger.

ratbastardman ago

That future is coming whether we like it or not. Would you have your children be victims?

phoenix883 ago

You did not answer the simple question except with platitudes.

"Stop blaming others" is excellent advice, if others were really not to blame.

But they are. We will now lay the blame on those who are actively preventing us from living a good life.

I blame those who murder, rape and rob us day and night in all of our cities. I blame them. They do it.

I blame those who use up our tax money to pay for their ever increasing families. Those who take our hard earned money and feed their children with it so ours cannot have it. And they built entire clans on our soil with the money we wanted to give to our children. And these clans dominate our cities, subjugate our children in our schools we built.

I blame them for coming to our countries and taking them away from us.

We all want to live a good life. But we cannot live the simplest of good lives when we have to be afraid our children get beaten up or stabbed in school, our daughters and wives raped in the streets, our parents get their retirement money, that they worked on for their entire life, taken to pay for refugees.

Remove taxes. Remove the murderers of us. Remove the rapists of our wives and daughters. Remove those who drain our resources and warp our minds.

Walk through any Western European major city and you will see who is living the good life. Some do. But it is NONE. OF. US.

DeadFox ago

My country fell from 95% white to 65% white in 20 years and the crime rate rose just as fast. Who am I supposed to blame for this? Myself? Lmao

Glory_Beckons ago

You did not answer the question and offer nothing but vapid platitudes.

I can, and do, do all of those things, and still look around to see all the issues I listed above. My homeland is deteriorating into ruins before my eyes, and my children's future is grim and uncertain.

Stop blaming others.

A foolish mantra of apathy and cowardice.

Why should I not blame those who have earned my blame?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nice try FBI

Wazhappenin1 ago

The real question is what comes next? Will the invaders retaliate or will the next Branton Tarrant rise up from obscurity and become a historical figure? We already know what the will do. More laws, less liberty, more circling the wagons around failed immigration policies. The people...are we livestock, serfs, slaves? Or are we something else like the OP has stated? The praetorian guards can't resist us all.

NeedleStack ago

I think everything you list will happen. The govt. can make all the laws they want. But there will be many a man out there who will resist the enforcement of those laws. Like so many other users have said; get off booze, lift, eat healthy meats, and improve yourself now.

leredditarmyecksdee ago

fucking cringe

Therealnickcage ago

Don't be the rapid dog. The rapid dog gets put down. Be the cunning wolf who returns night after night, hunting as part of a pack. What pack are you prepared to join?

Gopherurself ago

Posse Comitatus,

Constitutional Sheriff's,

iamlegion ago

don't join any packs, think and act for yourselves

video was debunked as a false flag


Therealnickcage ago

Always think for yourself. But don't ever be fooled into thinking that going on a solo shooting spree is going to get you anywhere. Our founding fathers realized that to take on a machine as big as the British empire, they had to work together and trust each other.

iamlegion ago

we can't really even do that anymore

and this is the least of their toys and weapons against all who oppose

Gopherurself ago

I will have all your heads

iamlegion ago

you mad bro?

Expect Us

Gopherurself ago

The sign says OPEN.

iamlegion ago

Aw, poor wittle baby shill wuns outta words

Gopherurself ago

You are retarded

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Just remember FBI informations can be anywhere.

myvoicefromhell ago

One does not simply put down a rapid dog.

WhitePaladin ago

That rabid dog made the whole world scared.

Mjazz ago

Ok shoot it.

Therealnickcage ago

Possibly, but once it's down, no one questions whether or not it should have been done.

eggsaladsandwich ago

Well they're just so damn fast. Hard to catch a dog once it's gone rapid.

contrarianism ago

The wolf is fast tho.

yellowthread ago

Nobody is so retarded to think it impossible to kill people without seeing a video.

We don't kill people because we choose to live in a society rather than run around ackbar-ing everyone we disagree with.

Besides, it was a false flag. He didn't teabag even one person after his M-M-M-MONSTER KILL.

Glory_Beckons ago

everyone we disagree with

An invasion numbering in the millions, with the express purpose of not only taking your land and destroying your culture, but also outbreeding and replacing you to the point of extinction is not some trivial "disagreement".

brandnewset ago

10 year setup, is still a setup

Never do the kikes wishes. The guy was mossad. Bibi is cumming his pants waiting for a race war.

Read between the lines

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Fuck yeah

iDontShift ago

lol. you are wrong.

con77 ago

I pray you are right. 14 words.

antistatist ago

First-person shooters are the new White heritage.

Adminstrater ago

Big events change the world. I don't think this was a big event, but the media and censorship is coming close to a peak, and could be the big event.

beece ago

The interesting part to me is that on the other mass shootings, they spread the info about the shooter as widely as possible so that they DO have copycat killers. The effect is to increase the drumbeat to ban weapons.

iamlegion ago

video was debunked as a false flag


Atomized_Individual ago

"Midterms are safe" - Q..

iamlegion ago

our children are not

drstrangegov ago

I member

Haywood_Jablomeme ago

Fuck off Q is gay

iamlegion ago

but the debunking isn't

little cunt is too soar from being ass-fucked by her handlers

you mad?

SushiMasa ago

To me it looks more like a false flag to clear out the guns from NZ and create a safe haven for global elites. Did anyone else notice the tack on about extradition on the gun bill?

antistatist ago

The elites already have a safe haven in Switzerland.

Baichu ago

And underground bunkers all over the place. They love their bunkers in Colorado.

ktreektree ago

wtf this place is so full of hate.

lord_nougat ago

I hate you for saying that.

albatrosv15 ago

Yes? So have you ever asked: "WHY?"

Jay_Mac ago

Go to Reddit if you need a hug. We are trying to secure the existence of our people here. Do you think we can vote our way our of this? We can't. Bloodshed is unavoidable, probably necessary.

NeedleStack ago

Yeah, it is. And rage. And you're free to leave it, fuckface. Nice 3.7 year old account you squatted there to make this comment.

iDontShift ago

no you fool. you saw a setup. you saw him arrive at a prepared scene. the bodies already in the corners. Only 2 people standing and I saw no blood from them. Was he shooting blanks? I dunno. But it was fucked.

power... i see a controlled puppet. ..

antistatist ago

Blank rounds do not re-cock the bolt in an AR type rifle unless it is fitted with a Blank Firing Attachment. The rifle in the video was not fitted with that, so it was definitely firing live rounds.

Splooge ago

i see a controlled puppet

Hey, whaddya know, so do I.

iDontShift ago

I said it was weird. something was off. deep state wants you to kill.. you sound like them.

Splooge ago

Try again, nowhere in your original comment does the word "weird" or other synonymous term appear. Not even after you edited it.

Go on... do tell me how I sound like the deep state. Is it my ability to properly use the shift key and ellipsis? Is that it?

iDontShift ago

running around kiling each other isn't the spiritual answer.

it is materialistic, hence satanic... hence deep state.

Splooge ago

"oy vey, don't kill your enemies goy, that's satanic"

iDontShift ago

i say there is a better answer.. and it seems to me trump is onto it.. he doesn't talk like voat folks.

Jay_Mac ago

You didn't see bodies on the floor already you saw cockroaches scurrying into the corners

Peacethroughpower ago

This has been a great weekend. If only i could whistle

voatusernamevoat ago

Overly melodramatic.

albatrosv15 ago


Splooge ago

One of the anon comments from 8chan:

"Never show the face or name of the shooter because it will just inspire more shooters"

Ben Shapiro 2017

"Sup lads I'm Brenton Tarrant, here's my face and a full livestream blessed with the sweetest soundtrack you've heard in your life. P.s. google the names on my rifles and you will immediately you no longer give a fuck how many child raping muslims die. Also watch this badass GTA moment when I turn this lady with a mustache into a speedbump"

-Brenton Tarrant 2019

Everything about it was planned precisely to inspire, in the most autistic shitposting manner.  

(((Ben Shapiro))) straight-up lied about the markings and inscriptions on the weapons/mags. He brushed them off as "bizarre numbers and symbols" and claimed the rest were just names of other "white supremacist" attacks.

jthun2 ago

Ben Shapiro is a racist little Jewish loser who cares only about his own people. He's a gatekeeper, same as Jordan Peterson.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

He knew that millions would see it. He knew how bad ass he was and he made peace with himself. The guy still dropped two mags and fell over but he was very confident in his actions. People have no idea how easy it is to become proficient at shooting a rifle if you are white that high IQ isn't just for being nice. They have no idea (city folk) that we grew up shooting rifles as kids and when they see a well disciplined marksman they insist its a FF.

I've been looking into any FF "evidence" i can see and unless Qike posts some real evidence there isn't anything conclusive from what i've seen. Quck even included an image of the 14 on the gun being compared to the 14 on podestas hand. Like, the 14 words were used in the manifesto and it fits way better than some Osiris shit. Also thats not a fish on his gun, its nordic rune meaning heritage/ estate which he took to mean blood. So is the black sun for that matter.

Phantom42 ago

It's amazing how well us guys (and gals, credit where it's due) can pick up damn near any weapon and pull off shots the city folk don't believe possible. For me, it's always been something of "instinct", estimating drop, leading, etc... Haven't been wrong so far. My hunting kills show that.

elitch2 ago

I am a fucking magical shot.

I took a deer this year, at 500M, right through the lungs. BCL 102 in .308, Vortex Viper scope.

Could you imagine the damage you could do at 500M, and get away with it? A coordinated attack involving a dozen locations within the same jurisdiction would absolutely cripple them.

Phantom42 ago

Give a thousand snipers, and we can do what ten thousand grunts couldn't.

Why? Because we can hit from afar and disappear as if we were never there. So, we can always hit you and you can always count on NOT hitting us.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Yeesh, I saw a post about the 14 and fish on reddit and couldn't believe how dense they were. I'm not even familiar with Odal runes but that's obviously a symbol and not a fish.

"Odal" also happens to be a beautiful instrumental piece from the greatest album of all time.

Atomized_Individual ago

Yea, BQQMERS are looking through a completely different lens. They're hopeless v/BoomerOven

Charilko ago

When the moment comes that the West starts rising up against this invasion force, I personally don’t want it to be because it’s fun or it makes us feel badass. Killing even your enemies should be undertaken for sober, thought-out, necessary reasons.

We aren’t them. We shouldn’t behave like them, killing for fun.

But yeah, Ben Shapiro’s another Jewish neocon cuck.

slwsnowman40 ago

Them wanting us dead isn't reason enough?

Charilko ago

It won’t matter to most people until they have a pack of Muslims in their house, shooting their dog and raping their kids. White Westerners aren’t so much in denial as they are simply unable to fathom what’s coming; nobody has any imagination for evil any more.

elitch2 ago

Fuck "most people". They're sheep anyway.

They'll go along with whatever comes. Their existence, and ease of life is how this shit gets out of hand in the first place.

If I were Emperor, I would mandate everyone spend one month in the wilderness, every two years.

Nothing but a week's rations, and basic kit to survive 30 days and nights in the wild.

Failure to complete, or any manner of cheating results in banishment.

Most of our people have lost perspective. Many never had it.

slwsnowman40 ago

No, most white believe white conservatives, and further right, are evil.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Is there a list of the songs he used?

iamlegion ago

it was a false flag

hillaryisabitch ago

And you're a true fag.

iamlegion ago

v/qrv has the video evidence you need pussy

false flag you coward

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago


Well said!!

ihatejunkiemail ago

We are warriors. All of us. Repressed warriors that have raged in silence. Always having to swallow the boiling anger as we see what is ours being stolen and given to another warrior culture. Not being allowed to even hint at the fact that it is wrong. Silent rage and boiling blood cannot be contained forever. One day...... SNAP!.

Tranix ago

Anyone who shoots unarmed civilians and a toddler is by definition not a warrior.

elitch2 ago

No such thing as a "civilian" moslem.

Didn't some sand nigger return fire at the second mosque? Where did he get a weapon?

THis is NZ, not NH.

anamazonslittle ago

Go watch some more beheading videos and then decide what's fair.

lanre ago

He shot a toddler?

Tranix ago

A three-year-old boy named Mucad Ibrahim.

What a tough guy! What a warrior, huh? Armed to the teeth and fearlessly facing down a three-year-old boy!

ihatejunkiemail ago

Lil mucad is fine they prolly gave him a house that belonged to a white family that's been loyal to his country. No one died it's all sorts of fake

jthun2 ago

You do realize that wars involve a lot of slaughter of innocents, rape, torture, and all that, right?

The Red Army shot a ton of civilians. The Persian Empire, Mongols, etc.

I don't approve of this guy slaughtering unarmed civilians, but let's not be naive about what war involves.

slwsnowman40 ago

Their rule book says that is a-okay.

Tranix ago

And yours?

slwsnowman40 ago

I'm fine by playing by their rules. They use our morality against us, that's why mosques tend to be armed to the teeth. That's why they hide in and among schools, parks and hospitals. If they don't care about their women and children, why should we?

Tranix ago

So you're a self-proclaimed cuck.

You have a weak frame.

You live by other people's principles rather than your own.

slwsnowman40 ago

Why should I fight them by rules they won't fight by? That won't do anything but get me killed because they are hiding among women and children...yea, that makes sense. We are talking about a culture that doesn't respect what it perceives to be weakness; so if we aren't willing to play by their rules, we'll never win no matter how many we kill and where. If you can't handle that truth, it sounds like you are the cuck.

Tranix ago

What exactly constitutes a 'win' to you?

slwsnowman40 ago

They're dead and we aren't.

Tranix ago

Which ones?

slwsnowman40 ago

We can start (finish is probably the more appropriate term) with the semites and figure out what to do about the Chinks and streetshitters. While doing that, we cut off aide to Africa and let nature take its natural course of action.

Tranix ago

How many of them?

DeadFox ago

Invaders are invaders. A child invader grows up into an adult invader, and has even more invader children. KILL THEM ALL, MEN WOMAN AND CHILDREN.

They kill ours.

Gopherurself ago

Anyone who is willing to fucking do this, is Viking, pussy.

Tranix ago

To shoot unarmed people and children?

watts2db ago

seems to work for them miss us with that morality we need to save our people and civilization by any means necessary they are right whites continue to be demonized as monsters if anything they have been too nice and kind to a fault they have only been monsters to their own kind

pby1000 ago


FoundingUncle ago

You have never seen a real warrior take out an untrained idiot.

Only those who posess the skills of an infantryman and who have killed in the past are warriors.

I have been there and I never experience it. The onky thing worse than fughting in a war is loosing a war.

elitch2 ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.

You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet?

Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.

If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You're fucking dead, kiddo.

FoundingUncle ago

I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals

No. You didn't.

ihatejunkiemail ago

Oooooooooooo. Watch out this faggot is pink with RAGE

elitch2 ago


FoundingUncle ago

I love you man.


jthun2 ago

oh look, member for two months trying to convince voaters not to fight for their people. Hi Schlomo.

ihatejunkiemail ago

No kidding some one need to mosque that zog

DeadFox ago

You're not special because you fought for the Jews.

Gopherurself ago

Fuck you pussy I never been to war but I will fuck you in the field of battle I would absolutely fuck you up don't you ever stand their with your little dick and hold that over my head you understand? I'm sick of hearing your shit. Your a fucking enemy for all I'm cosiderd if you uphold the federal government and I am prepared to slaughter you all. All traitor fed troops will die.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Who wants to bet this dude right here has active sores in his rolls as he types this on a filthy, greasy keyboard propped up on his gelatinous mass of man boobs?

ihatejunkiemail ago

While he dreams "MOM, BRING ME huff wheeze MOAR RANCH"

crabraccoon ago

Bullshit. Anyone willing to fight for their race is a warrior. The (((soldiers))) who we call warriors fight only for the jews. Many white males in the US can shoot a rifle and have survival skills. Bring your infantry skills to bear on my family and people and see how far it gets you.

Baichu ago

I wonder what will happen when the generation of cucks is all that is left and there are no more warriors.

lanre ago

That's where we're almost at. They're being replaced by lower IQ but stronger races. I'm hoping this state of "cuckoldry" is just a psychological thing though and people will come wake up when they realize what's going on.

ratbastardman ago

Won't ever happen.

FreeeBird ago

I think he’s talking about how we all have the capacity for violence and power within us. Society has repressed this warrior capacity to such a degree that white males are suiciding themselves from desperate purposelessness. Now they may find purpose and reawaken their warrior spirit.

ihatejunkiemail ago


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Glory_Beckons ago

I think this hits the nail on the head as to why they are censoring this video so rabidly.

They always try to control the narrative by ensuring the corporate, globalist media has a monopoly on information. But it's much more drastic than before in this case.

Think about this: They are throwing people in jail for murder-tier sentences... for distributing true, unfiltered, unedited information about a major event in the world. In other words, for bringing you the news.

This is why. This video teaches White men the forbidden truth they've worked so hard to beat and guilt and shame out of you, from childhood:

You have the power to fight back.

And it's easier than you think.

elitch2 ago

You should see this shit in VR, on a simulated 150" screen.


watts2db ago

thats a good point if they are going to throw you in jail for sharing the video why not make the video

24601_JeanValJean ago

So, do you carry you brown-bag it or carry-out for lunch at the CIA?

Glory_Beckons ago

To clarify, since this has come up a few times, I am not encouraging copying his behavior.

You can see me arguing against that extensively here, and in the comment chain that follows. His actions served a purpose. But at a heavy price. Repeating them would not be as effective. We can do better than that.

Detailing my thoughts on how that may take shape, and the best course of action, would require a manifesto of my own.

My aim here is only to raise morale and sense of agency; of control over our destiny. We've been browbeaten for too long.

iamlegion ago

video was debunked

another false flag


LDIP ago

Keep digging that hole deeper and deeper. Eventually we will remove you Q parasites

iamlegion ago

just deep enough for you to fall into

don't get hurt, we're much faster than you EVER were

LDIP ago

Biggest joke on this site folks

iamlegion ago

way faster than you cowards.... way bro

you still mad?

iamlegion ago

you must be a back water squirrel fucker

Atomized_Individual ago

Just smarter than Qtards

iamlegion ago

prove it cum bucket

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Fuck off nigger

iamlegion ago

don't be a coward your entire life

MDEneverdies1488 ago

It's not even about that. You keep spamming this shit in the same post. No one wants to engage in qtards, even if the video is fake.

iamlegion ago

spamming.... what are you 12?

Information is more important than forum sliding with concernfags

YugeDick ago

That's the real difference between why they allow moslem beheading videos and such but censor this. One teaches us to be afraid of them. The other teaches us that we don't have to be afraid.

ThyCultOfQ ago

I memed your words of wisdom for you :)

Artofchoke ago

Fuck that's powerful.

ThyCultOfQ ago

ThyCultOfQ ago

Indeed... I'll try to meme it later

hillaryisabitch ago

The empire wears no clothes. The man behind the curtain is a powerless midget.