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hillaryisabitch ago

His Twitter:

His manifesto (good read and I agreed with almost all of it)

Glory_Beckons ago

From the manifesto, describing his reasons for doing this:

[...] I could no longer turn my back on the violence. Something, this time, was different.

That difference was Ebba Akerlund.

Young, innocent and dead Ebba.

Ebba was walking to meet her mother after school, when she was murdered by an Islamic attacker, driving a stolen vehicle through the shopping promenade on which she was walking. Ebba was partially deaf, unable to hear the attacker coming.

Ebba death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer.

I could no longer ignore the attacks. They were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith and attacks on my soul.

They would not be ignored.

Gorillion ago

Okay, this guy sounds legit. Was expecting another FF scheme to further erode the self-defense rights of the locals.

Glory_Beckons ago

He seems legit to me from what I've seen so far.

But, even if his motives were pure, it is always a shame to see someone like that wasted on a suicide run like this.

This is not the way. We cannot win by running amok, one by one. We must stand together, united, as one. But, for that, we must first rekindle our people's will to live; their love for themselves and for each other. We must build and we must protect and we must cherish our brothers, even those who have been led astray. So that they may remember, who and what they are, and therefore what we fight for. Only then will they rally to our side. Only then do we stand a chance of securing a place in this world for ourselves.

Otherwise we are doomed, to be stabbed in the back by those we try to defend.

Yuke ago

And move into politics so that real change can be made. Shooting up a bunch of people in one-off attacks will only tighten the noose that they already have around our throats. A lot of people will feel this was a good thing to do, but unfortunately time will show them that it wasn't. It will be used against anyone even remotely close to his thinking. This was not a smart thing to do.

Atomized_Individual ago

Yea, maybe we'll eventually get a president like Trump who will end immigration. ..oh wait.

Anson ago

wasted on a suicide run like this.

Go fuck yourself. You're not the first white person I've heard (and by that I mean all white people talk like you) who thinks there's a way to win a war without a single casualty or so much as a dollar spent... where did you get this fallacy and what fuels it?

How do you, and everyone else, have such a low comprehension of winning, especially when it comes to using violence?

selpai ago

In the sense that any action is better than no action? Maybe?

CivNatisFullRetard ago


Glory_Beckons ago

You're not the first white person I've heard (and by that I mean all white people talk like you) who thinks there's a way to win a war without a single casualty or so much as a dollar spent... where did you get this fallacy and what fuels it?

I don't believe either of those things.

There will be bloodshed and there will be violence. There must be, if we are to survive. And so we must be ready and willing. When the time comes. But that time is not now. Not like this. Not yet, anyway.

It doesn't matter how well a shepherd dog intended to protect his flock, if his actions are so shocking to the sheep that they mistake him for the wolf, and run themselves straight off a cliff in horror of what he has done.

I understand why he did what he did, just as well as you. I don't blame him for it, nor do I blame you for supporting him. All of us should support him. But the masses, our masses, will not see it that way. They will recoil in horror and jerk in the opposite direction. Because they are not ready for it, mentally. They don't understand why this is necessary. That is what we must fix, first. Only then can we can fight more directly. Otherwise it's all for nothing. It is those masses we must protect. Those of them worth saving, anyway. We cannot do that if they are more afraid of us than of our enemies.

Anson ago

I don't believe either of those things.

Well than you'd better think about the way you're talking because it's what you're implying, and my buddy was barking up this exact tree last week. "You can't take up this cause, people will fight you. Therefore you can't take that position." ANd he kept coming at it like that, so i can only conclude he was trying to say I must find a route with zero cost - which is a fucking fallacy and I hear it every time this conversation comes up. EVery time.

And so we must be ready and willing. When the time comes. But that time is not now. Not like this. Not yet, anyway.

Then you get your fucking ass ready - it doesn't sound like you've even started thinking about preparing before you typed out that sentence... and i'm sticking to that point

Glory_Beckons ago

There are no zero cost solutions.

My position is this: Our objective must be the violent removal of Jews and Moslems and Negros from our lands, along with those traitors who brought them. It will have to be violent, because they will not leave any other way. We have to get rid of them because we cannot survive, let alone thrive, with them among us. To succeed, we must have the support of our people. Not all of them -- it will never be all. But enough of them so they will not stab us in the back while we're fighting for them.

If you rush into the breach by yourself, you will fall and your apparent failure will only demoralize those behind you. This is what people will see: He got caught, and he will be judged, and he will be punished, and that makes what he did baaaah-d. That's not how I see it. But I do recognize that this is how most will see it. And that is a problem. That does damage to what we are trying to achieve. We must convince them before we act.

Violence is successful only when it is praised, or at least pardoned, by those on whose behalf it was done.

A basic measure of whether you are acting too soon is whether you have any brothers by your side or not.

Anson ago

We're losing ground every day

Glory_Beckons ago

I don't think we are.

Think back to what people's mindsets were like 2 years, 5 years, 10 years ago. They were being replaced and marked for extinction, same as now. But they were completely oblivious to it, and even cheering it on.

Some still are today. But more than ever are aware and opposed. And more become aware every day. More and more can feel which way the wind is blowing, can smell the coming storm in the air. Especially among the younger generation, and they are the ones that will matter most. Such an awakening hasn't happened since before WW2.

Whatever else I think of Trump, he invigorated the American working class and reignited their will to fight for their place in the world. Unapologetic nationalists are sitting in most Western governments. Including Germany, of all places. Outright in control of Italy, Hungary, Poland, etc. France on brink of revolution. Pretty sure the mob would lynch Macron if they got their hands on him. The EUSSR creaking and groaning under its own weight. Frasier Anning's response to this event.

All of these things would have been completely unthinkable a decade ago.

Things will have to get worse to get more on board with what needs doing. But we'll get there.

jthun2 ago

Agree. His analysis was correct but his action was badly conceived and in the long run more hurtful. He should have had kids, raised them, and then been ready to fight in 10-15 years when a shooting war starts in the EU for real.

Atomized_Individual ago

What are the kids gonna do? Vote for more migration?

Charlez6 ago

On the other hand, if enough crusaders took out 20+ invaders each, this problem would be solved by Monday morning...

Soyboy69 ago

It would be solved by monday morning and then things will be just as bad as they started off at by the following monday as more are imported to help combat "islamaphobia".

Shotinthedark ago

You math is probably correct. Unfortunately it will take more instances that this man suffered (if this is real) to enact a change .

epik- ago

His math is incorrect because even if all invaders were taken out, our elite would just import a new batch.

Violence like this is pointless

jthun2 ago

our (((elite)))

PaulNeriAustralia ago

the "political class".

Glory_Beckons ago

Our own people would capture or kill us for it, and then knee-jerk into accelerating their self-destruction.

We need a larger segment of our kinsmen on our side first. Not all. Some are beyond redemption. Most are simply too weak, of either body or spirit or both, to make any sort of difference. They'll just go with whatever is easiest. But we do need more than we have, especially among those armed and trained for combat.

For that, we must convince them that the future we offer is considerably better than the one they're being led towards now. For that, we must show them our primary driving force is our love of our own, not hate for the other. That we act to build and prosper, and only react with violence to defend.

jthun2 ago

We need the boomers and older genxers to die out, honestly. They are too Jew friendly, too wrapped up in holocaustianity and white guilt. When whites are down to 1/3 of their former numbers, surrounded by browns and blacks, the younger whites will start to become more ethno nationalist.

zxcvzxcv ago

It will take a lot more rapes, I think. Lots of rapes. When the European whites are forced to flee their home lands in order to protect their women from the rapes, then maybe we will have a chance. Maybe, but only if we listen to their stories.

Pwning4Ever ago

He is the result of people who no longer feel like they're in control, he's basically a crusader who couldn't stand seeing his people being slaughtered anymore.

Glory_Beckons ago

I can't judge him for it. But he won't be able to help us from a jail cell or a coffin. And his actions today are likely to do more harm than good for our cause.

Anson ago

do more harm than good for our cause.

No. Just no.

onezeno ago

Yeah, was gonna buy another rifle and ammo this weekend, since things seemed quiet. I'm guessing there will be a run in all that now.

Pwning4Ever ago

it'll start to make muslims think twice before moving to the west (it probably wont, too many gibs).

It could trigger counter islamic-attacks. Which would only increase tensions of course. Multi-culturalism is a strength, even though there is no evidence that it has ever worked thorugh out history.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Why do you say that: " Multi-culturalism is a strength...".

Pwning4Ever ago

It's called irony.

vladtep ago

I can't judge him for it. But he won't be able to help us from a jail cell or a coffin.

He did help us, it's a mathematical problem solved by subtraction.

Glory_Beckons ago

"Our cause" in my mind, at this point, is simply survival of our race. Longer term perhaps a sustainable worldview that promotes healthy behavior and prevents us from falling back into the decadence we see today. In any case, not some sort of political movement as such.