zerozen77 ago

Our guy?

thebearfromstartrack ago

Makes sense to me. You foreign shits better get your heads out of your asses. Whoever told you you are welcomed anywhere in the world was LYING.

iLuvJews ago

Opening a mosque in a town called "Christchurch" is literally like asking Allah to smite you.

benjitsu ago

So here is the 6 gorillian dollar question: Where is the line between taking back/defending our shit and being baited into war by (((you know who))) who will pick up the pieces for pennies on the shekel? I think the most dangerous message Owen Benjamin is sending isn't watch for the jews or string up the pedos, it is find a good woman, be a good man, and make a good community. Some of the bible fags make it difficult and I am pretty sure the Catholic church has been highjacked to make white people hate Christianity, however basic Christian morals and family values are what is going to save the world...we can fire all the bullets we have, and we may need to but it won't have a point if we don't know what we are shooting for (as opposed to shooting against). I feel pretty fucking eloquent in a bathrobe and manybeers deep

WhiteWolfSS ago

I'm betting he's out of Parliament within a week. He'll "resign" or some other nonsense.

No way (((they'll))) let him stick around.

Reed_Solomon ago

check dissenter

TheKnightOfGod ago

Australian Senator Frasier Anning for next PRESIDENT!

GoyimNose ago

Check out his tweets, literally one of us.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Yeah. I wonder what sort of intel this "fanatic" had on them. Apparently they found caches of weapons and explosives in BOTH mosques. Is this confirmed?

Liberals you need to get that YOU do NOT dictate culture in OUR nations!!! You are ASKING for it in at least SOME cases, if you ask me. You do NOT get to GIVE AWAY what you DO NOT own. Get it? I guess not, since you're ALL parasitic thieves anyway. Judgment day is coming. The good need to remember that vengeance is God's, we are to PEACEFULLY avoid (ignore, don't do business, friends, etc) the invaders and VOTE for people who think LIKEWISE.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Here, here!

Donald_Jew_Trump ago

Mic drop.

pepeledog ago

Cannot say I disagree with him.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

So even he is playing to the narrative. This was just another staged event. But people are so dumb they can be as sloppy as they want now. Recently we had an alleged terrorist supposedly associated with gab, now this, next there will be a staged event and the alleged terrorist will be associated with VOAT.

Pattern_Blind ago


Screw your optics, Iโ€™m subscribing to Peiwdie Pie!

FridayJones ago

I wish my Senator was that honest.

Inaminit ago

So much redpill in one thread... I'm guessing the media sweeps this Senator's statement under the rug very quickly.

olltre ago

hes right you know. Vigilantism is on the rise and its only just begining. Its going to get a lot worse as governments fail to act and things keep getting worse and worse. When you make policies that result in areas of the country being "no go zones" and when you fail to address the concerns of the citizenry and continue to carry out the same policies then people begin to feel backed into a corner.

vladtep ago

Here's what Trump has to say:

My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!

vladtep ago

Imagine seeing anything like that from Trump these days...however cucked it was.

ardvarcus ago

An excellent statement from Anning. I'd vote for this guy.

A_M_Swallow ago

Warn the people of Africa and the Middle East that the West is no longer safe for Muslims. It is a trap. Do not go there.

The welfare money is the equivalent of the cheese in a mouse trap.

24601_JeanValJean ago

hold up. Is this real?

Fuzzychickens1 ago

I emailed him to say I appreciated his brave and reasoned response.

[email protected]

Deadleftist ago

Trudeau has slept with the enemy and sucked their goat raping cocks.

Deadleftist ago

Every Canadian Politician appears to be working with the enemy.

Deadleftist ago

Only Good Muslim is lying dead beside the dead Jew that brought them in.

syntaxaxe ago

Wow. How do we get some senators as honest and fearless as Fraser Anning in the United States?

Civil_Warrior ago

White man telling the truth

Die niggers

numina18 ago

Wow!!!!! The truth comes out, finally!!!! A truly brave man.

SouthernSon ago

He's TurnNOballs rent boy

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

The most balanced, correct, and well-worded response so far.

SouthernSon ago

The only political figure in Australia with a set of balls to stand up to islam

LifeWillChange ago

Dudes got balls to say that. Can't disagree. Chickens coming home to roost for Muslims.

BentAxel ago

No way is that real? Is that real? A politician that speaks the truth?

muffalettadiver ago

Just wipe Pakistan off the map. Problem solved.

hellhoundsonmytrail ago


kingminos ago

Evident self-defense against a parasite invading culture. Long feckin-A overdue. Replicate by 1000 ... export to all English-speaking countries. Cut down Quisling excuse-makers and Muzzi-wog pimps. EOF.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/news comment by @Glory_Beckons.

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sguevar ago


a100167 ago

This guy gets it.

TitDirtt ago

Why can't we get senators like that in the US

ilikeskittles ago

Thatโ€™s the most honest thing I think Iโ€™ve ever heard a politician say.

basedmangod2015 ago

you guys are fucking loser scumbags, some of these people could have gone on to reject islam and find jesus, now they can't because so loser faggot like one of you decided to end their life. radical right wing terrorism is a bigger threat to the world than islamic terror.

trevmon ago

at a mosque, bad place to find jesus

basedmangod2015 ago

some of these people were children, some children grow up to reject their parents teachings, now thats not an option, you faggots are no better then ISIS

trevmon ago

tha's on their parents, indoctrinating kids into that hateful murderous belief is child abuse.

basedmangod2015 ago

so is murdering kids for their religious beliefs

trevmon ago

yeah shouldn't do that but any current muslim in the world right now needs to realize the damage they are doing

Iornukrum ago


Justsomerandombits ago

Its good to see a politician with the balls to tell the ugly, hidden truth about islam. It will fall on mostly deaf ears though as it's not virtue signaling for 'diversity'. The typical "not all muslims" bullshit will be trotted out to try and cover up this truth. Even a parsing glance at the koran shows this to be a true statement by the Senator, but that would take too much effort for the idiot populace to understand.

aboutime ago

holy shitstain batman, gloves are off....



koalling ago

what the fuck? /ourgirl/

losetheego ago

He's a senator for my state! Finally someone worth goting for!

Speakfree ago

I feel silly but haven't confirmed if this is real. Anyone similar?

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

Wrong targets.

Go after the traitors first.

mrfetus ago

No, the kikes.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

That's what I said.

mrfetus ago

I happy it happened.

Wowbagger ago

The issue is that the kebab should never have been given a chance to invade. They're doing what comes naturally to them. I expect them to be inhuman and invasive, I don't expect Christian men to shoot them up in a non-war scenario.

mrfetus ago

How do you think wars start?

Telencephalon ago

Fuck, I might have to move to New Zealand.

NoRagrets ago

That's from an Australian Senator; NZ and Aus are different countries.

Telencephalon ago

Dammit! Well at least Australia has one noncucked senator.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Twitter would be removing anything from the other side. Extremely misleading

Gopherurself ago

Fuck yeah.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

If true this person will be removed from office or will be making an official retraction and apology momentarily. The jews will never let this statement against their proxy soldiers aka muslimes stand.

mrfetus ago

You're demoralized.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

The only person who can remove him is the Queen. Highly unlikely

nomadriders ago

Happened to Gough Whitlam, wouldn't be surprised if such a thing occurred again.

One-Way_Bus ago

He'll send up with a mysterious death by a self inflicted gun shot wound to the back of head.

mrfetus ago


Highonfire ago

Wow. Voice of reason.

475677 ago

That cunt's getting my vote come election time.

oligarchsalamander ago

I'm so used to out of touch politicians I thought this as fake honestly.

Xantha ago

Politicians have no skin in the game compared to regular people anywhere. They live in gated communities and advocate for policies that ruin the rest of our futures, while enriching themselves.

Its regular people who have struggled for generations to build a safe prosperous society, now have to deal with the consequences of mass imported 3rd worlders who are incapable of building their own-- because if they could, they wouldn't come here.

oligarchsalamander ago

Regular people don't get off that easy not by a damn sight. Today's generation didn't build fuck all. Everything past and including Baby boomers has helped contribute to the deconstruction of what was built before them. Macron, fuck head that he is, was elected with 2/3 of the vote. Justin Trudeau won a majority. Merkel was re-elected after opening the borders. Fucking leave me alone with the "political class is blindsiding these poor regular people" stuff.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Where's the source on this? We need more than a screenshot for such a strong condemnation of the religion of peace.

hans_wormhat ago

I like how whenever someone dares to stand up against the "Diversity is Our Strength" mantra that is emblazoned above the prison gates, they get labelled "disgusting" or "human garbage". Such diversity, such tolerance.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Thank you.

kneo24 ago

Even the fake news outlets are up in arms about it.

wgib ago

I like how NZ prime minister said it was an act of terrorism.

NoRagrets ago

She's an out-and-out Socialist, she is ruining our country, I'm convinced her party will not be re-elected.

In 2008, she was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Well, the guy who did it wrote that is an act of terrorism.

wgib ago

I thought for it to be terrorism it had to be an attack against the government, country, or for political reasons

Pwning4Ever ago

He did it to send a message to Muslims, that is by definition terrorism.

vladtep ago

I think he did it to kill them. lol

canbot ago

That is not what terrorism is at all. It is, of course, political. But everything is political.

Of the intent is to intimidate them it is terrorism.

Killing these particular people does not accomplish anything, the point is to send a message.

archvile7 ago

Killing these particular people does not accomplish anything

Bullshit. The less sand niggers, the better, no matter how you look at it.

wgib ago

So if your intent is intimidation of a person or group its terrorism?. Or once you use killing as the form of intimidation?

canbot ago

The former. Although the distinction from "intimidation" would be that the people you are attacking or targeting with violence are not the only people you are trying to intimidate.

Approved ago

So... the fire bombing of Dresden and the nuking of Hiroshima were acts of terrorism?

canbot ago

Yes. They are in a grey area where you are fighting a war and the argument can be made that these deminished the capabilities of the enemy. But you brought them up because they are largely considered not to be legitimate military targets. From that position these were acts of terror.

Approved ago

I brought them up because every war I've ever heard of, starting with the first ever recorded in history, and continuing up until TODAY, in the US-supported Saudi invasion of Yemen, involves the use of force for political ends.

As Bismark said, war is just politics by other means.

When the US Army stormed the beach on D-Day and shot Sgt. Schmidt and Private Gunter to death... it wasn't b/c they hated Sgt. Schmidt and Private Gunter and wanted them to die; it was because they wanted to force the German high command to surrender, and killing enough 10s of 1000s of random German soldiers would eventually achieve that political goal.

Same with dropping fire bombs on cities and roasting babies in thier cribs by the 1000s. Burn enough cities, and enough random men/women/chikdren/babies/pets/livestock and eventually the enemy surrenders, because he's fucking terrified of what will happen if he doesn't surrender.

In conclusion, the main difference between a terrorist and a patriot/founding father is winning the war and writing the history books yourself.

canbot ago

It is simply counterproductive to dispose of the word. You can argue that war and terrorism are the same, but that they are the same in many ways does not change the fact that they are different in other ways.

You are denying the differences that are there.

There is undeniably a difference between people forcing their own personal will on others through force and fear, and attacking from the shadows or out of the blue; and the escalation of conflicts from diplomacy to threats to organized group action.

Approved ago

The word "terrorism" belongs in Alice In Wonderland, because it means exactly what we want it to mean at any particular time, but doesn't mean whst we don't want it to mean at inconvenient times.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

His manifesto answers your questions.

acheron2012 ago

Holy Flaming Demons Batman!

Can we elect this guy President?

NoRagrets ago

No, your country has a natural born citizen rule for elected Presidents, for that reason, people like Barack Obama cannot be President. Oh, wait...

aboutime ago

so funny- my words gushed out before i read your comment- great minds think alike

kevo7777 ago

What a faggot

edistojim ago

Obama level faggot.

vladtep ago

Trump level faggot

My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!

LampshadeMaker ago

Why do I get the feeling that this is all a false flag with one of the aims being to deflect attention from kikes onto their mudslime proxy, exactly as they've been trying to do unsuccessfully with (((Tommy Robinson)))? I want this to be an organic attack but it's starting to look a little too (((slick))) for that.

mrfetus ago

Why do I get the feeling

You've been demoralized by kikes to believe that nothing is real or trustworthy, that's part of the shills mission.

LampshadeMaker ago

No, I'm not a mouth breather who overlooks the usual cohencidences.

Drunkenst ago

You think too much. Watch the watch. You are getting sleepy, sleepy...,

ThyCultOfQ ago

Read his manifesto... guy seems legit. I get your point but that would be a bad hand to play right now... seems organic to me.

chrisman01 ago

Um. There's a Navy SEAL copypasta and he blames PewDiePie, and says he wanted to divide America... by shooting muslims in New Zealand.

If you think it sounds legit you need to get your head checked. Not by shrinks that will radicalize you with pills of course, I mean you need to go on a camping trip, get some clean air, think long and hard and relax.

ThyCultOfQ ago

I've read it and you are taking it out of context.

What significance is meant by the copypasta?

Did he blame PewDiePie? Or does he just say subscribe to PewDiePie as an obvious joke before he does it. If you read his manifesto he has a sense of humor, blaming Spyro the Dragon 3 for making him an ethno-nationalist in jest at one point.

And he talks about divided america in response to people like you saying BUT THEY'LL TAKE MUH GUNS. Yeah that's right... they will... the divide is already there so what does it matter if he speeds it up. Maybe you'll be forced into action...

It's clear instead of camping you actually need to read the damn thing before making comment on it...


Now you read the manifesto again and tell us why the only mentioning of jews is when he said that he isn't anti-Semitic?

mrfetus ago

Read between the lines.


So you're implying he was "smart" enough to not name the jew openly to avoid the anti-Semitic hammer against the right-wing movement, but somehow overlooked the ramifications of writing "14" on his weapons?

mrfetus ago

The 14 made it clear to us.

mrfetus ago

He has black sun's on his armor, he was on /Pol/.

Have you read the manifesto?


You are falling for symbolism. That is a biblical sin. Also everyone can be on /pol/ (even you who can't spell it correctly). Now for the manifesto...I've read it, I agree with almost anything in there and I can vouch for it that it's all based on truth. But it's not the complete truth, It leaves out the most crucial detail of a terrorist attack....naming the enemy. So now ask yourself what is more realistic...a) that a /pol/-lack goes full jihad on live stream without naming the merchant? or b) that a false flag terror attack has all the check-marks of a political motivated crime, while coincidentally leaving out the little jew detail, which would make the public suspicious?

Shekelsteinblatt ago

a false flag terror attack has all the check-marks of a political motivated crime

What is the motivation for the attack? Deflection from Israel bombing Gaza the same day?


Read the protocols. They want a planet for themselves and will kill anyone in their path to achieve it. They have systematically destroyed nations throughout human history and they are not stopping. Their motivation is always build around gaining more power, while exterminating resistance and freedom of their opponents. Their modus operandi goes like this...destroy the past, exploit the present, corrupt the future. This is how they've organized capitalism, how they took away what we had, how they make our current lives miserable, and how they make sure that we don't have the means to make our future better. And this is not a white problem, it's a problem for every race on this planet. On top of that, they deliberately act against the laws of nature, even worse than we do, which destroys our all ecosystem. They are committing suicide by genocide against us. A parasite to stop a parasite. That is the natural defense mechanism of this ecosystem that we all are destroying.

a100167 ago

He said he doesn't have a problem with any peoples so long as those peoples are in their own countries. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. The whole damn reason I hate kikes and various niggers isn't because they're living in their own fuckin' homes away from white countries, I'll you that.

yewotm8 ago

Jews in Israel are still doing plenty of influencing over here.

a100167 ago

Only because their worker bees and lobbyist are here doing said influencing. They're in fuckin congress for god's sake.


jews are not in their own countries, they are in your country, owning your money, subverting and destroying your nation. There can never be a reasonable way to see it any other way than a deadly threat to your life. Also, the jews are nomadic, because they spend over 2000 years fleeing the persecution for the crimes they've committed. They can never be together, occupied Palestine can never function peacefully, the jews will never stop being criminals, it's literately in their bloodlines.

a100167 ago

Yes I know, that's why I said I hate them! Because THEY'RE NOT in their own countries. You're talkin' to a scholar on kikes and kikery here lol if I had a university it would be the world leader in educating on kikes and their schemey ways.


Let's see...POP-QUIZ: Who's the kike behind the industrialization of make-up, that drove the global female populace into a state of mental insecurity about their looks, while making them hide behind a toxic mask, that is made on the backs of billions of tortured animals?

a100167 ago

Aha! Trick question!

The correct answer is: Who cares, if he's a kike he should die. If he's dead already, all the better, move on to the next one still drawing breath.


You just lost your scholarship. The correct answer is Max Factor.

LampshadeMaker ago

Not acknowledging the driving force behind multicult, for someone as exposed to the chans as he appears to have been, is hard to ignore.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Right but if he inspires more people than all that has to happen is we point out that the invaders didn't magically appear here... he mentions the globalists etc... I believe he wasn't confident enough to put anything in there about (((them))) that could be picked apart as conspiracy theory and destroy the rest of his argument. If in doubt leave it out. His manifesto is solid... read it.

LampshadeMaker ago

Naming the jew would not have invalidated the bleeding obvious - that slimes don't belong here.

ThyCultOfQ ago

No but it could have discredited his argument. Shooting Muslims and blaming Jews would be used to discredit him.

He blames globalists and invaders, both of which include (((them))). Whilst not naming them directly he didn't leave them out... read the manifesto I think believing he is a mossad shill is far fetched and doesn't make much sense.

LampshadeMaker ago

Globalist is a meaningless term to those you argue he is trying to redpill. Globalism is a symptom of judaism. Again, the true cancer remains hidden and here are the (((usual suspects))) rushing to defend the elephant in the room.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Loads of people are naming the jew. This man just took out 50 invaders and wrote a redpilling manifesto... if you believe this is a mossad setup then you can easily use this publicity against them... just keep naming them as the bringers of the invaders... that's why I don't think it is.

whysosensitive ago

You make some valid points.

kevo7777 ago

How can I donate to this man's political cause?

mrfetus ago

At any mosque, 7.62 is preferred.

nomadriders ago

Travel to his electorate and spend some money there, it's a beautiful part of the world.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Such a great manifesto and unable to vote for him.

superspathi ago

Damn that bitch is crazy!

voatusernamevoat ago

He would be surprised to know jews are very much like muds.

Fischer_King ago


13972362521 ago

reading popular russian boards about the event makes me happy because comment sections are one more proof that there is,at least one remaining christian world power where average normie isn't a leftist cuck.

One-Way_Bus ago

Wife is Chinese and from the Chinese boards they're calling it "kebab removal."

a100167 ago

lol even in this guys own manifesto he referred to his current occupation as "kebab removalist"

mrfetus ago

One of us.

Pwning4Ever ago

No doubt he was on the chans.

Truthsayer9000 ago

Lol, racemixing idiot

One-Way_Bus ago

I'm half kraut and half beaner. Feel better?

GoyimNose ago

half mexican means you are only a 15-25% shit skin. You could have been saved but chose to racemix, ultimate disgust.

One-Way_Bus ago

No one cares. Go fuck yourself.

Are you married and have kids? If the answer is no, shut the fuck up.

GoyimNose ago

literally if you have kids they are going to get made fun of their whole lives, they are going to be butt ugly and they will hate you and resent you for creating such a disgusting and hideous abomination.

Iornukrum ago

We are all mutts on this blessed day.

Chadsden ago

speak for yourself

Drunkenst ago

Thatโ€™s my standard burrito load out.

mrfetus ago


SushiMasa ago

So your kids are krout bean slants?

One-Way_Bus ago


Drunkenst ago

Hopefully sterile.

mrfetus ago

Leave the guy alone.

Truthsayer9000 ago

Oh yeah, thats fine. Good luck

nomadriders ago

To be fair it depends where you live, if I had to choose between an obese and promiscuous American white girl or a healthy young Chinese woman I'd probably take the Chinese. Not acceptable for Europe though, where there are tons of attractive white girls.

Truthsayer9000 ago

Think about the children, they will be a slanted eyed bugs with no real racial identity or home to call their own. Mixed raced freaks have no future. Fat obese American white whore > any other race bitch, in terms of childbearing.

SushiMasa ago

White isn't actually a race. We're all already hopelessly race mixed in America. That being said, you have to be careful with Asians because they lack oxytocin receptors that cause empathy.

It's better not to mix but if you stick to high IQ Christians it's probably fine.

nomadriders ago

Eurasians are pretty hot actually, intelligent too. Possibly the only mix that works in my opinion. Main issue is that that a mixed race child doesn't have any real identity or culture, but that's still better than dealing with fat lazy drug addicted woman that spends her time watching reality TV.

Truthsayer9000 ago

Still looks like asians to me. You hAve a severe yellow fever

nomadriders ago

lol my partner is a white woman. I have traveled Europe and they are beautiful there, but where I grew up they were not. I would chose the Asian compared to those women that lived in my neighbourhood.

Drunkenst ago

They fall apart big time in their 50โ€™s.

LarryBagelstein ago

As opposed to late 20s for western women.

Truthsayer9000 ago

What are you even arguing about. So you chose white woman because they're better and its alright, stop defending chinks. Peace

nomadriders ago

You either understand what I'm saying, or your IQ is too low to comprehend it. Your choice.

WorldView ago

"My wife is Asian"

One-Way_Bus ago

Do you prefer I call her chink and she read the moon runes about kebab removal? It still stands.

Chinks hate muzzies.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Chinks hate most everyone outside of whites and other chinks. As long as she's 1488, she's good,.

StagOfMull ago

Not great but could be worse

southern_fried ago

How can we get this guy elected in the US???

SearchVoatBot ago

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Guy_Justsome ago

He's right; this is part and parcel to the new world order of cosmopolitan third world diversity.

The piranha jews will skelatize him like a wounded water buffalo.

Pwning4Ever ago

Can you imagine when the next economic crash happens, I'm expecting it to make 08' look like the roaring 20s tbh. My point being that conflict surrounded by cultural/ethnic differences will undoubtedly go up.

ardvarcus ago

Can you imagine when the next economic crash happens, I'm expecting it to make 08' look like the roaring 20s

The Roaring 20s was a period of great prosperity. The stockmarket crashed in 1929. It was the 1930s that was the period of hardship and want.

NoMeGustanLosNiggers ago

you have the reading comprehension of a retard

Pwning4Ever ago

Reread my post. The next crash is gonna make 08' look like the roaring 20s.

MarauderShields ago

+1 for Piranha Jews

celestial-skylord ago

When you paraphrase what Sadiq Khan said as

We're here to murder you, your family and your whole race. And it's just another day.

It really gets a different kind of spin to it.

Gopherurself ago

Yeah I want to do what that guy did in NZ. but I also wanna do other things..

Heer_me_roar ago


Gopherurself ago


WorldView ago

Please glow harder.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Your silly "glow in the dark" remarks cannot stop this trend from gaining momentum.

Oh and go fuck yourself Kike.

WorldView ago

Don't post about this shit publicly, retard. Go fuck yourself.

FatBruceWillis ago

What's wrong mate? Afraid the bobbies will cart you away for illicit rhetoric?

Ocelot ago

We all know he hasn't got a loicense for that rhetoric.

24601_JeanValJean ago

binned the rhetoric loicense with the knoife loicense mate!

Ocelot ago

Blimey! Take 'em awoi George!

Gopherurself ago

Exactly its got the kike retarded air behind it. Just more of their nonsense

fuckingmockies ago

Found the Boomer.

Drunkenst ago

Lucky you, buy another lottery ticket.

irelandLost ago

Just part and parcel...

Deadleftist ago

Someone who understand that this is a war and is not complicit with the enemy.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

A surprisingly honest and patriotic politician, which is a rarity in these times.

Trapezoidal ago

A war between Muslims and Jews unfortunately, Westerners are used to do the fighting on behalf of the Jews and to them its a win win solution

foltaisaprovenshill ago

A war between Whites and Muslims/Jews on one side. Muslims and Jews are best friends and Jews fund all terrorist Muslims to attack Europe.

Muslims and Jews also believe identical things: that they will be given white slaves in heaven, that white children should be raped etc.

S1Ouroboros ago

Is there proof of kikes wanting to fuck kids? I know the muds do, not too sure bout the Jews

Shekelsteinblatt ago

Well, it's justified in their holy book. Can rape a 3 year old and shit like that. That IS their religion, so I assume it's okay for them to fuck kids in their moral code.

Renatus ago

A rarity.

ardvarcus ago

A rarity that he is speaking it in public, and having his words repeated. Maybe not so rare otherwise.

mrfetus ago

And thanks to him, they wake.