you guys are fucking loser scumbags, some of these people could have gone on to reject islam and find jesus, now they can't because so loser faggot like one of you decided to end their life. radical right wing terrorism is a bigger threat to the world than islamic terror.
some of these people were children, some children grow up to reject their parents teachings, now thats not an option, you faggots are no better then ISIS
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basedmangod2015 ago
you guys are fucking loser scumbags, some of these people could have gone on to reject islam and find jesus, now they can't because so loser faggot like one of you decided to end their life. radical right wing terrorism is a bigger threat to the world than islamic terror.
trevmon ago
at a mosque, bad place to find jesus
basedmangod2015 ago
some of these people were children, some children grow up to reject their parents teachings, now thats not an option, you faggots are no better then ISIS
trevmon ago
tha's on their parents, indoctrinating kids into that hateful murderous belief is child abuse.
basedmangod2015 ago
so is murdering kids for their religious beliefs
trevmon ago
yeah shouldn't do that but any current muslim in the world right now needs to realize the damage they are doing