Hakencruze ago

Something in this dudes manifest for revenge for Christian Kosovo and the destruction or Serbia - a direct correlation the Blair & Bush

BraunF14 ago

Anyone still have the DOOM version? Shits comical

SearchVoatBot ago

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Zammyanci ago

Where was the blood??

vladtep ago

Well at one point, he shot this moslem bitch in the head who was screaming "help me" and there was blood.

Zammyanci ago

I didn't see that. Must've been towards end of it.

bambou1991 ago

I see nothing wrong with this video. Part and fucking parcel.

jackofdiamonds ago

God that fucking polka music...

hillaryisabitch ago

It's the remove kebab meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocW3fBqPQkU

TestForScience ago

Fuck, man.
That video has my hands shaking.

Antiseed117 ago

What else could happen when you poke the bear so much.


Meh, part & parcel you know

Splooge ago

Just had to point this out in case no one else has yet. In almost every (((official))) MSM report I've read so far:

Peneha said the gunman ran out of the mosque, dropped what appeared to be a semi-automatic weapon in his driveway and fled.

What a weirdly specific thing to allegedly say. Is this part of the commie push to completely ban firearms in the US?

Gorillion ago

This is real? Shit, I thought it was the kickstarter video for the Angry Goy 2 movie.

xWyld ago

This gives me hope for western civilization

Anson ago

fucking killer, thanks for the share

NeoGoat ago

His driving was very unsafe.

zyklon_b ago


NeoGoat ago

He was clearly speeding.

zyklon_b ago

aint nothing wrong with that

NeoGoat ago

He might have hurt himself or other people.

zyklon_b ago

Well the death of muslims is something be celebrated

Doglegwarrior ago

Described as one of new zea landz darkerst days.

When the americans said fuck your 2 percent tax increase and threw the tea in the fucking boston harbor and tar and feathered the fucking tax men. The english news papers said.

This is one of englands darkest days.

Fuck you new zealand someone fought the invasion


When the americans said fuck your 2 percent tax increase and threw the tea in the fucking boston harbor and tar and feathered the fucking tax men. The english news papers said.

Read history, it was more about Hemp then tea.

Doglegwarrior ago

Not the point at all but fine fuck taxing our hemp too.

Amphiprion ago

It's only a firefight if both sides are shooting. This guy made a bunch of martyrs.

The result will be free visas and extra gibs for extended families as reparations for what that "bad white guy" did.

vladtep ago

All a saracen can ever be is a martyr, it's their greatest achievement available.

jthun2 ago

Totally agree. Slaughtering people at a mosque in prayer is nothing to celebrate. It's the sort of thing slimy bastards like Baruch Goldstein do. Like muslims or dislike them, a lot of those people in that mosque are innocents who are in the west because they were invited in. Taking revenge on rape gangs, fine, but women going about prayer... come on.

vladtep ago

Terrorist factories. lol

FatBruceWillis ago

Those weren't women, they were enemy spawn points.

superspathi ago

omfg, my sides

Attac ago

Oh nooo, that sucks.

Why would anyone do this for no reason at all?

uvulectomy ago

Well, I guess he went and proved @Tallest_Skil wrong about the whole "No one will do anything. Ever." shtick. This is exactly what he's always trying to goad people into doing.

Now we wait for him to move the goalposts and act like "one man isn't enough", despite clearly and repeatedly stating that nothing will ever happen, and now something has.

The other side of me thinks this is all a false-flag. It ticks literally every. single. box. of the leftists "evil right-wing nazis" narrative. And regardless, it will most certainly be used to push the "all whites are evil racists who want to murder brown people" narrative for the next several weeks And anyone trying to argue "Not All Whites" will be branded as "oppressor."

This could very well be a sign that things are about to kick off.

Tallest_Skil ago

move the goalposts


Guess what, you subhuman retard. One’s not enough.

other side of me

OH LOOK, YOU AGREE WITH ME YET AGAIN. How the fuck about that.

Let me know when (check this out, you triggered little bitch) anyone does anything, ever, which ISN’T a false flag.

CameraCode ago


Reminder. Someone did something.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you are illiterate. You have now supported my argument.


The other side of me thinks this is all a false-flag. It ticks literally every. single. box. of the leftists "evil right-wing nazis" narrative.

Some crucial background.

Were/are you a nationalist?

Yes, predominantly an ethno-nationalist(I place importance on the health and well being of my race above all else).

Were/are you a nazi?

No, actual nazis do not exist.They haven’t been a political or social force anywhere in the world for more than 60 years.

Were/are you an anti-semite?

No.A jew living in israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek to subvert or harm my people.

Were/are you a neo-nazi?

That is a very broad category of people, and the definition is fuzzy at best. So no, I don’t believe so.

Were/are you a conservative?

No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.

Were/are you a christian?

That is complicated. When I know, I will tell you.

Were/are you a fascist?

Yes. For once, the person that will be called a fascist, is an actual fascist. I am sure the journalists will love that. I mostly agree with Sir Oswald Mosley’s views and consider myself an Eco-fascist by nature.

The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.

Was there a political figure or party in history you most associate yourself with?

Sir Oswald Mosley is the person from history closest to my own beliefs.

17363085? ago

Is this the FF we were warned about?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Anyone else notice what Liveleak did, in about 2 hrs after shit got spread, the site went offline.

wokeasfook ago



The Prime Minister of New Zealand had this to say about these matters.

The prime minister acknowledged that many of the people directly affected by Friday's shooting may be migrants to New Zealand, and "they may even be refugees here.”

"They have chosen to make New Zealand their home, and it is their home. They are us. The person who has perpetuated this violence against us is not,” she said."

it is their home. They are us.

Very, very interesting, do you smell the treason in the air?

HAESisalie ago

She sounded like she wished it had only been natives to her country who were shot and killed. like immigrants and ivaders have special status in her mind, above her own people.

TheStapler ago

Bill Shorten, the Australian opposition leader, is now speaking about the Christchurch attacks.

He says that he feels sorry for parents as they have to explain the day’s events to their children, he urged people to follow the advice of New Zealand police: “Do not allow this evil into our lives. Do not share the footage. Do not watch the footage. This is not part of normal life. The people who committed this atrocity want the attention. Do not normalise this.”

Yeah everyone, do what the NPC says. Don't think about it. Just pretend the forced immigration--I mean, the shootings never happened. Those welfare dependents--I mean, productive peaceful migrants enrich our culture.

MikePence_Official ago

Man those two people he waited for to cross the road and honked at are the luckiest people in NZ today

invisiblephrend ago

what a mindfuck that must be.


"fucking asshole..."

[find out hours later that the asshole you passed just committed a mass murder]

jewsbadnews ago

Why would he kill whites?

MikePence_Official ago

I mean he was kinda in a hurry

jewsbadnews ago

Yeah, kill the people he is fighting for....

Lynch_Tree ago

I don't approve of him shooing people outside of the mosque.


They were all prayerdress wearing and burqa wearing. Very obvious muzzies. He didn't shoot the person in their drive way who was not muzzie.

invisiblephrend ago

he also stopped his car for the two natives at the crosswalk.

Lynch_Tree ago

Good points.

vladtep ago

I am mostly concerned with how this will affect peaceful whites.

Not all of us are like this, bigots. lol

Soyboy69 ago

Whites are the race of peace! Crazy lone wolves like this are the exception not the norm!

vladtep ago

Too bad. lol

vladtep ago

When you no longer have control of your country, that option is no longer available.


Some lessons to be learned.

Plan accordingly, make sure the place is packed. The women weren't there, (the right smaller room) he was early. He could have expelled at least 60 rounds into the women before going into the mens hall who were cowering, only 3 were standing up unsure how to react, that is telling.

Use a backpack to carry in your petrol bombs. Having them dangle from the bag by a detachable ring and bungee cord is also an option. Time is crucial as you begin opening fire the rounds will make other flee. Having to go back to the car for reloading is less ratio.

Have a handgun ready from a quick draw when someone or several people decide to rush.

Have a pipe bomb or grenade ready to lob into a mass of people or use on people who decide to rush you while you struggle with them. Simply pulling it off your vest should set the ignition. Having to spend time going body to body is a waste of time. Though it sends a message.

Because you are moving with your upper body taking shots, and dashing between targets and responding to moving targets the magazines you have on the lycra attachments will likely drop out like crazy, because you doubled them up, they lycra is unable to support the magazine entirely, be prepared for this by having pre-loaded magazines in a rug-sack to replenish quickly. Make sure you use a wipe with bleach on to wipe the rounds, and load them with gloves on. This makes identifying you much harder and take much longer as they'll have to go shell to shell to find a possible DNA.

Do not take a shotgun, they are very slow to reload and a waste of hand room, use a riffle with as many pre-loaded magazines that are taped together and thus doubled up to increase the shots to 60 per tapped together cartridge. When you tape them together, do it in a windy area and with hand gloves on. The tape can collect DNA such as hair or skin fibers.

The use a truck filled with gasoline barrels with a detonator inside on a timer such as an alarm clock (set and forget) or with a remote trigger.

Having an exit plan and not leaving behind weapons, just shells and magazines. This allows for the ability to lay low for a few days and attack another target.

Take note of the 9 minute almost 10 minute response time. Shooting starts at 06:36 and the first siren is heard at 15:19. Also be aware that no cop is going to approach such a situation unless they wanna be a hero or underestimate the danger. It is likely the cops would set up a staging area and merely cordon off the are waiting for anti-terror units to go in. If you are a victim in such a case, you'll bleed to death before they clear the building. When some jihadi kills allot of people the same thing will happen, they won't respond directly with force multipliers and things like SWAT are an American thing. Specialist intervention have a 20+ minute drive time easily. The State can not protect you from those who wish to do you harm, prepare accordingly. Never congregate with your people unless you know you're secure and have a proper fleeing exit strategy.

17361109? ago

More interesting times abound and ahead.

epik- ago

address the problem of a hostile elite rather than the symptom

Fenrir-1488 ago

People will bitch when we do that too.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

This is not a good thing

This is the start of the civil war

XDandLaughing ago

That's what he wanted.

It won't happen.

Pwning4Ever ago

who are the two sides?

Lynch_Tree ago

If he was smart he would've killed himself.

superspathi ago

He literally expects to get the nobel peace prize like Nelson Mandela did. No joke.

MikePence_Official ago

He lives the rest of his life on govt dime like he said in his ramble. He doesn't care. NZ has no death penalty

Lynch_Tree ago

Not many niggers and spics too. They're probably what makes prison so unbearable in the states.

invisiblephrend ago

they are.

The_Venerable ago

No death penality in nz.

Pwning4Ever ago

i 100% agree on this.

An_Hero_OP ago

He filmed his face at the beginning.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Damn, that was cold.

I'd argue Hitler's method was fairly successful, didn't fire a bullet, but wrote a book.

Shooting the mosque is going to look worse on whites worldwide. Muslims will now have even more protection/rights/power.

I could be wrong.

invisiblephrend ago

they view the west as spineless and easily conquered. they wouldn't be flooding in here otherwise. this was a wakeup call.

vladtep ago

I'd argue Hitler's method was fairly successful, didn't fire a bullet, but wrote a book.

It was a total failure.

A few jews died of starvation, the rest destroyed Germany and mass rape of the Germans ensued.

Then the jews got Israel.

Acerphoon ago

Can't really win on that front.
Either muslims get attacked by a non-muslim, in that case, muslims are the victim and get more power.
Or muslims attack non-muslims, in that case, muslims need solidarity and are the victims aswell, because they suffer from the actions of the terrorists and they get more power aswell.

Pwning4Ever ago

I honestly think the overton window has shifted so much in the past few years. Remember, the italian guy who did the same thing for his girlfriend was thought of to be a hero by the italian people.

NosebergShekelman ago

but neva a synagogue

madhatter67 ago

Whatcha doing rabbi?

ImPhilippe ago

Shooting up people at their place of worship is beyond fucked up.

Firinmahlazer ago

Holy fuck. Lay low for a while boys. Shit is going to get really NSA-y around here

yellowthread ago

The fuck does it have to do with this site? They collect everything anyway. You can't have more than everything.

Firinmahlazer ago


GoyimNose ago

God bless you, we will set you free.

CRKT_M16Z ago

Dude finally had enough of their shit and went full blown Deus Vult

dundundunnnnn ago

I blame the globalists for forcing migration without assimilation.

vladtep ago

We don't want assimilation, just eradication.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

for forcing migration without assimilation

So if they "assimilate" and have 10 kids while we have 1,2 per family, it's just fine to make every white country into a brown country?

You absolute fucking mong.

dundundunnnnn ago

Fair point.

firedak ago

If they follow our values, I really don't give a fuck what their skin color is.

Most people prefer to date within their own race, only a tiny single digit percent date outside of it.

after the first generation and being fully assimilated, they would have similar birth trends...

Not that we should be importing non skilled labor anyway.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

absolutely. It's never the Progressives getting shot up as they try and force their ideology onto the unwilling. The muslims in this story are merely a sacrifice to the blind, ego-driven, inflexible, naive and ultimately deadly ideology of the Left.

dundundunnnnn ago

Well said.

kirk_lazarus ago

I took a peek over at reddit and the shills are driving the narrative that hate speech on the internet caused this. So RIP the internet we had a good run

HAESisalie ago

Being able to talk and bitch about it is a release valve. Shut that down and you will only get MORE of this.

FatBruceWillis ago

Good point. Abolish free speech, raise the flames, awaken the dragons, save the world.

Pwning4Ever ago

Hate Speech causes Westerners to kill muslims like this guy did, Hate Speech also causes muslims to kill us westerners. Either way, its our fault. That is the fucking logic that caused this guy to snap.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Hate Speech causes Westerners to kill muslims like this guy did, Hate Speech also causes muslims to kill us westerners. Either way, its our fault. That is the fucking logic that caused this guy to snap.

There is no such thing as "hate speech". It's used by the rulers/tyrants to silence any and all dissent.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

a causal factor imo is the crash or crash through mentality of the Progressives as they try and force their vision of angels onto the devils that make up mankind.


Globalist are already pushing everyone into their little echoboxes. Calling out the kike has that effect on them.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Boo, fuck church shootings. Stop it, faggots.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

It was a Mosque not a church.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I don't speak arabic.

In_Cog_Nito ago

Not bad, but Anders Behring Breivik did it better. You have to take out the (future) leaders, not the pawns.

7e62ce85 ago

If we are going to talk rank:

Jews > Elites > Marxists/Muslims.

superspathi ago

But Breivik didn't stream his act live. I've got this shit on a thumb drive.


This guy understands it.

FriendofAbe ago

saw the video, i can't help but wonder about it. What if this just a small taste of the world we almost inherited? If Hillary had won and the world was in flames, I can't help but wonder how many more of these men would have taken action into their own hands. It would have been the bloodiest war in history. Also I see that they say they have a man in custody? Why haven't they released his name? It's not like we don't already know it. He says he's an Australian I'd be willing to bet that car wasn't his. Maybe they haven't caught him yet.

Pwning4Ever ago

We've seen muslims being shot at by soyboys in Canada, no one in America has done this. And America is far more likely to go full 1776 than Canada. Trump's muslim ban helped a lot (to release the pressure).

sunshine702 ago

We are Free speech Voat but I will not watch this


I know which version the music is when he goes gun blazing but not gonna divulge because journalists are here out in force trying to collect information.

hillaryisabitch ago

Duckduck "remove kebab"

coucou ago

Why attack people who spend their whole life expressing their love for the filthy infidels? Why?

Fancy451 ago


AlternateSelection ago

Complete fucking insanity.

The_Venerable ago

Just watched it. Fucking crazy. Looks like they have him in custody.

BentAxel ago

Christchurch New Zealand of all places.

Pwning4Ever ago

Very symbolic.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

apparently that was part of the shooter's strategy.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Interesting, this is what Deepstate wants, this is what politicians want, there is a boiling point in society,,let’s not force Islam and their ideology on to another society,,this will always be the outcome. Sad. ButI know who is really to blame for this,,,so do u! WWG1WGA

hillaryisabitch ago

I wish you Q cultist faggots would fuck off from this site. Do you realize how fucking retarded you look with that wwg1 shit? Are we supposed to take you seriously?

Hispeedtim2876 ago

WWG1WGA ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️WWG1WGA

Guardbuddy ago

You cunts will still be chanting that shit when the border states secede and join Mexico/you get beheaded by a cartel member.


Laurentius_the_pyro ago


Qcumbers can you please just stop being such boomers?

Guardbuddy ago

Fuck off, boomer.

petevoat ago

All I thought was the shooter is a fucking coward

PaulNeriAustralia ago

exactly. Like terrorist trash generally.

vladtep ago


PaulNeriAustralia ago


ScrotumSweat ago

Cause you are a giant faggot

BumFightChamp ago

Just remember, when seconds matter, the cops are 20 minutes away. They respond faster in GTA it seems. He could have completely gotten away with it too.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Alternate theory: the cops knew exactly what they were doing taking their time responding to a mosque shooting in Christchurch

Fullmetal ago

Cops are cowards.

If there's a call about a live shooting then they won't show up until the danger passes.

Remember that cop that didn't confront a school shooter, and got fired for it? They've learned from that. Now they won't show up until there's nothing left to do but count the dead.

TestForScience ago

New Zealand Police Officers don't normally carry firearms - so there's a bit of leeway there.

Fullmetal ago

That just proves they're cucks and cowards.

Have you watched the video?

Near the beginning one of the victims tried to tackle the shooter. They got killed in the process, but at least they tried. They got the shooter down to the floor at one point, but getting shot takes the fight out of you. An unarmed Muslim sandnigger gave his life defending others. I choose to believe that he saved at least one life by delaying the shooter long enough for someone to run away.

That sandnigger showed the world that Muslims can muster more bravery and courage than New Zealand's finest.

And he didn't need a fucking gun.

thewebofslime ago

New Zealand has zero police presence relative to the US. In fact, New Zealand was the first place I went where I realized I grew up in a police state.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

someone back up the video and pm it to me pls can’t do it myself rn

Guardbuddy ago

I genuinely shivered when he executed the sandnegress crawling on the ground screaming for help.

Is there something wrong with me?

vladtep ago

I couldn't stop laughing, watched it 5 times cracking up each time. I'm pretty sure that's normal. lol

HAESisalie ago

Did any Muslim help the 11 year old girl who was run down by the Islamist truck driver? did they shiver or shed a tear for her or the countless others. They cheered in the streets as innocent people had to leap to their death from the burning towers.

vladtep ago

You're a puss ass little biznatch. lol

AlternateSelection ago

No, you're human with empathy still intact. Very easy to watch vids and talk shit. Much different IRL. Everybody here at Voat would be pant shittingly terrified had they been in that place when this rabid lunatic started shooting.

475677 ago

Lunatic implies he was crazy which he wasn't. His actions were rational, justifiable, well planned and executed almost without fault. What you're scared of is that he was completely sane because you being against his actions would then make you the crazy one.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

well why didn't he get off his tail like others and join the Kurds in Syria fighting people who could fight back?

jthun2 ago

Umm, the Kurds were the main executioners of the Armenians. They aren't friends to the west.

vladtep ago

The Turds are enemies also.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

well I think the kurds are pretty cool.

jthun2 ago

Go read about the Armenian Genocide.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

the enemy (Kurds) of my enemy (ISIS) is my ally.

vladtep ago

Yeah, you're a faggot

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

There's no reason for muslims in the west other then jews wanting to weaken western countries for israel.

Pwning4Ever ago


Why does the west have to babysit muslim nations??

PaulNeriAustralia ago

because...because these wretched muslim nations e.g. Syria are the ones creating the refugee influx.

Pwning4Ever ago

its as simple as dont let them into the country, it worked out pretty damn well with "turn back the boats" didn't it?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

depends if they are genuine refugees or not. Problem is no one (except the Left) has any confidence in the UN refugee vetting process; not enough seems to be done to resettle refugees in countries with similar cultures; Temporary Protection Visas should be the norm; and refugee-type decisions should be limited to one review tier.

Pwning4Ever ago

If shit hits the fan in developed countries like say Japan, millions of Japs don't flee to wealthy Western nation's. This altruism is killing the west. Imagine if the Brits bitched out and fled to America or Canada? Why do non westerns aren't held to the same standard?

petevoat ago

How long before they blame Q?

vladtep ago

Why would they blame a jew, jews and moslems have always worked together.

beece ago

Fuckhead piece of shit killing innocent people. Fuck him and fuck anyone who supports that.

bean0s0rz ago

Great endorsement for GoPro

koalling ago

GoPro - Be a Hero

7e62ce85 ago

Ahh lol... we are so going to see internet censorship now though.

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

Holy fuck, that was real as shit.

Improbablyanasshole ago

I realise it's a shitty video but I'd think that there would be more blood and holes in the walls.

Hand_of_Node ago

Alternative source for the full video: https://my.mixtape.moe/ksxjib.mp4

Artofchoke ago

Thank you for sharing this, and keeping it alive. They don't get to memoryhole this. ♡

17358313? ago

He's listening to this at one point

100011 ago

Holy Shit i just watch the video was it only 16.55 or is there more?

475677 ago

He apparently made it to a second mosque so just know in your heart of hearts he did more good today than what we saw.

Pwning4Ever ago

he made it to a second mosque???? how fucking shitty are those new Zealand cops.

vladtep ago

If he took his plates off and didn't film it he could have had a leisurely drive home, made supper and never heard about it again.

hillaryisabitch ago

That's all he uploaded on facebook.

100011 ago

Is this still on going right now? Is he dead ? Did he get caught? Did he get in a shoot out with the police?

An_Hero_OP ago

Apparently 2 shooters at 2 mosques. One is arrested. Not sure if the video guy was the one caught.

eyeswide0pen ago

It's streaming here on repeat.



Don't post pastebin, they are a PRISM partner. Post archive of the pastebin.


lord_nougat ago

I see.

What must be done appears to be evident. Distasteful though it may be.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I can see you are a refined man, lord-nougat.

StudSupreme ago

I spooged.

badruns ago

I feel so bad that this happened to such a peaceful religion.

ginx2666 ago

This was clearly an Isolated Incident That Has Nothing To Do With White Nationalism :^)

70times7 ago

Guy was certainly efficient.

Seventh_Jim ago

Solid recovery when the one guy rushed him and even got the disarm.

Also, props to that haji for attacking from disadvantage rather than cowering.

Dortex ago

The whole time i was thinking more of them would probably survive if they just scrambled instead of sitting in a corner with their thumbs up their asses. Hell, two of them managed to use the corners to hide for quite a while, until he got closer and saw them. Idiots.

Fancy451 ago

He was the only one that died like a man.

Attac ago

He weren't attacking, he were running away.

QisMyOnlyReligion ago

Plenty of them weren't men.

Hipsterrr ago

I'm sorry, but this is fantastic. good shit.

hey feds.

go1dfish ago

Whites shooting Arabs is no better than Arabs blowing up whites.

Once we consent to use violence ourselves, we have to consent to our adversary's using it too. We cannot demand to receive treatment different from that we mete out. We must understand that our own violence necessarily justifies the enemy's and we cannot object to his violence.

— Jacques Ellul

shittersfull ago

This quote would make sense if violence was started by our side - but obviously it hasn't since Islamic terrorist attacks have been going on way before this. You see, the decision to use violence was made for us.

7e62ce85 ago


Self-defense is a thing. The Quran already calls for violence whether we sanction it or not.

critias ago

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

jthun2 ago

Shooting Arabs is a religious duty. They invaded Europe a millennium ago, and when we invaded the Arab world we didn't kill enough of them in return.

yellowthread ago

People eating chickens is no better than chickens eating people.

vladtep ago

That's retarded, this is about power, not who is right. lol

DeadBeatNigger ago

Fuck off

Banned4Truth ago

100% agree brother/sister. Against my own principles, I watched part of the video. I have been a staunch opponent of Islam for a number of years but what this guy did makes him a piece of shit. You can not maintain the moral high ground while murdering innocent people. However, this type of event was bound to happen and while I abhor the actions of this guy, I understand the induced provocation caused by those trying to force cultural change. This is the outcome and I'm not surprised. The culture clash has been manufactured and the powers that be will use this event to bench mark its progress.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

This is the 2nd time this has happened in recent memory. Quebec some mosque got shot up by a kid in university who tried to blame it on right wingers. I didn't really understand his motivation, he seemed like some mkultra kid.

AnthraxAlex ago

Fuck the moral high ground but this guy picked the wrong targets. The traitors heads are more valuable and send a better message.

Hipsterrr ago

this was going to happen one way or another, it's sort of sad it had to happen, but violence is often repeated throughout history, and history loves to repeat.

no one has learned from the lessons our past has taught

VoatsNewfag ago

But doesn't that quote go both ways?

(Some) Muslims used violence against us and therefore "cannot demand to receive treatment different from that (they) mete out."

no one has learned from the lessons our past has taught

There are countries that once were once christian or buddhist and nowadays are muslim. What lessons can we learn from that?

Hipsterrr ago

that islam is a cancer, when I look back and see the religious wars we've fought in as a species, the muslims typically have something to do with it.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Once we consent to use violence ourselves, we have to consent to our adversary's using it too. We cannot demand to receive treatment different from that we mete out. We must understand that our own violence necessarily justifies the enemy's and we cannot object to his violence.

Odd quote to use because it seems to support his actions while you seem to be taking the opposite stance.

This attack was in retaliation for the murdered children of France ran over by Trucks of peace, so according to your quote they provoked him into doing this.

Pwning4Ever ago

I think the violence should be directed towards the government if you asked me. Just looking at Brexit for example, those brits have no chance. Anything short of a revolution will not solve anything.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

agree. They were civilians for christ's sake. If the shooter felt so strongly about the subject he should have joined the kurds in Syria.

Acerphoon ago

It's always the civilians.

This sucks. It's always civilians.
It's never some Israeli government site, a jewish banker or politician or a high-ranking worker of the EU.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

same with crime. It's never some goody two-shoes on a Parole Board brimming with forgiveness and excessive compassion who suffers as a result of its inevitably dumb decision.

Charlez6 ago

Still invaders...

I'm not saying that means slaughtering them in the streets is the right way to go about it, but I absolutely reject the idea that they are completely innocent in all this.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

well...I tend to think if one of the murdered muslim families in NZ had invited you around for a meal you might think differently (about that one family at least).

Charlez6 ago

No I wouldn't. I've had good friends and colleagues who are foreigners.

I don't care what happens to them here. This issue transcends friendships and other petty bullshit like that. I would deport them tomorrow without an ounce of emotion or hesitation if I had the opportunity.

If you put a meaningless dinner over the urgent need to cure our people and society in the face of imminent collapse and possible extinction, then you really don't get it.

I would politely reject their invitation. I would be wondering why the fuck there are Muslims even in NZ to invite me to dinner, just as one of my first responses to this news was to wonder why the fuck there is a mosque in Christchurch.

Reevaluate your loyalties. Your grandchildren are worth more than a 3 course halal feed.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

why do you assume muslims always eat ethnic grub (and to be honest I don't know what they eat) but they may have become assimilated and eat pasta like everyone else!

Charlez6 ago

Fuck off troll

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I love you.

Charlez6 ago

Dammit I love you too, mate. Let's not fight any more.

XDandLaughing ago

Agreed. Have met quite a few families that fled Iraq and Iran. Very generous and friendly.

Chad88 ago

CMV: Sky King, trolling/shitposting and yellow vests approaches are a better strategy.

I see this as almost entirely ammunition for the left. He's the bad guy in this (and on our side), and we still live in enough of a civilization where that counts for a lot.

I think there are still are ways to make a point to the world and move the conversation in the right direction that are less violent.

I think our recently ended streak of virtually no right-wing violence was incredibly valuable leverage on its own.

ExplodingHead ago

He wants to accelerate and bring on the race war while numbers are still in our favor.

Attac ago

Have you read his manifesto? He pretty much addressed his views on democratic change. It's the birthrates!

chrimony ago

I think there are still are ways to make a point to the world and move the conversation in the right direction that are less violent.

I don't think so. Just look at the damage that has already been done. Time is not your friend. That said, I see this as a one-off and I can't get down with shooting up mosques.

vladtep ago

I see this as almost entirely ammunition for the left.

If politics was a potential solution, that would matter.

Fancy451 ago

And if his OPSEC had been proper, he'd have gotten away with it.

superspathi ago

He sacrificed opsec for the publicity.

Fancy451 ago

True. But the lesson here is if you plan your OP right, you can get away.

BumFightChamp ago

I'm sorry, but this is fantastic. good shit.

yeah, so this is why all the shitskin camel fuckers are so happy and cheer when our kids get blown up. Payback seems long overdue.

Gorillion ago

Probably cut out the bit where the peaceful muslims broke out their hidden military grade weapons stash from the basement.

Deltamikeoscar ago

Great news!

eight_bit_hero ago

Outside the US where "assault weapons" are restricted to permit only under police discretion. It's just too perfect for the powers at be to say "look it didn't work for them we need even STRICTER gun control!" Attack on muslims, in a mosque, calling out pewdiepie, AR's involved, it's all dressed up on a nice silver platter for them to get all mad at the white man......too perfect if you ask me......

Glory_Beckons ago

Just do what they do every time Muslims mass murder our people while shouting something back snackbars.

he's just a crazy guy

it's an ideology of peace

my heart goes out to the innocent nazis who will be targeted in their communities for this

Throw their own rhetoric back in their faces. Either it works and confuses them outright, or they are forced to disavow that sort of logic, which means you can throw that in their faces next time a Muslim runs amok.

selpai ago

This is probably the right answer, to be honest.

Anson ago

here's what jew boy ben shapiro is saying. everyone do the opposite.

HAESisalie ago

Absolutely! But you know it won't go down like that this time.

vladtep ago

They have a bigger bullhorn.

The truth or falsehood of propaganda is irrelevant, it's just repetition.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

that was funny: " shouting something about snackbars". Was it original?

Glory_Beckons ago

I'm afraid I can't take credit for that. It's quite an old meme.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you're an honest man - a true Conservative.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

This is due to the way white men are portrayed as villains in media.

yellowthread ago

He spent 2 years planning an attack and didn't decide "maybe an AR is not the best gun to use in a hallway?"

Gringojones ago

His choices were probably made by availability.

invisiblephrend ago

good luck finding a pistol with the same mag capacity.

firedak ago

9mm ar's exist.

there are lots of pistol caliber carbines on non AR platforms too.

HAESisalie ago

He was still pretty fucking effective. Post your video when the time comes so we can see how an expert would do it.

Pwning4Ever ago

What should he have used, i don't know shit about guns.

yellowthread ago

Not a gun with a giant concussion blast and a tiny projectile.

vladtep ago

Seems to have done the job lol

Pwning4Ever ago

Virginia Tech style then?

yellowthread ago

I don't remember what that guy used.

A carbine and sidearm both accepting the same magazines and ammunition is the most practical choice I can think of.

Maybe if I spent 2 years thinking about it like this guy I'd think of something better.

Pwning4Ever ago

Looks like the guy specifically picked guns on the lefts naughty list. He wasn't looking for effeciency, im not sure how much more he could've been but looks like that answers that question.

SIayfire122 ago

Not to mention he had multiple ARs, discarding a couple of them. Then he goes and uses a pump shotgun.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Lets hope more follow his fine example!

Pwning4Ever ago

Well i think if we do have a revolution of this sort, we should go after the government.

hillaryisabitch ago

Good bot!

Dark_Shroud ago

Wish I had seen that. I uploaded it and I'm adding info in the description.


hillaryisabitch ago

Thanks for the effort, though. The bot isn't always reliable.

Dark_Shroud ago

And all the BitChute mirrors are now down with an easy 50k plus views between them. I'm working on another option.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Why would you film it for any other reason than to make nationalists look bad? What does doing this accomplish? Nothing.

vladtep ago

If all you care about is optics and politics (two irrelevant things), yes it was a total loss.

Food_Stamp ago

Look bad? It looked beautiful to me and millions of other white men who are tired of watching niggers destroy civilization.

jthun2 ago

sorry man, shooting women and old people in the back of the head is not acceptable. Killing muslim men in actual war, face to face, fighter to fighter, fine. This was slaughter.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

The Progressives are the real enemy of Western Civilisation. The dumb brute doesn't know any better.

Mr_Quagmire ago

What does doing this accomplish?

Support for censorship and gun control.


Acceleration, balkanization, racial awareness, in group preference and tribalism.

BumFightChamp ago

lol you mean the things they are doing anyway?

badruns ago

To show there are others out there fighting

PaulNeriAustralia ago

fighting? Who was resisting? They were civilians fleeing!

vladtep ago

They gave our kids a chance to flee, right?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you know the "they" in Manchester etc weren't the "them" in Christchurch.

vladtep ago

I don't particularly care, nor do they. lol

Pwning4Ever ago

I think he shouuld have gone after the politicians who allowed this crap to happened, but he snapped, read his manifesto. He could not longer tolerate muslims killing his people.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

well...joined/created his own political party. If we live by the sword odds are we...

yewotm8 ago

Hope he gets captured alive so he can enjoy all the conjugal visits from sluts who are lubricated by his violence. Better him than all the other mass shooter faggots we've had lately

RampancyLambentRaven ago

We better be careful after this shooting. Every post we make is going to be monitered. Alot of censorship and attacks and hate are going yo come our way. But we need more mad lads like this sexy chick magnet. I'm damn proud of this bastard.

WhitePaladin ago

At some point something is gonna happen, sitting idle and waiting for the world to turn into the uk isnt gonna do shit for us.

IrbyTremors ago

It's time to stop caring.

jewsbadnews ago


Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

The Police got him 💔

Social_Construct ago

In minecraft?

squiremarcus ago


i cant tell if he is alive or not? they flip him over and all i see is an arm flop over

MaunaLoona ago

Any mirrors?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Wowbagger ago

Fuck him. Shooting women and children is never justified.

An_Hero_OP ago

Play by our rules and they win. Play by their rules and we win.

Shekelstein6M ago

He mentioned that the women haven't arrived yet. It was all men.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

innocent men don't deserve to die either! A vagina doesn't denote innocence!

Shekelstein6M ago

True, I was just stating the reality of the situation.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I see. You don't sort of think the Progressive let them in? I mean, if you were living in some failed State in the Middle East and some misty-eyed virtue-signalling NZ politician engorged with moral vanity purred: "come and live in the land of the long white cloud and all will be beautiful" - you wouldn't jump at the chance?

Shekelstein6M ago

Doesn't fucking matter who let them in. They are an invasive element. They need to be removed. You don't try to reason with a parasite, you don't try to absolve it of guilt because it was your cat that infected you, you do what needs to be done. It's us vs them. They understand this. Their entire fucking religion is based around this concept. If they didn't think like that they couldn't be muslims. There are no innocent muslims in white nations.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I don't buy that bro because it absolves you from ...thinking.

Shekelstein6M ago

Your response involved no... thinking.

You've addressed none of my points.

Wowbagger ago

I only watched the first few minutes of him murdering people before I couldn't bear it any longer, however, the news is reporting several women dead.

vladtep ago

What a fag

Food_Stamp ago

These aren't women and children, they're sand niggers.

8_billion_eaters ago

You better get tough pal. We're at war with these invaders.

These fucking savages targeted little kids at a concerts in Manchester and Paris. They slaughtered little White girls and boys with their trucks of peace. They're training their 5 and 6yo children to murder "infidels" while the kike media encourages our boys to dress up like hookers and dance in queer bars.

Fuck their women. Fuck their children. Before this is over, muslim babies will have their brains dashed out against brick walls.

It's the only language these cocksuckers understand. ...and then it will be the jews turn.

Glory_Beckons ago

They raise those children to murder you and yours. Those women breed them by the dozen.

They are part of the invasion force. If they want to live, they can get the fuck out of our countries.

Joe_McCarthy ago

More of an infestation than women and children. These kids do grow up.

Still, lone wolf attacks have a well established record of being ineffective.

Wowbagger ago

Exactly. If you want a clean conscience, the backing of a movement able to do something, wait until our Christian tolerance is run dry. It will... eventually. When all the queers and other idiots start to realize they'll be the first to be executed when the Islamists take control.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The kids grow up. Kill em all.

Seventh_Jim ago

Your grandchildren will not resemble you or speak your language, coward.

xberb ago

Pussy ass bitch

lord_nougat ago

I see where you are coming from, but honour dictates that we only fight and kill their fighting men. Their warriors. In fair combat.

Oh. They don't fight fairly? Carry on, then.

Wowbagger ago

Fuck off, I'm ready to fight same as anyone but I'll wait for the war to come to me and it will certainly not involve killing whole families. Depot kebab, not blast him to Hell.


While they run trucks over your people, shoot you up in condensed area's. Yes your reply is certainly that of one who gives a shit about optics.

Wowbagger ago

It's not optics, it's ethics. Even kebab is human even if they're of the lowest sort.

SayTan ago

Depot the kebab, and gas the depot.

Wowbagger ago

Goddammit :-D

TitDirtt ago

Children no, but those Muslim women are just as fucking bad as the men. Fuck em.

KingOfTheCorpses ago

Saw this on r/watchpeopledie. Glad to see there was at least one non-faggot over there, blaming the kikes for forcing the sandniggers on us.

Dark_Shroud ago

Thread locked by the mods.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, sure. As if anyone here knows dick about immigration policy in fuckin' New Zealand and can say definitively that Jews bring Muslims into the country.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

yeah I was trying to see if the commenter's comment had any validity and all I could think of was the Israeli's "encouraging" (by military action) arabs to leave the Middle East.

Samchay6 ago

(((John Key))

(((Globalist scum))) just like (((you))).

Joe_McCarthy ago

And what is that supposed to prove? That you can find a high up Jew that favors loose immigration in New Zealand? That's about it.

You see, immigration policy is a bit more complicated than a meme or bout of Jew spotting. One needs to establish the lobbies behind the laws, who is voting for the laws, and other variables. Otherwise I can post two high up kiwi gentiles who favor the same thing Key does and call it a gentile conspiracy.

Not that I expect you mudsill lot to grasp this kind of detail or logic.

Samchay6 ago

Just then, a wild Jew appeared...

a100167 ago

They bring em into all white countries you dumb mother fucker. Not a SINGLE white country hasn't had kikes lobbying for DECADES leading to mass 3rd world nigger invasion.

Zizara42 ago

Not just white countries, anywhere successful. There are Jews in JAPAN lobbying for the country to accept Muslim refugees. They took in about 30 or so and have already had to arrest them for rape.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Just the usual fact free bullshit and just so stories. Some of us have higher standards. We actually require evidence you see.

a100167 ago

Then dig faggot. I'm not here to convince you.

Food_Stamp ago

Lol of course this shekel nigger would show up to inform us all that jews dindu nuffins. I hope the next shooting takes place in your synagogue, you baby raping kike.

Joe_McCarthy ago

And naturally your shit for brains shows up to add some double digit IQ input.

Food_Stamp ago

Stay mad joo boy.

Trousersnake1488 ago


xberb ago

You, and your ilk, are the scum of the earth - fuck you and everyone like you

jewsbadnews ago

Sleeper account. Gas yourself, kike.

xberb ago

Pussy ass wanna-be. Do our species a favor and don't breed.

jewsbadnews ago

I'm going to breed your woman right in front of you, Shlomo.


You should post your address mate, for research purposes.

xberb ago

You first

PaulNeriAustralia ago

that was funny.

Trousersnake1488 ago

hahaha triggered snowflake, like those invaders begging? eat bullet, faggot. your time will come. MY ILK is called white veterans of REAL AMERICANS, you know where to find us, keep pushing

xberb ago

Naeem Rashid is more of an American than you will ever be.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I just realized, the sandnigfer you're referring to is the faggot who took bullets charging the white hero... Some good that did, pow pow pow! Down he goes, maybe next time. Now pay your taxes, daddy Israel needs it's shekels

xberb ago

Naeem Rashid is more of an American than you will ever be

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol oh okay. A shitskin Muslim who's guts are splayed out on the ground is more American than me, a white Anglo Christian veteran.

Do you even hear yourself, faggot?

Can you explain your point, or you just gonna keep repeating the same thing.

Ps, if you're not white, please stop appropriating my culture and stop using tech/english/Western clothes

Trousersnake1488 ago

Cry more, race cuck faggot.

Did you get your definition of what an American is from a Jew? Are you even white? If not, stop wasting my time, faggot.

There have always been traitots, and if you think a shitskin muslom, is more American than a white veteran nationalist... Well, hah.


xberb ago

I'm not crying - you clearly are triggered as fuck though

Naeem Rashid is more of an American than you will ever be.

Trousersnake1488 ago

For some reason, I'm not convinced by your sound logic. What I do know is that your shitskin friends brains were blown out.

Are you even white? How many Jew border wars have you fought in? Define american

xberb ago

basements hiding in the dark? yea..

Not a real American, not at all.

Korinthian ago

I want you to take careful note the guy that got shit done had plenty of 14, but no 88s. Dolfy is a cuck and anyone praising him is just weighing the rest of us down, practically as bad as the boomers.

17356676? ago

Already down. Mirror?

Dark_Shroud ago

I was able to download the video and rehost it. It might take a little while to process.


invisiblephrend ago

removed. mymixtape is the only upload still working.

Dark_Shroud ago

https://d.tube/v/gabriel-ds/o0m4io5c <- This might take a moment to load the video because the site is under load.

BitChute was handling it like a champ in part thanks to their p2p tech.

Survival_gluten ago

Anyone know the song he's playing at 5:00 in?

Hand_of_Node ago

Dark_Shroud ago

https://d.tube/v/gabriel-ds/o0m4io5c <- This might take a moment to load the video because the site is under load.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"Remember Lads, subscribe to PewDiePie"

Saulspergmin ago

First. Class. Terrorism.

Antiseed117 ago

Still not as bad as killing three buildings with two planes. That's just brutal.

fluhthreeex ago

I guess the CIA and Mossad can do some things right when enough people and money are behind them.

Saulspergmin ago

Bin Laden must have been great at nine-pins.

Antiseed117 ago

Maybe but only with a few good backers. On his own he was throwing gutter balls.

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

Think it'll make it onto PewNews? ;)

Attac ago

You mean the most trusted news source on the internet?

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago


squiremarcus ago

I really hope Pewdiepie doesnt get hurt by this. I would really hate to listen to him shill for the next month to try to get past the negative press

squiremarcus ago

PewDiePie is posting links for compensation for the victims families. Sweed cuck crumpled under the pressure.

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

Same here, Gloria Borga can't stand showing her opinion on air much less defending a Nazi like PewDiePie.

petevoat ago

He's going to take the full blunt of the aftermath

squiremarcus ago

well people cant take it out on the shooter. the guy is dead

petevoat ago

The shooter? I thought he was taken into custody?

SIayfire122 ago

He just put out a video a couple days ago condeming illegal actions. Specifically, vandalizing memorials by writing "subscribe to pewdiepie.'' I'm sure Buzzfeed, Vox, and CNN will have a field day with this one.


Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

Let's be real here - the only way (((they))) will be satisfied is if he does a personal video talking about it. Or fuck who knows? Letting a MUDSLIME do MemeReview to show his "support" for Muzzies.

Be pretty low if he does that.

courtjester1111 ago

CNN syndicate reporter Chris Lynch TVNZ just used the code word "Active Shooter"

vladtep ago

As opposed to an inactive or passive shooter. lol

anamazonslittle ago

"Remember kids, subscribe to PewDiePie." Is that a joke? Seems like a weird intro to your killing spree video.

firedak ago

not only that, but he was playing the remove kebab song in his car. -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebChsebTvxw

an old, old /k/ meme.

ginx2666 ago

You should read his manifesto then - it's typical Australian shitposting and memes, up to referencing Fortnite as teaching material for murder.

Korinthian ago

Its just the white equivilant to "allahu ackbar", pewdiepie is a youtuber of peace, anyone who says otherwise is an intolerant bigot, people who say subscribe to pewdiepie before shooting invaders are just not REAL pewdiepie subs, and you cant blame the peaceful majority for the actions of the misguided few.

Just the white parallel to aloha snackbar

lord_nougat ago

Sounds like false flag counter operative type bullshit to me.

riffwraff ago

It wasn't. Some of us know who this guy was.

Seventh_Jim ago

It was fucking hillarious. Then the remove kebab music en route.

Good man.

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

Yeah, that's not going to help Pewds at all.

hillaryisabitch ago

His Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrentonTarrant

His manifesto (good read and I agreed with almost all of it) https://www.mediafire.com/file/3vcjr5lll3r6xte/The+Great+Replacement.docx

Thyartisgoytricks ago

I have never been so numb to mass murder that has been video taped. In the beginning i had some butterflies in my stomach, however after i heard shitskin words when he got into the mosque all emotion i had dissipated. I have watched many videos depicting beheadings of westerners, the rape of westerners, the mass attacks against westerners, and of the likes. This has been in the making for years and is to an extent just and only the beginning for many people. I can only expect more white warriors carrying out attacks.

hillaryisabitch ago

I wasn't phased at all, I was laughing my fucking ass off. I watch this video for amusement. Leftists, globalists, all of them over played their hands. How many of us have completely dehumanized people that we see as hostile invaders? I would feel the same if he were blasting antifa.

selpai ago

The major sites are already trying to memory hole this.

ginx2666 ago

Do you have a mirror of the Doom version? If you can't repost it for security reasons, upload it somewhere, send me PM and I'll make a torrent and post a magnet here.

Dark_Shroud ago

Here's a D.tube mirror, lets see how long this lasts.


Anson ago

Here are some magnet links for the video download also, i'm going to paste in the manifesto so that can't get fucked either.



Anson ago

here's what jew boy ben shapiro is saying. everyone do the opposite

Lynch_Tree ago

Uh oh, all of liveleak is down now. And before I could download it too. Damn!

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

https://twitter.com/williamcraddick/status/1106389907952406528?s=19 Dude it's multiple shooters can you see the 8 second video? Message me if you can see the video and make sure to download the video and spread it. Duse it's at least 3 shooters dude it's multiple shooters.

selpai ago

Yup, this is the typical structure of a false flag attack. Actions taken by multiple trained specialists are blamed on one person to exaggerate the danger posed "insert weapon/race/political-group here". The individual blamed is either too mentally deficient to defend themselves or is dead, and often both.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

1:40PM is when the shooting first began. 4:04PM is when the Australian was taken into custody. 5:27PM is when the second shooting began at Linwood Masjid Mosque. 5:30PM is when the guy in camo was arrested outside of Papuni high school, along with the other 2 in custody being arrested. The guy in camo has been let go. 1 of the other 2 in custody has been charged with murder and crimes related to the attack. One of the attackers from Linwood had a suicide bomb vest. This st the very least was a combined attack and coordinated but the MSM would have you believe it was the work of 1 guy.

selpai ago

You would think people would recognize a pattern after seeing it repeat a dozen or so times...

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Wow. This is fucked up

ChiCom ago

I've seen the video from the first mosque. is there a video of the second ?

dawnbandit1 ago


Dark_Shroud ago

I was able to download the video and rehost it. It might take a little while to process.


I'll add his manifesto to the description.

hillaryisabitch ago

Wow bitchute cucked. Looks like they're not the service they claimed to be.

Dark_Shroud ago

They're located in the UK. If they get contracted by law enforcement they have to.

Rajadog20 ago

Lol what's the point of bit chute now?

hillaryisabitch ago

Agreed. Back to the drawing board.

Rajadog20 ago

Possibly Brighton? I'm not sure what their policy is on taking videos down


EdSnowden ago

doom version

This is why I love the internet

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

He lived life to the fullest and died honorably.


Sometimesineedhelp ago

He believes he will be released from prison and awarded a Nobel prize in 27 years just like Mandela - he'll commit suicide if not. The manifesto is way more interesting than the other ones of late. I'm particularly amused that Candace Owens gets so much credit

NeedleStack ago

He's not dead. He's in custody.

WhitePaladin ago

Hes a god

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

They should have given that man a medal for doing their work. Fucking cowardly Police.

Shotinthedark ago

He probably will be soon.

CameraCode ago

New Zealand doesn't have capital punishment. In high profile cases like this the perpetrator is protected fron the public and put in solitary confinement. He's not going to die soon unless it's by his own hand, and since he's still alive I doubt he plans on doing that.

Jobbyweecha ago

They'll most likely throw him into a Muzzie Jail, and let the inmates take care of him.

madhatter67 ago

I'm not sure they have those in NZ yet....only 44000 muzzies there and they are loving the diversity...still at the "they make good curry" stage...NZ has always been like the UK but 30 years behind

Shotinthedark ago

That was my thought.

eseoficial ago

a cockmeat sandwich

Glory_Beckons ago

From the manifesto, describing his reasons for doing this:

[...] I could no longer turn my back on the violence. Something, this time, was different.

That difference was Ebba Akerlund.

Young, innocent and dead Ebba.

Ebba was walking to meet her mother after school, when she was murdered by an Islamic attacker, driving a stolen vehicle through the shopping promenade on which she was walking. Ebba was partially deaf, unable to hear the attacker coming.

Ebba death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer.

I could no longer ignore the attacks. They were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith and attacks on my soul.

They would not be ignored.

Gorillion ago

Okay, this guy sounds legit. Was expecting another FF scheme to further erode the self-defense rights of the locals.

selpai ago

Of course it's a false flag. Is it reasonable to assume anything else?

BraunF14 ago

FF? Not familiar but I keep seeing it

Anson ago

What is FF?

ItsOk2bArian ago

Welcome to the party, try to keep up. This train moves fast

Anson ago

Yeah, didn't know people were using the abbreviation

VoatsNewfag ago

false flag

ARsandOutdoors ago

He was supposedly an 8chan board mod named “Moody”

anamazonslittle ago

If it's a FF, they're doing their homework in their manifesto writing now instead of insane ramblings about "purity" and other nonsense.

nomadriders ago

There's a line in the manifesto, something like "I don't blame Israel because they are not trying to subvert and harm our society". From a 4chan user? Makes no sense.

17369799? ago

Given all his joking (as @oneinchterror pointed out) I think he's being ironic there.

Why attack immigrants when “x” are the issue?

Because the “x” groups can be dealt with in time, but the high fertility immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy them first.

What if "X" is "jews/jewish"? Im only 20-something pages in but it seems to me he is avoiding the JQ... Maybe that's one of the reasons why he deleted his 250 page version?

nomadriders ago

Hmm good point, you could be right about that, it does seem a bit sarcastic.

IrbyTremors ago

It wasn't exactly like that, he left it very open to interpretation. I suggest you read the whole thing, I think he was legit.

Chimaira92 ago

Here it is

No, actual nazis do not exist.They haven’t been a political or social force anywhere in the world for more than 60 years.

Were/are you an anti-semite? No.A jew living in israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek to subvert or harm my people.

Were/are you a neo-nazi? That is a very broad category of people, and the definition is fuzzy at best. So no, I don’t believe so.

oneinchterror ago

The dude had the navy seal pasta in his manifesto, and said he was radicalized by spyro the dragon and candace fucking owens. He's fucking with everyone. He's all in on chaos and acceleration. The Israel reference is probably just more ironic shitposting.

thewebofslime ago

That and the "green traditionalism" seemed strangely out of place.

epik- ago

There's also a line that he made money 'investing' in ponzi scheme bitconnect. Sounds fake.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

That right there effectively proves it's a kike shitfest

Glory_Beckons ago

He seems legit to me from what I've seen so far.

But, even if his motives were pure, it is always a shame to see someone like that wasted on a suicide run like this.

This is not the way. We cannot win by running amok, one by one. We must stand together, united, as one. But, for that, we must first rekindle our people's will to live; their love for themselves and for each other. We must build and we must protect and we must cherish our brothers, even those who have been led astray. So that they may remember, who and what they are, and therefore what we fight for. Only then will they rally to our side. Only then do we stand a chance of securing a place in this world for ourselves.

Otherwise we are doomed, to be stabbed in the back by those we try to defend.

Yuke ago

And move into politics so that real change can be made. Shooting up a bunch of people in one-off attacks will only tighten the noose that they already have around our throats. A lot of people will feel this was a good thing to do, but unfortunately time will show them that it wasn't. It will be used against anyone even remotely close to his thinking. This was not a smart thing to do.

Atomized_Individual ago

Yea, maybe we'll eventually get a president like Trump who will end immigration. ..oh wait.

Anson ago

wasted on a suicide run like this.

Go fuck yourself. You're not the first white person I've heard (and by that I mean all white people talk like you) who thinks there's a way to win a war without a single casualty or so much as a dollar spent... where did you get this fallacy and what fuels it?

How do you, and everyone else, have such a low comprehension of winning, especially when it comes to using violence?

selpai ago

In the sense that any action is better than no action? Maybe?

CivNatisFullRetard ago


Glory_Beckons ago

You're not the first white person I've heard (and by that I mean all white people talk like you) who thinks there's a way to win a war without a single casualty or so much as a dollar spent... where did you get this fallacy and what fuels it?

I don't believe either of those things.

There will be bloodshed and there will be violence. There must be, if we are to survive. And so we must be ready and willing. When the time comes. But that time is not now. Not like this. Not yet, anyway.

It doesn't matter how well a shepherd dog intended to protect his flock, if his actions are so shocking to the sheep that they mistake him for the wolf, and run themselves straight off a cliff in horror of what he has done.

I understand why he did what he did, just as well as you. I don't blame him for it, nor do I blame you for supporting him. All of us should support him. But the masses, our masses, will not see it that way. They will recoil in horror and jerk in the opposite direction. Because they are not ready for it, mentally. They don't understand why this is necessary. That is what we must fix, first. Only then can we can fight more directly. Otherwise it's all for nothing. It is those masses we must protect. Those of them worth saving, anyway. We cannot do that if they are more afraid of us than of our enemies.

Anson ago

I don't believe either of those things.

Well than you'd better think about the way you're talking because it's what you're implying, and my buddy was barking up this exact tree last week. "You can't take up this cause, people will fight you. Therefore you can't take that position." ANd he kept coming at it like that, so i can only conclude he was trying to say I must find a route with zero cost - which is a fucking fallacy and I hear it every time this conversation comes up. EVery time.

And so we must be ready and willing. When the time comes. But that time is not now. Not like this. Not yet, anyway.

Then you get your fucking ass ready - it doesn't sound like you've even started thinking about preparing before you typed out that sentence... and i'm sticking to that point

Glory_Beckons ago

There are no zero cost solutions.

My position is this: Our objective must be the violent removal of Jews and Moslems and Negros from our lands, along with those traitors who brought them. It will have to be violent, because they will not leave any other way. We have to get rid of them because we cannot survive, let alone thrive, with them among us. To succeed, we must have the support of our people. Not all of them -- it will never be all. But enough of them so they will not stab us in the back while we're fighting for them.

If you rush into the breach by yourself, you will fall and your apparent failure will only demoralize those behind you. This is what people will see: He got caught, and he will be judged, and he will be punished, and that makes what he did baaaah-d. That's not how I see it. But I do recognize that this is how most will see it. And that is a problem. That does damage to what we are trying to achieve. We must convince them before we act.

Violence is successful only when it is praised, or at least pardoned, by those on whose behalf it was done.

A basic measure of whether you are acting too soon is whether you have any brothers by your side or not.

Anson ago

We're losing ground every day

Glory_Beckons ago

I don't think we are.

Think back to what people's mindsets were like 2 years, 5 years, 10 years ago. They were being replaced and marked for extinction, same as now. But they were completely oblivious to it, and even cheering it on.

Some still are today. But more than ever are aware and opposed. And more become aware every day. More and more can feel which way the wind is blowing, can smell the coming storm in the air. Especially among the younger generation, and they are the ones that will matter most. Such an awakening hasn't happened since before WW2.

Whatever else I think of Trump, he invigorated the American working class and reignited their will to fight for their place in the world. Unapologetic nationalists are sitting in most Western governments. Including Germany, of all places. Outright in control of Italy, Hungary, Poland, etc. France on brink of revolution. Pretty sure the mob would lynch Macron if they got their hands on him. The EUSSR creaking and groaning under its own weight. Frasier Anning's response to this event.

All of these things would have been completely unthinkable a decade ago.

Things will have to get worse to get more on board with what needs doing. But we'll get there.

jthun2 ago

Agree. His analysis was correct but his action was badly conceived and in the long run more hurtful. He should have had kids, raised them, and then been ready to fight in 10-15 years when a shooting war starts in the EU for real.

Atomized_Individual ago

What are the kids gonna do? Vote for more migration?

Charlez6 ago

On the other hand, if enough crusaders took out 20+ invaders each, this problem would be solved by Monday morning...

Soyboy69 ago

It would be solved by monday morning and then things will be just as bad as they started off at by the following monday as more are imported to help combat "islamaphobia".

Shotinthedark ago

You math is probably correct. Unfortunately it will take more instances that this man suffered (if this is real) to enact a change .

epik- ago

His math is incorrect because even if all invaders were taken out, our elite would just import a new batch.

Violence like this is pointless

jthun2 ago

our (((elite)))

PaulNeriAustralia ago

the "political class".

Glory_Beckons ago

Our own people would capture or kill us for it, and then knee-jerk into accelerating their self-destruction.

We need a larger segment of our kinsmen on our side first. Not all. Some are beyond redemption. Most are simply too weak, of either body or spirit or both, to make any sort of difference. They'll just go with whatever is easiest. But we do need more than we have, especially among those armed and trained for combat.

For that, we must convince them that the future we offer is considerably better than the one they're being led towards now. For that, we must show them our primary driving force is our love of our own, not hate for the other. That we act to build and prosper, and only react with violence to defend.

jthun2 ago

We need the boomers and older genxers to die out, honestly. They are too Jew friendly, too wrapped up in holocaustianity and white guilt. When whites are down to 1/3 of their former numbers, surrounded by browns and blacks, the younger whites will start to become more ethno nationalist.

zxcvzxcv ago

It will take a lot more rapes, I think. Lots of rapes. When the European whites are forced to flee their home lands in order to protect their women from the rapes, then maybe we will have a chance. Maybe, but only if we listen to their stories.

Pwning4Ever ago

He is the result of people who no longer feel like they're in control, he's basically a crusader who couldn't stand seeing his people being slaughtered anymore.

Glory_Beckons ago

I can't judge him for it. But he won't be able to help us from a jail cell or a coffin. And his actions today are likely to do more harm than good for our cause.

Anson ago

do more harm than good for our cause.

No. Just no.

onezeno ago

Yeah, was gonna buy another rifle and ammo this weekend, since things seemed quiet. I'm guessing there will be a run in all that now.

Pwning4Ever ago

it'll start to make muslims think twice before moving to the west (it probably wont, too many gibs).

It could trigger counter islamic-attacks. Which would only increase tensions of course. Multi-culturalism is a strength, even though there is no evidence that it has ever worked thorugh out history.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Why do you say that: " Multi-culturalism is a strength...".

Pwning4Ever ago

It's called irony.

vladtep ago

I can't judge him for it. But he won't be able to help us from a jail cell or a coffin.

He did help us, it's a mathematical problem solved by subtraction.

Glory_Beckons ago

"Our cause" in my mind, at this point, is simply survival of our race. Longer term perhaps a sustainable worldview that promotes healthy behavior and prevents us from falling back into the decadence we see today. In any case, not some sort of political movement as such.

NeedleStack ago

The streamable video was already removed. Upload to a new site?

squiremarcus ago

right click download mate. i already got it.

superspathi ago

It's a keeper for the ages.

Chad88 ago

Page 20


The_Venerable ago

What a horrible website for mp4s.

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

What other site do you suggest?

Dark_Shroud ago

BitChute and D.tube.

The_Venerable ago

Streamable is good.

lord_nougat ago

I need to try that.

Dark_Shroud ago

Just get a BitChute account. Streamable remove shit all the time including this video.