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hillaryisabitch ago

His Twitter:

His manifesto (good read and I agreed with almost all of it)

Glory_Beckons ago

From the manifesto, describing his reasons for doing this:

[...] I could no longer turn my back on the violence. Something, this time, was different.

That difference was Ebba Akerlund.

Young, innocent and dead Ebba.

Ebba was walking to meet her mother after school, when she was murdered by an Islamic attacker, driving a stolen vehicle through the shopping promenade on which she was walking. Ebba was partially deaf, unable to hear the attacker coming.

Ebba death at the hands of the invaders, the indignity of her violent demise and my inability to stop it broke through my own jaded cynicism like a sledgehammer.

I could no longer ignore the attacks. They were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith and attacks on my soul.

They would not be ignored.

Gorillion ago

Okay, this guy sounds legit. Was expecting another FF scheme to further erode the self-defense rights of the locals.

Glory_Beckons ago

He seems legit to me from what I've seen so far.

But, even if his motives were pure, it is always a shame to see someone like that wasted on a suicide run like this.

This is not the way. We cannot win by running amok, one by one. We must stand together, united, as one. But, for that, we must first rekindle our people's will to live; their love for themselves and for each other. We must build and we must protect and we must cherish our brothers, even those who have been led astray. So that they may remember, who and what they are, and therefore what we fight for. Only then will they rally to our side. Only then do we stand a chance of securing a place in this world for ourselves.

Otherwise we are doomed, to be stabbed in the back by those we try to defend.

Pwning4Ever ago

He is the result of people who no longer feel like they're in control, he's basically a crusader who couldn't stand seeing his people being slaughtered anymore.

Glory_Beckons ago

I can't judge him for it. But he won't be able to help us from a jail cell or a coffin. And his actions today are likely to do more harm than good for our cause.

Pwning4Ever ago

it'll start to make muslims think twice before moving to the west (it probably wont, too many gibs).

It could trigger counter islamic-attacks. Which would only increase tensions of course. Multi-culturalism is a strength, even though there is no evidence that it has ever worked thorugh out history.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Why do you say that: " Multi-culturalism is a strength...".

Pwning4Ever ago

It's called irony.