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DeadBeatNigger ago

I am seeing the response to this all over the internet, and even normally subdued, boomer cuck sites like breitbart, are applauding this hero. They're not about to brow beat us with this. This man is a fucking legend.

PoundMe2 ago

did you read the new kike times article? they say 4 people did it one had a helmet cam and recorded it! I hope the video surfaces.

James_Grace88 ago

I hope the video surfaces.

There are links all over Voat. Here is one

If the link is dead, or if the server is overloaded, check this thread

PoundMe2 ago

i made it to around 6:30 I've seen enough. I was just hoping it wasn't a white dude..... ffs

AinzOown ago


PoundMe2 ago

Salivating over death = healthy behaviour. Seek help

AinzOown ago

Also let me ask you this, anytime white people are killed, how worried are you about the killers color of skin? Do you still hope the killer isn't white then?

AinzOown ago

Only hoping they weren't white = faggot

Seek help.