Fiyanggu ago

The shot up mosque was implicated in recruitment for ISIS

leroywashington7 ago








0rion ago

Duh. That was the point of the shooting. This will serve to wake even more people up, just watch.

The_boz_man_cometh ago

I figured Voat would make themselves the REAL victims here. You people are victims of your own ignorance.

FakU2 ago

"I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces."

JamesVinc ago

Yes MSM will find a way to blame everyone else but the shooter BUT in no way can we who get slandered every condone what happened. These mongrels shot children, women and unarmed men in a place of worship. Even though I disagree with the muslim faith I love the people for who God made them to be. The world is blind but God is light.

voatusernamevoat ago

Non compliance is your friend.

Musaab ago

A whole manifesto and not one negative thing to say about the Jew. How interesting.

white_male30 ago

Lol give him a break, not everyone can be as enlightened as you.

xxxskfxxx ago

about time what the fuck are mosques doing in non muslim countries.burn them all down.fuck off to a muslim country if you want to pray in a mosque

GreyGears ago

As a French, after Nice, the Bataclan, and a thousand other murders "not important enough to be considered terrorism" : this video warmed my hearth.

Not even "fuck yeah take that" kind of feeling ... more like, the same happy glee while watching puppies playing or something. Watching this made me feel like the world was finally a nice and happy place.


jthun2 ago

I'm pissed about this. Exactly the wrong thing to do. That guy was 28, not married, no kids. He complains about low birthrates but doesn't have kids himself.

You don't attack Muslims who are just praying. It is a PR disaster. You wait until they rampage around and then go in hard.

whatdowehavehere ago

White people are already the villain, but I think it’s got more to do with the fact kiwis still have semis legally.

LarryBagelstein ago

People say Albert Pike's "3 World Wars" prophesy is a hoax, but it's still looking pretty prophetic nonetheless...

eseoficial ago

They aren't victims.. its just you being a whiny victimizer...

dundundunnnnn ago

It's the Freemasons again.

"I did contact the reborn Knights Templar for a blessing in support of the attack, which was given." - shooter's manifesto

Octoclops ago

Sounds like he was MKultra'd and the spooks told him they were the "reborn knights templar". I'm guessing the fake news media will gloss over the weird little detail of him referencing a group that doesn't exist.

dundundunnnnn ago

The spooks literally are Freemasons.

drstrangegov ago

Unarmed Muslims are not the real enemies and you guys know it. They're pawns. Pieces on the chessboard so the real enemies know how their plans are progressing. The real enemies are the people with ulterior motives that have infiltrated places of power and allowed this invasion to occur. The ones calling for open borders.

WMFrizzle666 ago

So if a pawn is in position to take the king on a chess board, you would just let it because "it's a pawn"? Dont be a damn fool.

SigniferLux ago

If you attack me with a sword, disarming you is a valid method of fighting back.

If a Jew attacks me with Muslims, shooting them is a valid way of fighting back.

Mikotic ago

Care to explain? Obviously new user, just trying to get deeper on the matter

SigniferLux ago

Muslims are being used as a weapon against us by the Jews, to push their agendas. They are weakening our economy by importing cheap labor from Muslim countries, causing hatred so that we fight their wars, causing terror to justify stricter control, etc. etc. Just keep reading material on Voat and visit, you will soon find out more.

JerkSock ago

Underrated comment.

alakai ago

Yes that's why it's so supiscious that he didnt kill a politician or a priest that he called out in the manifesto

FatBruceWillis ago

Pawns become Queens if left unchecked. Look at Muslims gaining political power.

drhitler ago

he says the unarmed ones are worst, because we don't know how to deal with them and they use our laws and system against us.

and he mentions NGOs and how people will be shock when they find the people behind it and how they should be ejected everywhere, he dosn't quite name the jew, good plan or they could scream nazi, and says he has no problem with jews as long as they keep to themselves.

8_billion_eaters ago

While what you say is true, I've seen too many videos of unarmed muslims cheering when one of them blows up a concert or runs over a bunch of unarmed White people out Christmas shopping. I have ZERO sympathy for these invaders, armed or not.

lanre ago

While true, they're only a problem because our politicians are corrupt.

marzipanpaste ago

He appears to be Mossad.

8_billion_eaters ago

You're not projecting by any chance, are you Schlomo?

Deadleftist ago

The Muslim generals the Jews are busy trying to disarm the enemy the Christians with this attack.

GleeClubBill ago

I feel bad for the innocent victims of this psychopath.

If he had chosen to target moslems convicted of killing or raping our people, that would be making a statement. Killing innocent women and children in a holy place is simply disgusting and no one in their right mind would ever support that.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

There's nothing holy about muslims and the filthy places in which they gather.

There is nothing innocent about their women or children, who enable their behavior and carry the teachings of their bullshit ideology.

This is a war of annihilation. We expect to receive no quarter, because none has been given - and will we offer none.

HootersMcBoobies ago

I agree. The live streaming video is fucked up. Real people died in a country that has had no Islamic violence and no mass shootings ever. The last mass shooting in this part of the word was in 1996 in their neighbour Hobart, Australia.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

They're also about as far away as they can possibly get (geographically speaking) from the areas known for violence. This is like having a beef with Westborough Baptist Church and taking it out on a small mountain church in Peru.

Sickening to see how many people have absolutely no humanity here. I visit this site to see how bad humanity can get and honestly I didn't expect to see it go so low.

getshanked ago

Because this shit stinks as bad as Port Arthur. I think the shooter should be hanged in the town square, but I am immediately suspicious of just how much of a wet dream opportunity this is for leftists who want to ban guns, push immigration and cull the white male. It is just the thing they need, and will use for years to come, to force their utopian vision.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

New Zealand already has gun control - you can't have a firearm unless you have a valid reason to use it (i.e. you can't have them for self defense) and sporting use appears to be pretty highly regulated. For regular NZ citizens guns are already banned.

I mean they livestreamed mass murder; how reserved can you be?

GleeClubBill ago

A horrible precedent to set, because now any terror attacks in New Zealand will be called "revenge" for what this faggot did.

Pwning4Ever ago

No hate for white women, they still need these useful idiots as a voting Bloc for a few more years

securitygodz ago

haha oh wow really


His manifesto address almost everyone's points in both the large threads here on voat. Its quite an interesting read and I am only half way through.

Chimaira92 ago

This reeks of a false flag, if he was even half as intelligent as half the cunts on here he would have targeted politicians and high ranking policy changers. Shooting these pawns who come to our countries because our politicians let them in achieves absolutely nothing and will only harm us.

You watch them create gun laws in NZ that are in line with ours in Australia now.

lanre ago

He addresses both of those points in his manifesto. Basically says that the muslims (and others) need to be taken care of immediately because they breed so fast and that the traitors or whatever can wait. I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense but that's his stated reasoning.

Here's a copy on scribd.


He says the gun laws in NZ are already fucked, as is Austrailai. This was pointed square at the 2A in the good ole USA.

Chimaira92 ago

He also says this in the manifesto.

No, actual nazis do not exist.They haven’t been a political or social force anywhere in the world for more than 60 years.

Were/are you an anti-semite? No.A jew living in israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek to subvert or harm my people.

Were/are you a neo-nazi? That is a very broad category of people, and the definition is fuzzy at best. So no, I don’t believe so.


You need to extrapolate your bullshit faggot reasoning. Your a moron and a fucking tool.

Chimaira92 ago

The guy believes that Jews don't subvert or harm his people.

He killed a bunch of nobodies that are going to be replaced with 3x the amount of them with security guards and new laws being passed to further protect them. While at the same time its going to allow stricter gun laws and fuck the rest of us over.

You need me to dumb that down any more for you, maybe to the point a 5 year old would understand?


He is a match, that just got lit on the gas soaked pyre of 2A rights in the western world. I cannot make it any simpler for YOU.

Chimaira92 ago

Nothing will come of this except stricter gun laws and more security for Muslims and mosques. It's also going to draw people away from the real threat, international Jews and their lackeys.

We don't have a fucking 2A in Australia or New Zealand, we don't even have freedom of speech you fucking idiot.

lanre ago

Yeah, and he stated that he knew that would happen and didn't give a shit. He's already knows you're all faggots who have given up your rights.

Chimaira92 ago

There's more guns and gun users in Australia than before the strict gun control laws that came into place. There's alot of us going hunting and going to the range because we aren't degenerates who commit crime.

This guy just made it even harder for us though and didn't achieve anything by targeting Muslims that out-breed cockroaches.


The guy didn't give a shit about your country or NZ. He was targeting the only whites left with a backbone and a 2A. The US.

Chimaira92 ago

Doesn't care about his fellow countrymen.

Sought to interfere with foreign policies, specifically gun control in America and will also effect NZ and Aus.

Believes that Jews are not harming western civilization

Dunno how this ain't a FF and I don't believe everything is a FF.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

Yeah he's like the perfect pawn against the american constitution.

Marou ago



Its already in this thread twice. Scroll down.

MrShekelstein ago

OP is mossad.

The same shit argument is used by libtards except replace white christians with muslims.

8_billion_eaters ago

The same shit argument is used by libtards except replace white christians with muslims.

That. was. the. point.

didn't you read the spoiler?

mralexson ago

Why are Muslims In New Zealand

Thingsarenotfriendly ago

Why are there Christians in America?

PoliceICE ago

Found the Jew

Thingsarenotfriendly ago

Yes, I found (((PoliceICE)))

8_billion_eaters ago

Because America was founded and created by Christians, you fucking retard.

HootersMcBoobies ago

Because they murdered hundreds of thousands of the natives or gave them small pox.

8_billion_eaters ago

You God damn fucking idiot.

We spread civilization around the world. Indians were stone age, SAVAGE nomads that hadn't even domesticated animals or invented the wheel. They couldn't compete.

Only an fool would still believe the fairytale that we "gave them blankets with diseases" to kill them off. White scientists had not even discovered germ theory when 80% of the savages died from small pox after the Spanish kicked their ass.

thatguyiam ago

Cucked liberal retards buy into the moronic beatles' world peace bull shit, meanwhile the imbecile deep state wages economic war all over the earth, using sanctions against countries they dont yet own, and war on its own soil by turning its own citisens into cash cows to be milked, health and all, and when things dont proceed at a pace they like they invade our christian west with the polar opposite...

The world will always be conquer or be conquered, until the second coming.

Another possibility with all these muslim refugees coming here is that the ME said 'screw exchanging your fake dollars for our oil, you'll help us settle in the west or we sell oil to the chinese.' ...and the deep fagget state obliged, and its no secret that the objective of the 'fed' has always been to take over the fucking usa, and the same fagots control the msm, so now youve got a cucked deep state together with the muslims and the media shitting all over us

hang_em_high ago

You mean conquered like every other country in existence? Let me know which countries were built on peace and love.

Thingsarenotfriendly ago

I was being sarcastic you fucking dipshit.

8_billion_eaters ago

Sarcasm is not evident in your question. Next time append a "/s" at the end.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Note to self, do not try to hide in the corner of an empty room while being shot at.

lanre ago

Yeah. That dude that lunged for him had the right idea. If there had been 1 or 2 more doing that it could've been over.

Phantom42 ago

Seriously. Knocked McShootyboi down.

You can't win a fight on the ground. Even with a gun, you're at a big disadvantage.

Moms_spaghett1 ago

This is what happens when you have your guard down. I'd imagine if someone came shooting up a place like this most people would freeze because it would take a minute for their brains to register wtf was even happening.

ardvarcus ago

The guy who rushed at him in the hall had a chance to take him down, but instead of going at the shooter he tried to dodge around him and escape. Oops. Mistake.

lanre ago

It looked like he lunged at him, he had his arms outstretched and pushes the shooter but gets shot immediately in the shoulder. Why run into a gunman? It looks like there was a backdoor he could've tried to escape from if that was his plan.

andrew_white_forever ago

Not sure about that because they still collided, probably just tried a last second evasion of the gunfire and still tried a take down from the side.

slickleg64 ago

Great. Now the commie cunt "comrade" Ardern has a reason to push more gun control in NZ. Really it was a pointless shooting carried out by some trigger happy liberal aussies. Now kiwis get to suffer for the consequences.

getshanked ago

Didn’t he have an M4 and a semi-auto shotgun? I haven’t watched the vid but that’s what it looked like.

slickleg64 ago

Yeah both legal and easily obtained with a license in NZ.

HootersMcBoobies ago

NZ already has fairly normal gun control by international standards. They've also never had a mass shooting until now. Australia has almost identical gun control and they haven't had a mass shooting since 1996.

slickleg64 ago

No. NZ gun control is far more relaxed than in aus. You cant even own a bb gun in aus and the paperwork and process there is insane. NZ has a very simple process to get a firearms license. I know, I've done it. But that will change if they find that the shooter bought his guns legally.

Moms_spaghett1 ago

That's probably going to change soon no doubt

Chimaira92 ago

Nz had far less gun control then us here in Australia, watch that change now.

yt4cz9 ago

Is there a link to the manifesto?

Chimaira92 ago

He doesn't mention Jews once and pins all the blame on the Muslims who have been let in by the Jews.

Civil_Warrior ago

All part of the plan. Msm types need to harsh out on the white man to remind him where the enemy is...right in front of him talking racist shit against whites for defending their Homeland!!!

coucou ago

Bloody Christian bastards! Hahahahahaha! THem Christians! Them bloody Bhuddists! Bad news is: MSM is a muslim organisation sheltering stealth mosques in the stealth basement , now targeted by those evil groups! Mwahhhh! Just saying! Hahahahaha! Looks like the talmudic and the muzz are the 2 faces of the same coin.

DeadBeatNigger ago

I am seeing the response to this all over the internet, and even normally subdued, boomer cuck sites like breitbart, are applauding this hero. They're not about to brow beat us with this. This man is a fucking legend.

PoundMe2 ago

did you read the new kike times article? they say 4 people did it one had a helmet cam and recorded it! I hope the video surfaces.

Moms_spaghett1 ago

So there was more than one mosque shot up?

Pwning4Ever ago

The video is on the front page. I've never seen anything like it.

LarryBagelstein ago

I will re-upload the video and/or manifesto on request, if either get taken down. Fuck censorship.

andrew_white_forever ago

The entire white world has more or less been trained on FPS murder simulators from childhood-- the video was like a showcase of bad AI in a way, most playing guy rushing

MagneticTightrope ago

implying aiming at pixels with your fucking thumbs has anything to do with storming a building and systematically shooting everyone in the fucking head

you stupid piece of shit

andrew_white_forever ago

lol member for 9 hours

MagneticTightrope ago

Video games haven't prepared you for real world crises and I have no problem telling you that regardless of how old our accounts are, delusional dipshit.

andrew_white_forever ago

Simulators are used all of the time to prepare people for flight, managing complex systems, driving racecars etc.

MagneticTightrope ago

Even with flying, it doesnt matter how much experience you have on a simulator. It's a bit different when your engine stalls pointing you into a nose dive, applying actual negative G force to your body, pumping actual adrenaline, and fear through your blood vessels.

Do you really think sitting on your ass controlling a tv screen with your thumb can prepare you for 180bpm racing heart, trembling hands, while trying to run through a building and to shoot living people? Tell me that how your video game experience helps you manage the shaking hands. Tell me how it helps you line up your shot, using muscles that have absolutely nothing to do with those used to point the controller or mouse.

I honestly can't believe I have to make this argument to a person. The idea that a video game shooter is "training" is probably the most autistic thing I have heard all week.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Well I agree with you... although they can teach tactics etc. But you are right that it is no substitute... don't know why you got downvoated so much.

FatBruceWillis ago

Kids are easily trained by media to be capable of violence. Science has shown this since the Bozo the clown punching bag experiment, maybe earlier.

Phantom42 ago

Found the "BAN CALL OF DOOTY" fag.

andrew_white_forever ago

What can I tell you bro, it's a simulator. Of course it's not reality.

Why do Formula 1 drivers, Airforce trainees and aspiring pilots log so many hours in simulators? It is a bit late for me to be arguing with a 9 hour mossad account, but seriously try to think this through.

lanre ago

Are you a pilot or a soldier?

MagneticTightrope ago

No, but Im not nearly enough of an autist to think that my experience with flight sims or FPS' have prepared my at all for either occupation. Do you see the difference between us, now? What's your point of asking that question?

edit: noticed you are a different person after writing the comment

lanre ago

Anyway, back to the point, simulators or games will help with your hand-eye coordination (improving accuracy), reflexes, and can help a lot with team coordination. I don't think you get the same adrenaline rush though, and some things you don't pick up on as much in games, like breathing and trigger squeeze, don't matter as much when you're 10 feet away from your target or shooting into a mass of people.

Phantom42 ago

"Apparently the guy spent about a year or so prepping too so I'm sure that helped."

I knew that guy was way too calm during it all...

James_Grace88 ago

I hope the video surfaces.

There are links all over Voat. Here is one

If the link is dead, or if the server is overloaded, check this thread

PoundMe2 ago

i made it to around 6:30 I've seen enough. I was just hoping it wasn't a white dude..... ffs

AinzOown ago


PoundMe2 ago

Salivating over death = healthy behaviour. Seek help

AinzOown ago

Also let me ask you this, anytime white people are killed, how worried are you about the killers color of skin? Do you still hope the killer isn't white then?

AinzOown ago

Only hoping they weren't white = faggot

Seek help.

Civil_Warrior ago

My bestest Xmas present!!!

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

I respect and appreciate the guy who did this. I'm not trying to tell others to do it, nor insinuating that I would; I'm just saying it takes a hell of a lot of balls and dedication to do that, knowing that he's likely to spend the rest of his life in prison, much of it in solitary confinement, at the very least. He basically sacrificed his life to this cause, and that's no small feat.

Rawrination ago

Most people don't know that a Mosque is a military building. The islamic faith says that everything visible from it is owned by islam. That's one of the reasons they build such high towers on the things.

VapidGopher ago

Interesting related post from 2011:

“Mossad spy ring 'unearthed because of Christchurch earthquake'‘

Want to guess where this also took place?

lanre ago

What are you talking about goy

"Mr Key said the unusual circumstances of the incident were fully investigated and no evidence was found that the people involved were anything other than backpackers." -Straight from the NZ Prime Minister you bigot.

1234554321 ago

Look I dislike invaders as much as the next guy, but that is nowhere in the Quran. Most muslims don't practice what their own holy book tells them. Most have been told lies and subverted like the rest of us.

Apexbreed ago

He wasn't reference the quran. Most likely talking about the bullshit spewed by thier religious leaders (redundant?) to their worshipping masses.

1234554321 ago

I'm sure some imam said it first, but I point these things out because most people don't understand the extreme differences between the Quran, supposedly the only source of islamic law, and mainstream islam.

Apexbreed ago

Yeah you're probably right about that one. And I don't think most Muslims recognize the difference either. Even the 72 virgins piece doesn't come from the Quran either. But it sure as hell influences plenty of jihadi fags.

ooberlu ago

This is why it pays to be a Jesus lover. You can hide and duck under those wooden pews.

Poor muzzies never had a chance.

lanre ago

Yeah, it was pretty sad seeing them huddled in the corner thinking maybe he had stopped or would continue on. But the guy was merciless and just unloaded into them.

varialus ago

So long as ya ain't Orthodox.

hang_em_high ago

They don’t have pews?

varialus ago

Nope. Pews are modern shit. Have you been to a church with a drums and guitars? That shit ain't for me! Give me that old time religion!

hang_em_high ago

I’ve only ever been to a church with pews. What do you do? Kneel, stand, sit on the floor?

varialus ago

I'm not very familiar with it myself, actually. I've been to one where it's mostly standing, some prostrating in short little prayers or something at certain times like shortly after people first enter the church, plenty of crossing themselves, some chanting in unison with the priest, some lighting candles and such. The priests mostly chant the service, do some incense in a metal ball on a chain that they sorta swing around, and bless and share bread and wine with the members. It wasn't in English; but I don't care for English church chanting, so that was ok with me. I understood bits and pieces of the words, but not a ton. I thought it was pretty nice. I'd like to go back and learn to properly participate as somebody who isn't officially part of their church but who appreciates it and wants to properly participate as much as is appropriate. Most everybody was dressed in old fashioned sorta national costume sorta dress, which really appeals to me. Most aren't like that; in most orthodox churches I think lots of folks wear modern clothes, but if I'm gonna participate in an old timey church service, I prefer old timey clothes that are modest yet still attractive. For that reason I went to a church in a community where everybody always dresses like that, but it's hard to find communities like that.

Dude8081 ago

Nz prime minister has publically come out in line with this ideaology. Plus with news yesterday about liberial nz politicians being physically assualted by anti UN right wing Male yesterday is a recepie for the left.

Jewed ago

Why did these Muslim hunters have only semi auto? Western governments have been sending full auto guns to Isis for years. Seems they are the victims of discrimination, I bet they had to buy that stuff with their own money!

drhitler ago

who cares, it worked better than their shitty attacks

LarryBagelstein ago

His semi-auto looked plenty effective in this video. Full auto is for suppressing fire and machine guns.

Phantom42 ago

Mmmhmmm.... Or very close quarters combat. Even then.... Eh.

Pwning4Ever ago

He chose an ar15 specifically because libtards hate it. According to his manifesto

Food_Stamp ago

That's all I'm concerend about, I couldn't care any less about the dead niggers.

James_Grace88 ago

Part of Sir Brendon Tarrant's goal was to spark the civil war in the United States. He knew gun-grabbers would use this moment to try to disarm the populace, and everyone knows that you're not going to disarm the citizens of the United States without a civil war.

edgelord666 ago

@PuttItOut you must be very proud to have made a platform where this is the highest voted comment on such a topic. Congratulations, your parents must be very proud!

SearchVoatBot ago

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GumbyTM ago

It's probably similar to the sense of disappointment your parents feel when they look at you.

james780 ago



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Food_Stamp ago

Cry harder, foreskin biter.

LarryBagelstein ago

Truth reigns supreme in the absence of censorship. Jews like you get so butthurt when goys can speak their minds freely, without having to consider the thought police...

CameraCode ago

Perhaps more freedom of speech could have avoided this. People who feel that they have no options, no voice, and are being censored and targeted by the government resort to violence.

8_billion_eaters ago

I like this take on it.

Let's blame the oppressive censorship and political correctness we're forced to endure for creating these situations.

This is brilliant. Use their own tactics; the tactics of the jews and their SJW puppets against them.

Apexbreed ago

I'm proud of anyone who can create a platform that constantly hurts your childish feelings.

hang_em_high ago

You mean a platform that doesn’t censor comments like this like every other one?

copper_spartan ago

This, but unironically.

An_Hero_OP ago

Part and parcel of living in a large city.

Food_Stamp ago


Norm85 ago

Part and parcel of a diverse multicultural society.

VapidGopher ago

It’s eventually going to lead to a ban on “hate speech”. Why the fuck does he bring pewdipie into this? Now be prepared for parents to start talking to their kids about this shit and only allow them to watch PBS and BBC shit. They’re tightening the noose on free speech. Of course they’ll never miss an opportunity to bring gun control into the conversation even though this happened on a different continent.

Intrixina ago

And this will blow up in their face.