17699327? ago

Btw this is a complete shill thread. Nobody in a stable frame of mind would ever consider murdering 50 people acceptable. Not even one is acceptable.

Get help.

17699323? ago

I'm a white nationalist and I think that shooting was a travesty.

He gunned down innocent people that had nothing to do with the kikes and this will only serve to increase gun regulations, increase censorship, and limit free speech in the guise of stopping "extremism".

You're being played like a fucking fiddle.

17699326? ago

Stop larping Herschel, no one believes you. And read his manifesto you dumb ape, it's obvious you didn't.

17699328? ago

I can virtually guarantee that this thread is filled with shills like yourself looking to find like-minded people to collect their data and monitor them. You'd be fucking delusional to think otherwise.

Nobody condones mass murder.

17699316? ago

==It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.==

==They were not easily moved,

They were icy – willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.==

==Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.==

==It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.==

==It was not suddently bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.==

17699317? ago

Wow, either I forgot how many characters could go into a redtext or this shit site fucked me over, either way, the poem is becoming reality again.

17698036? ago


If Tarrant is executed, he shall be named among the martyrs. Valhalla awaits him. 1488

17699319? ago

It's New Zealand, St. Tarrant is probably doing something gay no offense meant to St. Tarrant like playing vidja.

17698037? ago


How, NZ doesn't have death penalty.

17698027? ago

Shills are desperate to rob Brenton Tarrant of his agency by shilling the idea that he was a Mossad operative.

This is basic jewish black magic. Their final trick is to claim that an Aryan hero was secretly a zionist or a jew (e.g. "Hitler was a rothschild zionist agent").

It is their final trick.

17698035? ago

Forcing the idea that the group has no heroes or valuable individuals is as old as kikes themselves. Do not fall for their tricks. Tarrant is a hero and nothing will ever change that.

17698031? ago


it's not real, goy

there's nothing you can do

17698029? ago


17698026? ago


17698014? ago

There were links to another thread that had the video part files along with the manifesto files, Does anyone have that, or the archive links for them?

17698012? ago

And someone else brought up a good point, which I somehow forgot though I noticed it as I first watched the video. NO IMPACT EVENTS! Not in the walls, not on the floors, not on the bodies… Not even dust from drywall and paint, or chipped flooring. No holes, no blood. This is such bullshit that it pisses me off that those who produced it actually expect people to fall for this crass shit. Are people really this fucking stupid these days? I don't know what really happened, or where or when it happened. I just know that what is shown in this video is some fabricated bullshit.

17698018? ago

it was CGI goy


it's hopeless goy


it was CGI goy

17552488? ago

He did it because it made it look like a video game.

People need no more than that to be enthralled these days.

It's nice to believe that someone out there would be that thoughtful, but even if they were it'd be a waste.

17552484? ago

I have experience firing several different automatic weapons, quite a few semi-automatic weapons, etc. I've seen the way these weapons fire in person, I've seen (first hand) how it is to get a jam and have to clear it, how it is to run out of ammo and have to reload, and what it looks like for brass to fly out and this looks a lot more like a video game than reality.

17552483? ago

tfw cannot delete kabeb bc gubmint took all the toys away

17698013? ago

tfw you can get guns easily or make explosives with household materials

17552481? ago

I think people are now figuring out that they never cared about these people, they cared about optics. It's an emperor has no clothes moment.

17552478? ago

Hahaha you (and some others) sound like Theon


with the same punchline :D

17552477? ago

How come no ones talking about the magazine that was already in the mosque. Seen at timestamp 6:50on the left side of the hallway on the floor and at 8:30 he picks it up. False flag my friends

17552458? ago

Given the shitty quality of that video, that was REALLY bad advertising for gopro….

17552451? ago

You are a Kike. The Jews want a War beetwen Islam and Us. So the Jews can make what ever they want in the Time of War.

17552459? ago

if you remove the jews the muslims will pack up their bags and leave our homelands

Imagine believing this.

17552450? ago

I watched ISIS videos, Irak War, Sucide Videos and they censor such a piece of shit. For me its nothing.

Death is a normal Part of our Nature, the same is the "Dark side" of us to Murder. Nature is Brutal, so are we.

17552449? ago

He wanted to say to us: I did it. It can be done.

Remember, GoPro's slogan is "Be a hero"

17552452? ago

GoPro: Be a Hero

fucking hell xD

17552453? ago

He needs his face on a GoPro ad.

Also, check'd

17552447? ago

Yeah Im the Mother OF Dragons !

I am Coming !

Erm: I mean a storm is coming !


I bet 2019 will be the highest year for the new number of mass shootings world wide now which is why they try to censorship!

17552446? ago

I'm bumping this thread again because the OP is not a faggot.

17552442? ago

i hate immigrants that ruin the country and hurt natural citizens!

be an immigrant yourself

prove your point correct by shooting up a bunch of other immigrants and destroying civil liberates for the natural population of the country you live in

wow what a genius

17552443? ago

Jews have been historically persecuted and kicked out of countries because they're awful scum.

17552427? ago

This is so good actually.

Jews are going to self annihilate due to lack of ability to fit in and contribute in the 21st century, dont you see it happening?

Many on this board think they can oppose a National Socialist minded group, however they're getting baited out as the jews.

90% of anons can identify bots and jews lel

Its so good.

17552437? ago

I'm sure Jews are unable to contribute, they just own everything in america from the shit white boys eat, to the entertainment white boys love, even donald trumps son is good with the jews. just face it bro your fucked and the sooner you realize the faster you can go learn how to build wealth and protect your family :)

17552422? ago

You know a thread is a good one when Kampfy shows up to shill against it.

17552416? ago

if you all have got the purpose of your life and are so fucking inspired by your Hero, then why the fuck are you hiding your coward, self-ashamed, fatherless, ass es as anonymous? :-) :-) show some balls and show your real selves on the street….do you dare? All of you fucking whore kids??? LoLzzzzz :p :p

17552417? ago

I'd rather wait for you to show yourself on the street and then drag you into an alley and…..

…. You'll have to wait and see. ;D

17552411? ago

does anyone have a discord invite i got banned by the trust and safety jew and want to rejoin on new account

17552408? ago

The scariest words in the English language in the Current Year +4:

What one man can do, another can do.

17552404? ago

17552402? ago

I heard a rumor the video was longer than three minutes. Is there another rendition??

17552398? ago


stop overdosing on LSD

17552392? ago

The wisdom of the jews are to be said in this whole situation.

Our whole species on this planet as one is all about what value can you provide to the entire world. Our quest for universal understanding of where we come from and why we are here.

Yet all white nationalists have shown is their ability to destroy and halt the progress of man kind. What great things have the white male given to our species? They have not even yet accepted that there are other races on this planet and it is a place to be shared.

As our species move towards a new space era, I for one am glad for these degenerates to be exposed and their DNA deleted from the universe, regardless of their race. Either you can serve those around you or perish. Looking forward to the self destruction of all those that are unable to add value to our species enlightenment.

Get more angry, get more hatred, the ultimate demise will be yourself.

17552414? ago

As our species move towards a new space era

Hahah, not without Whites it doesn't!

What great things have the white male given to our species?

Pic related. Basically all of it my man.

Your arrogance has always been your undoing.

Vid related.

Just another case of history repeating…

17552456? ago

Electre tiddy video

I fucking love that girl, shame she is batshit insane and ex-porn degenerate too.

17552419? ago

Yeah but you fail to point out that most of the scientific progress have been Jew physicists?

I'm talking about actual white males, the intellectually challenged, culture-less ones who know nothing but violence.

The pictures you posted look like a primary school kid's homework on ms paint.

Whites are going to self annihilate due to lack of ability to fit in and contribute in the 21st century, dont you see it happening? Many on this board think they can grow a nazi minded group, however they're getting baited out by the jews. 90% of anons are bots and jews lol

17552426? ago

Yeah but you fail to point out that most of the scientific progress have been Jew physicists?

I don't see any proof of that in your post my man.

Its almost like you're pulling that out of your ass!

Daily Reminder that Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is sub-105 (the US White average) and that the Israeli jewish average IQ is sub-100. ;D

17552431? ago

Oh you need proof of Einstein? how autistic are you lol

17552433? ago

Oh you didn't know Einstein was a fraud? how tay sachs are you lel

17552400? ago

What great things have the white male given to our species?

Picture is related.

17552401? ago

where the fuck did you get that picture? from ms paint?

and brazillians wants white blue eyed color sperms, thats your definition of adding value to humanity? you fucking useless cunt.

17552387? ago

They were never innocent the mestizo and arab races both addopted religions that oppresed those that did not agree with it. Like most religions do, then the people marched with the kings of old , and current times the muslim is migrating to better schools and oppurtunities taking from the peoples of the existing government who want to be left alone, but greed lets the upperclass hire who they want it is a, moral dilema to let the rulers take from the citizen, its why he killed those people !! They are invaders their ideas and goals are not freedom they want sharia law and oppression of women and several other absurd laws you should read about, like most religions they are the next to get cooled down or wiped out for imposing oppression on people, so ya those were mostly adults and should have been informed about what islam is!!!! Read the manifesto !!!

17552384? ago

And fuck the spaniard the mixed breed religious zelot who converted the mestizo and loves the raghead its neighbor without walls

17552378? ago

And did you know the mestizo(myan) only let the royalty read and learn , geuss that worked good didnt it !! Now their all catholic fuckoholics breeding out of their ability to eat and provide, just like the slimes that are invading europe to survive wars and famine, but then they have 9 kids in the name of allah and say we so proud

17552381? ago

Learn English. Emojis don’t make you any more coherent. Also irrelevant. Inbred mudslime idiot.

17552376? ago

Hittler was white genoside he killed more whites than jews😱😱😱 like i said HAIL THE USA ERADICATOR OF THE SAVAGE..a beast with no writing only spoken b.s. a liar who was eradicated for being an indian giver!!!! Like i said a slime trying to pose as a white talking about white genocide blaming the yesterday jew for the slime(muslim) invasion confused youth mabye!!! Their job is done mabye!!! Long live the white race

17552370? ago

Ban the muslim in europe just like you let them do the nazis, long live the white race with its great ideals of freedom and the right to genocide HAIL the USA..ban the mestizo AND LONG LIVE B. TARRANT , STOP COMING IN ILLEGALLY OR ELSE.. PS. ITS MUSLIMS DOING ALL THE JEW BASHING ON THESE BOARDS, ITS THEIR TACTIC…

17552366? ago

Why yall keep taking about jews know thy enemy the invader the muslim the jew skin wearing beast devouring europe. Mabye they should ban muslims the way they did nazis

17552364? ago

Of course, I am still against censorship but god damn it, I am so glad I don't live in New Zealand right now.

17552362? ago

10 years?!? Jesus christ, I figure they could keep it up for educational purposes for people to see what damage a gun can do if you don't use it right. Of course, what the hell am I saying as most people (especially on here) would probably put it up so they can enjoy themselves in a sick fucking manner.

17552357? ago

NSA CIA FBI all over this thread and for good reason. sick fucks.

17552368? ago

I think you’re in the wrong place bud. We reject white genocide here.

17552359? ago

lets get the ATF DOD and whoever the fuck else in here too, I supported gun ownership, but holy shit I may just vote for hilary this time around you sick faggots

17552354? ago

It has definitely changed me. Before this happened I considered myself a liberal. This video along with his manifesto has some amazing power. It’s entered my mind like some kind of virus and it won’t stop replicating. I am awoken. I understand now. This man is a beautiful god and what he did is a blessing. I’m not strong enough to do something like this myself but I pray for more.

17552375? ago

you sound incel af

17552351? ago

who has the torrent of the stream?

17552347? ago

Brenton's great displacement

Be white boy.

The world at my feet, I am happy.

Internet booms, I look around, realize I am a shit cunt.

Depressed, unable to accept my place in society, I look for a greater purpose.

I dig, I find others around me, I learn their ways, I find the real truth to the state of my life.

It's not my fault, its them, they caused my failures in life, why didn't anyone tell me earlier?

Anger boils inside of me, sadness and pain everyday, why am I here? What is my purpose?

I want to make a difference, I will be the hero my race needs, I have to let everyone know.

I will be the greatest white boi ever.

17552348? ago


Stay assblasted shitskins. :^)

17552345? ago

This is like a bunch of incels who can't get laid blaming the Jews for it. A little circle jerk

17552350? ago

I blame YOU, cuck boy

17552352? ago

17552343? ago

op mercilessly beats his dick, absolutely no more.

17552337? ago

Expect him to drag a fucking crew around, nigger? So tired of you invading fucks.

17552327? ago

Normiefags rolling in

17552321? ago


It's true, Harry Potter literature is ruining our children. Initiations are for sports teams, bikers, and pedophiles.

17552320? ago

What a bunch of fucking dumb pieces of shit you all are.

17552319? ago

Honestly Antifa is starting to make a lot more sense to me now. I was curious what 8ch & 4chan pol’s thoughts are on this and feel stupid for thinking they might be a little more reverent. But nope, actual Nazis that glorify mass shooters. This shit is really fucking disturbing.

17552344? ago

is it possible at this point for ANY of you faggots to provide any legitimate source for ANY of the beliefs you hold?

17552379? ago

this thread is a pretty legitimate source of why deplatforming Nazis is morally sound, if it emboldens vulnerable people to murder innocent men, women and children.

17552396? ago



I posted it again mom

You could have at least put in 15 posts of work to sort of blend in before you spilled your spaghetti /leftypol/

17552341? ago

actual Nazis that glorify mass shooters. This shit is really fucking disturbing.

The weak fear the strong.

17552318? ago

"A storm is coming. The Christchurch Shooting was the first few raindrops beginning to fall, and the thunderheads starting to roll in. You can feel it, and I can feel it. We can feel it in our blood, in our bones. We can feel a beating in the depths, a war drum being beaten by the spirit of our ancestors who are calling out for vengeance and fury, for an astonishing inferno and merciless desolation to be unleashed upon the enemies of our race."

So true bro. I'm totally up for some more shit, i can hear my ancestors

17552467? ago

Feeling this too

have no been able to look at porn since

think about that, demoralization makes it impossible to quit.

this event lit my spirit alight

17552316? ago

17552314? ago

Just awesome, no fucking help. Ty, guys.

17552315? ago

use your eyes son, Go to the catalog and don't take your eyes off the top until you find the word search.

17552313? ago

MI6 please

17552311? ago

Just toss pork products into the properties of Muslims. Or on their cars. Place pork on to halal products at the store.

17552309? ago

Nothing will happen. We will degrade into a commie shithole unless we end the KIKES. Tarrant wants to make us fight not who has cucked us for years, but the result of their cuckings.

Not shitskins, not liberals, shekel-grubbing, child-foreskin-sucking, kikes. We can only free ourselves of the jewish menace by ending them once and for all, then dealing with the aftermath of their wicked deeds, aka ending niggers en masse.

17552312? ago

another cuck not acknowledging the zogbot question who exist to protect kikes

17552299? ago

My question is why didn't the muslims adapt? They know terrorist groups funded by Israel are committing massacres in the name of Islam. They know they're illiterate goat fuckers. They know their malnourished, inbred half-monkey bodies can't take on a white men even when he's outnumbered 50:1. They know Palestinians have been getting ass-raped by jews for decades and lost every battle. They got assraped again last weekend. They know the assrapings will continue. They know synagogues are invincible fortresses protected the true god yhwh, worshiped by none other than US president's daughter. Yet they continue bowing as hard as possible in mosques. It's just Darwinism. That's how I see it. I can't adapt for them.

17552296? ago


I am not a faggot, like you, fucking kike.

We do not use 8chan here, I am trying to do my part in this epic shit, is that bad?

17552307? ago

Loads of russians use imageboards what are you talking about? Just control F and search.

17552306? ago

i smell bacon

17552294? ago

Guys, I am new to 8chan, moreover I am from Russia. Could someone explain, how to find treads, like yesterday I was reading smth named "Brenton Tarrant meme Warfare", but now I cant find it with search.

I am trying to spread a word and some fucked up memes, but do not fuly understand damn website.

17552295? ago


17552293? ago


That's an odd thing to say in response to the OP.

17552292? ago


I don't condone violence, but it's no lie that our greatest works of penmanship are always shoah'd by the time they catch fire. They are only getting better at damage control and censorship as time moves forward.

17552291? ago


its every sheboons fantasy to be promoted to the big house to serve her master in cute skimpy maid outfits

17552289? ago


You need assistance with your neurochemistry. Not with your death.

17552287? ago



17552286? ago

who has the full live stream link? Feel like im keep seeing only half of what happened

17552279? ago

And good day to you, Mr FBI Guy.

17552278? ago

There seems to be much more than a muslim attack here . The attacker knew about other stuff .

I live in a very small and insignificant place and I've met strange people with memories of being trained and obsessions with the ending of world. Damn crazy people, one of them was speaking about a list of people he was going to kill and he knew Florence very well.

Probably this guy was a groomed assassin/agent and looks like OP is into something as well.

The black sun symbol OP has posted was in the shooter's bag as well. I don't know why these to guys use it or who has given it to them , but to my understanding it refers to some energetic being with whom P2 Freemasons/ Italian Black Nobility or some other destructive/dark and very negative groups talk to and take commands from. That is why these negative groups have such and easy time going around and doing what they do.

And to prove further any connection I also found this photo of 14 and fish thing they do with each other. The meaning of these too I'm not sure .

P.s: To my understanding there is some kind of big change/event that is coming , but differently from what these guys think it is very positive . Be safe everyone and look out for these negative people . They will do anything to promote their destructive agenda.

17552388? ago

Fucking boomer, go back to your 'Q' facebook group.

17552333? ago

to my understanding it refers to some energetic being with whom P2 Freemasons/ Italian Black Nobility or some other destructive/dark and very negative groups

17552330? ago

Schizoposters rolling in with their tinfoil false flag bullshit.

Fuck off back to Q and /x/ you shitniggers

17552302? ago


17552282? ago

Fuck off kike.

17552281? ago


black sun something

just neck yourself

17552274? ago

Password: 1

17552272? ago

Zip drives are pretty cheap now. Time to drop all over places white males traffic

17552271? ago

A friend made this for you. Your words ring true. Keep it up brother.

17552276? ago


holy fuck that res

17552269? ago


According to my own, massive Aryan cock, I can not, in good faith, agree to this kike imposed racemixing, BBC, porn myth.

17552263? ago

mercilessly execute him

Excuse me anon?

That was an act of mercy. The entire thing was an act of mercy.

Anyone who thinks what happened was in any way bad is either a willful subhuman, or an admitted nonhuman.

17552262? ago


You people got fooled by the media

Unlike in the movies where windshields immediately shatter into a million pieces, right?

Are you also skeptical about the cars he shot not exploding?

17552259? ago


CIA pls go

17552254? ago


Is spam see

12969073 (other thread)

12969071 (another thread)


Discord is honeypot, don't fall for it anon.

17552253? ago

You're not wrong.

I was surprised at myself after watching that video.

I wasn't shocked.

I wasn't disturbed.

I wasn't upset.

Instead, I smiled, I laughed, and I saw the action in that video as nothing but righteous.

Maybe it's a false flag, maybe it's not.

The only thing I know, is that it changed me. It made me realize that I don't have to fear the violence that's coming.

17552244? ago


17552241? ago

IRL shitposter changed the course of history.

it is already happening, watch Erdogan giving a total war speech while broadcasting the entire Brennan video. 3 dead people in Netherlands in retaliation already.

17552235? ago

thanks god the false flag retards contain themselves to their own threads, it's unbearable there. personally i wouldn't give a fuck even if it was a FF since it's a net positive.

17552221? ago


implying the sword and the pen arent the ultimate

17552220? ago

i found this website from the news, they were writing something about 8chan so i am here

17552223? ago

Watch the shooting video attached to the OP.

17552240? ago

thanks dude,i can see

17552214? ago


We love you, Mr. Elbows. Go ahead and try to change this. You can't. We will kill you with hugs and friendly banter. You know this.


17552211? ago

17552252? ago

Anon! You're so…. BIG

17552210? ago

17552203? ago



17552200? ago


Fuck off soullesstechnocrat. Just rope already you insufferable attention whoring tranny faggot.

17552199? ago

Invaders must die.

17552198? ago

I see that it's -3 degrees in Utrecht mehehe

17552195? ago

Christchurch was a false flag and an inside job. He didn't act on his own. Everything was set up for him from the get go. That's why he went to israel before the shooting.

17552189? ago

Anybody have the full mp4s of both videos?

17552186? ago

Just here to watch the comments and im not disppointed.

Little cowards behind their screen fapping on this shit, you should try to go outside, find a girlfriend (if you can), bang a bit, grab a beer and have a fire on the beach, you'll see it's cool.

Wanted to say donkeys about you but donkeys have a brain, otherwise, i will just say no worries, you'll be dead in maximum 80 years and world will continue its evolution without you like the previous thousand years before.

17552192? ago

Jews don't drink beer silly goose

We're all jews - the shooters were turkish

17552184? ago

Some info that (((NZ Authorities))) are trying to block and scrub from the internet.

17552277? ago

NZ authorities need to be permanently poled.

17552180? ago

Amren, brother.

The video is on its own level. Something so much better than Hollywood could ever produce even with astronomical budget.

Brenton awakened the white spirit that had been imprisoned for too long. He showed the way. He showed that we can win this.

17552204? ago

didnt kill 1 zogbot

showed we can win this

theyre already arresting people just for showing the video. if it happens again, theyll ramp up the arrests until you are forced to acknowledge the armed enemy. you can think the police and military will defect but they wont. what will you do when they show up to your neighborhood with a list of people who posted unapproved things online? when they post snipers in your cuck neighbors house and begin kicking doors? when the helicopter is circling above with flir? when they just burn your house down and wait for you to come running out if they take casualties trying to kick in doors?

he was 100% wrong about the unarmed invader being more dangerous than the armed. the unarmed can be easily massacred once the armed are destroyed. not the other way around when the armed will provide shelter and protection for the others if they start being killed in mass. the entire system is so corrupt and all the zogbot leaders and their underlings so compromised theyll do whatever possible to keep us from gaining power as they know their crimes will not go unpunished if we succeed.

while the attack on the mosque was beneficial its not how we win. we must target those with power and their protectors. and one guy acting every so often is not enough. i know i wont live to see a better world, does that mean i care about living out the life i do have? not at all.

17552228? ago

unapproved things online



This is the problem that the fucking jews created because you fucks can't rest when you don't control everything..

Well… the universe does not work that way, and you will fail… every time.

Hopefully, we exterminate you in the next big happening.

17552248? ago

so dont kill zogbots or what? youre not really making coherent points.

17552208? ago

Being a subversive kike is already illegal it's just not being enforced. Only a matter of time until someone take it into their own hands tbh

17552217? ago

being a kike is illegal

what are you talking about

17552175? ago

Is ie eindelijk gepakt?

17552174? ago


17552177? ago

pls delet, im an idiot.

17552173? ago

Where is the blood, that's an awfully high powered weapon to not have any blood anywhere not a single drop.

17552179? ago

We were just talking about it, it's likely his dad bought him those special jew bullets because hes a hemopheliac and daddys baby boy

"my dad… owns a dealership"

17552170? ago

It just reminded me of CS:GO

17552165? ago


Gr8 b8 m8

17552159? ago


17552158? ago


<be me

Wake up to FAUX NEWS as always :)

See the scroller on the bottom


no big deal

"Also went to - *, * , Pakistan, ,"

wtf, still it can't be israel

Get online with my 88s

back to reality

"Hey check out this veterans today article"


wtf this is too much - IT'S NOT ISRAEL

Listen to glowsharts arguing


Realize that is what they did with ISIL,

I won't believe it

SEE 1000 posts in a row about turkey and how Israel owns your home - shills everywhere

no way - a common jewtactic

Find the average poster



get a call from my mudslide friend who is happy about something



text coming in, I know he will say turkey




17552160? ago

nice thumbnail

17552171? ago

you don't need to reply to me twice, just get better pictures and stop being a fat dumb nigger

17552178? ago

I'm a fatdumbnigger when your mom is on the casting couch for "BLACKED"

I turn off the lights - extra special sauce all over her pig belly, then like shooters 2 and 3, I disappear - but unlike the ugly bald jew - I don't go back to israel

(((Do you think they have some kind of "you must be this ugly and this soulless picture of bibi at the border?)))

17552156? ago


Fuck off honeypot shill

17552154? ago


I'm too busy laughing at this jewish pron I found:

It's a casting couch kind of thing but there's these little jewmidgets biddding on who gets to eat a shitskins hairy snatch

"100 million sheeekaaams"

"2 talents of gold"

"the sun"

The bids are outrageous, when one finally wins the girl asks for half up front


My sides

17552146? ago

It can be real and a false flag you fucking kike.

The guy was a Zionist and wanted us to become warriors for Israel

17552143? ago


Lol, clearly you didn't hear about the SIX THOUSAND Christian's massacred last week in Nigeria. Honestly, there's two sides to this story, and then a third darker side that highlights the monumental facts of last week's atrocious attacks on my Christian Brothers and sisters. Yet, you vehemently oppose a Nationalist movement. I suggest you read some books... although, let's be real here. The only way this movement can proceed efficiently is with peace, and SWIFT action intermingled. The irony is that by stepping into an all out war, we are actually doing the Globalists work for them. We need to destabilize the banking systems, and take over the Swiss accounts while deporting Muslims in Masse numbers to the ports of Israel. If they want to use the "GOLDEN CALF"(USA) to do their dirty work, we are going to make them clean it up. While destabilizing Israel for the short term we can restabilize and deport all of the Muslims from Christian nations, and restructure our economies to be backed by a sovereign state Bonds or a gold system. Simeultaneously dropping the EU. Also, we need to put in a Constitutional clause in France through the Southern Gaul leadership. Using the U.S Constitution as a framework, thus, all other great nations will follow, creating a free unified white movement from Sea to shining Sea, we get rid of our problems, remove false globalist leaders. If it cannot be done with impunity, then we must have the military leaders of the great white nations remove these men from power as Zhukov did in Soviet Russia in 1953. God Bless the freedom of the common man, and the limitless potential of hope, faith and prosperity through unity.

17552139? ago


17461436? ago

Still a (((Mossad))) agent who is trying to destroy us whites

17461412? ago


17461411? ago

17461406? ago

He filmed it that way because his buddy couldn't make it to shoot it in third person.

Neck yourself faggot

17461399? ago

He was too retarded to figure out how to attack the adminsitration so went straight for innocents. What a retard

17461427? ago


Still shilling hard, shlomo?

17461418? ago

They're not innocent, nor is just their death the point of it.

If you can gun down your local rabbi then do it faggot.

17461389? ago

My bad on the double post

17461386? ago


I think Tarrants accomplices should get some glory too. Don't you?

I want to know who the man in fatigues that got arrested was.

Don't you want to know too?

That way we can give all credit where credit is due.

17461382? ago

It’s ugly, but it’s true that the world’s only chance is found in the decision of good white people to act, and make it better.

17461378? ago

The shills can only reeeeeeeeee after reading this post.

17461387? ago

I think Tarrants accomplices should get some glory too. Don't you?

I want to know who the man in fatigues that got arrested was.

Don't you want to know too?

That way we can give all credit where credit is due.

17461376? ago

https://youtu.be/JEeCL10i9Vo watch thi


17461371? ago

There can be only one Victim in the end - The Victim Card is required to hide behind the thieves who have constructured a global Ponzi scheme which will destroy our currencies and as a result, kill of 90% of humanity. Georgia Guidestones (Tombstones) point in the direction of every Hemisphere.

17461368? ago

but will you act or are you attached to a sick world? dont let this or future events give you hope. losing hope was freedom. many have and will be satiated back into their beds by this. its your duty alone, its why youre here. will you be a part of it or will you be a contempt bystander happy others acted so you didnt have to?

17460455? ago










                                E [ ](https://8ch.net/pol/res/12963619.html#q12967741)

17460449? ago

You're smarter than the internet warrior aren't you?

Doesn't change the fact that you're wrong.

And when you say things like:

this is a post-Christchurch world

It sounds just like the government saying:

This is a post 9/11 world

9/11 was used as an excuse to publicly institute overreaching governmental powers and undermine the rights of the people. And nobody did a fucking thing.

The result will be the same with the

(((current happening)))

Only when a true leader emerges from the people will anything change.

Tarrant is no leader. Anyone who avoids the Jewish Question cannot be a leader for the people.

A true leader must stand on the Truth. Because that is the only way that he will have the power to counter their lies.

Those who avoid the truth will eventually be called for the cowards they are.

Faggot didn't even go down in a blaze.

Just like Brevik.

Captured like cowards.

Or just taken in by their ^v brothers ^v for show, if you ask me.

17460453? ago

Only when a true leader emerges from the people will anything change.

The Internet is changing this. There are plenty of leaders – and they're all saying, "Calm down, please no more violence." Historically, leaders goad their followers to fight, but now we're seeing the opposite. Leaders are filters, taking in information, shaping narratives by speaking. Now the information comes directly to the people, and we trade memes instead of listening to speeches. All leaders can be assasinated. But good look assassinating all the heads of the white snake.

17461363? ago


The internet is a false God that lulls people into inaction.

The only thing it has been good for is priming the people and arming them with knowledge. So that they will be ready when the leader emerges.

Lone Wolves do not a revolution make.

Only Masses of people with a common purpose can change history.

Look at how divided people are over this incident. Division and chaos is not the mark of leadership.

17460454? ago

… *luck

17460445? ago

Murder is wrong. You will burn in hell for eternity if you murder someone.

17460451? ago

Define murder.

17461373? ago

Killing someone for a stupid reason, like that you don't want him or people like him to procreate in you country.

17461408? ago

That's not murder that's self defense, he's a patriot and a hero.

17461425? ago

Define "self defense"

17461439? ago

Killing invaders who threaten the existence of your people.

17460443? ago

When they want to shut something down, they just ignore it and the normies follow suit.

They are doing the opposite and hyping this video up by shutting down websites and telling people how scary it is.

An initiation

Interesting choice of words.

I agree.

This was an initiation like 9/11 was an initiation.

17460437? ago

If a 12 year-old girl wants to be licked by a grown up man, to deny her of that would be a crime. If she licks a grown up man, it is only polite for the man to lick her back. We must teach our children to be friendly with strangers and insist to be licked by them. Children who aren't licked are worth nothing. When I walk on the streets, if I see a child alone, I am going to lick it. Children should be kissed and tickled and licked by grown ups. Lick a 12 year-old girl's cheek as if she was a lollipop, as if she was a sweet candy. Seeking her as a precious jewel, for to give up I would be a fool. Even if she doesn't want to be licked, give her politely the unwanted lick.

17460441? ago

found the semite

17460444? ago

give her politely the unwanted lick.

It's actually a flip. They're like this too, and the jumbled word order screams "Philippines."

17460433? ago

I started to jerk off when seeing what looks like children and brown people being gunned down

17460427? ago

You def getting fucked but at least you get a new hero ,, SO at least you get to be kissed aswell

17460425? ago

this is for san bernadino 2015 you son of a bitch

17460420? ago

I was pretty upset when my fiancee told me the news. "I don't want to kill anybody, I just want to put them on boats! Why can't we just put them all on the fucking boats?" Pregnant femanon even cried about it.

Then I watched the video, and realized, "Oh, it's not so bad." I'm surprised by this, but the idea was far more upsetting than the actual event. Conceptually, the people shot are relatable, but visually, I realize they are the enemy, and I'm just watching a war video. And the war is one of defense.

It drives me mad how many right-leaning and anti-Islam e-celebs and activists are completely cucked on this. If they could only understand that this is a war, if they could only see this event in its proper light, by placing it alongside death tolls like Dresden, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, or by placing it alongside the grassroots heroes of history that we idolize like Braveheart and Robin Hood, they might start to understand it properly: this is nothing.

These cucks think mass killing is statistical when done with political sanction rather than the consent of any population, and a tragedy when the killing comes from the people themselves. They abandon their nations to suck the cock of the state. It's exasperating.

17460429? ago

Braveheart and Robin Hood

Anon, this isn't a movie. And take off the red hat, Grab a Balaclava.

17460431? ago

this isn't a movie

Neither are Wallace and Robin Hood, you dip.

17460435? ago


Those two people, who came off the top of my head quick, inspired their people and stood out through hundreds of years of history by serving as avatars for the collective values of their people. Justice, and rebellion against invading and oppressive forces. Western history is full of such heroes.

17460436? ago

I can agree with the idea. I want the same goals.

17460418? ago

Can anyone send me a copy of his manifesto?

17460415? ago

All you old white dudes threatening random people online lol sad life…. Dont be a bitch

17460411? ago

Lolol bunch sad humans here

17460457? ago

They are humans something you will never shitskin.

17460410? ago

I have this friend who was sort of into this right-wing scene, and the Christchurch shooting video got him to stop supporting Trump. It's bad optics.

17460413? ago

Supporting Zognald is bad anon. You should not support jewish puppet.

17460416? ago

funny, he's jewish.

17460407? ago

When he puts that song on it feels so scripted… Like screening this is Maga country … But your radar doesn't go off…. The only reason he is identified as such it to put you people in a box to censor you … Along with people that are against vaccines and GMO and things like t

17460405? ago

The black sun is not a Nazi symbol

17552225? ago

Just because the nazi's used it doesn't mean it belongs to them.

It has a meaning in and of itself you absolute waste of space.

17552226? ago

It was literally created by nazi occultist you absolute shit for brains

17458845? ago

Fuck you all bastards, …. We Muslims will kill you the hard way

17552207? ago

17460394? ago

HAHAHAHAHAH we will skin you the easy way

17460393? ago




17460391? ago

For god's sake don't get as low as them, no one is going to kill anyone please stop that shit already !


17458846? ago

How does it feel to marry your cousin? You’re gross. Lol.

17458836? ago

Truly a day to mark down in history

17458835? ago

So much for weaponized autism… Hope it feels good to gobble up bullshit

17458832? ago

To false flag 8 chan just play some meme music and they will literary be sucking your dick by the end of day for killing brown people

17458830? ago


17458829? ago

Keep projecting , keep sucking Brenton Tarrant's dick… You people make weaponized autism look bad… I thought that meant something I guess it means suck the media's dick… Means absolute garbage if you're just blindly falling into plans of the elite… Once again what do you think this is , you need to get the fuck over your selves and realized this is a false flag on 8 chan mostly… Smell the coffee

17458815? ago

Lol why are you linking that that video like I haven't seen it… Keep thinking he on your side lol and ya that's a Whole fuck ton of blood look like your mom's time of the month… Shows how little you fucking know… What have you killed? Have you shot anything? Your fucking retarded bro… Keep thinking he's your friends what do you think the mainstream wants

17458821? ago

You appear to be lost, are you trying to leave a comment on WorldStarHipHop you illiterate subhuman?

17458807? ago

I didn't think autism ment you wanted to suck the left nut of a terrorist… And gobbled up a bunch horse shit from the mainstream… What kind of mainstream following cunts are you guys fucking pathetic … Go kill some PHY OP actors

17458800? ago

but he's on our sidelong with Tim Osman and the white helmets , I like to suck terrorist dick but only if he's white… better just listen to fucking CNN .. you fags are fucking pathetic getting a hard on for this coward part of a phyop open your fucking eyes

17458805? ago

Why are you posting that picture?

17457598? ago

The only way to end the current tyranny in the world is to kill all these White racist scums one by one. Just like how Communists massacared Nazi soldiers in WW2. These white racist savages have been enslaving and massacring Indians, Blacks, Jews, Muslims and Asians, physically, economically and politically. We have to all unite and eradicate them once and for all. Do not engage in any dialogue with them, they’re a lost cause, eliminate them. MAKE THE RACIST AFRAID AGAIN.

17457604? ago

Just with a little difference: Male white supremacists should be slaughtered, female white supremacists should be raped and creampied interracially, so their offsprings will bear mixed blood, their sons will be killed and their daughters will be raped and bred again.

17457608? ago

DOTR soon you feckless coward. We'll string you up by your balls.

17458822? ago

Not worth spending time on these lowlife pathetic spineless worms. A 5.56 and a wall is all they'll get.

17457597? ago

17461379? ago

Third World Shitholes: training little boys to become men.

POZ'd Clown World: training little boys to become bitches.

Think about it.

17457587? ago

mass shootings will eventually lead to ww3. the war to end humanity itself. can't wait for the next one.

17457592? ago

At schools, boys should be shot, girls should be raped and impregnated.

17457591? ago

yes i cant wait for it im fucking sick with college

17457593? ago

Please rape some girls from your college and film it.

17457594? ago

ermm im a loser whose loyal with only one girl

17457595? ago

Might as well rape her too. Give us some breeding and fapping material plz.

17457583? ago

Let's get the fact straight: I have no idea why people criticize him for what he did. He just believed in what he believed it was right. Who decides what is right and what is wrong to begin with? There is no justice, no injustice in this world. Everything happens because it happens.

17457579? ago

This shit is centered around 8 chan why do you think that is? So you guys could fawn over him? When he puts that song on the radio , so fake … Like he needs a GPS it's like he following a script.

17457581? ago

centered around 8chan

He was from here. He posted his livestream here. He was into the same memes as the regulars.

like he was following a script

He was, his script for how it would go down. The music was the trigger for the different phases but he states that he ran out of time to burn it down.

17460446? ago

he states that he ran out of time to burn it down

Toward the end it sounds like he says he did have time but he ran out too early. Hard to hear it all but something went wrong with his "burner" (forgot lighter?)

17458840? ago

Using the playlist to keep to his schedule was a really nice touch. His first songs were a little too relaxed for my taste. But when the /pol/ anthem became audible around the 7:30 mark, I feel like he really came into his own commercially and artistically. Regardless, the whole album had a clear, crisp sound, and a sheen of consummate professionalism that gave the removal a big boost.

17552284? ago


17457574? ago

Compare the false flag motive to the supposed motive of this guy .. kill why? Doesn't make sense. the elite and media have ten different reasons to do this

17457567? ago

Brenton Tarrant Declines ZOG Lawyer, Will Defend Self Before Court


17457573? ago

all lawyers will hand on DotR! majority of them are kikes anyways, and the rest are just as twisted, if not blood connected with the tribe

17457564? ago

It's on everyone's mind.

The inevitable conclusion.

The sign of the times.

The true meaning of the end times.

Everyone was in it together.

We all had the same thought.

Every calculation, every rationale,

Every single datapoint lead to the same thought.

We all sang with a smile, as we loaded our guns.

We took the shovels off the handles and replaced them with knives.

We took our belts off and tied on little razors,

We replaced our sanity with murder, and finally the killing had begun.

And we all went on together for the conclusion of humanity.

The governments all lied, and the religions did too.

The society was a lie, and at this point, everyone knew.

So the one conclusion we were drawn to began to sap our sanity.

It was finally time.

Finally time. Finally time!

Finally time to just start killing everyone! EVERYONE!

I won't be the first. And it won't even be you. There's no one to blame.

We'll see it start to escalate, slowly at first, the military does this as their job, you know, so it's not like it's out of place.

And then more and more and more will come, everyone's in it together now, and we're all going insane!

A concerned mother will look at all the bodies, and go to the police,

She'll ask meekly, "Sir, what will you do with these?"

And the policeman will smile nicely, pulling out his gun,

But his laughter did not stop, as he shot her again and again, simply for fun.

The prime minister of our land, and even the queen as well,

Asked simply for order, for us all to line up nicely.

But the face she had on was amusing, as her eyebrows went too high,

Her smile was pulled tight as she started to massacre the people, hundreds at a time.

But she wasn't alone, no one was, because everyone was dying.

And better yet: Everyone was killing, and it was the truest joy.

Nobody was spared the lust, not men, not women, not children,

The little children would pick up the tiniest knives, and stab stab stab!

The most simple conclusion, the one thing we all had to do.

All at the same time in unison, we knew the day had arrived.

Yes, it all happened in just a single day, that wonderful conclusion,

Perhaps a year or three from now, no one truly knows the date,

However when it happens, we know it would never again abate.

But it all happened at once. Everyone looked around and decided:

The day is finally here. Killing day has finally dawned.

The smile was on everyone's face as they were coming home from work.

They thought simply: "I think I'm done working now, as there's nothing left to do."

"We've poisoned the land, the air, the water, the trees, and there is no future. It's time to simply end this, before we suffer more."

They looked around, and realized everyone was thinking the same thing.

Everyone had a special sparkle in their eyes, a smile on their face.

Everyone saw each other and began to rush home with delight.

They had to prepare their weapons, for the coming of the night.

The greatest minds of the century pondered what to do.

These wise scientists suddenly knew what to do.

They built a machine, a killing machine,

A robot that has a gun. The robot began to move, and then went door to door, bringing everyone a weapon. A special weapon for each person, delightfully unique, each person was armed now, and filled with deranged glee.

People looked around, and all they saw were enemies.

The inevitable conclusion of the 21st century had finally been reached.

Not Mars, not Venus, certainly not happiness,

The one single conclusion was simple: Everyone is an enemy, and they all have to die.

Yes, everyone is an enemy, and everyone has to die.

17458803? ago


17457559? ago

The press keeps saying that the guy wanted to 'stop immigration' but that's only part of the story. He really wanted to incite a civil war, so all the Muslims would be killed or kicked out.

17457558? ago

17458842? ago

He probably raped some pigs and ate them. I means it’s a nigger mudslime.

17457562? ago

that's what happens when the majority of population are fucking city fags who never have slaughtered their next meal, and have no fucking idea what blood looks like

17457552? ago


17457549? ago

The media is using this

17552290? ago

Good fuck that kid.

He bows to his (((masters))) too often.

17460463? ago

pewdiepies follow list is similar to mine just two years ago, his radicalization is almost complete if it isn't already

17457555? ago

How dare they disrespect these high minds of Youtube by pretending they're alt-right lamestream media should be illegal

17457545? ago

Hm. Maybe I have a specific apology to make to the US government. “They do” indeed… Blight.

The above is as much apology as is practical to give, and in any case the problem might still be fascistic liars who claim that “having set the minimum wage, even were it an error, taking it down might create a problem larger still” as an excuse to conserve blunders and suppress progress.

There are techniques that aren’t practically effective - certainly not as implemented by China and Cuba.

17457535? ago

17457534? ago






this spamarino disavows the claim that inbred shitskin invaders being killed is bad

17457518? ago

The damage is done. That video will haunt internet for a really long time. The seeds have been sown and the harvest is nigh.

17457521? ago

It's haunting my vlc right now.

17457519? ago

What with your Purim coming up it looks like many more mossad false flags will ensue with Christians and muslims as the only victims

17457514? ago

Everyone should stop talking to asses and elbows tbh. I'm doing it because I'm an expert, but many of you are newfags that will get roped into his endless posting for hours

17457502? ago

Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it …. Humans are ancient sasquatch and annunaki hybrid

17457499? ago

he will go to jail, or so they want us to believe. but he will be released when the dust settles. this is all part of <their> plan.

"we didn't start the fire, it was already burning."

17457479? ago

So when do whites actually get shit done? I have been telling you fags to make money and build up resources but you never listened and now bitch about being poorfags without organisation?

You could have all had houses with brothers you trust by now.

17457548? ago

So when do whites actually get shit done?

Last Friday?

17457554? ago

That was you jews play acting as whites to demonise us whites

17457485? ago

Whites are not barbaric we evolve to be walking pussies

17457473? ago

1 you exist you always will 2 you get what you give 3 you are the one you are the all … All else is constant change

17455997? ago

yall are full of hatred yall need Jesus

17455998? ago


17457478? ago

you need proper conscience and morality

17457501? ago

Maybe the same could be said about you. You don't care about Whites because they are different to you.


Whites can be. My point is that we could have had housing, decent jobs and put the money to propaganda but (((anons))) on here screamed to be poorfags for some reason. We evolved to warriors and thinkers. We have to evolve again and people need to get over their fear of money and resources.

17457523? ago

Go ahead and try to build wealth. Watch What Happens. Nobody is stopping you?

>>12966144 (Waste of dubs)

Yes, I do. I'm an expert on cowardice.


The gods allowed them to because they are the scalpel that they use to torture us.


No. That's not good enough. I want someone to help me kill myself in person so I can perform a ritual so that my soul is destroyed and I NEVER INCARNATE AGAIN! DO YOU FUCKING GET IT YET? ANYTHING LESS THAN THAT IS WASTED EFFORT!

The gods won't fix me. They won't even try. They'll just laugh at my pain and make me into a worse life than this one. This is the fate of all souls.

17457527? ago

build wealth

I will build wealth. My point is. Why aren't other Whites doing it?

the gods allowed them to

Either newfag bullied by jews or schizo poster.

17457569? ago

Because that's what the JEWS DO.

You won't beat them by playing their game.

Wealth is not the most important thing in life…

17461365? ago

Yes it fucking is at the minute, you scrub faggot. What do you think this game has been about. What would you do with 100k$ you fucking inbred white faggot? Exactly, you would use it to fuck up the (((system))) in some way.

i cant wait for the race war pew pew pew

Dumb fucks like you don't even know how to race war. You need more than sitting in your house larping. We need money, resources, man power etc. The fact that we haven't made ground in a long time should tell you to listen to other ideas.

17457533? ago

Because ZOG takes it from them as soon as they start acting pro-white. If you want to keep your wealth, you cuck to their altar. End. Of.

17457536? ago

Another defeatist lie. I live in a 90% white state and a lot of the houses around here are extremely expensive, and surrounded by lakes/ocean. These people are implicitly pro-White, as evidenced by their children. My state is a rich, White state, and no amount of your blackpilled lies can change it.

17457532? ago

newfag bullied by jews


17457530? ago

Either newfag bullied by jews or schizo poster.

You are the newfag

17457537? ago

I've been here since 2014, lad. You are clearly bullied and this is you coping. You'll get over it soon. You think our Race needs people like you? Scrawny little spergs with no money or power? lmaoing@ at you right being such a faggot.

Cheer up. Make some shekels and start getting power back. Right now you are just a lonely and useless white who is coping.


I get paid cash in hand. What now? Even then "zog" doesn't even take that much unless you are some beta who plays by the rules. Your call. Seems to me you want to be a victim.

17457539? ago

I've been here since 2014

can't even into IDs

Back to reddit

17457546? ago

I am telling you all the same, you dumb fuck.

17457551? ago

And I'm telling you that you're a newfag for not knowing the poster you're replying to. And this time I'm not talking about IDs

17457557? ago

And I'm tell you that are the fucking newfag and you clutching to muh ID won't save you. Cope more, you fucking poor bitch.

wah wah jews hurt me wy peepo

so what have you done to stop them kid

bitch on 8chan about how people are newfags


17457560? ago

he still doesn't understand where he fucked up

Newfags, smh

17457526? ago

How do you even know you've been re-incarnated?

17455990? ago

Can you kikes stop talking about religion in a politcal board

17455996? ago

No. Everything is political. Especially religion. Especially when your eternal enemy is religiously motivated.

17457475? ago

I don't give a fuck religion is the most further from politics than other things plz stop the cancer boiz I know there are some edgy people here but cmon

17455979? ago

Reason 1 that this was a false flag: The woman involved is a MASONICNIGGER and there was a woman involved at all.

Reason 2: They aren't displaying the other three conspirators at all, they're just making it out to be the actions of one man.

Reason 3: He started a shooting in New Zealand to affect the United States. It screams ZOG.

Reason 4: Lack of police response. They watch us so totally that anyone who does shit like this and the police don't show up in time means that they want the footage to roll so they have enough material to manufacture consensus with. How many times do you think you'll see these specific dead muslims again, passed off to Americans as victims of another shooting elsewhere in the world? How many times did we see that one "drowned" brown child during the boat people crisis?

17455973? ago

the attcak is a false flag operation by the Pakistani Deep state I.S.I.

ask me why?????

Advantagess: There will be no more hate towards moslems.

Action will be taken towards islamaphoess

tried to make a point that its not only the moslems, who are terrorists.

will take our gun rights, where we cannot protect ourselves by these moslem faggots.

the action is in place, the NZ rughby team Crusaders are considcering new name post christchurch shooting.

NZ P.M brining in stricter laws and gun control.

can easily blame the leaders like D.Trump and make them more liberal on their visa law for islamic nations.

bcoz of islamphobia the islamic nation hv suffered alot of humiliation.

the country like pakistan is famous for false flag operations. they wud not mind sacrificing their own hs a hero rather than with a sucide bombing. Our race is in threat, the islam will conquer, the brits r suffering sharia law will be practiced in britan. we are


17455968? ago

17455946? ago

I'm doing my part. I hosted a copy on Mega to share amongst my friends and family. A repill storehouse if you will. I showed the entire 16+ minute video to my brother, sister in law and their kids, lol! I've been cold and approving of what happened. No one in my family dares to question my enthusiasm because at this point my years of rambling about what's happening to this planet is starting to become evident to even the normies lately.

17455951? ago

Show them The Lion edit.

17455926? ago

Well, I think the shooter just want to make use of a big event to draw the public mention so that more people will take a look on his seventy-pages message posted on social media.

It's a pretty successful and extreme marketing campaign, seeing how everyone is involved in the discussions about the event these days….

17455908? ago

Who joined the discord server? Is it a trash one?

17455901? ago

Rothschilds and Rockefellers run the show. You know I bet Hitler started to work with the space program… Ufo technology that's how we got to the moon you don't think they used secret technology… Ofcource… There has been colonys of humans in space…. Pretty daft if you think the break away elite and aleins tech can't get them to the moon. Humans are ancient sasquatch and annunaki hybrid

17455877? ago

No spree killer ever shot a Rothschild. None of this is good enough, he wasted his entire potential on 49 non-jews.

17455871? ago

17455872? ago

I really hope the dude posting this pic is not white otherwise you're no better than a jew you filthy nigger, if you want to jerk off get the fuck out

17455880? ago

im a sand ngger

17455855? ago

I Rothschild Zionist… Religious Jews are not Zionist… It's like nationalism

17455852? ago

For the love of god, stop calling Jewish anyone who is a serious scientist or doctor

17455858? ago

Don’t trust (((scientists))) or (((doctors))) that’s your first problem, anon

17455892? ago

Sciences such as robotics or engineering are largely uncucked (besides the BLAK WHAMEN FOR STEM bullshit, but that never really worked), but biology is fucked.

17455903? ago

Nah mate all sciences got it good except for the scientists who send out reports that get debunked by other scientists

17455867? ago

Believe or fucking not, they hold the truth with actual PROOF and EVIDENCE unlike you kike retard

17455885? ago

Why would I need (((PROOF))) and (((EVIDENCE))) when I have Gematria and ancient Hebrew Magick, retarded soygoy?

17455897? ago

Wait what

17455850? ago

Wow tough comments from weak little cunts behind a screen your fucking pathetic get a fuxking life hope you end up as a victim in one of these shootings you weak piece of shit

17455869? ago

lmao, this buttblast


How many levels deep are you on Jordan Peterson you pathetic cuckold?

17455888? ago


17455862? ago

Delicious shitskin tears.

17455849? ago

You realize we have only been annoyed by SJWs so far, and for the last 20 years only, right? Most of our history is us fucking over other countries really, even if it's not as dramatic as SJWs make it seem. Also, the last thing we ever need to do is create another war, that will actually make matters worse. Stop being retarded just because far-left SJWs annoyed you. I'm more right-wing, and I realized there is no real danger for us unless we let SJWs take over. Fuck over the bad people, not everyone else.

17455845? ago

Everyone pile up so we are easier to kill

17455833? ago

You see anything like what happened to JFK ? Ofcource not …. JFK was killed with a shaped charge in the seat in front of him.

17455842? ago

you dont need to tell us that

17455847? ago

JFK (Jewish Fucking Kike) is still alive, fyi

17455832? ago


Someone turn this into contra

17457540? ago

I just want to say, I am the guy who suggested this on one of the the previous threads. Although this wasn't the particular Doom music I had in mind, it's not like I know the name of the soundtracks.

17455954? ago

I'm watching this for the 4th time and I can't stop laughing.

17455857? ago

17458839? ago

Heh. Tarratula is actually a pretty good nickname for our hero.

The roach fears the


17455844? ago

When is the actuall doom mod coming out?

17455841? ago

Top Kek

17455830? ago

I swear all of you are feds and Jewish niggers. I need to call my shrink, Dr. Bernbaum and up my dose.

17455820? ago


Getting ready for Holocaust Number 2.

17455826? ago

But…number 1 needs to happen first anon…

17455818? ago

So huge like a spilt Slurpee… like what fucking cal is this gun… You should expect way fucking more … When I shot this deer I was expecting a trail it's like an explosion covering everything in at least a 6 by 6 foot area of blood

17455813? ago

Men felt it too man.

17455801? ago

17455794? ago

I've shot a deer … Not enough blood…. Some looks like it's sprayed out .. and others zero… Iike when he shoots that kid in the back… When I shot this deer I didn't expect an 8 by 8 foot area covered in blood .. where are the police in the distance like Holly cow . If you are going to die you are going to loose gallons of blood

17454814? ago

It's weird reading OPs post it's like /pol/ is 100% under jewish occupation where isreali jews get to pretend to be white and paint us as if we're bloodlusting kikes

If any anon made a post like this suggesting we target synagogues the mods would delete it in 10 seconds, but when jews demand we play along with their mossad false flags it stays unmoderated

17455806? ago


false flag

blood packs

There's plenty of blood the first time he goes it faggot. The first guy he kills leaves a huge trail of blood behind himself on the floor. Go back to your Q containment zone you fucking shitgoblin.


oy vey

17455822? ago

hahaha gtfo here jew

17455808? ago

why are you on /pol/ trying to promote jewish mossad false flags that target not one significant jewish figure as legit resistance to the jew world order

The only anons that could fall for this are your MAGApede types the majority of which were LARPing kikes, just as with this jewish psyop

17455829? ago


why are you on /pol/ trying to promote jewish mossad false flags that target not one significant jewish figure as legit resistance to the jew world order

The only anons that could fall for this are your MAGApede types the majority of which were LARPing kikes, just as with this jewish psyop

The jews have no idea how this one ends. We know them, and had no need to call them out yet

17455854? ago

The jews have no idea how this one ends.

Considering they arranged and filmed the psyop you and other jews are promoting on /pol/

They know precisely how this ends which is whites under more restrictions without and means to defend themselves and jews power reinforced

Which all you jews are more than aware of, hence your stepped up shilling on these boards pretending /pol/ supports your jew psyops

Ultimately you jews will be made responsible

17552460? ago

literally every point you retards are making about the video glowing have been debunked. yet you keep trying. Are you a shill? Are you genuinely retarded/schizophrenic?

17455886? ago

Not eveything is a Jewish conspiracy. Just occasionally majic occurs..

17455861? ago

Nothing you say is based in fact. You have repeated yourself for 4 years and never posted a single proof. Hang yourself.

17455827? ago

Go kill yourself already hasbarafag, you're worthless, and have accomplished LITERALLY NOTHING in your 4 years of repeating yourself on /pol/

17455846? ago


Oy vey, how dare goyim try to challenge us jews openly shilling for jewish false flags designed to undermine white resistance

What is it about zionist terrorists pretending to be white nationalists that compels you to encourage others to kill… not jews,but the jews enemies.

Another point that most of you kikes will struggle to understand is that there are more murders, rapes and muggings committed by niggers in our cities and in fact muslims are just one group of 100s you kikes sent to destroy our nations.

Yet apparently in the tiny minds of you isreali hasbara we only see muslims and none of the niggers and various hostile muds you brought here?

You jews are THE PROBLEM

None of these mossad attacks target jews, just the jews enemies while being blamed on whites

17552373? ago

Amen, fam. This thread is glowing so fucking bright I had to turn my monitors brightness down to 1. I don't see how any anon could read 90% of this shit and not think it sounds sketchy and fake as fuck. Wouldn't be surprised if half of these faggots are journalists posting shit so they can have some screenshots for their next 8ch hit piece.

17552454? ago

Wouldn't be surprised if half of these faggots are journalists posting shit so they can have some screenshots for their next 8ch hit piece.

Let's pretend for a moment that's true.

And? 8ch's fate was sealed the moment they started talking about certain topics. If shills galvanize the base here, let them shill. They're only making things worse for themselves.

Opticsfags fuck off.

17455864? ago

Or, we could do both. One of you faggots should U U D D L R L R B A a jüden building.

17455851? ago

You have no proof of your claims, just like always.

Go fucking kill yourself already you fucking worthless paki, brown skinned nigger.

17455817? ago

it's mossad

source: reddit.com/r/Qlarp

17454811? ago

are we decelerating now?

17454983? ago


17454805? ago

People are so okay with white suicide because they have contempt for cowardice but don't realize it. Tarrant showed we won't all go quietly into the night.

It's a subtle psychological quirk.

if they believe so much then why don't they do anything?

if we're so deserving of life then why aren't we fighting for it?

Our people may yet live.

17454801? ago

If you watch that video it doesn't look like what's in that picture … Watch closely and it really doesn't line up

17454806? ago

Oh yep, so lets get a car with the same make and model and rego plates and (if you actually look closely) bullet holes in the windscreen in the same location that appear in media provided by two independent sources and call it evidence for a false flag shall we. ,.,ok

17454798? ago

The elite are causing the problem … They are causing the Muslim thing and trying to kill us all… That there program look at fucking 911

17454795? ago

I'm a right-wing looking guy, shaved head, Aryan features, and sometimes get dirty looks from sand people at Uni. Today I seemed to get more smiles than usual from white people in the city - middle aged couples, pretty women. Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know if it's because white people are happy about the shooting or if it's because of my renewed energy .

17454807? ago

Has anyone else noticed this?

Yep, you aren't imagining things. I'm Cornish and a bit dutch so tall white guy with brown features but obviously Euro as hell. Every nonwhite being extra respectful. I was even imagining killing one Muslim across the room from me and I burst out into laughter. He looked up and saw me laughing like a freak. I saw the nervousness in his eyes.

Oh God I could kiss Brenton for this gift.

17699329? ago

Nigs are even creeping into kernow! Should dig a canal and separate west of Truro from UK.

17454812? ago


They’re shit scared and they should be >>12965391

They can’t even into gorilla mma? pathetic as hell

17455804? ago

DOTR when??!!

17455824? ago

Dude it is here now. RIGHT THIS MINUTE THIS DAY NOW!!!!


17455895? ago

Sir, meme responsibly. I can only handle so much desire to kill.

17454792? ago

all these people who have never heard of shatterproof windows

17454780? ago

You people are believing the media sounds like a classic person in denial…. Like listening and trusting the government … This is for their agenda

17454771? ago

I've shot a deer and we all know what a windshield that is shot through looks like … Not enough blood… And watch the video the windshield is in perfect condition with no cracks or any perfectly see through

17458809? ago

No blood you say?

17455143? ago

Shoot through your windshield, have a good look and come back to this thread to apologize.

17454782? ago

Just fuck off now

17454779? ago

I haven't seen the part of the video you're referring to, but there are two kinds of glass in cars. The windshield doesn't shatter, the side windows do. Stop spamming the same shit or you're going to be banned, nigger.

17454770? ago

Everyone can stop reading the thread. There are whites here who openly brag about lying about jews, but before being caught out say they are telling the truth. No one questioned what this lying guy said here, except me.

17454766? ago

Fucking safety glass Jesus Christ

17454763? ago

Everyone I just proved a lying white was lying right here. He admitted it and said "i don't care I hate jews. When jews are said to be liars, instead it's whites who lie and when caught out say you're right i'm the liar, not jews, and I a white liar lie but say jews are liars when I am. I will continue to lie about jews."

17454768? ago

You're incoherent.

17454761? ago

Windshield didn't cumble or anything … Like he's shooting mist

17454764? ago

Go and buy a junk car and shoot it or alternatively look up videos of people shooting cars. Life isn't a Hollywood movie.

17454757? ago

hes not a shill hes probably a stupid flat earther

17454754? ago

Huh? Why can you clearly see through the windshield after he shoots it? Your a fucking media shill idoit

17454753? ago


Apparently according to Paul Barry your a white wing extremist hate group who kill muslims on a daily basis.

Well he didn't say that but I might as well since he fucking douche who doesn't do an ounce of research or choose his words carefully.

17454749? ago

Suddenly I wasn't just watching a video, I was experiencing it. I felt the raw power. I felt a fire ignite in my blood, and an indescribable sensation spread throughout my entire body as I watched a White man brutally slaughter foreign invaders in our lands. In that instant, I became initiated.

Couldn't have described it better. I had the same rush, it was surreal. The last time I'd felt that way was a couple years ago when I finished reading Revolt Against the Modern World.

17454747? ago

Why doesn't the windshield shatter when he shoots it?

17454796? ago

The front glass on cars is built to withstand impacts, that is called safety glass, and he was pressing the shotgun against it which minimized the spread.

You can see the glass on the door shatter when he shoots it, as cars are not impact resistant on all other windows due to semitic influence on the economy. To test this all and confirm what I am saying, I recommend beating the shit out of your car's windows with a hammer.

17454810? ago

There's a vid on Youtube where a guy shoots a car with a 9mm and the laminated glass totally deflects the course of the bullet once it enters. To the point that you could theoretically shoot directly at a driver and still miss.

17454759? ago

Aren't windshields shatter proof glass?

17454752? ago

kill yourself

17454751? ago

omg its not hollywood . velocity of a bullet etc,

17454745? ago

Holy cow, the >human shills are overrun, so they brought in spambots. Truly pathetic.

17454769? ago

Absolutely human and organic my friend

They are getting desperate because no one is buying into their shit.

17454742? ago

https://youtu.be/CVzSSU_DJGQ more than one shooter

17454756? ago

Because laminated windsheilds don't shatter when you shoot them. Look at the image of the car being hauled away. Three gunshot holes through the front window

17454736? ago

The Four Kinds of Shills To Sage:

  1. The do nothing ever goyim shill.

  2. The everything is fake you have no heroes shill.

  3. The optics cucks shill.

  4. The "oy vey he didn't give jews an eternal victim narrative shill I'm mad he didn't criticize jews more explicitly"

17458849? ago


17454741? ago

the low iq shill

17454733? ago

Picking up his kids with his camo gun aswell shut the fuck up if you don't know … Jesus Christ

17454732? ago

someone cap this im a phoneposter

17454731? ago

And yet he was let go with out charge… nope, it wasn't a gun

17454728? ago

anybody got that 240 pages he says he deleted?

17454727? ago

Gun right in fucking front of the guy for fuck sake

17454726? ago

death to all jews

17454724? ago

17454723? ago

https://youtu.be/CVzSSU_DJGQ wow lol no you fucking retard watch this.. they shot a different suspect for fucks sake

17454725? ago

Nothing in that video has any substance. The pictures of those guys in the phone video could've been taken literally anywhere. That area didn't even look like the same one the shooter was in.

17454718? ago

BREAKING: A man is reported to have opened fire on a tram in the city of Utrecht.

17454716? ago

if only he had attached the gopro to his nuts

17454721? ago

But then you wouldn't have heard the kickass soundtrack over the clanging of his BALLS OF STEEL.

17454712? ago


"Jews were also the only minority to have their religion mentioned on their passports and identification cards. Though they were occasionally subjected to violence by Palestinian protesters, the Syrian government took measures to protect them. There was a Jewish primary school for religious studies, and Hebrew was allowed to be taught in some schools. Every two or three months, a rabbi from Istanbul visited the community to oversee the preparation of kosher meat, which residents froze and used until his next visit."

After the war of NATO in Syria, they all had to flee their homes in Syria, dispossessed.

Who is to blame between Syria and Iraq? You say it helped them to be dispossessed and worsened. You're the antisemitic western, white liar.

17454722? ago

Lol. Of course I'm antisemitic you idiot shitskin; so would you be if you knew what was good for you. You've just given me two examples of the jews being treated well by the host nations in which they resided, only to pull out when it suited them and call in the US to destroy them.

17454750? ago

No, you said they were jewish was to benefit jews as if stealing the oil and NATO white countries are innocent and have no interest. So I prove it is bad for jews and you still say "of course that's true and I hate jews for pointing out that white countries benefit, not jews and hate jews because someone proved I'm a white liar"

17454767? ago

I'm sorry you're dumb. I really am. Because it would be much better for you to learn that jews are not your friends.

17454709? ago

Another shooter has camo military outfit

https://youtu.be/CVzSSU_DJGQ idoit

17454720? ago

Oh for fuck sake. He wasn't a shooter.Not even armed. He was picking his kids up from school rather foolishly decided to wear camo.

17454166? ago

It was as fake as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Pulse Nightclub, the moon landing, the Holocaust, etc etc. you’re all dumb sheep niggers.

17454165? ago

So I guess reality is the windshield not breaking and the shells not hitting the ground .. your fucking blind for not looking at the motive to do something like this … You probably think jet fuel brought down the towers

17454157? ago

Two other shooter's but nobody is talking about them cause it doesn't fit the narrative…

17454163? ago

No other shooters, other than 2 that returned fire from the Linwood mosque

17454162? ago

Or ya know, because it wasn't on the 17 minute unedited live stream that we've all watched multiple times now.

17454161? ago

because they aint white

17454155? ago

Jews are responsible for all the white man’s feats of strength


17454154? ago

no bullet holes no shattered glass no blood. missing body. socks ,police,

17454151? ago

17454802? ago

I don't see any blood.

Does anyone have the whole video?

17454804? ago

Lots of blood in the video in OP.

17455795? ago

There's no blood or fallout from the bullets the 1st time the mossad agent enters the mosque, only when he leaves to change weapons in his open car with the boot lid up playing the carefully synchronised music and re-enters the building when the team provide blood packs

17460452? ago

Poison the well shill here

We have enough evidence that he was an agent. That is all that we need to see the jew behind this attack.

He definitely killed people. They need real bodies to get the reaction that they want out of this one,

17454809? ago

I wouldn't say lots. There some blood there.

17454150? ago

It's fake retard he shoots the windshield and it doesn't shatter … Look at the motive to fake it … You all fell for this shit …. If it's real .. fucking mk ultra

17454152? ago

this wasn't even real!!!

and if it was it was mind control!!!!


17454149? ago

The last thing the Jews want is white men to believe they can do damage, to see it with their own eyes.

Like the scene in Equilibrium when he ripped the blinders off the window.

17454153? ago


Mein neger! Keep training your Gun-fu and learn those gun katas.

17454713? ago

I have already mastered the noble art of blastery

17454156? ago

if you believe its fake you are detached from reality

17454168? ago

Nah m8, you've misunderstood. I was merely pointing out how fucking sweet a martial art that incorporates the firearm is.

17454144? ago

Exactly right. If it was a false flag it was a bad one - I feel nothing but energy and will.

17454147? ago

it was real faggots

17454145? ago

What else do you feel?

17454137? ago

It was a white supremacist leftist communist ecofascist nu atheist shooting funded by (((them)))

17454131? ago


17454133? ago

ill stick my penis in your ass

17454136? ago


17454130? ago


17454125? ago


17454122? ago

Lol fake as hell … How can you shoot the windshield and it doesn't shatter…. Hahah fucking retards

17454111? ago

A shaped charge in the seat killed JFK … Wife went to get his scull and the man in that seat had to be compromised


17454099? ago

The Jews are just using them …. You think Tim Osman brought down the towers? They don't have the tech to do anything…. Look at the Rothschilds and the Rockerfellers

17454095? ago

A real hero chooses hard targets.

17454098? ago

Good. Don't forget to livestream and try to break the high score.

17454091? ago


He also filmed it this was, and, in part, gave the nod to Pewdiepie because he looked like he was a real life version of most every video game since Doom.

The whole thing was a meme in a feedback loop.

It's like footage of JFK's shooting with the mechanics of Two Girls One Cup.

17454089? ago

Tarrant chose to target people the political class and corporations already are against. See every single war of the 21st century is against the muslim countries.

17454101? ago


This was true under old media.

This is a new animal we're dealing with.

He didn't something nobody thought was possible with it.

He made the meme war hot.

17454118? ago


The bottom line is every war in the 21st century is against muslim countries, exactly what the democracies are against right now. He chose the same target.

17454143? ago

The bottom line is every war in the 21st century is against muslim countries

The wars being fought in the middle east are not our wars, but wars being fought solely for benefit of israel. They also conveniently provide justification for refugee migration into Europe and other White countries. Thus the jews are winning on both fronts: their arab enemies in the region are being eliminated for them or forced to flee, and their European enemies are being displaced by the migrating arabs. That doesn't magically make arabs arriving on our soil friends. Only an idiot would believe that.

17454164? ago

But the Jews of Baghdad, left behind by tens of thousands who departed for Israel over the past half-century, were afforded the direct telephone number of an Iraqi state security officer they could call if anyone bothered them.

"We did our fasting. We celebrated Passover. We read our religious books. Then the war came and the synagogue was closed because of the circumstances," Safer said.

17454159? ago

You believe anything and lie about anything. Saddam was good for jews:

"2003 BAGHDAD - Under Saddam Hussein, they were a privileged group, protected and left to worship as they wished.

Since U.S. troops toppled Saddam in April and Iraq cascaded into lawlessness, they have taken refuge behind high walls and closed their house of prayer. One Muslim cleric has made death threats against them and they say they fear for their future.

"I speak the truth: Saddam Hussein was good to us," said Tawfik Safer, 80, outside the now locked doors of Baghdad's last synagogue."

17454167? ago

If you think jews will repay kindness toward them with kindness in return, then you're an even bigger fool than I originally took you for.

17454711? ago


You're both right. The entire way Saddam held that shithole together was by ruling with an iron fist and that meant no favorites. He didn't give a fuck whether you were atheist, sunni, shiite, christcuck or kike, they were all treated exactly the fucking same - with absolutely no mercy.

17454086? ago

Hell yeah!

17454083? ago

Shoots the windshield and doesn't shatter …. You people got fooled by the media … Ha you play right into it …. That's what all this was about look at the motive

17455929? ago

Anyone claiming that this is a false flag based on missing "blood splatters" and gun impact, has obviously not that much knowledge about guns. When someone gets shot with a 5.56 caliber there is rarely blood splashing all over the place in high amounts like in a kike hollywood movie. If the body lays on the ground blood might gush out, the first sandnigger he shot at the entry was bleeding all over the stairs, some of the sandniggers laying on top of each other also probably gushed out a good amount of blood that we are not able to see since they lay on top of each other. Bullet impacts can be seen all the time and when he shoots them in the head it is even more obvious that this is not some kind of toy gun. The footage itself obviously is not in full quality since the live-stream and the capture of it probably both downgraded the overall quality which means that there are blood patterns and other small details that are hard to see on the video.


Most windshields are able to absorb a good amount of the shotgun pellets so this is not fake at all, also the windshield clearly shattered so I don't even know what you are talking about.

17552438? ago

A false flag just means the perpetrators were masquerading as someone other than who they are (flying a false flag) in order to spark conflict between two of their enemies. It doesn't mean the event didn't happen for real, or any Alex Jones tier retarded "crisis actor" nonsense. Mossad have no issue with killing any amount of Goyim to achieve their aims.

17454773? ago

safety glass retard, shit fragments on purpose you must be underage at not able to drive yet or just fucking retarded

17454094? ago

Why still shill things that were debunked instantly days ago. Its laminated glass you cretin.

17454103? ago

Everyone who's ever seen a windshield get impacted knows it's bullshit, they're specifically engineered NOT to "just shatter" like that. Don't respond to shills.

hard target

Shit movie

17552261? ago

The windows structural integrity was compromised when he shot people through it earlier.

17454069? ago

The video

There is another Mosque in that video and full footage of the whole thing in 720p or better in the fucking police station.

I don't advocate any classified information laws being broken (or any other) but one of /ourguys/ should make that public.

That would be epic. Okay now?

17552183? ago


17454075? ago

in that video

I mean, we only have the 17 minutes and Mosque 1 because Facebook cut the stream.

He was still recording to local disk in the GoPro. (We can assume).

17454783? ago

I mean, we only have the 17 minutes and Mosque 1 because Facebook cut the stream.

In all honesty he should have expected this would happen, shouldn't he?

Not that I blame him, I don't know which site he could have uploaded to. Maybe a thread could be made with a tutorial for streaming if anyone has ideas.

17454082? ago

I want the rest of the footage so badly. Next /ourguy/ needs to stream to non kike service that wont be cut mid-stream.

17454096? ago

The Zapruder film was hidden for over ten years.

I think it will get out unless they delete it (and the copies at Facebook, if they exist).

17454105? ago

I hope some young NZ lad starts training today to join the NZ police force for the purpose of liberating the footage.

17454113? ago

liberating the footage.

Someone got that footage of them crying about the Trump election out of Google.

Though Google has lots of employees, the leaking just shows the tendency of bits to show up wherever it's wanted.

17454065? ago

You’re a piece of shit. How does a person get this disgusting?

17454071? ago

How does a person get this disgusting?

How did you become so feminized?

porn + soy

17454063? ago

Good post. Remember, kikebook is saying the video got uploaded and then deleted 1.5 million times in the first 24 hours alone, and that's just them and even then only the instances that were posted obviously and publicly. I don't think anyone here quite understands just how viral this video went. I don't think the government understands either, but they're fucking terrified either way.

They should be. We are going to overthrow them. We are going to win.

17457496? ago


17454060? ago


17454059? ago


that image is ruined by the cringe symbol

17454055? ago

You forget 911 PHY OP to make to hate Muslims…. Look at the source of the problem …

17454051? ago

Notice the anti-Brenton shills are all either

misrepresenting his manifesto

resorting to moralfaggotry (bUt MuH iNnOcEnTs)

saying 'its obvious hes mossad' without providing any credible evidence

Don't let shills and apathetic hobbyists turn you against Brenton


17454110? ago

This happens literally every time something actually happens. We get flooded with shills more than anyone thought possible. But we also become more alive as a board than ever before, and those extra shills get swept away far faster than usual.

17454076? ago

You forgot that they never provide counter-arguments, just make a lot of threads repeating the same lie, making them painfully obvious. They are relying on previous slave programming in people and aiming for maximum visibility, but they came to the wrong place for that.

17454048? ago

17454057? ago

I wish Mandela was still alive in these troubled times…

So we could lynch that filthy anti-white communist and throw him into a pit of crocodiles

17552260? ago

Be white supremacist

Believe in the ethnostate

Not racist, I just think that they should go back to their homeland

Hates imperialism & foreign invaders

How in fucks name can you hate Mandela for being anti-white? The only way he differs from your ideology is in the fact that he thought South African whites could coexist with the black native population.

By your logic that we should be a world of ethnostates shouldn't you want all the whites out of South Africa?

17552349? ago

Bantus only went to South Africa after the Boers built the country. They aren't the native population.

17552301? ago

He was a commie, therefor anti-white. His actions against his own people where just as disgusting.

17552268? ago

How in fucks name can you hate Mandela for being anti-white? The only way he differs from your ideology is in the fact that he thought South African whites could coexist with the black native population.

I really hate you newfags. I know you came here because of the shooting, and you'll wind up fully pilled and ready to kill also, but it takes two years. Until then, shut the fuck up and lurk.

17552266? ago

I personally respect any Maori, native american etc person who attempts to take their indigenous home back but with the rise of China, India, the entire brown world etc, white colonies serve at the least a strategic purpose and therefore should not be given back. SA is the only place we can and should at some point pull out because our footprint there is basically small and completely surrounded.

17457490? ago


17454061? ago

But he was a commie you dumb nigger.

17454062? ago

Shit I read that wrong, I need my coffee.

17454070? ago

haha i know, no worries cunt

17454044? ago

was fake and all you idoits fell for it … All's he had to do was play a song …. You people are pathetic go kill some some people who didn't do anything written wrong …. Why not shoot all these Bilderbergs seriously you people are scum all the same as a pedo.

17454124? ago

Why not shoot all these Bilderbergs

Because you would be shot trying to climb over fence. It is impossible to kill them as lone wolf. They are guarded 24/7. And moust people don't care about them. Even if you killed them, they have replacment in 2 days.

17454127? ago

No you wouldn't. The political class and their enforcers are very vulnerable.

17454785? ago

I still hate muslims in Europe more than political class anyway. Specialy peaceful one who just want to start new life and have 10 kids. Killing elites is useless. Now muslims will fear every time they pray in mosque.

17454039? ago

i got guns but to be honest am afraid to use them

17454031? ago

Theurgical rites for this event commenced more than 30 years ago in ChCh. Having Skippy turn up just prior and describe it as a "juicy target" was somewhat of a surprise though.

17454027? ago

REMINDER: Brenton Tarrant spent two years training.


The Ballad of Brenton Tarrant

Traveling in the French countryside

Immigration is just White Genocide

Open my eyes to The Great Replacement,

Played Spyro 3, and it made me racist

And I said,

Do you come from a land down under?

Where libshits arseholes tear asunder

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

You better run, you better take cover

Buying guns from a shop in Christchurch

He was five-foot-four and made liberals butthurt

I said, "do you speak-a my language?"

He just smiled and gave me another dead sandnig

And he said


Removed Kebab, subbed to PewDiePie

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

You better run, you better take cover, yeah

Mudslimes stand in a mosque doorway,

Shotgun kebabs, not much left to say

I said to the feds, "Are you trying to tempt me?"

"'cause I post on the chan of infinity"

17552429? ago

I said, "do you speak-a my language?"

He just smiled and gave me another…

12 gauge?

(top kek, anon)

17454772? ago

Fantastic work anon.

17454090? ago

put it into the music video

17454041? ago

Beautiful, Anon. Brought a kek to me

17454035? ago

Once I realized that it was a Men At Work parody,I was like "fucking brilliant!" Well done,anon. Makes me want to smile and give you a Vegemite sandwich.

17454032? ago

I don't know why this hasn't been memed the original song into the video yet. Whenever anyone hears this song they should get chills up their spine.

17453920? ago

This ain't gonna amount to jack shit unless the copycats step up their game. Give it a week without a repeat, and this will all be forgotten.

17453744? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Glory_Beckons.

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17453464? ago

Who has anything about the greenvale hotel? Police ask not to share any info or pics

17453462? ago


How long have you been a massive faggot?

17453458? ago


Me personally I'm working on a plan to break him and anyone else that has followed his example out of prison soon. I will make sure all your heroes get out and get a new set of weapons to arm yourselves with for Round II.

17453455? ago

Ok fed

17453454? ago

Vid was fuckin insane. But is it not better to attack some boss towel head or choose a location where the impact will be much higher? Guy went through all this fuckin shit, why attack higher up the food chain. Killing lowlives is fucking worthless

17453457? ago

Agreed. Lowlifes should kill themselves.

17453463? ago



do nothing goyim

make attempts only on highly guarded targets you can't succeed

don't attack highly vulnerable targets like is normally done in the starts of a civil war

17454808? ago

Precisely, attacking soft targets forces your enemy to guard them, especially if one of your enemy's beloved "protected classes" demands it, thus spreading the enemy's forces too thinly and making bigger targets easier to hit, too.

17552390? ago

also lets you know who is willing to stand for them, spend money for them, guard them. these are good things to know going forward

17453447? ago

Did he have to kill women and children tho?

17552406? ago

You do realize their sons start raping as soon as they learn how to make their dicks hard, right? There have been several cases of shitskins raping girls in the bathrooms of the elementary schools here in the U.S. I think the jews had it right when they told their soldiers to shoot the pregnant Palestinian women in the stomach. One shot, two kills. Too bad the women weren't on site when Brenton went on his rampage. Because you know those bitches will just marry another muzzie and crank out more kids.

17453461? ago

I read the whole manifesto. But wtf is that lil kebab child gonna grow up to be? Open a fuckin laundry store or work in some god damn 7/11. Ur gonna fuckin off someone, why not off someone of value?

17461361? ago

Theyll grow up to be a 7-11 worker with 10 kids on the public dole.

17457563? ago

Think about all of the whites who should be owning local gas stations or laundromats. These foreigners get preferential tax treatments and loans to open businesses that make a perfectly sensible middle income for a white family. Whites are being relegated to low income employee positions for the benefit of outsiders.

17457575? ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Al_Noor_Mosque,_Christchurch#2013 scrubbed from Wikipedia too. Although I suppose in fairness, the mosque didn't have an article prior to this shooting, despite having radicalized a couple guys.

That's just Al-Noor though (the 1st one I think) what about the 2nd, do we have any dirt on the Linwood Islamic Centre?

17453466? ago

The very same Mosque he attacked already had previously radicalized two jihadists who were killed in drone strikes.

Everyone in that Mosque is conspiring to kill whites.

17455898? ago

The very same Mosque he attacked already had previously radicalized two jihadists who were killed in drone strikes.

You mean the mossad ISIS cells that they were caught setting up in Christchurch?

17454028? ago

You’re mentally retarded. Not every fucking base sandnigger grows up to be isis supersoldier. If they were all warriors they’d have taken over the earth by now. Educate yourself faggot.

17455875? ago

isis supersoldier

implying they could ever be or have the capacity to be anything else than a suicide bomber.

17455935? ago

Truck cavalry is a modern invention, don't shame them.

17454049? ago

Not every fucking base sandnigger grows up to be isis supersoldier.

Right. But the ones that don't grow up to be literal truck of peace terrorists provide support, finance, political cover and other resources for the ones that do. Just because they might not engage in violence themselves doesn't disqualify them from being; in fact, some of the smartest non-violent ones are the most radical, and their primary contribution is to radicalize others. Any man telling himself that mosques - literal enemy fortresses on our soil - are harmless is either a liar or a fool.

17454052? ago

from being

*from being radical

17454042? ago

You’re mentally retarded. Not every fucking base sandnigger grows up to be isis supersoldier.

There is so much, much more to war than overt fighting. War is a mindset. War is a way of living everyday life. Too many white men have forgotten this.

If they were all warriors they’d have taken over the earth by now.

The only reason the muslims haven't taken over yet is because older generations of whites still knew how to live in a state of war. Since most modern whites have forgotten the ways of their ancestors, the muslims are now making pretty good progress towards world domination.

17454037? ago

why do shills this stupid bother….

17453467? ago

Cut the head of the fucking snake or the else the fucker will only lay more eggs to replace the broken ones

17453459? ago

The sad, painful truth is if you don't kill the enemy's children, it is your children who will suffer. They will live in a future where they have to kill or be killed by the enemy's children.

The father must carry the burden of such sin, so that his own children can live free of it.

17453456? ago

He specifically addressed the issue of children in his manifesto:

Children of invaders do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more invaders to replace your people.They grow up and vote against your peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity. They grow up and take the potential homes of your own people for themselves, they occupy positions of power, remove wealth and destroy social trust.

Any invader you kill, of any age, is one less enemy your children will have to face.

Would you rather do the killing, or leave it to your children? Your grand children?

The manifesto is very much worth a read: it's very well thought-out and demonstrates his frame of mind rather perfectly.

17458828? ago

Would you mind sharing me an archived version of the manifesto?

17453451? ago

Read the manifesto. Every child is a future enemy. Every woman is a potential mother.

17453450? ago

Yes he did. They breed more of our enemy. History is full of cases btw where a young boy was adopted after his entire family was killed, was raised by his enemies, and then many years later betrayed them and killed them all. Look to ancient Germanic history for one example. Do you seriously want to let any of them live? Fuck that.

17453448? ago

Can't believe you just assumed their age and gender like that, shitlord.

17453443? ago

I've seen owls, goats, bulls, horse, and peacocks all associated with Saturn by religious synchronists.

ProTip: Saturn was normally represented as a man. There statues of him and he was depicted in the form of a man. Also, amongst other things, he is the god of freespeech and liberation and time. I don't want some jewish disinfo faggots to associate him to Moloch and to Yahweh.

Jews fear Saturn.

17453442? ago

Why do I always smile at the help meeee part ?

Good god I love seeing the desert vermin getting exterminated

17552441? ago


17492962? ago

I felt it.

17454765? ago

Because she nonstop cried 'Helpme! Helpme!' all the time before the shooting and was granted undeserved help, even though her vermin family assraped Western culture on a daily basis. Now, during the shooting there was a valid reason to ask for help, but was finally denied:



She won't breed with her brains scattered all over the streets. And that will put a smile on my face Everytime I watch it.

17453441? ago

Need info on greenvale hotel - 2 dead , fight, death by crush ?

17453433? ago

Thank you anon for articulating the memetic purpose of the video. Commander Tarrant is the hero we needed.

17454047? ago

Class, loved Blake's 7

17453432? ago

17455882? ago

Fucking kek

17453426? ago

Saving the webm, don't care if I get jailed

17453424? ago


17453422? ago

17453410? ago

You guys know that the Black Sun symbol is Saturn right? That the moloch worshipping kikes basically praise the same thing? Moloch is Saturn. Himmler was a moloch worshipper. Hitler didn't buy into his shit.

17453453? ago

Shill quality has dropped considerably


Rule of Moloch/Mammon, the kike god of materialism, globalism, child sacrifice and financial slavery. Mithras (Lucifer, the god of white people) slays the bull, just sayin'


What's the point of having families when they are going to be bred out long term anyway? You cannot outbreed niggers and shitskins as it's not your reproductive strategy, you will only create more people for them to rape and destroy. Kikes want you to be literal goyim. Destroying the Talmudic system is the first priority, having children and continuing lesser intensity warfare is second. We should not abandon the moral high ground, we should stop playing by enemy morals. Deprogram yourself from semitic poisons and slave morality, embrace the natural Law. What Brenton did was the true moral high ground.


This is an attempt of in-thread slide, do not reply to those pseudo-religious baits. OP confirmed for containing dangerous information. That being said;

Kike god orders (((Abraham))) to sacrifice his own son to him

Lucifer tells him not to because it's pretty much retarded


You will find christcucks shilling against Brenton, promoting their slave morality and slavery to the kikes, which shows that they are enemies as much as any SJW cuck is.

17454030? ago

I don't have to outbreed them. We feed them. If we stop feeding them, they cannibalize.

17454021? ago

anything that triggers me is a shill card

17454040? ago

What was the point and context of your post then?

The Aryan Brotherhood are the smallest of the prison gangs in the US but commit the most murders.

Which just proves my points.




You will keep feeding them as long as kikes own you and your country.

17454148? ago

Are you surprised that the gang that is outnumbered has to defend themselves and by that keep themselves incarcerated.

17454142? ago

Nobody owns me.

17453419? ago

stop the black sun symbol its what the jews, muslims lucifarians use so stop being stupid

17453425? ago

learn english

17453428? ago

no arabic is greater than english

17453415? ago

Moloch is Saturn

Bullshit. Moloch is a bull. You see him on Wall Street in statue form. He's really obsessed with making money and gaining power but in a sinister way (power of a non-sinister type he doesn't take an interest in). I know. I was possessed by him for about an hour before he eventually left my body and hopped into someone else.

17453423? ago

You see him on Wall Street in statue form

What did they meme by this?

17453417? ago

The patron animal of saturn was a bull you schizophrenic retard

17453435? ago

What about the Owl?

17453438? ago

Servant of Minerva. Tells her when children are being targetted.

17453427? ago

No you idiot. If anything Saturn is a goat aka Capricorn.

17453429? ago

saturn lucifer baal moloch are all the same thing

the horned god, the eater of children

17552328? ago

saturn lucifer baal moloch are all the same thing

No they arent you fucking stupid christian cunt

You people are so fucking low IQ and filled with kike bullshit that you call literal Aryan gods jewish

17453440? ago

It's literally right in front of your eyes

17453437? ago

Saturn is Pan

Lucifer is the light bringer (gives man wisdom)

Baal is the homo deity.

Moloch eats flesh and babies.

I would say they are all quite a bit different

17453434? ago

jews and muslims serve the same god

17453411? ago

Imagine being this desperate.

17453416? ago

Saturn was known as the "black sun" in ancient times. The black sun symbol is literally a sphere with a ring around it.

17453414? ago

He'll just say the Vril were crypto-kikes all along.

17453405? ago

No doubt this massacre is a seminal, watershed milestone in the history of the web

17453165? ago

nice fed post, you arent wrong though

17452943? ago

DONT BE SO RACIST. ITS NOT their fault to be born a nigger or a muslim

17454073? ago

It is their fault they live in white countries.

17453260? ago

Muslim is not a race. Being Muslim is a choice.

17452938? ago

Filming in first person probably was the only opportunity to film anyway, but the effect of it really is powerful, when he picked up his gear and walked through the parking lot, towards the door, I felt the rush and my heart began to beat faster, very intense moments in those 17 minutes.

Lets pretend that I censor the video by cutting out only the shooting parts and censoring the dead bodies so we get a censored version to spread on the Jewtubes and other video sites. They most likely delete it but they can't v& me right?

17455837? ago

Thats dumb, here's what you have to do: splice the video within another. Right now YT algos ban the video by comparing the files. If they video is within another video they can't detect it, and when they take it down you splice it into another regular video and once again it cant be detected so it has to be taken down manually

Bonus: use really normie videos then send the links to unsuspecting normalfags. Get a fake account to do it else you get v&.

17453445? ago

A soft, bloodless ans blurred version would be a perfect spread for White normies


Is there a pewdiepie version of this ?

17454512? ago

Haha if only. So I think it was yesterday or the day before, I noticed his TV had a meme for the first part of the video that just said "Shut the fuck up LIBERAL"

17452941? ago

Best bet would be to put a cartoon filter on it and change the sound effects so it looks like an imitation.

17452936? ago

There is no going back after watching this video.

only if you're a newfag

17452940? ago

I was never a fag, so I am safe.

17452933? ago

Our lord and savior Brentan

17453418? ago

He killed 50 shitskins not "men".

17452932? ago

Idiots. Try having some fun again. Just because you’ve abandoned all pleasure to lies doesn’t mean the workd wants to suffer with you. Just because your opponents lie about how good they are and pretend to be the virtuous ones doesn’t mean you should directly embrace a virtueless existence.

17452934? ago

the world doesnt want to suffer with you

they will

17452930? ago

I sm not going to prison for low iq street hoods.

17452927? ago


filename: join_now_16.jpg

"please connect to honeypot.gg, fellow anon"

Fuck off. Reported.

17453306? ago

Trouble is, you'll need to make a few million reports. Even the white normie men are getting a hard on from this and want more of the same.

17452923? ago

The feeling I felt afterwards I can only describe as electric. You're correct in stating it awakens a feeling in our blood. The fire rages in all of us and the lad definitely stoked our ancestral calling.

17552356? ago

Fire in my blood. That’s definitely it. I watch the video and it’s like a hit of a drug. I feel alive. I feel good. It’s a wonderful thing.

17455799? ago


lmfao what the fuck is this gay shit?

17454758? ago

The feeling I felt afterwards I can only describe as electric.

Yeah, it was a mix of ecstasy and adrenaline. I watched the video at least 50 times and was forced by impulse to roman salute with closed fist each time. I've never watched a more powerful video.




17552386? ago

Same here. I keep watching nearly every chance I get when alone. My first time seeing it I was in awe and could stop myself from giving him a roman salute while he was in the middle of shooting. Brenton Tarrant is truly a hero of our time. I honestly believe this is just the beginning. Things are going to get much more violent across the west very soon and Europe will rise again. As an American, I may even move to Europe if they manage to uncuck themselves.

17452921? ago

That was poetry, anon. Just… beautiful.

17458831? ago

Agreed. Capped the whole thing for posterity.

17452919? ago

Does anyone else feel it? I know my purpose in life now.

17452918? ago

Breton is a reasonable man.

17452917? ago

Done us a solid, we need to unite and follow as an army

17452914? ago


Cause I need to watch things die

From a distance

Vicariously, I live while the whole world dies

You all need it too - don't lie

17454026? ago

posting Tool lyrics in an asinine effort to seem deep and insightful


17452920? ago

We listen to the tales and romanticize,

How we'd follow the path of the hero.

Boast about the day when the rivers overrun,

How we rise to the height of our halo.

Listen to the tales as we all rationalize,

Our way into the arms of the savior.

Feigning all the trials and the tribulations.

None of us have actually been there,

Not like you…

17452911? ago

I honestly didn't imagine it would be that easy. Even walking in the street, nobody even noticed him, there were no screaming neighbors, the cars just passed by, the two women he waited in the crosswalk, it was all like real-life NPCs.

Maybe a violent armed assailant is regular sighting near a mosque…

17454607? ago

Assumed he was one of their guys? Didn't they find weapons caches in the mosque?

17452909? ago

I agree. Don't let these kikes tell you any differently.


17452908? ago

It was an initiation anon. I felt an awakening also. Something primal. I wonder if our kameraden felt it in the presence of the Fuhrer. I am not comparing Tarrant to the Fuhrer but this was raw primal racial memory.

17552423? ago


17552219? ago


Führer or Fuehrer.

17460403? ago

I'm glad I wasn't the only one feeling this. Normally gore and the like didn't really affect me, but now after this first person front row seat deep in my gut I feel changed. Like more carnage awaits us and I can't wait to participate.

17454776? ago


17454114? ago

Watching the video is indeed a very powerful experience. I used to consider myself as a moderate and at first I was extremely critical of his actions, but watching that video has changed me. I can see why kikes are so busy trying to censor it

17455796? ago

I can see why kikes are so busy trying to censor it

You mean the mossad false flag attack that the jews carefully choreographed and filmed and provided for you which was sent out on millions of whatsapp accounts across the world and now we have paid teams of kikes shilling for this mossad false flag as legit resistance… against the muslims who dominate our media, banks and governments?

17455819? ago

Kikes are bad so you should ignore the sand niggers taking over your cities and raping your women.

Fuck off nigger. What have you personally done for you race? I guarantee nothing as signifacnt as elimating 50 sand niggers in a majority white area.

17455793? ago



Good lord, this is a whole new level of cringe

17457586? ago

17455907? ago

Reminder that 'cringe' is a buzzword only used by leftist shills

17455911? ago

Yeah, it's a direct callback to the control grid; jewish media directed 'cringe' where all truth, European culture and religion is shunned and avoided.

17455815? ago


look ma, I posted it again

17455874? ago

I sure did m8

im honestly amazed at how fucking gay you cunts are

brentberg ignited my ancestral fire by shooting a bunch of retired shitskins in the back and spouting off internet memes like an autist


holy fuck you're pathetic

17453452? ago

but this was raw primal racial memory.

Brenton making your genetics recall your forebears killing.


17452638? ago

POV White Power Porn

17452610? ago

This is one of the dumbest threads iv seen in my life.

Malcom x noted that jews were suppourting black rights movement not out of sympathy but to move white prejudice from jews to blacks.

This is a similar move to get arabs and whites fighting eachother when they’re the only two groups left that would honestly work together against jews.

Dont buy the lie.

17552360? ago

Yes. They are setting up a "clash of civilizations" within the West. It's part of a strategy of tension, and also a method of societal disintegration and global re-integration.

Read this book, freshly banned by Amazon


by Kerry Bolton (a New Zealand dissident and historian)


17552234? ago

Arabs and whites working together?

You live under a rock right?

17455876? ago

Fucking spot. Thats what it is. Europeans have much more so its understandable that someone would fixate on migrants but all of the estherian wars in the m.e and the immigration networks and the ngos funding them are all jewish.

17455894? ago

Every single post you see glorying in this mossad false flag is made by a LARPing kike

The same kikes who mass report you if you suggest that we target prominent jews instead of just attacking isreal's enemies

17455905? ago

So why not kill 2 birds with one stone?

17455923? ago

Because good things don't happen. We exist in a place of punishment. There is nothing in this cosmos that is not also punishment.

17455936? ago


Damn Ashes is that you? Are you still building that atomic bomb?

17455944? ago

is that you?

who else

17455928? ago

Because good things don't happen.

It would be extremely painful.

We exist in a place of punishment.

For you.

17455904? ago

They don't care. They want you to believe; they want to believe because they haven't learned the nature of the universe yet.. No Spree Killer ever shot a Rothschild.

There are no /ourguys/; there is only Eternal Misery.

17455912? ago

Get your blackpill bullshit outta here, even if the Aussie had the wrong targets, he showed us that anything is possible. If this shit keeps happening, a Rothschild will eventually fall.

17455918? ago

I'm still right. You still know it. Nothing is possible. All is manufactured by ZOG. All is Misery. Why don't you strap a go-pro to yourself and prove me wrong, glow in the dark CIANigger.

17455942? ago

Nothing is possible. All is manufactured by ZOG.

Than even you are manufactured by ZOG. Schizo boomer.

17455921? ago

<Asses and echoes

<nothing is possible

17455924? ago

Well? How am I wrong?


Prove me wrong in person then, faggot. I dare you. Watch What Happens. The inevitable progress of clown world and the inevitable falling of Samson proves me right.

17455950? ago

Are you still in Gadsden? Or did you move?

17455956? ago

I've been moved for a year now. Why the fuck do none of you remember details? Are you all morons?


You have to be a mod.

17455941? ago

Well? How am I wrong?

I just posted it. It's always possible to do things.


17455938? ago


Read The Lightning and the Sun and stop with the demoralization shilling

17455931? ago

I don't need to prove mental illness wrong, because it will always say it's right. Go end your pathetic existence now.

17455934? ago

Nice shutdown


You massive kike

17455933? ago

but but but but but but but but but but but

17455906? ago

Look at that, Asses and Elbows.


17455914? ago

I'm still right. You still know it. No Spree Killer Ever Shot A Rothschild. End. Of.

Of the four suspects caught, one of which (the woman mind you) was found to be a member of several Masonic Groups in NZ. Plus the MOSSAD cell that was uncovered, meant that there needed to be a false flag attack to get everyone to look at something other than jews and their spying on everyone.

What is the opposite of a jew in a jew's mind? A Nazi. So they manufactured an "internet Nazi" to make an attack while they bombed Gaza and cleaned up their intel operation. What do you want to bet that these four were the odd kikes out of that group?

17455916? ago

The only thing you've ever been right about is that you should commit suicide

17455920? ago

I'm still right. You still know it. I'm right about this shooting being done by MASONICNIGGERS like Jim Watkins, the Owner of 8ch. I'm right about ZOG owning everything and all avenues of resistance being cut off. I'm right about our chances. I'm right about Samson. I'm right about Major General Jack Weinstein.

Until you can remove Nuclear Israel from the table, the entire thing is played at their discretion. Do you get it yet?

17455922? ago

The only thing you've ever been right about is that you should commit suicide

17455927? ago

ThAt'S pReTtY gOoD…

17455948? ago

You must be a mod. Only mods reply to themselves.


Jesus was a kike and there is no salvation. Only Eternal Misery. Pop up to heaven and prove me wrong, christcuck.


Just because it was a false flag doesn't mean that nobody died or there wasn't an actual shooting. Just that the shooter wasn't /ourguy/ but a MasonicNigger plant placed by Mossad.


Cowardice. You know that. Why don't you meet me at RedMile Racetrack in Lexington, KY and help me kill myself in person? Be the hero like Tarrant, right?


I'm still right and you still know it. Prove me wrong. I dare you. Why aren't you leading us into battle yet?


How am I demoralizing anyone? How is my fear stopping you? That book is shit, nothing in it applies to this period of time where ZOG has total control. I will continue to scream until someone helps me kill myself in person. Will it be you?


Go ahead and try. It will accomplish nothing.


As are we all. Welcome to hell, I am your Jailer; as you are mine.

17455969? ago

asses and elbows has come to visit

where have you been m8?

17455965? ago

Honestly nigger. Calm down. Just enjoy ride. Mr. Bones ride never ends. Even if you kill yourself you will be born again. Don't make it harder for yourself even more.

17455970? ago


It's a compulsion. It's best not to question why I post how I post and just understand that I post this way and read.

Or ignore me, like all the smart posters.


Misery is eternal. Loss is Eternal. Mistakes are Eternal. Any time you do something wrong, it's permanent. Success is too temporary to be worth what it costs.

You can't be any kind of change. You can only suffer and watch as Samson Looms.


All shrinks are kikes, marxists or Marxist Kikes.




Wrong. You don't remember details. I've never had a basement, and I've never had a fetish.


Here. Where else? I've just either been banned or not posting because it's all the same slurm after a while. But, a Happening occurred so I had to remind you all that nothing good happens and to not see this as a benefit but as a set up for the removal of this site and all other places we gather.

17455977? ago

All shrinks are kikes, marxists or Marxist Kikes.

Correct and they will kill you. The person that exists as yourself now will be dead if you go there

17455976? ago



and that is your problem. if you don't enjoy anything, suicide is always option. they will give you new body and you could start again.

17455974? ago

Or you like gore furry porn, since you like red color on your posts. Seems reasonable

17455980? ago

All porn is degenerate. All sex is filth. Sex is bad and so are you. I hate porn; I'm anti-sexual.


I wish suicide was an option. But being aware of reincarnation creates a paralyzing fear in you. Why don't you meet me at Red Mile in Lexington KY and help me kill myself in person?


Nope. That's not good enough. It didn't work when I was a kid, why would it work now?

17455985? ago

If you know about reincarnation, you have nothing to fear. I am not from Weimarica. If i want to kill somebody, it would be propably Tarantula style. Not execution of innocent anon. If you can't enjoy your life, hang yourself. They will prepare another life for you and you can try again. Don't torture yourself. That is what they want. They feed your pain.

17455987? ago

reincarnation = eternal death

17455989? ago


17455984? ago

Oh yea it's bad, since it sustains humanity and is an enjoyable love process. Dumbass

17455991? ago

Yes. That is bad. It creates more life which is only more suffering. It creates everyone you've ever hated. If nobody ever had sex everyone you hate would have never been born.


==You always have everything to fear. If you reincarnate, it's always in a worse life than before always in a worse time than before. There is never any reward in anything. Even suicide isn't good enough because you suffer afterwards during the incarnation process, then you suffer as you're born again, then you get born into a worse life. Etc.

Do you get it yet? Killing myself is just wasted effort and getting screwed over by doing things. That's why someone else has to help me do it, so I can perform the ritual to destroy my soul with perfect concentration.


No. Filter me and go back to shitposting about things you'll never do in person.


He's a christkike probably.

17457492? ago

If you don't want to kill yourself than try to enjoy life bit. It is not your resposibility to change world. Only if you chose to sacrifice your life for it. You will die anyway. You died million times and you will die again and again. Just like you go sleep and wake up.

17457476? ago

Filter me

I see I'm breaking through your wall of mental illness, and that's making you wish I would disappear. You're too cowardly to even end the conversation gracefully, nevermind killing yourself.

17455999? ago

Well if that's so bad use contraception aka condoms. Stop being a nihilistic cunt plz

17457500? ago


Nihilism doesn't go far enough. Nihilism says there are no gods, and there is no meaning. I'm saying there are many gods. There is meaning. It's just NOT FOR US. We are not the primary recipients of the Universe, the gods are. They are who this was meant for and they are who all things mean something to. We are just screaming gears that were granted self-awareness so that they could torture us.




I've always been a coward. Are you new?


Is the christkike a mod? The christkike mod is filtered.


Never. There are no brothers. There is nobody you can trust. Everyone is suspect.


Degenerate. Filtered.


There is nothing to enjoy. There is nothing that can be enjoyed.

17457516? ago

If there is nothing to enjoy, kill yourself and start again. They will erase your memories and give another chance. They will try to fix you because they still souls running this system. You can't ecape it same way like you can't escape night.

17457511? ago

Massive cunt actually thinks nothing can be enjoyed lol I'm starting to wonder if he's not just trying to do edgy jokes

17457509? ago

Nice, not even trying to understand why I said you should at least try sex once

17457506? ago

be a lone wolf

be isolated and weak

this will work

How do you think jews got powerful?

17457503? ago

I've always been a coward.

Then you have no right to call others cowards as an insult.

17457472? ago

I'm not a nihilist. Nihilism doesn't go far enough. You can do whatever you want. Sex is filth, I refuse to even attempt it. Even masturbation is filth. Contraception isn't good enough, there must be total celibacy in everyone and then the destruction of all matter and energy so that NOTHING ELSE EVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

17457481? ago

Well sorry boy, but your conception of sex is over-dramatic. You need to try it at least once to know what it is

17455982? ago

christ was a kike

17552331? ago

christ was a kike


reincarnation = eternal death


yall are full of hatred yall need Jesus


like most white women are

This game of spot the jew is easy now that we have the newfag invasion.

17455981? ago

It didn't work when I was a kid,

Because they have restrictions with children

17455983? ago

Still not good enough. It didn't help then, it won't help now. I refuse to visit mental health kikes when they say that being pro-white is a mental illness. END. OF.


I think you're replying to the wrong poster.

17455986? ago

I refuse to kill myself

Then stop asking for it

17455964? ago

help me kill myself

Go to the local mental hospital if you want help

17455962? ago

Go ahead and try. It will accomplish nothing.

<my experiences aren't real if they have no impact on (((the political world)))

<my positive experiences aren't real

Fuck you kike.

Jesus was a kike

You are a kike.

and there is no salvation.

Make better posts and be the change you want to see, faggot.


17455959? ago

Why are you formatting your posts in bold and red letters, are you craving attention?

17455966? ago

Yea he is living in his mom's basement wanking to furry porn and his friend is a pencil

17455953? ago

i'm not replying to myself you niger. please stop the massive red writing it's cancer

17455910? ago

Nigger u got a spreadsheet on posters? Lol. What a triplefaggot you are. Prob FBI

17455913? ago

Anyone that is not a complete newfaggot knows those two posters.

17455810? ago

when they’re the only two groups left that would honestly work together

lol, where have you ever seen that, anywhere, anytime, dickhead?

17552482? ago

Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, Russia, the grand Mufti meeting with Hitler, etc. …

You're just ignorant!

17698017? ago

implying that the arrogant, aggressive invaders would want to work with the indigenous White population they openly seek to displace.

17452926? ago

Excellent thread OP, this guy broke the blackpill psyop being gradually pushed by shills that nothing can be done and that white people should just sit and watch their own destruction. He disregarded the Talmudic law, and acted in adherence to the Natural law. This is what kike fears the most. Brenton was the archetypal Hero, he mastered the memes. Dispelling the miasma, the spell of Jewish lies of peace and equality. Driving a stake straight into the heart of the hypocritical, weak, pathetic, perfidious "moralists" who are also killing "innocents" , just on a much larger scale, and by far more subtle means. Jews are poisoning our children with food, vaccines, degeneracy, and by importing biological weapons (non-whites). Suddenly, removing that biological weapon is highly immoral and unethical? If we are to live, slave morality will have to die.


Do you think Jews would be safe in a case of a race war? Their agenda for decades was reducing violence, racial and social tensions etc in some kind of artificial bubble, abomination. If the host becomes dangerous enough, they are going to leave. Also, once their (((republics))) fall, they will lose means of control.

Arabs are the enemy as much as they are, as long as they are on our lands.

17454078? ago

He did nothing. The people who killed his father, were the corporations and politicians, who remain 100% untouched and even more secure now. He chose to target people the political class are really against (see all their wars).

17454108? ago

He chose to target people the political class are really against

The people the (((political class))) are really against are White men of good character. Just compare the level of media handwringing going on over this attack vs. the jaded acknowledgment of the multitude islamist attacks against our people. When islamists attack us, the political class defends the islamists; when we attack the islamists, again we are attacked and shamed by the very same people. The political class is pushing the islamification of the West and attempts to silence those who resist it. You are an ignorant faggot and should kill yourself.

17454106? ago

We're living in a world where R.A.M guys were put in jail for nothing, NA was banned outright for nothing. The footage (gift) Tarrant provided means the next org like the ones mentioned above won't be these purely aesthetic gangs of white boys who make music videos of themselves running around looking cool. You're going to feel them before you see and hear them.

17454092? ago

You can never go straight after those, first you must create the right environment. You are free to try to take down people with private armies at their disposal, paid by your taxes to boot.

17454068? ago

acted according to natural law

This is quite astute, all the jew media and education programming is designed to contravene your natural thoughts and impulses, to question everything and invert them.

Wrong is right, truth is poison and so on.

By dropping all of that, and realising that 2+2=4, you reclaim your sanity, you become the real creature on this earth in this reality, and it is equivalent to waking up in the pod from the matrix, the realisation gives you power in the world.

It is a red pill for the soul and the unconscious.

17552465? ago

Just a thought: We should meme 2+2=4 into another ebil nadsi symbol like the okay sign.

17454084? ago

He did nothing. The people who killed his father, were the corporations and politicians, who remain 100% untouched and even more secure now. He chose to target people the political class are already against (see all their wars).

17454087? ago

He chose to target people


Mudslimes aren't people.

17452935? ago

He fell for all of the memes and will be sitting in prison get handled by Muslims while they're trying to convince him that he's getring frogged by attractive women.

17454023? ago

classic muslim projection


You will never be Danish, ahmed


anyone who's jacked is taking drugs, except for niggers… niggers are awesome!

faggot i'm in my mid 40s and can overhead press 100kg and bench over 160 and have never touched T in my life.. Do you know what i look like in comparison to shitskins like you?

I'm a Celtic wrecking machine..


The Aryan Brotherhood are the smallest of the prison gangs in the US but commit the most murders.

17453403? ago

Doesn't change the fact that he killed 50 of them.

muh prison

Maybe enough whites should go to prison to outnumber the shitskins? Would they have enough capacities, enough means to control? Could they even arrest all of them? This is what you rats are afraid of.

Kikes rule by uniting the lowest criminal dregs with the top of society, they are natural allies against the honest, hard working white man that makes the majority. This is why antifa and their corporate masters work so well together.

17453431? ago

Leaving who to have families?

How stupid do you think I am? We are losing demographics not the moral high ground. You're literally saying we should abandon the moral high ground to further lose on demographics.

If the fuck mixed Irish could keep their dicks out of the Mestizo and Mulattos we wouldn't be in this mess.

17453400? ago

Bodybuilder, fitness trainor and power lifter.


People who are afraid of dogs…

What are they going to do, smuggle a suicide vest into the prison? He'll be fine faggot.

17453401? ago

He's not going to have test injections in prison.

17452942? ago


Sand Niggers

thats what you are. your people are dead and you will do nothing but complain about it hahahahaha your fucking pathetic

17453399? ago

I am Danish you stupid pig.

17452615? ago

Arabs and jews are two sides of the same coin. They are both semites; and they are both enemies.

17552238? ago




They are all a part of the house of abraham. They have had saught after an inordinate amount of authority for the last 3300yrs. Please study.

17552216? ago

You'd be surprised how many people just don't get that. They've been working together for a long long time against the White man - whom they BOTH HATE. The enemy of my enemy is my friend type shit.

17452912? ago

This. Both are pedophiles. Both practice genitle mutilation and inhumane ceremoniously prepared food (Halal and Kosher) both fight for open borders and more foreign funding. Both can get gassed

Jews raise money for New Zealand Muslims


Muslims raise money for Pittsburg Synagogue


Muslims unite to repair Jewish Cemetery


Muslims unite for Pittsburg Synagogue


Muslims and Jewish women unite against Hate


Muslims and Jews unite for Sadaqa Day


Jews, Christcucks and Muslims unite for refugees


Jews, Christcucks and Muslims Unite to talk about Gun Violence Prevention


Muslim and Jewish community leaders are united in frustration at Ilhan Omar's comments


17552298? ago

17454045? ago

This. (((They))) always try to turn it into an either/or, when the real answer is BOTH.

17457529? ago

The "either/or" only applies when they want us to target Muslims first, to distract from them. Muslims will always be the more obvious threat. If we always focus on them, we'll never find the Jews as they dig deeper into our society as cryptokikes.


inhumane ceremoniously prepared food (Halal and Kosher)

This is going to require some explanation for me. I mean, I understand how Kosher is inhumane…


These strict guidelines require the animal be killed by a single cut across the throat to a precise depth, severing both carotid arteries, both jugular veins, both vagus nerves, the trachea and the esophagus, no higher than the epiglottis and no lower than where cilia begin inside the trachea, causing the animal to bleed to death. Orthodox Jews explain that this ensures the animal dies instantly without unnecessary suffering, but many animal rights activists view the process as cruel, claiming that the animal may not lose consciousness immediately, and activists have called for it to be banned.

But I don't understand what is inhumane about Halal food


strangled to death

beaten to death

died due to falling

killed by being smitten by horn

eaten by wild beast

On the other hand…


The UK Farm Animal Welfare Council said that the method by which Kosher and Halal meat is produced causes "significant pain and distress" to animals and should be banned.

I understand how the "single cut, let it bleed to death" is torture by Jews, but I don't see that requirement mentioned under Halal. It's not like we would mercifully kill animals via strangulation/falling… is somehow the "beaten to death" prohibition a prevention of using bolt guns to the skull?

17452612? ago

Kill yourself, kike

17452605? ago

I agree with you, OP. Anons can make the point filming options were binary, but if you think about the fact he attached a speaker to himself so he could play background music while shooting, it's pretty obvious what effect and look he was going for. As an avid FPS player, I recognized this right away. And you're right, its nature is initiatory. Hell, I've got an okay life. Basically, I'm a societal dropout who for fun writes papers for academic journals, but I've been considering pulling a Brenton after witnessing that masterpiece. Seriously, what a badass!

17452604? ago

A storm is coming.

Yes, it is.

17452603? ago

forwarding this thread to NZ police

"The Christchurch Shooting was the first few raindrops beginning to fall,"

you need to be investigated, no more dead people, fuck nazis

17460399? ago

Good. Gather as many witnesses as you require.

There is nothing in this world that can stop what is coming.

17458801? ago

pls make sure i'm in the thread when they see it so i can tell them that clownpiece is best toehoe

17457600? ago

forwarding this thread to NZ police

Put me in the screencap

17457585? ago

Ethnic replacement was never an option, faggot.

17455955? ago

fuck you whites over all

17455963? ago


17454803? ago

Hi Reddit!

17454787? ago

17454799? ago

not enough "ya'll"s in his posts

17454080? ago

You realize that this is the reason this shit happens right? People just wanted to play videogames and shit post in peace. You took that away from us with your SJW bullshit calling everyone a nazi, school shooter, incel, racist.. this is just the beginning, the practice. Every single leftist meeting out there will be a massacre in the future.

17454097? ago

Don’t worry. Nobody is worried about NEETniggers doing anything to anyone. They have too many mental and physical illnesses to function outside of the house. Even Christchurch sperglord held a job for a while.

17454112? ago

You are worried or you wouldn't be here desperately shilling so hard.

17454117? ago

No, I’m really not.

17454119? ago

Replying says otherwise. Please learn to shill properly. Its boring when they are incompetent as you.

17454121? ago

Ok NEETnigger, don’t break a wrist typing to me.

17454134? ago

Pathetic, you have failed. Back to reddit.

17454072? ago

Wouldn't it be a damn shame if this screencap was shared online?

17454053? ago

oy vey

no more dead people

People die about every second friend.

17454038? ago

no more dead people

too late for that. you should think about that before they flood all white countries with muslims. there will be more blood one way or another. do you know what something about Islamic State? this is our future if we don't do anything. do you want your daughter to be sexslaves for 20 dirty muslims?

17454813? ago

if your daughter is with them it's your fault. there are plenty of single white males, whom are attacked all the time by the political class. Again the political class are the enemy and causing the trouble (besides the morons believing their propaganda)

17453439? ago

LMFAO, they can't do shit you nigger. Go cry somewhere else, they have no power here.

17453409? ago

I kinda hope you're not joking, and you're actually this retarded.

17452929? ago

im actively emailing the video to NZ businesses, orgs, and gov entities. you cant do shit you weak little faggot except complain about it. your efforts are useless and so are you. you will never stop us


17453430? ago

haha I started laughing so hard, imagining a bunch of cuck kiwi secretaries opening it in the morning and watching it together, their pussies suddenly getting wet over a white man, unable to deny it

17452928? ago

pol is a board of peace

17452931? ago

No it isn't.

17452916? ago

Bait is only too easy to get (you)s so here is another one

17452910? ago

Get a look at this faggot

17452867? ago

Once we cleanse the lands of the obvious vermin we're coming for the traitors that support them. So you best bite your tongue in real life mate otherwise your time on this Earth is about to be cut short.

17452614? ago

Fuck off Normal Fag.

17452613? ago

You can't stop the memes.

17452611? ago

Do you realize how many of my threads I've had show up on the transparency report? You're next faggot, get offline and enjoy whatever remaining sunsets you have left.

17552153? ago

Don't threaten people. I don't like it, and if I have to crawl out of my bear cave to promote peace in yours, you may not like the outcome.

17452608? ago

Ok Ahmed

17455865? ago

Do you happen to have the original image?

17455835? ago

screw your optics, we're going in.


17452939? ago

Is there a link for that patch by any chance? Asking for an Australian friend.

17454120? ago

I'm not saying any of these merchants have that patch, but there's some good stuff nestled in there.

Some of these guys are pretty ok, and some are gigantic faggots. Use your own discretion I suppose.


17454126? ago

So here you are believing it's a right wing attack, which is "opposite" to his "manifesto" and stated position.

17454128? ago

Except all the people saying it's a "leftie" shooting. So what is it? I think his manifesto is to hide his background and blame the ideology that he and the right are against.

17454066? ago

You can print your own using t-shirt paper and then applying it to some fabric

17454743? ago

t-shirt paper never even heard of that shit. cheers, cunt!!!

17454738? ago

t-shirt paper never even heard of that shit. cheers, cunt!!!

17452922? ago

that patch

Holy fuck anons.


kek is already blessing the most murderous posts in this thread and none of us want the world to burn

/pol/ is a board of peace

17452924? ago


17452607? ago

Be sure and report me too, faggot. We're coming for you as well.

17452606? ago

forwarding this thread to NZ police

"The Christchurch Shooting was the first few raindrops beginning to fall,"

you need to be investigated, no more dead people, fuck nazis

I'm a Ancap and even I support him. Have fun with your report, cuck.

17552233? ago

ancap who wants mass shootings. Die off.

17552224? ago

Imagine identifying as an ancap. Wipe up your drool retard.

17552213? ago

fucking R Tard

17461381? ago

Reddit spacing

retard ideology based on broken economic system

Checks out.


Cringe is a verb not an adjective you faggots.


Can't wait for Moon 2 wad that adds Brenton to the playable characters list.


Reddit spacing

Why do you hate Image board culture Shlomo?


there are anons replying to this subhuman after it called JFK a kike

17552237? ago

Can't wait for Moon 2 wad that adds Brenton to the playable characters list.

The developer blog is here :


Just register and ask them to add this new idea.

17452602? ago

"Never show the face or name of the shooter because it will just inspire more shooters"

  • Ben Shapiro 2017

"Sup lads I'm Brenton Tarrant, here's my face and a full livestream blessed with the sweetest soundtrack you've heard in your life. P.s. google the names on my rifles and you will immediately you no longer give a fuck how many child raping muslims die. Also watch this badass GTA moment when I turn this lady with a mustache into a speedbump"

-Brenton Tarrant 2019

Everything about it was planned precisely to inspire, in the most autistic shitposting manner.

17466212? ago

I bet the CIA and kikes developed this event with that in mind. Inspire some genuine homegrown white terrorists and you can definitely take all of the guns. Might be the basis for the next civil war. Then who will rescue Europe or give refuge to whites?

17492692? ago

You type like a kike.

17493280? ago

Fuck you nigger. Know your enemy.

17460461? ago

Yeah and those shoes that were next to the ladies head.

What was up with that?

And why don't you include his accomplice in the glory?

You know, the guy in the fatigues that got arrested. I think he should be honored too.

I want to know who he is.

Don't you want to know who he is?

17552323? ago

Kek, I know you're one of those conservative cowards who fears direct action or you're a kike, but people losing shoes in violent struggles or when they slip and fall or are shot is so normal that I'm surprised that you even bother using that as an argument.

Anyone can watch hundreds of videos of suicide bombers, car accidents, and shootings and people lose their shoes.

Especially women who don't even bother tying their shoes these days or wear shoes that slip on and off.

17552264? ago


replying to (((his))) own post

She was a mudshit. That can't be argued.

She was outside of a mosque. That can't be argued.

Mudshits don't wear shoes inside mosques. That can't be argued.

The soles of her socks were dirty as fuck, as though walking on the street in socks. That can't be argued.

Figure it out (((yourself))).

17552137? ago

That guy and brenton turned out to be glowsticks

be me

wake up to cnn, accidentaly

find out there's 4 shooters / comrades

Nah, thats bullshit

go online

see jews getting mad everywhere - the exact opposite of what happened after the mosque murders



17552140? ago

wake up to cnn, accidentaly

nigger how the fuck you just wake up to cnn, accidentally

17552148? ago

my dog stepped on the remote

17461400? ago

He shot that woman from the mosque doorway and it looked like she was standing there with someone else. Completely believable that they lost their shoes running away in panic.

The other apprehended guys are what interests me. He doesn't seem to mention anyone else in his manifesto - not that I've read the whole thing.

17466136? ago

Just Israeli art students documenting the event.

17461391? ago

The fact that these questions are completely ignored by Tarrant Glory posters should tell you everything you need to know about them.

17461392? ago


He was some guy that showed up to "protect kids" that was released. All three other people that were arrested were all released

17461403? ago

What about the second mosque that got attacked?

Who did that?

17461409? ago

Tarrant was driving there when the stream cut off. Read the manifesto, he said he was attacking both mosques and he even had a third planned.


Bro this happened after both shootings when the police were chasing down/arresting Tarrant. Some dude sitting at home that heard the gunshots would definitely have time to throw on some fatigues and grab a gun to go play hero

17461407? ago

he did, the stream was just shoah'd before he got to the second mosque.

17461426? ago

This is what really kills me, is that footage saved somewhere on that gopro's SD-card.

Did he actually cut it off? Or did he lose data connection or battery?

I hope we find out

17461429? ago

if it is we will literally never get it unless it's leaked

NZ is sending anyone spreading THIS video to jail for 10 years, they definitely aren't going to let any additional footage come out via any official means.

17461434? ago

It will be used in the trial which gives more chances of it being leaked and at the very least we could get a description of it depending on if media is allowed in the court room

17461437? ago

they are trying to shoah all coverage of the trial after he fired his lawyer and will be defending himself. I doubt any of it will be public and whatever kangaroo laws the NZ has; I imagine they can keep the entire record of the court sealed indefinitely.

17461416? ago

The steam didn't get shoah'd.

He cut it off himself.

I was one of the first to post in his original drop thread and I watched the whole thing live AS IT HAPPENED.

I was the first guy in the thread to say:

Holy shit!

That was my post…

His page stayed up for an hour after it started. The livestream could be watched on repeat for that whole hour. The video cut off after 16 minutes because Tarrant cut it off…

17461395? ago

So this guy supposedly caught the livestream and had time to get a dressed up and get over to the local school…

In the same time frame that this was all happening?

Yeah, seems legit.

Do you have a source?

17461423? ago

Also apparently I was partly wrong, this is from the wikipedia article about the shooting:

On the day of the attacks, authorities stated that four suspects were arrested.[105][106][107]

Two days after the attack, Police Commissioner Mike Bush stated that separate from the main suspect, the three other people arrested were not charged in relation to the attacks and did not appear to be involved in the attacks. Bush then gave the following descriptions of the other three suspects:[108] Police arrested a woman and a man after finding a firearm in a vehicle in which they were travelling together.[109] The woman was released uncharged while the man was held in custody, charged with a firearms offence.[110] An 18-year-old man was arrested after he armed himself with the intention to "assist children in the area"; he will appear in court on 18 March 2019.[60][111]

Additionally, a 30-year-old man claimed he was arrested when he arrived at Papanui High School to pick up his 13-year-old brother-in-law. He was wearing camouflage clothing, which he habitually wore.[112]

17461432? ago

Oh, Wikipedia. Never mind.

17461431? ago

Do you have a link?

I don't have this article yet.


17452601? ago

Christchurch Was An Initiation


Christchurch was an invitation.

But yes, I agree entirely that a large part of the decision to livestream it was to show the rest of us just how easy it is to do.

17552395? ago

17552230? ago

I was surprised how easy and uninterrupted the whole thing was.

Apparently NZ officers aren't armed so they had to wait for units that can actually respond to a shooting.

Of course I'm not trying to remind anyone that bong officers are unarmed too, but it's a fact that UK has a lot of mosques.

17552162? ago

shooting happen

<I know! I will dress up like a muslim to show how submissive i am!

My God..

17454790? ago


The man has good taste. Learn about your people.

17452600? ago

The message of the video is very, very simple, but undeniably powerful. It is this:


17552232? ago

dude he is such a coward. why. simple you see.

(I'm a newfag) Red Text GUN FREE ZONES*. Now it would be something else if he did this in the islamic state base somewhere and pulled some Leam Neeson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hitman style combat but no he went for the innocent defenseless muslims. He is the faggot.

17552256? ago

innocent defenseless Muslims.

It was almost entirely men.

They had taken over a Christian church and converted it into a mosque.

Muslims do this kind of shit constantly as a way to thumb their nose and disrespect our culture.

Also, if you read the manifesto, he claims this was a mosque that had been complicit in radical Islam activities.

I hate that we have to fucking start all over on this redpilling about Muslims again.

17552236? ago

Leam Neeson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hitman style combat

Fucking off yourself, plebbitor

50 dead shitskins

17552242? ago

anyone can do it with an automatic. ANYONE strong enough to hold a gun.

17552249? ago

you're like one of those fat people who sits there watching people skateboard saying 'it doesn't look that difficult he's just showing off'

It all comes from envy and insecurity

17552265? ago

good point, i don't play sports, just go to gym.


i'll give the evidence a shot

17552197? ago

We must act!

17452599? ago

Wonderfully written post, OP. I too felt that fire when I watched it.

Normies were spreading it around for shits and giggles too. Meaning people have seen this shit whether they wanted to or not.

Shills are coming in HARD about this, the same faggots who will bitch and moan about how anything done IRL is 'bad optics'… As if we should be as cucky and scared of what to say or do as possible while our very race is being attacked and wiped out over time.

We've tried peaceful means, the kikes stopped us at every turn, censored us and told the sleeping sheep that we are basically the ones responsible for everything wrong in the world.

We gave the world a chance of aiding us willingly…

…But the kikes elected the way of pain.

17452598? ago

Well said brother, I'm sick of seeing the cowards and shills try to drag this man down

17552338? ago

You will never be white.

17552340? ago

17552190? ago

The fact that that pepe is decent, and your grammar is also - makes me stop wondering:



Thanks jews, today is a good day

17453407? ago

You need to shop this with "The wrath of the awakened Saxon".


17452596? ago

How the fuck else would he have filmed it you goddamn spastic

17552167? ago

chest cam, much different

The next best thing would of been of gun/sight camera, like in those airsoft videos.

17452597? ago

<don't subscribe to pewdiepie goy

He didn't think to himself

I will film this this massacre, I guess the only way to do it is with a helmet cam

He thought to himself

I am going to film this using a helmet cam so people can experience it from the first person POV

17452595? ago

I think he shot it in first person because it was the least-obtrusive method since he was only one guy and and he streamed it at all for the lulz.

17452692? ago

Both. Convenience + Vicarious experience: POV fucking up of koranimals. I felt like I was fucking smashing those roaches myself. Millions did... statistically, a number of viewers will self-actualize.

17452593? ago

you dumb fuck it's not like he'd film it in 3rd person

17458844? ago

3rd Person would have helped him check those corners better

17698033? ago


The original Fallschrim video on YouTube got shadow kiked.

17698032? ago

That's basically cheating anon go back to fortnight

17455866? ago


At least he has a choice on where the camera to be put.

It needs not to be positioned like a FPS game.

17454760? ago

False. The guy standing behind him would have only needed to step back a little.

17457602? ago

17460447? ago

Big brain analysis right there.

17458819? ago

What a dumb bitch.

It's people like this that really shouldn't be allowed to live.

17458826? ago

like most white women are

17699325? ago

like most women are*

fixed that for you, no need to thank me.

17453436? ago

he doesn't have a shoulder-attached-behindy-selfie stick

17457483? ago

I would like to use these dubs to draw attention to (((Stick Girl))) who had an amazing selfy stick giving a high-up view of the Charlottesville car crash. She conspicuously TURNED AWAY from showing people attacking cars, as previous footage showed.

17452925? ago

17452594? ago

He didn't have to film it at all. Subscribe to pewdiepie already.