aCuriousYahnz ago

Dollar shave club isn't even that cheap. Just get a freaking DE razor.

Baconmon ago

Yes it is OWNED BY UNILEVER.. Unilever is just like P&G; They own shit-loads of brands in order to trick people in to thinking they have lots of "choices" at the store, but people are actually buying stuff from the same 2 mega-conglomerate companies (P&G and Unilever)

Plant_Boy ago

Link is borked...

Ken_bingo2 ago

Every Single Time. I am sure the jewess who created the add has no relationship to Dollar Shave Club whatever.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Time to sharpen that extra lawnmower blade in the garage so I can shave.

Jarg ago

It’s owned by Unilever now anyway.

ignorantoptimist ago

There are so many companies like this. The newest one I see advertised is this bombas socks company. They fucking act like creating a sock is fucking genius caliber shit, when in reality it takes having jew buddies in finance willing to loan you money. Then you spend barely anything on manufacturing them in mexico and the rest on advertising.

pimplepeter ago

pretty much this times 100. nailed it. the game is rigged.

Rajadog20 ago

So what the fuck do we buy now? Harrys is just as bad as gillete, and you're telling me dollar shave club is even worse? ffs

ImOnAVoatSon ago

I just use a trimmer once every two weeks or so. Takes ~ zero effort, maintenance is great, no need for all the disposable nonsense.

draaaak ago

That's what I do, about once a week. Haven't shaved for years, and chicks dig the stubble look/feel.

2fast4u92 ago

DorcoUSA is where I'm going to now that Gillette exposed its kikery.

Onlio ago

Dollar shave club gets their razors from Dorco. Buy from dorco and save

LionElTrump ago

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Safety razor and a 200 pack of blades is the Dollar Year Club.

Spud4ever ago

Still beats Gillette (growing a beard , but would rather pour gasoline on my face and set fire to it before using any Gillete product again)!

Jesusthug ago

Just get a good old fashioned double sided safety razor. Stop being in such a rush with your grooming habits. Saved a ton of money. Made sure I wasn’t supporting my enemy.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

Ugh. I stopped using cartridge razors in the 1990s.

Use safety razors. A hundred cost like $5.00

SushiMasa ago

It's astounding that anyone uses anything else.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

The shaving Jew has many a white man duped on the cartridges.

uvulectomy ago

Oh it goes even further than that... Initial seed investors included:

  • Andreessen Horowitz - founded by Marc Andreessen (initially supported Republicans, but then changed to shilling for Killary "because of Trump's stance on immigration") and Ben (((Horowitz))), descendant of Jewish immigrants from Russia (i.e. Bolsheviks)

  • Kleiner Perkins - Founded by Eugene (((Kleiner))), who was a "survivor" of the "holocaust." Interestingly enough, however, the co-founder, Thomas Perkins, got kvetched at back in 2014 for (rightfully) calling out the parallels of the progressives "war on the rich" to Kristallnacht. Guess they had to shut him down to prevent too much goyim knowing?

TL;DR - (((Shekel Shave Club))) has been owned by the long-nose tribe from day one.

draaaak ago

Oy vey.. the Jew is strong with this one.

wokeasfook ago

Everything is owned by kikes.

I'd say %90 of us are wearing kike clothing right now. That's the horrible inconvenient truth.

I try really hard to boycott anything even remotely kikey but always discover I'm still supporting the cunts.

Just yesterday I discovered the fucking petshop I go to to buy my dog food and treats and toys etc is owned by Kikes too. It's just so difficult to avoid them. Theyve aquired a monopoly over everything

biseptol ago

Don’t worry, kikes do the same. No matter how much they scream and boycott, they still support right-wingers’ business.

Ihateyuppies ago

Wear Italian cloths guys! Brooks Brothers has some nice shit.

draaaak ago

Welcome to Weimerica...

wokeasfook ago

How the fuck hadn't I heard of that already. Odd.

Thanks for the intro. Very interesting indeed.

Tubesbestnoob ago

kneo24 ago

I've seen people mention Harry's as an alternative and one of the founders has an obvious Jewish surname - Andy Katz-Mayfield.

Rajadog20 ago

They tweet anti male shit all the time

pimplepeter ago


Blunt_Echo ago

This is too fucking funny. You can buy razors just about anywhere and goy think their special because they "belong" to Dollar Shave Club.

pimplepeter ago

jay marketing gets the simple goy.

Honey_Pot ago

Dollar? For a shave? are you NUTS? Where would I get 75 cents for a shave? Do I look like I am made of money here? Fifty cents is what is was, that's all it's worth. I'm not giving a nickel more than a 25 cents.

HST ago

I'll see you in court for that 20 dollars you owe me!

Jewed ago

You can get cheaper shaves by using a safety razor. There are many different suppliers too, so chances are you can exclude the kikes.

theHare ago

But how the hell am i going to get the ultra-smootheness of a quintuple razor array?

Jewed ago

Use soap.

Gopherurself ago

The dollar shave club was the dying disposable market it was seen by the jews somhow lucky bitches. That is all.

baneofretail ago

U/plankO and I found out, not sure what happened to his post though.

draaaak ago

Interesting, I must have missed it. If you find it, please link.

SmokeyMeadow ago

How did people not realize the Shekel Shave Club was owned by kikes?

Whiteflourguy ago

I had no idea. but I just stopped getting them after reading this. Least it was not owned by niggers. I hate those fuks as well

lanre ago

Honestly, I'm not in the habit of researching every company I come across. But it seems you have to nowadays.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Its important to know who you are giving your hard earned money to

Napierdalator ago

Because giving money to jews is founding white genocide.

BentAxel ago

No one cares. If we were to hang a light on every Jewish business, let's just say, it would blot out the night.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Technically it is owned by Unilever now. :)

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

Because thats better.

Blunt_Echo ago

A jew by any other name....

Splooge ago

Even if it wasn't, it wouldn't be long before they're acquired by P&G anyway.

draaaak ago

The article is about the company being purchased by Unilever for $1billion.

Blunt_Echo ago

The implication being that there are no jews running Unilever?

draaaak ago

That's certainly not what I'm implying.

jollux ago

A billion? It wasn't worth that much. Something is fucky here.

draaaak ago

When is something ever not fucky with (((these people)))?

Splooge ago

I know, I should've been more clear. I was trying to point out that one of the (((giants))) would've eventually acquired them or tried to neutralize them if they weren't part of the machine.

draaaak ago

No Idea. I found this article by searching their wiki page for the word "jew". Took less than 1 minute to figure this out.

TheSeer ago

A lot of Voaters are reactionaries. You just tell them something like "Islam bad!" and they smash that like button, never realizing someone is leading them by the nose, to GO FIGHT WARS FOR THEM.

LaughterLies ago

Would you rather live in Tel Aviv or Dubai?

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draaaak ago

^^Found the Jew.

HST ago

Lol you can say Islam is bad and mean it without wanting to go to war. Let Islam inbreed itself to death

LaughterLies ago

You’re still on this shit? Lol fat pos. Do you have nothing better to do Ahmed? Listen there is enough kike bashing content on this site.

draaaak ago

^^Obvious kike shill is obvious.

captainstrange ago

Holy shit draaaak, you weren't kidding, that guy is a kike salt mine.

Mine him diligently. If you're careful, jews, like the one in a thousand starved africans digging through mud and shit for blood diamonds--occasionally come up with a a line or two of immortal invective worth using over and over.

weezkitty ago

Islam is bad. But so are jews. They are cut from the same cloth

TheSeer ago

And yet one of those groups owns the media, the banks, the justice system, and we fight wars for them, AGAINST THE OTHER ONE. You might want to consider if you have been lied to. Wahhabists are extremists yes, but they are all financed by Saudi Arabia, led by the House of Saud who are allegedly crypto-jew Kabbalists. Saudi Arabia's version of Islam is radically different from the Islam most Muslims worship.

Give some thought to whether we have been... You know... Brainwashed to hate all Muslims. Hmmm... Who would do that?

chrimony ago

Saudi Arabia's version of Islam is radically different from the Islam most Muslims worship.

Oh, so Saudi Arabia is responsible for Iran?

Islam is a barbaric religion with a conquering warlord as a prophet. You could actually say the same thing about the Jewish Torah (Old Testament), but the difference is that Jews are insular and focus on Israel as their "promised land", whereas Islam is a virulent, violent, and supremacist religion that seeks to conquer the entire world.

Non-Jewish educational video, required watching for anybody on the fence about Islam:

weezkitty ago

Jews are more clever than Muslims. Muslims take the brute force approach while jews infiltrate, control and destroy from the inside. They have the same goal but a different methodology.

MinorLeakage ago

Jews and Muslims are the same race, they just believe in slightly different rapists.

TheSeer ago

Moroccans, Egyptians, Syrians, Turks, Persians, Pakistanis, Indonesians are all the same race? Interesting theory bro.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Everyone's the same color after getting nuked.

MinorLeakage ago

Is this one of those "if a mouse was born in a stable" sort of questions?