ShitArchon ago

You want upvotes, don't disable YouTube comments.

LaughterLies ago

That video was a statement not a conversation starter fuck face

ShitArchon ago

People who like Quran-pissing videos don't like SJW behavior. The only people who disable comments are ridiculously thin-skinned.

LaughterLies ago

It was a statement. My channel is a dictatorship not a democracy and I’m the dictator.

draaaak ago

Nah, you're just a Jew.

SearchVoatBot ago

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draaaak ago

Comments disabled. Faggot.

LaughterLies ago

Fucking towel head apologist fuck Palestine give all of it to the kikes let them kill all the camel fuckers idc anymore. At least kikes have high enough IQ to not fuck donkeys. You terrorist apologist. There’s enough anti kike material here. Im bringing hell to the sandnigger towel heads.

draaaak ago

At least kikes have high enough IQ to not fuck donkeys

Instead they fuck kids...

LaughterLies ago

And you wonder why I disabled comments.... I got better shit to do then go back and forth with autists. Could you imagine if I allowed comments I’d spend the entire day responding to dumb shit from sandniggers. I’ll enable comments when you upload your video of you pissing on the Quran. Other than that it’s my channel no one else’s. Deal with it cuck.

draaaak ago

OP is a faggot.

LaughterLies ago

Go ahead and dislike my video Ahmed I know you want to. Keep posting about kikes so we can be distracted as your kind rapes our little girls and boys you fucking pedo apologist. FUCK ISLAM AND FUCK YOU CAMEL CUNT.

draaaak ago

^^Found the Jew

LaughterLies ago

Fuck off cunt

LaughterLies ago

Where’s your video faggot?

Landrictree ago

Comments are disabled for this video.


LaughterLies ago

Yeah I don’t want my feed spammed with partisan nonsense. And I don’t want to hear bullshit from Muslims whatever they have to say this video was a statement not a conversation starter. My channel is a dictatorship not a democracy.

Neral ago

That's a waste of good piss.

theshopper ago

Piss on the Talmud and post it.

elcob32 ago

Now fry one in bacon fat.

Fuckyounigger ago

you physically pissed on the quran not literally unless i didnt hear you on the video

Trousersnake1488 ago

We should do a bunch of theses. I'll shoot some soon .. or take a dump in it

Rellik88 ago


Holonomic ago

You ROCK good sir! YES!

obvious-throwaway- ago

Pig fucking Mohammed, you shouldn't piss on the almighty like that.

Lurkstoomuch ago

Clean your fuckin shower.

LaughterLies ago

Lol no fucks given.

NPCGator ago

That's pretty obvious.

I_like_paint ago

Op is probably black.

P33psh04h ago

I feel enlightened. Thank you for this. When at a Catholic psych ward I once came in a bible.

Rellik88 ago

I burned a bible before. That was when I was an edgy Atheist. Still Atheist but at least Christians dont behead people.

P33psh04h ago

I've done that too. I'm a Christian now tho...

LaughterLies ago

How much IQ points did you gain from the video?

Holonomic ago

It's more about a monumental validation!

P33psh04h ago


DeusExSapientia ago

Piss on the Torah and post it.

LoveRight ago

Torah is the old testament. You'd want to piss on the talmud actually.

theshopper ago
