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uvulectomy ago

Oh it goes even further than that... Initial seed investors included:

  • Andreessen Horowitz - founded by Marc Andreessen (initially supported Republicans, but then changed to shilling for Killary "because of Trump's stance on immigration") and Ben (((Horowitz))), descendant of Jewish immigrants from Russia (i.e. Bolsheviks)

  • Kleiner Perkins - Founded by Eugene (((Kleiner))), who was a "survivor" of the "holocaust." Interestingly enough, however, the co-founder, Thomas Perkins, got kvetched at back in 2014 for (rightfully) calling out the parallels of the progressives "war on the rich" to Kristallnacht. Guess they had to shut him down to prevent too much goyim knowing?

TL;DR - (((Shekel Shave Club))) has been owned by the long-nose tribe from day one.

draaaak ago

Oy vey.. the Jew is strong with this one.