I'm Indian but people have accused me of being a nigger and a kike why dis bish? (AskVoat)
submitted 6.1 years ago by LaughterLies
I was born in Mumbai raised in Toronto bitch stop call me nigger and kike. I lik jew girl idc if she not whit she look to me white . I want jew vagena and jew-bob or Job. Why they say this nigger and kike? I’m study engineer bish fuk?
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draaaak 6.1 years ago
OP is a pro-Israel kike shill...
1 - Here he is absolutely losing his shit, saying Israel should take all of Palestine and kill all the Palestinians, just because I called him a kike for pissing on the Quran and disabling comments on his video.
link to actual comment
2 - Here he is claiming to be a Jew.
3 - Here he is claiming to work for the Israeli government, and then challenging me to do something about it.
4 - Here he is shilling for Israel
5 - Here he is admitting to being a Jew.
6 - And finally, the avatar he uses on his profile is the National Socialist flag, the Swastika...
link to his profile
Hey rabbi.. whatcha doin?
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draaaak ago
OP is a pro-Israel kike shill...
1 - Here he is absolutely losing his shit, saying Israel should take all of Palestine and kill all the Palestinians, just because I called him a kike for pissing on the Quran and disabling comments on his video.
link to actual comment
2 - Here he is claiming to be a Jew.
link to actual comment
3 - Here he is claiming to work for the Israeli government, and then challenging me to do something about it.
link to actual comment
4 - Here he is shilling for Israel
link to actual comment
5 - Here he is admitting to being a Jew.
link to actual comment
6 - And finally, the avatar he uses on his profile is the National Socialist flag, the Swastika...
link to his profile
Hey rabbi.. whatcha doin?