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basedmangod2015 ago

you can reevaluate the things in your life that give you a sense of purpose?

LaughterLies ago

Protecting my country’s borders gives me great reason to be alive. Do you know how many people died defending their nation from invaders? You just spat on all those people’s lives with your ignorant comment.

draaaak ago

my country

So, Israel?

LaughterLies ago

Oy Vey!!!!!! I’ve been outed!!! I’m Jewish like Ben Solo Shapiro!!!!!!

draaaak ago

Good to see you finally admitting it. You've earned this. Now gas yourself.

LaughterLies ago

Ok I’m a Jew now can you stop stalking me you fucking faggot?

SearchVoatBot ago

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draaaak ago

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

LaughterLies ago

How many times have you used that meme you freak? Have you just finished reading culture of critique you smelly fuck and now you are woke on the joooos? Come up with new material.

LaughterLies ago

So you’re going to keep stalking me freak?