seaturtlesaregrody ago

illegal immigration, legal immigration, either way whites will be a minority by the end of the century. america is dead, communists won. build a new nation or let your grand children swim in a mongrel swamp. its over.

LaughterLies ago

One step at a time. Stop illegals first then mass deportation of non whites. And work camps for Jews.

draaaak ago

So, you're willing to work?

exitus ago

Stop paying taxes. Go on welfare. Let the system collapse.

ados ago

post frog images on the internet

phuk_hugh_hall ago

You are a faggot. Your virtue signal is offensive to me. I hope your house is infested with taco niggers and your bloodline forgotten.

HillBoulder ago

Pick them off one by one at hotspots along the border.

LaughterLies ago

I don’t live in a border state

HillBoulder ago

Perfect. It'll be easier for you to get away with it.

Pointyball ago

The excuse used to be not to employ them. Now they are all on welfare and invited by the Democrats. Your last chance is to support Trump and the wall.

LaughterLies ago

Other than though shit I’ve bought so much of his official campaign merch. And he’s got my votes with the GOP. You need to understand beaners are getting paid under the table.

Pointyball ago

It isn't under the table. It is right in your face saying "Fuck You American, Gimme!"

totes_magotes ago

Watch the schools. Any school with a high number of hispanic children are guaranteed to have illegal parents. Especially if the signs or literature has spanish only versions.

Watch your local volunteer groups that cater to minorities. They frequently are in contact with illegals.

Watch when you are in areas with stores where everything is in spanish. I promise they are illegal magnets.

Keep an eye open for churches targeting or catering to primarily hispanic congregations.

Believe it or not, learn to speak spanish. Most of the time, they think old gringo there can't understand them and they'll talk about things that they'd probably rather you not hear.

LaughterLies ago

Yeah I’m on that Duolingo.

totes_magotes ago

You cunning linguist...

draaaak ago

Not being a subversive kike shill would help.

LaughterLies ago

Why do you keep linking that post? Yes I pissed on the Quran. Yes fuck the Palestinians and all shitskins gas them all. Yes I disabled the comments. You provoked me first you pedo freak now stop stalking my profile.

draaaak ago

The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.

LaughterLies ago

Nasty faggot stop stalking me bitch

LaughterLies ago


basedmangod2015 ago

you can reevaluate the things in your life that give you a sense of purpose?

LaughterLies ago

Protecting my country’s borders gives me great reason to be alive. Do you know how many people died defending their nation from invaders? You just spat on all those people’s lives with your ignorant comment.

basedmangod2015 ago

"invaders"- lol take up bowling or something you fuckin loser.

LaughterLies ago


draaaak ago

my country

So, Israel?

LaughterLies ago

Oy Vey!!!!!! I’ve been outed!!! I’m Jewish like Ben Solo Shapiro!!!!!!

draaaak ago

Good to see you finally admitting it. You've earned this. Now gas yourself.

LaughterLies ago

Ok I’m a Jew now can you stop stalking me you fucking faggot?

SearchVoatBot ago

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draaaak ago

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

LaughterLies ago

How many times have you used that meme you freak? Have you just finished reading culture of critique you smelly fuck and now you are woke on the joooos? Come up with new material.

LaughterLies ago

So you’re going to keep stalking me freak?

Anam ago

Every contribution counts, no matter how small! If you only manage to get Juan deported, you will have done your patriotic duty!

LaughterLies ago

Yes! Amen fellow patriot!

andrew_jackson ago

What the fuck are you talking about? You know how juvenile it is to overuse parenthesis?

LaughterLies ago

I made a video pissing on the Quran and I disabled the comments and now this mudslim freak is stalking me.

andrew_jackson ago

Yeah, what a weirdo.

LaughterLies ago

The first thing he ever told me was that I was a “faggot kike” and yet he’s the one that keeps following all my post refreshing my profile page waiting for me to post he’s the faggot for having an obsession over me. All I know is that this fag is obsessed about Jews. If someone wants to shit on kikes 24/7 go ahead but don’t fucking shit on my post about me pissing on the Quran. He was mad because I disabled the comments on the video what would he have commented “hey OP now piss on the Tanakh” dumbfuck. I had a dude tell me to piss on the Torah I’m like dumbfuck the Torah is the first 5 books of the bible.

draaaak ago

Good thing I'm not overusing them then.

LaughterLies ago

Is it wrong to piss on the Quran?

draaaak ago

I don't care what you do with the Quran, jerk off to it if you want, don't care. I care that you're a dirty kike shill.

LaughterLies ago

Are you Palestinian or a Muslim? Answer the question bitch because I guarantee you’re one or the other. FUCK PALESTINE FUCK ARABS FUCK ALL SHITSKINS

draaaak ago

Why do you hate Palestinians so much?

LaughterLies ago

Cause their brown

draaaak ago

No more or less brown than you.

LaughterLies ago

So now this went from you wanting to oust me as a Jew and now you’re just trolling me? Wtf is your endgame? What do you want from me so I can get you out of my life? Name it pussy.

draaaak ago

Give me your skin. I want a new lampshade, for my collection.

LaughterLies ago


draaaak ago

That's the only thing that'll get me to stop, so, make with the gassing, kike.

LaughterLies ago

Try harder. Are you still in high school?

draaaak ago

So, no skin? You made the offer. You trying to Jew me?

LaughterLies ago

Ahmed stop stalking me please this is some weird faggot shit you’re doing. Idgaf that I disabled the comments. My channel is a dictatorship not a democracy. FUCK OFF CAMEL CUNT FUCK ALLAH PISS BE UPON MOOOHAMED

SubspaceDistortion ago

Don't call the local police, unless you live on a border town maybe.

LaughterLies ago

Yeah I’m not dialing the cops. Half the cops in my town are niggers.

SubspaceDistortion ago

Niggers or not, hunting illegals is not what they do. Municipal police typically don't have detectives tasked with handling the matter. The local police MIGHT refer you to ICE, or border patrol at best.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Observe and don't do business with people who hire illegal immigrants

LaughterLies ago

I want to do more. I want to contribute to deportation somehow.

draaaak ago

Start with yourself. Law of return your dirty hooknose back to Israel, kike.

LaughterLies ago

Kill all Muslims

draaaak ago

Spoken like a true Jew.

LaughterLies ago

So you don’t want to kill all Muslims? Camel fucker.

LaughterLies ago

You’re either a Palestinian, a Muslim, or a troll or all of the above which is it bitch? But one thing is for sure the only faggot is you following me all over this site.

LaughterLies ago


Maroonsaint ago

Aim for the children. Anyone who is against killing children is looking to keep the fight going.

LaughterLies ago

Can you rephrase?

Maroonsaint ago

Plus children haven’t spread yet. Just think you kill one little boy and or one little girl and you might have just wiped out hundreds or thousands of future wastes of life from this planet.

LaughterLies ago

Oh that’s what you were talking about. I thought it wasn’t literal.

Maroonsaint ago

You shoot children because that’s where the recruits come from. Duh.

LaughterLies ago

Lol Walter White style right?

drakesdoom2 ago

Feds don't give a fuck, call them.

LaughterLies ago

I love it! Sorry to be lazy but can you direct me to some links thanks. I definitely will call my senator and congressman. I will fucking call them every single day and harass their interns until the wall is built. I’m on a mission.

ardvarcus ago

Pay attention in restaurants, stores, small businesses, work sites. Keep your ears and eyes open. When you see an illegal worker, notify the proper authorities and tell them. Let the owners of the business know that you won't be doing business with them as long as they employ illegals. Let illegals know that they are not welcome in your country. Never employ an illegal yourself, for anything.

GripGrind ago

Report Mexican families, not individuals, with their home addresses.

99/100 times they associate or house illegal aliens. Just drive down the street and see which houses have Mexicans walking in or out.

When ICE investigates the house, they will find many illegal aliens in the surrounding area.

Virtually no Mexicans got citizenship through legal immigration and have their grandparents, cousins, etc. constantly using them as a starting point after they cross the border illegally.

Stormc12 ago

What are some ways to easily tell if they are illegal?

nozeno ago

Most invaders speak only Spanish, whereas most legal entrants (or US citizens) speak some (or excellent) English. Many invaders have zero European blood - they are rather Native Americans from down south and are readily identifiable as such. If these are employed, they are probably invaders, because most tourists or shoppers from across the border come for recreation, not low-wage labor jobs.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Expel the jews