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LaughterLies ago

LOL you’re so triggered! So what have you done personally about the Jewish problem? Or are you all talk no action. How is linking my post stopping the Jews? Tell me?

draaaak ago

I'm not triggered, I'm just doing my part to name the Jew, which btw, is action.

LaughterLies ago

So you’ve outed me in an anonymous forum what exactly have you accomplished again? You realize this is worse than participation trophy because those players actually sweated for the trinket while you just linked my posts. You’ll go to bed thinking “yes! I got that Jew from the anon forum I made a difference mommy would be so proud of her big boy.”

SearchVoatBot ago

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AEndtoThemForever ago

Mostly useless sewer noises. We should find it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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draaaak ago

So, you admit, again, that you are a Jew, who happens to be pretending to he a Christian Nazi Indian. You are an admitted shill :)

I'm preheating my oven, are you ready for your shower?

LaughterLies ago


Oy gevalt! I haven’t had one of those in a while!

draaaak ago

This is the last one you'll ever need.

LaughterLies ago

Well obviously 🙄 I’m not as smelly as you