Goathole ago

The tide is turning against the jews. Things printed, thought and said now were inconceivable 10 years ago. Are you scared kike? It sounds like it. RUN.

LaughterLies ago

I’m Indian

Goathole ago

RUN faster.

draaaak ago

No, you're Jewish.

LaughterLies ago

Shhhhhh 🇮🇱

LaughterLies ago

LOL you’re so triggered! So what have you done personally about the Jewish problem? Or are you all talk no action. How is linking my post stopping the Jews? Tell me?

draaaak ago

I'm not triggered, I'm just doing my part to name the Jew, which btw, is action.

LaughterLies ago

So you’ve outed me in an anonymous forum what exactly have you accomplished again? You realize this is worse than participation trophy because those players actually sweated for the trinket while you just linked my posts. You’ll go to bed thinking “yes! I got that Jew from the anon forum I made a difference mommy would be so proud of her big boy.”

SearchVoatBot ago

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AEndtoThemForever ago

Mostly useless sewer noises. We should find it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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draaaak ago

So, you admit, again, that you are a Jew, who happens to be pretending to he a Christian Nazi Indian. You are an admitted shill :)

I'm preheating my oven, are you ready for your shower?

LaughterLies ago


Oy gevalt! I haven’t had one of those in a while!

draaaak ago

This is the last one you'll ever need.

LaughterLies ago

Well obviously 🙄 I’m not as smelly as you

Sheeitpost ago

Because not even most Jews are bad. It's probably 10% that are bad and since they're smarter than average the negative effects are more pronounced (ADL for example). Guess what? 10% of any race is bad.

LaughterLies ago

Ok so you are in an elevator with Soros just you and him, what do you do?

Sheeitpost ago

I wouldn't even talk to him. He's a product of WW2 and he thinks he's doing whats natural and clearly gets a spiritual high from it. His institutions and son are bankrolled. The solution is to have the gov speak more about cultural marxism and how this is a worse risk to the culture than 911. If I ran the show I'd spend a TRILLION dollars on removing cultural marxism.

Sheeitpost ago


Malayar ago

Well if you think this through farther than the immediate choice: Let's say kill. The security camera sees you do it and there are armed men waiting for you, who shoot you. Soros' son takes over. What was accomplished?

LaughterLies ago

But you haven’t told me specifically what you would do if you were in an elevator alone with Soros. Are just going to stand awkwardly with your hands in your pockets all quiet wait till one of you gets off?

Malayar ago

Why would anyone directly answer your juvenile bait

BakedMofoBread ago

Most people with extreme or minority views more often than not lack the courage of their convictions; i see it on the left and the right. The people in the center don’t have the convictions which require courage.

Please, for the love of God (or Woden or Zeus or Brahmin or Zarathustra or the oneness or Ahura Mazda or Enlil or Whatever), if you actually DO have the courage of your convictions, do not try to prove me wrong. I know you guys are out there, you’re just not in the majority of people who hold your views.

LaughterLies ago

This probably the best response I’ve gotten so far. So much truth in it.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

I've beaten to a pulp a young tourist Jewish couple. And i regulary punch people who look like Jews for trivial reasons. I do this only as a hobbie while i focus on targetting the top of the pyramid.

How's that for an answer you ugly little kike

LaughterLies ago

Eh you couldn’t lace up Dylan Roofs boots on your best day

Trousersnake1488 ago

Spread the word. The jew hates the light. He is a parasite and the truth will show the world how disgusting they are. Or you can go and kill them at a synagogue like that guy recently.

For one, I print business cards showing what the kosher symbol is on food and leave them at grocery stores. Due to way of the worlds advice, I may take a vegan/environmental spin on it. Get peta involved.

SAVE THE ANIMALS stop kosher and halal torture NOW

LaughterLies ago

Are you a vegan?

Trousersnake1488 ago

No, not at all

olieman ago

Matthew 13; 24-30 Wheat & Tares. Your not supposed to mess with them

LaughterLies ago

I’m a Christian so I actually worship Jesus and he was from the tribe of Judah.

draaaak ago


LaughterLies ago

Yes the first Christians were Jews congrats you learned something new.

draaaak ago

The satanic "Jews" of today are not those Jews. Nice try Shlomo.

LaughterLies ago

Define satanic.

AEndtoThemForever ago


Malayar ago

If you think the people calling themselves jews are members of the Twelve Tribes, you're gonna have a bad time.

threehundredseven ago

Confronting them gives them more power. No parasite dies when you feed it. The direction we need to take is about seeking their isolation. I was reading earlier today about Jewish hereditary diseases. Did you know that the Ashkenazi Jews descend from a group of 350 people circa 1400? It's no wonder that they all manage to portray the same traits wherever you find them. But what I also found interesting was the 20 or so incurable genetic diseases that these people carry. For serious, debilitating illnesses like Familial dysautonomia (chronic vomiting, pneumonia, speech loss), Cystic fibrosis (difficulty breathing, organ failure, infertility) and Tay-Sachs disease (seizures, brain and spinal damage) the likelihood is 1 in 25. For adrenal hyperplasia (hormone disorder) and Gaucher's disease (liver malfunction, bone lesions, anemia), the likelihood is 1 in 7. Plus 11 other major disorders present in frequency above 1 in 100. If left to their gene pool, they will die out. Nevermind what neurological disposition the Jews may have that defines their attitude, this is a physically very sick people, and in 600 years they have increased to over 10 million by interbreeding into native populations. When I see historical events like the 1656 admission of Jews into England by Oliver Cromwell, or the flooding of this people into America in the early 1900s, I wonder if we will ever learn. The intermixing of their gene spells greater pain for humanity every year.

LaughterLies ago

Jared Taylor has never outwardly spoken out against the Jews but he has done so much for the white race. And here on voat and other forums you have users posting 24/7 about Jews for the past few years and have done nothing to advance white rights. Other than David Duke I cannot think of another person that has made an impact just by shitting on Jews.

AmazingAutist ago

Because it's illegal to kill people and not enough people are willing to risk it all for a mass rising up.

ToFat2Fish ago


LaughterLies ago

So the plan is to just keep posting memes and hope that something will come of it?

AEndtoThemForever ago

Nah. Just to beat out the clock. And it's ticking, israel. Remember when you taught us the sound of inevitability?

Sounds different headed ypur way, doesn't it.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Believe in meme magic.

It is real.

Praise kek

ToFat2Fish ago
