I'm Indian but people have accused me of being a nigger and a kike why dis bish? (AskVoat)
submitted 6.1 years ago by LaughterLies
I was born in Mumbai raised in Toronto bitch stop call me nigger and kike. I lik jew girl idc if she not whit she look to me white . I want jew vagena and jew-bob or Job. Why they say this nigger and kike? I’m study engineer bish fuk?
draaaak 6.1 years ago
OP is a pro-Israel kike shill...
1 - Here he is absolutely losing his shit, saying Israel should take all of Palestine and kill all the Palestinians, just because I called him a kike for pissing on the Quran and disabling comments on his video.
link to actual comment
2 - Here he is claiming to be a Jew.
3 - Here he is claiming to work for the Israeli government, and then challenging me to do something about it.
4 - Here he is shilling for Israel
5 - Here he is admitting to being a Jew.
6 - And finally, the avatar he uses on his profile is the National Socialist flag, the Swastika...
link to his profile
Hey rabbi.. whatcha doin?
CapinBoredface 6.1 years ago
This is satire.
Seventh_Jim 6.1 years ago
Fuck off niggerkike.
a_fucking_dude 6.1 years ago
mudslime 6.1 years ago
Street Shitters Indian are not engineers.
draaaak ago
OP is a pro-Israel kike shill...
1 - Here he is absolutely losing his shit, saying Israel should take all of Palestine and kill all the Palestinians, just because I called him a kike for pissing on the Quran and disabling comments on his video.
link to actual comment
2 - Here he is claiming to be a Jew.
link to actual comment
3 - Here he is claiming to work for the Israeli government, and then challenging me to do something about it.
link to actual comment
4 - Here he is shilling for Israel
link to actual comment
5 - Here he is admitting to being a Jew.
link to actual comment
6 - And finally, the avatar he uses on his profile is the National Socialist flag, the Swastika...
link to his profile
Hey rabbi.. whatcha doin?
CapinBoredface ago
This is satire.
Seventh_Jim ago
Fuck off niggerkike.
a_fucking_dude ago
mudslime ago
Street Shitters Indian are not engineers.