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SearchVoatBot ago

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Hand_of_Node ago

I got 16 minutes into this one, but the misinformation and cringe over the pilot stuff is hurting my head. It's like they've partly mastered the art of saying bizarre stuff in a way that makes it kind of sound plausible, unless you examine the specifics of what they're saying.

Hand_of_Node ago

Didn't we have someone on here within the last 6 months or so claiming to be one of the people responsible for reviving "flat earth", but then was dismayed that people began taking it seriously? Was supposedly a joke project from one of the chans, or maybe Something Awful. Then it kind of "got away from them" and took on a life of its own among true believers.

Spry ago

Anyone got an open mind, or is everyone too damned smart to even question the shape of the Earth. (Science is your religion, faggots.)


What is your evidence that Earth is not a spinning ball? (0:25)

How do you explain NASA’s images and videos of Earth? (22:32)

What about the ISS, Hubble, Moon and Mars Landings? (27:06)

How does gravity work on a flat Earth? (39:11)

What does the flat Earth look like? (45:42)

Where is the edge of the flat Earth? (49:51)

What did early explorers have to say about Antarctica? (56:00)

How do you explain circumnavigation on a flat Earth? (59:24)

How do you explain ships disappearing over the horizon? (1:00:29)

Why can’t you see across the ocean with a telescope? (1:03:06)

Are distance photographs the result of a ‘mirage’? (1:04:22)

What about the Felix Baumgartner Red Bull dive? (1:07:22)

Are all the planets flat or only the Earth? (1:09:29)

How do you explain eclipses on a flat Earth? (1:14:20)

What is underneath the flat Earth? (1:17:14)

Is there a dome covering the flat Earth? (1:21:05)

How do you explain time-zones on a flat Earth? (1:22:51)

How do you explain seasons on the flat Earth? (1:24:17)

How does flat Earth account for the midnight Sun? (1:26:27)

Why do the Sun/Moon appear bigger on the horizon? (1:28:29)

How do you explain seeing two sunsets from the Burj Khalifa tower? (1:30:27)

Is moonlight really just a reflection of sunlight? (1:34:12)

How do you explain the moon being upside down in the South hemisphere and rightside up in the North? (1:35:34)

How do you explain seeing curvature from a plane window? (1:36:29)

How do you account for satellites, GPS, and Google Earth? (1:38:00)

How do you explain meteors, comets, and craters on a flat Earth? (1:43:03)

How do you explain Foucault Pendulums? (1:47:52)

How do you explain the Coriolis Effect? (1:48:51)

What is the Flat Earth Society? (1:50:43)

Why hasn’t anyone blown the whistle on this secret? (1:55:54)

Why does it matter whether or not the Earth is flat? (1:58:31)

Why would they lie to us about the flat Earth? (2:05:54)

cursedcrusader ago

Got another link? This one is dead. @spry

Spry ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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RedWolfTheAnimal ago

While I do not believe in flat earth, I will staunchly argue as a flat earth believer, in a public setting, because I think it is hilarious.

Mooncrickets ago

One word.


If you begin to study how radio waves work and how we use them for communication, flat earth just doesn’t work.

psychpharmacologist ago

That's because we have free speech here and they don't automatically get the ban hammer like on reddit. Banning them only legitimizes their conspiracy theory that there is a class of super elite trying to make them believe that the earth is a sphere.

iDontShift ago

except nobody can prove globe earth to me.

and they lie. and they try and talk over my head. but I have resources. I research. I find ships don't disappear but a mirage does form that appears to cover the bottom of the ship and makes it appear different before it complete vanishes due to distance/perspective.

iDontShift ago

no. it was careful examination of the facts.

most are afraid to look.

you can't find the curve because it isn't there. you can't prove it exists.

you have a well experiment that shows the sun isn't in the same spot overhead.

you got a stick experiment that appears to show something.

then you have nasa. the founder even put on his gravestone a psalms about the firmament. weird.

then you have the antarctica accords. has good proofs that are often banned on youtube.

next ad hominem. .. lots of this

GhostSkin ago

This place IS crazy. YOU are crazy. The earth IS flat with small bumps...

Landrictree ago

Seems this is the place the internet misfits wind up.

Churlish_Rogue ago

Of course calling Flat Earther's names and citing NASA or anecdotal evidence from that one time you climbed a mountain is going to get you called out for a shill in response. You get the same reaction around here if someone shows up and bashes the Jewish Question then cites mainstream sources and their one Jewish friend whose totally normal as incontrovertible proof that you're a wackadoo conspiracy nut job too.

Churlish_Rogue ago

I file Flat Earth Theory in the same mental folder as everything NASA says. That being the 'Not Subject to Proof' folder.

I don't think NASA has shown us a single non-CGI image of the planet from space. Which is to say I think they're lying to us every time they say they are. At the end of the day, the number of high ranking rocket scientists you'd need to keep quiet and complicit in a lie of this magnitude is hardly any larger than the number of politicians, media personalities and academics already quiet and complicit in the N(J)ew World Order scheme.

My curiosity is always piqued by the notion that the (flat) Earth is actually surrounded by an ice wall of a South Pole. The antarctic is a region that doesn't seem to garner much attention, which always struck me as something of a lie of omission on the part of those powers in charge of directing and documenting human exploration. We find life in extreme places like this and we seek the extremes of space and the bottom of the ocean. But all the while interest in the massive antarctic is nil by comparison.

Besides, maybe 'flat' something to the liking of a giant contact lens in a petri dish full of water. That's still flat relative to the official narrative, and yet you'd still see some amount of curvature from great heights. Lots of people are really all or nothing on this subject.

All things considered, it kind of surprises me how many goats around here continue to put their full faith in NASA and their magic science negro. Personally, I can't bring myself to trust the establishment on space science any more than I do on climate science

lissencarak ago

I don't mind their approach to asking questions and making theories, the approach is valid, I dislike the lack of motive. Best I can determine it's just a reaction to the science vs religion memes (i.e. they say it's round to discredit the Bible). I don't think it's a psyop.

danoce ago

I have a really good question for all flat earthers. Why there is sun/light on the side of the earth while on the otherside is dark/night?

Spry ago

Same reason a candle's light doesn't light up the whole neighbourhood.

The Sun isn't as big as you are told, and it's not as far away from the Plane(t) as you are told. It's just like you see it with your own two eyes. Break the programming.

Merlynn ago

Just to suffer.

antistatist ago

IIRC a few years ago when Flat Earth started trending, the first people talking about it were a few C-list celebrities who openly claimed to be MK-Ultra mind control victims, and involved with the secret cloning program.

sauce sample

iDontShift ago

misinformation. see

antistatist ago

So you mean they planted MK-Ultra spooks amongst the flat-earthers to discredit them by association? Just like how they planted flat-earthers amongst the rest of us to discredit us by association?

Womb_Raider ago

Reminds me of groups here who LARP as this or that under alts and rarely come across as coherent.

BillyLuath ago

As I understand it, the flat earth thing started out as a combo joke/thought experiment... intended to troll Normies on main stream forums.

But like a virus it has spread across all media.

iDontShift ago

globe earth theory has only been a thing for 500 some years.

BillyLuath ago

That's a myth that was started in the 19th century to peddle the idea there was a Renaissance that rose out of a dark age.

Eratosthenes published the diameter of the earth around 200 BC.

15564068? ago

This post is a psyop.

blumen4alles ago

Yes but you can still learn something from it. Just be careful to avoid getting caught in a thought-loop.

Sunnybrooke ago

What does it matter, either way? Let's say hypothetically its does that change anyone's life and the dire circumstances facing humanity?

antistatist ago

It matters when naming the Jew gets you labelled a flat-earther.

LettItBurn ago

Not just here. The "flat earth" crowd show up in every thread that gets close to exposing any kind of truth. It's almost like they're getting paid to distribute Juicy Insider Disinformational Facts, or something.

iDontShift ago

well the majority are paid misinformation trolls. so makes sense they'd send an army they already have.

beyond that I only speak up when I see globe earth theory influence a conversation.

LettItBurn ago

Did you understand what I meant by: J uicy I nsider D isinformational F acts?

mudbear ago

Where do chemtrails sit? my Father in law talks about it to my missus and so she keeps bringing them up. Im just skeptical of them, seem full of conjecture with zero evidence and mountains of conspiracies that waste time to infinity

qwop ago

Geoengineering the planet is planned for the future. It's not a conspiracy at this point, as the idiot scientists are calling for it publicly already:

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Chemtrails are retarded and make zero sense.

Jews breath the same air as humans do, and they sure do love sniffing it all up with their beaks.

It makes way more sense for the government to poison your water and food supply if they wanted to fuck with you.

L3D ago

Chemtrails are made by lizard people making the global warming happen in order for them to increase their habitable zone. Makes perfect sense.

mudbear ago

my thoughts more or less. Though i think one of the better 'theories' was around cloud seeding, which was releasing metallic powder that would cause vapour to coalesce into droplets, forcing clouds to form, essentially dictating which areas got rain and which didnt but also infecting water supplies with metallic poisons. opinion though is the same, effect too indiscriminate. All these theories rely on 'new world order' bullshit but we know the 'new world order' and 'illuminati' and all that absolute shit is just other names for jews.

NeoGoat ago

There are a great many things I don't want to spend my time studying as I don't think I can affect them or help myself by knowledge, so I have an IDK attitude. Most people pretend knowledge. My IDK attitude applies to chemtrails, UFOs, Bigfoot, etc. On balance, I'd guess there is some truthfulness to many, but I really have more interesting pursuits.

Shishamo ago

They troll the shit out of people and get long winded videos from lolcows over it.

Hand_of_Node ago

Ask them about pics of the edge. If it's not a sphere, and not infinite, an actual edge is necessary. Where are the pics?

Spry ago

Here ya go:

To answer your next question, no one knows what's beyond the perimeter. (Well, I haven't heard a credible theory.)

Hand_of_Node ago


Maybe the ideal gift for a flat-eather friend.

Spry ago

Oh there's flights to Antarctica? Well that certainly proves it's the shape we're told!

Hand_of_Node ago

It would be your chance to catch them in a lie. Although, I'm guessing you don't believe in GPS? Still, you could experience their presentation and question the narrative first hand.

Spry ago

I'd have to fly the plane myself, and I'm not going to dedicate my life to getting to that point just to disappear.

I think satellites are fake and everything is done via frequency waves. (Which is why satellite dishes never point directly up.)

Hand_of_Node ago

I don't believe any of that flat earth stuff at all, and every time I'm given "evidence for flat earth", it always seems to indicate the opposite. See my last comment on the topic:

Still, I'd like to understand how the flat earth people are able to discount all the contradictions in the theory. Like you don't want to investigate it because you think you'll somehow disappear? If you got your pilots license, or hired a pilot to take you to the edge, bringing back proof the earth is flat would make you one of the most famous people in human history.

Spry proves the earth is FLAT!

Seriously, 99% of humans would talk about your exploits, and have their minds totally blown.

Spry ago

Check out this post and see if anything interests you.

The problem is that you can't prove gravity is caused by mass until it's on the macro scale (Space-level), which requires faith in scientists who only get grants that follow the narrative. NASA lied about the moon landings, and is faking Space for billions of dollars. They lie about the shape of the earth, and they lie about Space. Why? Maybe to keep everyone away from god. Living godless degenerate lives, easily controlled NPCs.

Hand_of_Node ago

Have just discovered a competitor to flat earth, which the CIA had classified for decades, and only released after being heavily "sanitized". Whether you try to fit this into the flat earth theory or not, it might be worth looking into. (25 minutes)

The C.I.A. classified a book on earth's catastrophe cycle and crust displacement in 1966. With the focus and publicity of the topic at the time, why classify THIS one, wait so long to release it, and so-heavily sanitize the document?

Read the document for yourself: (above link)

  • Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24:
  • CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8
  • tho'
  • ? *
  • Nos'
  • THE
  • ADAM and EVE
  • by
  • Chan Thomas
  • Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24:
  • CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8
  • STAT
  • Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24:
  • CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8
  • I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24:

Hand_of_Node ago

The Mind's I: Fantasies and reflections on self and soul is a 1981 collection of essays and other texts about the nature of the mind and the self, edited with commentary by philosophers Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett. The texts range from early philosophical and fictional musings on a subject that could seemingly only be examined in the realm of thought, to works from the twentieth century where the nature of the self became a viable topic for scientific study.

Here's a book that's now free online you may find interesting, since it's almost like you're saying much of "all this" is just a simulation. At that point, how do you know "we" aren't part of the fake scenario? Note that sections contain atheistic 'propaganda'. Here's the wiki description:

Even before starting, that is an excellent use of timestamps!

1:29 "The horizon remains flat all the way around, and *rises to the eye of the camera all the way up.""That's one proof" - The first part needs supporting evidence, and the second "rises" makes no sense needs an explanation.

14:00 This guy has never flown a plane. Has no idea.

15:45 - 16:10ish I'm too tired to point out every error. This is just unsupported and uninformed opinions that make no sense.

Maybe I'll go back tomorrow and check the math they did earlier, but it's generally not looking good so far. The bit about the helicopters hovering to let the earth spin by under them sounds like druggies talking.

iDontShift ago

antarctica. go behold the 200 foot wall of ice. it took explorers in the 1800's almost two years to 'go around' antarctica.

they took away nullschools flat earth model because it made too much sense. It disappeared without a word.

Hand_of_Node ago

Your model is a saucer-shaped world with a 200 foot wall of ice around the edge? If someone were to bring up satellites, or personal airplanes that an adventurous person might use to glimpse the edge, how would you account for no one giving away the secret?

iDontShift ago

seems to be an infinite plane. you'd die lack of resources / heat. or not. may e there is something out there.

I have heard there is a wall.

the wall of ice is product of sun. or lack thereof.

but you'd rather ask hypotheticals than look at things we have.

Hand_of_Node ago

You'd have to check for specifics on the route, but seems like the flat earth people would not be bored. And yes, I haven't seen anything that remotely causes me to take a flat earth theory seriously. At minimum, it would have to start by presenting evidence that things like satellites are fake, that photos and video from "the south pole" are fake, and that a host of other "known facts" about our environment are fake. Just the "no satellites" alone thing is pretty huge. At that point, might as well go full simulation.

iDontShift ago

if you only knew how badly i was censored.

or maybe you are reaponsible for it.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm no scientist, but water being a non-viscous liquid allows it to level itself in the presence of gravity. So it appears relatively flat in large quantities due to the size of the earth relative to us. It's not "flat". If the earth were closer to our size, it would be easier to see. Anyway, misunderstanding gravity so badly on the first example is a terrible way to begin. A flat earth skeptic might take that as representative of his reasoning abilities.

iDontShift ago

i mean the words are nice, but we don't seen water curve on a lake in the reflection of the moon. we all know what a convex shaped mirror looks like. lakes don't look like that , no matter how big. ships don't disppear and as far as the eye can see we have a flat horizon.

the moon landings are fake. nasa fires rockets into the sea.

there is a 200 foot wall of ice in a ring around us. there appears to be land there, and many bases, yet nobody admits to anyone being there aside from a few scientist. there appears to be tons of stuff there. -> 200 proofs. heard it often cited, rarely is it actually attacked... it is often straw-maned.. drawing arguments against which none were claimed.

search for 'balls out physics' --- dude was awesome, answered questions, went into details... he just disappeared... why?

a.e. project map removed from null school. search for it, you can find a video with example of what is no longer possible.

Hand_of_Node ago

I was trying to watch this timestamped video, but the stuff around 14-16 minutes was so dumb I had to stop. Some of the flat earth claims can sound plausible if you don't have a strong scientific background, but the details are pretty weak, and some is just silly. (helicopters hovering to let the earth pass by under them...)

It would be better if the 'proofs' were limited to the 'best of'.

iDontShift ago

lol, i just watched it. had some time. at least the part you are calling dumb.

are you saying the plane stuff is dumb? because it isn't .

how does a plane land given the insane earth velocity? how is the atmosphere 'dragged along' by the earth spinning?

ever spun a ball of liquid?

Hand_of_Node ago

how is the atmosphere 'dragged along' by the earth spinning?

I don't have a physics background, but by some type of friction? There's nothing in space to induce a drag effect, so there's no reason for the atmosphere to to not be dragged along. I mean, what could you be thinking where that wouldn't happen? What would prevent it from being dragged along?

how does a plane land given the insane earth velocity?

If you've ever ridden in an airplane, how were you able to retain control over your limbs at that insane velocity? If you attempted to leave your seat, how were you not immediately slammed against the back of the passenger cabin at 500 mph?

If those are genuine questions, have you ever considered taking a course in physics? The danger, of course, is that the standard model might end up making more sense than a flat earth.

Lol, this just popped up while I was typing the above sentence:

iDontShift ago

some type of friction?

that is just it, it is not explained, nor do we have an example of such a system that we can reproduce the effect, but it is just said to be so, with no proof aside from apparently it is because for their system to be true it must be. but it does not make sense.

There's nothing in space to induce a drag effect

another huge problem, what exactly separates the earth's atmosphere from space? ever seen what a vacuum does to a soda can? pretty fun stuff. but we are led to believe our planet atmosphere is somehow not 'popping' or leaking or whatever into a perfect vacuum that is space. lol.

What would prevent it from being dragged along?

it would be spun off like a tennis ball with water on it.

If you've ever ridden in an airplane, how were you able to retain control over your limbs at that insane velocity?

you assuming the entire atmosphere rotates. if you don't, then you have the problems with landing as described.

If you attempted to leave your seat, how were you not immediately slammed against the back of the passenger cabin at 500 mph?

you feel the acceleration, but once you get going at the speed you only feel changes relative to your current motion. because you have momentum.

the problem is you aren't flying in a straight line. we would be rotating, at 1000 mph ... and the angular momentum would be similiar to that of a merry-go-round. it would want to throw you off. gravity is said to hold us down, yet you can over come gravity by jumping, or a hot air balloon. (if that is gravity and not bouancy... another debate)

If those are genuine questions, have you ever considered taking a course in physics?

i have taken and passed college level physics 1 & 2. watch balls out physics. search for it ... it was on youtube was removed, but people have put it up and it can be found.

The danger, of course, is that the standard model might end up making more sense than a flat earth.

you have no physics background, but your sure the standard model makes sense.. what a hoot.

iDontShift ago

i think what your seeing is just how hard to opposition is working to destroy flat earth.

there is evidence that it is flat.

there is no evidence that it is round.

so they make shit up that appears to be 'flat earth proof' to make it appear ridiculous.. they take it too far, they refuse to stop in the middle...

there is more than 70% made-by-the=opposition-videos about flat earth... ALL FOR A STUPID FALSE BELIEF? yeah.. right.

wanna know where your 50 million a day goes?

Hand_of_Node ago

No, that's a different video from the same site you cited. Making credibility-killing claims doesn't exactly encourage further investigation. I'm going to try to watch some more of it to see if there's any evidence that's "more obvious."

iDontShift ago

if you don't get it from there you don't get it.

can't help you.

Hand_of_Node ago

Do you believe in other types of unconventional explanations for 'how things work'?

iDontShift ago

eh? i know how things were. i don't believe. i get hands on and do it.

Hand_of_Node ago

For a relevant current example, do you follow or 'believe in' the Q phenomenon? And what I really mean is do you believe "Q" is here to save us all and "take down the deep state who represent the real owners of this planet or flat self-contained something"?

iDontShift ago

don't know. seems possible a military takeover might have already happened.

be fucked up when q is predicting outcomes of elections. that denotes a fix is in.

seems to me more could be done, and seems much of the deep state bullshit just makes people accept the survelience state.

Der_Untergang ago

What do you think the "voat immune system" response is? I'll tell you: it's the exact same thing.

hatecrime ago

But why do you want people to come and stay - who turns back if they see conspiracies? Dude, fuck those npcs.

People who are looking for truth and have a critical mindset will come like bees to flowers.

ForTheUltimate ago

people who promote child mutilation with stupid ideas

people who promote violation of property and contract freedom

people who talk about flat earth

Guess who the piece of shit NPCs prioritize their slander on.

MrThursday ago

You'd think flat earthers pooling money together could afford a weather balloon and a good camera to test whether they're right or not.

It's a fucking middle school tier project and yet none of them try it.

iDontShift ago

it has been done. it is proven a flat horizon from over seven miles.

pixelkitteh ago

They have... it's flat up to 120 thousand feet.

noxiousnick ago

I thought they did do that, but then dismissed their own evidence by claiming NOAA or NASA or some shit hacked their camera midflight to distort it and fake the curvature of the planet.

iDontShift ago

no. others point to fish lens views as proof of a curve. not the other way around.

Redpilleveryone ago


iDontShift ago


evilwhitemale ago

So they're the same type of people to think things like this are realistic:

keksupreme ago

flat earthers and people who complain about it are part if the kike irrelevant noise distraction machine

elbrum ago

They're here?

Kudos to them for keeping their bullshit to themselves.

crazy_eyes ago

damned right

NotTheMeanest ago

Flat earthers exist because we live on a flat plane, and they are the lead group in the bell curve of discovery - they are the innovators. As the rest of us realise the truth, it spreads through society, until the majority become aware, and then you just have the stubborn morons who have done NO research, and just cling to the lies they’ve been told.

Guarantee hardly anyone who argues against flat earth has done ANY independent research or thought exercises.

Ampharias ago

I've been up to 30,000 feet or so. Unless the windows were in actuality LCD screens or some shit I've seen what appeared to my eyes to be a curved horizon. I also love to lay on my back and stare at the stars at night and see the nice slow moving objects drift through the night sky reflecting sunlight. Might be hard to orbit a flat plane. And the moon, the phases of the moon are displayed across a spherical object. the shadows can be reproduced on a ball. Why would the closest object to us be a sphere and yet we live on a flat plane?

I do have a question though. Why do things fall to the ground when lifted off the surface of the earth? I've seen a few times the statement "magical gravity". I'm not sure what this is alluding to. Is there somewhere things are just floating around at the moment? I'm definitely missing something here.

Anyhow, the previous statements are mere observations. Things anyone could see. (Well, a plane ticket isn't cheap, so maybe not anyone could see this)

I actually enjoy this conversation and appreciate people relying on their own observations! As long as confirmation bias doesn't kick in for people because they've "decided" the earth is flat. It's an easy thing to stick to your guns and fight for a side, it's not an easy thing to discard somewhat common beliefs and change your mind based on observation and fight the cognitive dissonance of beliefs.

blumen4alles ago

It is good to question things and not just accept them because (mostly) everyone else does.

NotTheMeanest ago

What was that you said about plane windows? :-)

I like discussing these things too, and am not a hard core flat earther, but tried to debunk it for a friend over a year ago and now here I am!

One thing I’ve noticed is that globe earthers argue very much like provaxxers... that says a lot to me.

I’m out so will reply thoroughly later, just wanted to shout out appreciation for your open mindedness!

Ampharias ago

Definitely an interesting photo! Curiously enough though the lines on the ground were perfectly straight, unlike the horizon I witnessed which had a curve across the whole window. Love the photo though!

NotTheMeanest ago

There’s certainly been enough interesting photos and thought exercises to open my mind and openly admit that I’m not sure we do live on a ball!

qwop ago

If you want to debunk it, you should subscribe to Wolfie6020. He is an active airline pilot, and shows you in multiple ways what the real truth is. Here's his channel:

Hand_of_Node ago

Why has no one traveled to the edge and brought back images or video?

NotTheMeanest ago

Maybe they died trying? Or they did and then were killed? I’m not too concerned with the edge yet, as I’m not convinced we don’t live in a simulation, in which case it’s more likely to be programmed flat.

bareknuckles ago

probably the same reason no one has ever proven atmosphere in a vacuum without a barrier.

Problematic ago

Watching YouTube videos isn’t research

NotTheMeanest ago

I’ve tested the distances of an island over water - using currently accepted curvature equations, it should not be visible. It is.

What first hand research have you done to prove a globe?

4ChinSnacker ago

so why does australia have a different night sky than canada? wouldnt every place have the same night sky every night on a flat earth?

NotTheMeanest ago

There are many theories about this.

My question is, if the earth is spinning around the sun, and the sun is spinning around the galaxy, and the galaxy is moving as well, then how have the constellations never changed?? In millenia?

elitch2 ago


ANyhow, 100% of the "debunking" or pro-globe folks, just make fun of "flat Earthers" and say "nasa!".

4ChinSnacker ago

Yea i see that. You are an easy target due to social concensus. Im quite skeptical its flat, however i ask honest questions to get honest answers. Im far more suspicious of the moon being a natural body. Science cant convincingly explain its formation, how it can orbit so close given its size/assumed mass or why it has precisely equal periods of rotation to revolution. It shouldnt exist given probability and known astrophysical understanding.

elitch2 ago

I'm agnostic about damn near everything. Until I personally see the evidence, or results, I don't believe shit.

After taking this position, it is obvious to me that there is a lot of misinformation and propaganda surrounding everything to do with space.

nasa is complete horseshit. Just look at their so-called moon landing footage.

Surprisingly, no one ever has a mathematical proof, or an easily repeatable experiment to prove round Earth. They tend to talk about nasa a lot.

pixelkitteh ago

because flat of round... its still literally half a world away.

4ChinSnacker ago

but one side of earth can see entirely different constellations from the other. Not the same sky image simply rotated. If its flat and look up, we would all have parallel line of sights thus look in the same direction, same image, just rotated. thats not the case in this globetard's reality.

pixelkitteh ago

you can only see so far... even with a telescope. Look up videos of ships disappearing across the horizon, then people zooming in with telescopes - you can still see the ships, perspective is important. You can see polaris from parts of Australia even. It all rotates the same way. Honestly, does it matter? Who really cares if its flat or round? Does it change the way we live? No? So meh. Let people be.

4ChinSnacker ago

ive seen the rings of saturn from my deck with a telescope. thats pretty damn far and possible due to seeing through the vacuum of space. Im open minded enough to ask questions and consider extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims. Like ice wall videos or footage from the inside of the hollow earth and so on. you say perspective is important, yet it doesnt matter if its flat or round. It is important to know what we are on. It changes how we think about our reality, our purpose, whats possible. It speaks to the very deepest understandings of our existence.

pixelkitteh ago

I agree with your last sentence - but to the masses, it just doesn't matter. Obviously people like us who enjoy to research things ourselves and take in differing opinions see things differently - I think its "flat", I believe in the biblical earth that God created, with a firmament over the top. But I'm not going to go around telling everyone I know that they are wrong and stupid for thinking the earth is a globe. It's funny to me that the only people who do seem to call out the other as stupid is the globe-earthers. Why does it matter so much if its a conspiracy?? Just... I realize this is complicated and I'm not making sense - people are quick to jump on the crazy wagon, I want people to think for themselves, do some research, make up their own minds freely.

4ChinSnacker ago

Like the verse on werner von brauns headstone.
Im skeptical its flat since some explanations for how the system works are clumsy, like acceleration that creates gravity. However mainstream science says its dictated by gravitons, yet scientists cant generate gravitational fields or aquire gravitational control in any way. So these earth models dont quite resolve without deeper exploration although its all enjoyable to entertain both realities at the same time as a thought experiment.
And yes. You people are easy targets.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

People were jailed not to long ago for thinking the Earth was round. The governments punished you if you didn't think the Earth was flat. I wonder if the flat earthers ever ponder this fact, and how it relates to their thought process on the matter.

iDontShift ago

religions did this. to protect their lies.

now we have new lies profiting a different group.

hatecrime ago

And now you want to punish and banish those who think the earth is flat. And you don't see the hypocrisy..

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Literally nobody wants to jail flat earthers.

There is a world of difference between making fun of someone for their retarded beliefs and the government jailing or killing people for not having sufficiently retarded beliefs.

Take your persecution complex and choke on it.

hatecrime ago

I'm not denying that but I still think it's a similar mentality of the masses.

Someone doesn't think like me and that is a problem.

Someone stepping out of line must be pulled back.

Fucking group think.

As if you have all the fking answers.

I don't subscribe to flat earth w/e. I simply haven't done the research. But I've been indoctrinated it's round. Seems to me to be the case.

But it's not a problem for me if someone digs deep into whatever they find interesting.

Anyway, I don't think it's a psyop but maybe it is.

Trueseeker_90 ago

No one wants you punished for believing in flat earth.No hypocrisy.

hatecrime ago

But they are not welcome here? And they should be degraded? So i disagree.

Hand_of_Node ago

“Professionally offended on the behalf of others”


Crackrocknigga ago

They won't survive. Crazies here always end up leaving or segregating themselves. Just look at what the Q faggots did

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I love all these like 2 month old accounts in here talking like they own the place

Crackrocknigga ago

Fuck 8 months you're the ancient wise owl of voat!

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

My oldest account is pushing 4 years ya inbred jew faggot

Crackrocknigga ago

Cool story bro

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

This is the goal of flat earth from the word, go. I think it all started from the conspiritard sub on reddit a few years back. Shills earning their money trying to tarnish the armor of the Warriors of truth.

kbearcat ago

I personally doubt its a psyop; I've met FE'rs in real life a few times in my life. They're functioning people who only believe what they personally have seen, and they can't see the curve of the Earth.

No, I tell you why the FE'rs are here ... Q's whole thing is "question everything" ... do your own research, you have more than you know, etc. So, the FE ppl suddenly say "Hey! That's right! I've always questioned the heliocentric model!" And when they pipe up around here, it seems they're not alone because if the Internet is good for anything, it's letting fringe groups reach critical mass.

As I said, functioning adults. They're harmless.

iDontShift ago

I am a fe because I found it to make sense.

incredible amount of frauds out there. but then I was already used to filtering the trash around it.

but more trash more proof something worth hiding! 200 proofs. very good. people will say they disprove them but always fail to actually compare apples to apples and hope folks don't notice.

NeoGoat ago

functioning people who only believe what they personally have seen,

Interesting. Many wars wouldn't have been fought if more people were that skeptical. Much other mental trash would not be around either. Overall, the world might be a better place. IDK

elitch2 ago

It doesn't help that nasa is a massive lie. The iss is bullshit, and the moon landings are obvious fakes.

Why wouldn't they lie about the shape of our world.

I'm in the infinite plane camp, myself. Admiral Byrd conducted a six month, 10,000 man operation in the Antarctic. He said he found an untouched landmass the size of NA, beyond the ice.

It's certainly not a sphere of the dimensions they purport.

Merkabaman ago

But what about hollow/ honey comb earth? I think FE is to distract from the truth which is Honeycomb or hollow earth

elitch2 ago

COuld be both.

blumen4alles ago

Hollow. Like everything else in this "reality". Slice an apple (or mandarin, etc.) in half, the very center is hollow. That is the connection point to the energy of creation. Another example is sonoluminescence. The light from sonoluminescence is similar to what the light would look like from the planets internal sun. The interior of hollow earth is protected because those living on the outside of the planet are infected by a mind parasite, given to them by the Black Cube of Saturn. This mind parasite is ego, it does really fucked up things like getting a bunch of egos together and pressuring a young man into losing their virginity at a brothel...

GoldIsRealMoney ago

How do you deal with the sun, moon, stars?

elitch2 ago

I don't. They just do their own thing, up there in the sky.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

Why do the sun and stars appear to travel at 15° per hour from any point on Earth?

elitch2 ago

No idea.


pixelkitteh ago

^ this... how does the shape of the earth effect your day to fay life? It doesn't, right! Let people be. Unless they are personally in your space it just doesn't matter.

Game_Maven ago

So you've never used GPS?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Most charitably: This is a platform for free speech. This will usually attract marginalized voices and opportunists.

What a particular flat-earther is will vary.

NotTheMeanest ago

Have you tested for curvature yourself, using basic maths? No? I have. There is none.

There is a psyop, but not how you’re imagining it.

CowWithBeef ago

Fuck it, take them seriously. Pretend their views are valid and help them apply the scientific method.

iDontShift ago

bring it. I am fe because the current 'science' became soft and stopped relying on source information and actively denying contradictory information.

NotTheMeanest ago

Which is what I did when my friend told me they thought the earth might be flat... using science and math, I was unable to prove it wasn’t.

elitch2 ago

I'd like to hear that science, and see the math. Because all of my visual experiments have not shown a sphere Earth.

Lack of parallax, no observable curve over a five mile distance, all this and more too.

I'd love to see your proof.

CowWithBeef ago

Did you end up with the whole universe accelerating "up" at 9.8m/s^2? Or was this flat earther a believer in gravity? Round earthers all have the sane physics.

Redpilleveryone ago

Gravity in globe earth is a theory. Density is a reality for both flat earthers and globe earthers. As for the acceleration bit that comes from a known gatekeeper operation FES flat earth society. We don't know a lot of the details. That's kinda the point. Try starting with Cartesian skepticism if you're having trouble with flat earth.

CowWithBeef ago

I thought of up acceleration independently since that's the other way to explain objects accelerating down at 9.8m/s^2.

Redpilleveryone ago

Well now you know FES makes this claim of the earth moving upwards at a set velocity with no evidence. They are controlled opposition.

CowWithBeef ago

How do you explain things falling then?

Redpilleveryone ago


CowWithBeef ago

F=Gxdx(m1/m2) This is the gravitational force equation between 2 objects. What is the density force equation? This is what I want to know so I can understand. What are some of the kinematic equations of flat earth? Does Force equal mass x acceleration? Are you a flat earth physicist? Do they exist?

Redpilleveryone ago

I am a flat earth God. However I don't have the answers you seek. My personal skepticism of globe earth is just that. If you want to understand where it comes from just start with understanding Cartesian skepticism and apply it to your life, the results will be surprising. I just stopped taking things for granted and trusting things because I was told to. Instead if I want to truly know something I must get to the conclusion from the beginning. There are no skipped steps. My life is now filled with more possibilities.

CowWithBeef ago

But math is not a trust thing. Physics can be verified through testing. Just saying the words density and buoyancy doesn't explain how it actually works. Doesn't explain what the scientists got wrong. I can drop various objects in various fluids and observe how it works and build mathematical models that predict how other objects will fall. The distinctions between flat earth physics and round earth can be tested by anyone if they are specific. Round earth physics are highly specific. I want that level of specificity from flat earth physics. My suspicion is flat earth physics do not stand up to the scientific method, but I haven't seen flat earth claims of the mathematical differences.

Redpilleveryone ago

Math is a trust thing at the highest levels. What is dark matter. It is the error in their equation. They say there just must be some force we have no way of measuring and that accounts for our error. Similarly the distance of the sun, speed of rotation, speed of movement through the universe have all been arrived at different times with different numbers and these numbers continue to change.

Flat earth math would be to use a sextant and plane trigonometry to determine the distance of the sun and moon from earth. That's all, simple. As for explaining density you can do those experiments all day long. Flat earth theory is easier to prove and does not require complex math but actual experimentation using the scientific method.

NotTheMeanest ago

Flat earth society is disinfo. There is no upwards acceleration and gravity is a theory - round earthers only have what they’ve been told.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

gravity is a theory

Someone doesn't know what "theory" means.

Spry ago


"The Universal Theory of Gravity is often taught in schools as a fact, when in fact it is not even a good theory."

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Not sure if you're agreeing with me or arguing, but it sounds like the latter.

If you're arguing against me you should probably know that the link you cherry picked that quote from also has this little gem:

"This satirical look at "only a theory" disclaimers imagines what might happen if advocates applied the same logic to the theory of gravitation that they do to the theory of evolution."

You linked satire.

Spry ago

Theory of evolution.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I don't think you understand that the link you posted ( wasn't agreeing with your point, and was in fact disagreeing with you.

Spry ago

Just because someone thinks it's satire doesn't mean it is. Did you read any further?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"The US Patent Office has never issued a patent for anti-gravity. Why is this? According to natural law and homeopathy, everything exists in opposites: good–evil; grace–sin; positive charges–negative charges; north poles–south poles; good vibes–bad vibes; and so on. "

"Gravity totally fails to explain why Saturn has rings and Jupiter does not. It utterly fails to account for obesity. In fact, what it does "explain" is far outweighed by what it does not explain."

Yeah it's fucking Satire, Did You read it? because if you did you'd see the 2 above quotes which are some a small part of the obvious satire. You are the kind of person the article you linked is making fun of.

I'm not sure if you're trolling me at this point.

Spry ago

Kinda trolling, but my point is that it's still a theory. My understanding is that gravity only applies in Space® and not on Earth. (As in there are no experiments that prove mass affects gravity on Earth.)

It seems we have to trust in Science to believe in gravity and that the earth is round.

Charliethebum ago

Climb a fucking mountain, dumbass. The curvature of earth is blatantly obvious from 14000 feet up

NeoGoat ago

Or watch a ship sail over the horizon.

NotTheMeanest ago

Is it?? Or is that fisheye lens? Why would I trust the curved lens in my eye when mathematically (scientifically) its flat? I get you are angry, but it’s your choice to be a fool.

It’s flat

Charliethebum ago

And here I thought the whole basis of this flat earth nonsense was that you only believe what you can see with your eyes.

NotTheMeanest ago

I believe the tests I did myself. I believe logic trumps conditioning and eventually the truth will be apparent - whatever it is!!

Charliethebum ago

Ok. Good troll. You actually had me convinced you were really that stupid.

NotTheMeanest ago

You are that stupid.

Anaximandel ago

Might want to go back to high school then.

NotTheMeanest ago

Nah, I’m good. Was hard to break through the globe conditioning, and I’m still doing that, but would rather know the truth, unlike you dumb cucks believing what (((they))) tell you to believe. Go get all your vaccine boosters, you deserve them.

To-do list

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

literally spewing CIA psyop flat earth Bullshit

Hit dur I'm so smart everyone else is dumb

Hand_of_Node ago

Link me to your pics of the edge.

NeoGoat ago

The Grand Canyon is pretty fucking convincing in places.

Anaximandel ago

How are you going to react when Spacex / Blue Origin start taking passengers to space?

Are they all going to be liars too?

NotTheMeanest ago

Bahahaha, thanks I needed that laugh! Do you think China has a rover on the moon?? Do you really think humans have walked on the moon?

Who are the real liars in this scenario??

HoosierNative ago

The only way the earth is flat if if there is some kind of time warp, but where is it to go to the other side? Technology is making us dumber.

Rawrination ago

The Fully Complied Introductory Redpill Dump is a great starting place. It's a bit older so some of the images might no longer be hosted, but its a good starting point.

bb22 ago

I think it's a psyop too. I seriously doubt this whole thing just organically came out of nowhere.

Redpilleveryone ago

It's been around far too long with supporters nonstop to be a psyop.

Yuke ago

A psyop in that they have taken an old theory, which has been disproven for hundreds of years, and lit a fire under it saying that this was the truth all along, bringing it to the fore again, this time by saying that it's a conspiracy that they are hiding it, rather than people just assuming this is how it was because of a lack of knowledge.

As I suggested the other day, I think it's a case of intentionally constructed false theories being put out there with the aim of muddying the waters in an attempt to keep the idea of 'conspiracy theory' as one of ludicrous intent. The term 'Conspiracy theory' loses it's power if the theories prove to be true, so, keep them stupid! Add it to 'Reptilians' etc.

Redpilleveryone ago

Start with Cartesian skepticism, then you'll understand where we are coming from intellectually. You're overthinking it. Analyzing it from one side with half of the information. You're telling me what beef tastes like when you've only ever eaten chicken.

Yuke ago

Okay. How does a flat earth produce higher temperatures in certain places and lower temperatures in others, and how does it lead to periods of extended dark and light in certain places but not in others?

Redpilleveryone ago

Sun and moon hang in the sky and rotate around the earth while moving towards and away from the center to create seasons.

Yuke ago

What's on the bottom of the flat earth?

Redpilleveryone ago

How would I know? Just because other people make fantastic claims and I don't doesn't make them right and me wrong.

Spry ago

Who the fuck knows.

bb22 ago

No, it's definitely seen a major resurgence in the last few years.

NoRoyalty ago

Psyop. They literally have psyops coming out of their anuses. We need a name for the psyop peddlers. How about shitskyites?

youtube_comments ago

Flat Earth is an idea that the Earth is flat.

Trueseeker_90 ago

Really I didn't know that.No shit sherlock.Captain obvious here folks.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I don't think it's a psyop, Flat Earth had been around literally for millennia.

The thing about Flat Earth is that it'd be the nail in the coffin for the whole gig. It'd ultimately prove creationism and disprove atheism.

iDontShift ago

globe earth is to disprove God.

if you truly appreciated symphony that is life around you denying God would be all but impossible.

globe earth gives you space to deny God.

ForTheUltimate ago

I have my pixy waifu here, nothing needs to be proven anymore. I am the prophet.

dudelol ago

Jesuits made up all modern space ideologies.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Oh god another "jesuit" hasbara

dudelol ago

Sick response.

Mayhawk ago

I'll go you one further and say it would prove the Matrix is real. Creationism, but by whom?

Redpilleveryone ago

Globe earth is the foundation of the matrix. Get people to all believe that their surroundings are something other than what they can perceive using (((math))) and graphic design. On this foundation you can build the perfect slave.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


A lot of people see the flat earth theory as just being a disc that's still floating in space. But most flat earthers actually see it as being within a sort of simulation projection, basically that we're placed within this giant enclosed map.

Dank-AssAyyLMAOs ago

It isn't just the flat earthers. This site really is full of far-right lunatics and those who have an IQ hovering around room temperature. I'm fine with people wanting to believe conspiracy theories, but it gets boring that that's all this site is and very few are willing to have an intelligent conversation. I wish people would just tone it down so new people would want to come to a place that is just about free speech no matter what it is as long as it doesn't harm anyone.

bb22 ago

You came to the wrong place if you can't handle right-wingers and conspiracy theories, you dumb pussy. Go back to reddit like the faggot that you are.

smellmaster ago

Lots of them just throw generic hateful buzzwords instead of having a conversation. I literally just asked for proof on a post and got downvoated. Pathetic.

Seeing more of comments like yours, so hopefully the far right will be balanced by centrists (NOT FAR LEFTISTS) soon.

bb22 ago

What you think of as "centrism" is really just the leftism of the previous generation. All you have to do is look at how this country was run, very successfully, for almost all of its entire history, before all this degenerate bullshit started. Don't esteem yourself too much buddy. You're obviously another one of the many fucking retards in this world.

King_Leopold_II ago

New people do come here nigger. It just takes time because of voats filtration system.

Also if its so bad and boring what are you doing here?

Trousersnake1488 ago

Whats a far right conspiracy to you?

smellmaster ago

Are you asking because you think he said that?

bb22 ago

Do you practice Jewish lawyerism to avoid meaningful discussions?

Trousersnake1488 ago


smellmaster ago

He said far-right and conspiracy theories separately.

Trousersnake1488 ago

He is implying it with the sentence structure.. can you not see that? Wipe the semen out of your eyes

obvious-throwaway- ago

You're basically telling the JIDF what ruins this website. Just keep dropping redpills and make sure people don't forget what freedom of speech means. Niggers. Kikes. Muhammad is a 🐖 fucking child rapist.

Happy Hanukkah!!!

Approved ago

I prefer TimeCube's 6-sided Earth.

I mean, if you're going to do insane, you might as well dial it up to batshit levels of insane.

abattoirdaydream ago

That guy is amazing. Its almost he is trying to solve 47th Problem of Euclid in the most confused and unaware way possible. Squaring the circle/Cubing the Sphere as it were.

SporadicSpasms ago

The earth doesn't rotate, you do.

iDontShift ago

ad hominem. you guys make fun of what you know nothing about.

why is there no curvature page on wiki explaining finding the curve yourself?

evilwhitemale ago

There's one who think it's a multidimensional torus/

armday2day ago

Check out the relevant video here.

This isn't necessarily for you, @approved, but rather for anyone wondering what exactly you're referencing.

Trueseeker_90 ago

Time cube 😂🤣🤣😂WTF

Sheitstrom ago

That Time Cube video made me really, really sad.

brandon816 ago

I just watched the entire video. All I can say is thanks for the link.

Approved ago

Interesting video... I just remembered the web site. Didn't know about the MIT debate, etc. I'm about 17 minutes into the video, but I can see where it's headed and suspect this is going to get pretty sad by the end.

blumen4alles ago

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I find it interesting that Otis Eugene Ray was born on July 2, 1927. The numbers of his birth are therefore 72 (19) 27, and 27 is a perfect cube (3^3). Connect this with the jewish god being represented by a black cube, there is much synchronicity here. Jews were also brought up many times in the video.

Also interesting that Richard Janczarski was "slipping into depression, pro-nazi white supremecy propaganda and losing focus on goals in life." Janczarski seems like he was "on the spectrum" and I find it sad that his so-called "friends" made a big deal about him being a virgin (he was 21) and organized a "big drinking session" to try to get him to lose his virginity in brothels.

Those "friends" combined with being rejected by a man he admired is probably what drove him to jumping in front of a train.

This world is a fucked up place. Poor souls. RIP

R00STRE ago

Muh Joos and Flat Earth are designed to turn people away from the actual goings on like The Deep State, Space Force, UFOs, Ancient Civilizations and Satanism/ Saturn worship.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Unlike flat earth the Jewish conspiracies are actually real.

USS Liberty.

Problematic ago

Go outside and get some fresh air

bb22 ago

Yeah Jews totally aren't over-represented in positions of power and influence or anything like that.

Rawrination ago

Happy Hanuka! Getting your shekels worth out of that old sleeper account ?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Member for 2.5 years, ccp 210. Hello sleeper JDIF.

JopharVorin ago

Hello, kike.

pcpmasterrace ago


Fuckyounigger ago

Who cares let them think the fucking earth is flat so when they get brave and tell someone they get laughed at like the faggots they are

NotTheMeanest ago

Only morons laugh, open minded people discuss.

African_Jew ago

That would be like debating a retard for the sake of open mindedness.

Fuckyounigger ago

Nothing to KEEP discussing dumbass

NotTheMeanest ago

You are weak minded if you think that, and lacking in any type of creativity or humanity - you are exactly the dumb blob they want, go back to the abbatoir or canning factory, ya cuck

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


L3D ago

I suspect most conspiracy theories on this site are as credible as the flat earthers are, all shills or just really really stupid.

Approved ago

How about the conspiracy theory that all of the major media channels are owned and/or staffed by Jews at about 6,000 times their prevalence in the general population?

Whacky stuff, heh?

L3D ago

And now you fucking idiot (or shill) are making a fact into a conspiracy theory.

Approved ago

Wait until someone sees this "theory" and goes to do the research to debunk it...

...and finds out that 6000% over-representation was an understatement.

Calling it a "conspiracy theory" is a great way to (a) get a redpill past the gag reflex, and (b) to forever tarnish the bullshit "conspiracy theory" narrative for everything else in the redpill receptee's mind.

So, did you also hear about the "conspuracy theory" that six media companies own 95% of US television and film studios... and that all six have jewish CEOs?

Or how about the conspiracy theory that every single Israeli prime minister has been jewish?

L3D ago

I see what you going for, doubt it will work, but good luck with that anyway

EnterTheUnKnown ago

It was brilliant how the MSM coined the phrase "conspiracy theorist" and made every theorist out to be a wacko. When you have a scientific theory, which is unprovable, much like everything that invalid stephen hawking said, you are considered a genius. Yet when you look at everyday things and make a deduction based of analysis of such things, and the deduction goes against the pre-programmed ideals the globalists instill in eberyone, you are a crazed lunatic.

Approved ago

Let's talk about "conspiracy theories". The best analogy ever goes like this:

If you suspect that your neighbor is fucking your wife secretly when you're at work, but you have zero proof, then that is a conspiracy theory.

If your neighbor comes over halfway through dinner, bends your wife over the dinner table and fucks her while you and your kids gasp at the outrage, that's NOT a conspiracy theory. That's just someone openly fucking your wife in front of you while you're too spineless to do shit about it.

Rawrination ago

It was originally introduced by the CIA as a way to discredit anyone who didn't buy the bullshit Kennedy assassination.

Freedom of information has finally so many years later proven the Conspiracy Theorists right. But no one involved with the assassination will ever be prosecuted, and most of them are likely dead of old age by now anyway. (Looking at Bush Sr. May worms eat his corpse forever)

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Good call. I knew it was coined by someone. Could not remeber the specifics.