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15635644? ago

Yep, I'll admit it. For a while I was thinking, come on drop the hammer, do it already! Then I dug deeper. And I really thought about what ALL that means. I'm gonna say right here that most of the people screaming, "Do it" are not ready and will completely lose it when it does happen. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you haven't dug deep enough. You haven't thought about it long enough.

15636077? ago

I keep thinking about all the new info we are finding out everyday. Then I think about how much more there is to learn. Then I think about all the people out there that don’t have a clue that any of this is happening. President Trump and the Q team have taken on the fight of their lives. I pray for them to continue in Gods strength to rid our world of this evil!! It truly is a fight for humanity!

15638598? ago

You need to go deeper.

15643056? ago

any clues? I've been reading conspiracy boards for YEARS, so I know a lot of the basics, but I also avoided many of the 'historical' threads in favor of the more woo-woo spiritual content🤩

15647052? ago

Since you asked, and not that I take these seriously, but here are a few to check off your list. "Meet the #Payseur Family—Bloodline of the French Monarchs. And PRINCIPLE owners of "#1 Type A shares" in hundreds of the largest / oldest corporations in the US." + "The C.I.A. classified a book on earth's catastrophe cycle and crust displacement in 1966. With the focus and publicity of the topic at the time, why classify THIS one, wait so long to release it, and so-heavily sanitize the document?" (this old classic - but grab a physics background or 'some' of that can be troubling) voat post:

15650593? ago

awesome thanks! I've seen a couple of ED's videos and found him very interesting, so I'm really looking forward to the 3rd link😇